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Everything posted by pamplemousse

  1. Cryxus, just for clarification: [quote name='pamplemousse' date='27 September 2009 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1254105777' post='43051'] To be clear, I don't think [b]anyone [/b]should be King. I think that titles such as these breed nothing but vainglorious, impotent leaders who remain out of touch with their "subjects". [/quote]
  2. [quote name='Nex' date='27 September 2009 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1254079516' post='42997'] would it have been fine if he hadn't cared for friendship, but only for the good name of the land he serves? while it IS the kings prerogative to listen to, or not listen to his advisors, even second-in-commands or co-rulers, it does seem questionable to exile a commited and loyal advisor because he didn't execute a plan he saw as conflicting with the best interests of golemus AND his personal beliefs.if an advisor has to fear the reaction of the king, his advise will become useless [/quote] I could not agree more, Nex. Yrthilian, you villify someone for having a conscience, for not wanting to harm a friendship, that shows your true mettle. As for you being removed as King, well, hasn't it already happened in the hearts and minds of the public, as well as your own? You stated to me, in a PM (in game)when I asked you if I could still visit Golemus, and the Beach specifically, that "I am far to week to intefer in anything anyones wants to do." Perhaps born out of frustration or a wearyness regarding these events or just a weak will, I do not know. Golemus deserves better than any those things, Yrthilian. Step down or be forced out. Do not let lands you once cared for languish in selfish hands. Grido shows more care for Golemus then you do. In calling for your resignation, Grido has put himself in the line of fire (something a leader should be willing to do) and in this one perilous act, he proved himself more worthy to call Golemus his land then you. To be clear, I don't think [b]anyone [/b]should be King. I think that titles such as these breed nothing but vainglorious, impotent leaders who remain out of touch with their "subjects".
  3. Farewell, Fifi. You are kind of an ass, but not as much as people think. I will miss you.
  4. I am! We are both special. An error message pops up too, displaying the alli chat. I keep seeing "blackberry pie" all the time.
  5. Wow. Well, the word "favouritism" is spelled with a "u", a European way of spelling. What a horrible thing to say, not even very insightful, just petty, personal and downright mean. If you are going to say such things, at least have the sand to say it was you, don't hide behind a false identity. Have the courage of your convictions and stop being a coward.
  6. I killed Lib, thats what you get for saying "talking is for gals" I also killed Cless. Log.
  7. If this battle is delayed or halted or any harm comes to the Sentinels by use of bugs I swear I will not rest until the person who did so is punished. There will be a battle, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. If you stand in the way, I will not forget and I will not forgive. Those that call the shots will be in the line of fire.
  8. Schammpy Smirfday.
  9. Oooh, I love the Carnival mask and fishnet! Impressive.
  10. Is this war going to be fought here on the forum like the last one? Or, will there be a system to record body count and kills and *gasp* ACTUAL fighting?
  11. You need a new comic thingy. Entertain us if you are going to post so often! Maybe the fruit one. Yea...the fruit one...

  12. It's cute though. Men should be hairy. Not all waxed and smooth like mannequins.

  13. Your beard is out of control.

  14. How did you get your Alliance logo on your signature? I am compooter illiterate. Please help a poor grapefruit.

  15. Happy Birthday, Monchichi!! [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2259/2370946719_155c87ae17.jpg[/img]
  16. [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='11 September 2009 - 02:48 AM' timestamp='1252651681' post='41504'] Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE. and i read the papers of all players i meet.[/quote] You can find a list of Pample's weaknesses in her papers, they have been there for quite some time.
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