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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1297099342' post='78575'] The money was donated to the artisans, so I feel that it would be wrong to, in essence, choose for them where they might have wanted the money to go otherwise. Now I suggest no solution to this, as someone already said, ideally the money should be given back to those that donated, we can see a partial list, so I'm pretty sure there's a full list available, but not entirely sure how...possible(?) that is to happen, or the likelihood, for whatever reason. I cannot recall what the artisan treasury was for either, because I'm pretty sure (and please correct me if I'm wrong) they got given credits (doubt rl money, but possible) that were not a part of that treasury for the work that they did. Like I say, I offer no solution here, and as I very much doubt the guild being reformed, as players can upload their own avatars now, the need is reduced for it, and as the guild isn't likely to reform, there isn't much need of a treasury for it, so something should happen with it, the question is just, what? With regard to BFH's funding problem, he could request an advertiser's treasury? [/quote] Firstly, I am highly against the credits being used for some other organization in the game. They were intended to be used as payment to the artisans who drew avatars for the game, and they were supposed to be used to 'give back' what the artisans 'gave' in avatars. One of the artisans (GlorDamar) was paid in real money for his work, but others had to rely on the credits that were given in the game as payment for their work and the treasury was supposed to be used to give a bonus to the artisans who did not have the blessing of receiving real money for their art. They should be given back to the people who donated them or they should not be used at all.
  2. I think it is a very sincere attempt at the human figure. The human form is difficult to draw if you haven't studied it before, and even then it's still difficult to draw because the human form is complex in a very simple way. I would suggest doing some independent studies on the female figure, as for some that can be the most difficult thing to draw. (One good way to do a study is to draw from pictures. If you go on deviantart, some people actually have models pose in various ways and take pictures simply so artists like you or me can study them.) I like your drawing of the harp and the fairy, by the way. Those two are probably my favorites.
  3. I have only one thing to say regarding your memorial. Thank you, Phantasm, for at least having the nerve and the gall to appreciate something someone did in the game.
  4. You are a sad, lowly excuse for a human being. May snakes squeeze the air from your lungs, may spiders leak from your eyes, and may you fall in the mists alone in the silence.

  5. Just to specify, in case anyone didn't understand this the first time. There has been no labeling that the black substance is liquid dust or black water, it is simply something that would bring those two substances to mind. Darigan to my knowledge did not start this story quest, and does not control the storyline any more than I or any other quester does.
  6. No point in saying anything, the forums are ever going to be a virus in this community.

  7. Happy Birthday Mysti!! I'll have to get you a bottle of wine or something. (I'm totally serious, I'll send it to you too!)
  8. Happy Birthday Poe!! I'm sending you invisible hugs and many many cookies.
  9. Oh brother, you are a killer and you target yourself. I wish you'd never come back for us to see the beckoning end.

  10. I don't believe that Eon is unreasonable at all in regards to battle, and I don't believe making a complaint about him in the forums is going to gain you support from very many people, including Eon. What you should have done is spoken to him personally via PM and worked something out. There is no rule that states that he cannot attack you, and there is no rule that states that you cannot attack him. I don't think that he is hitting you to antagonize you, but perhaps he is hitting you because he enjoys the fighting aspect of the game. Eon attacks everyone, including me sometimes.
  11. I've had that problem with the security code too, but I think it's mostly me misreading it. It's not really supposed to be too obvious, after all, it's a security code. But you know, lube always does the job.
  12. My cards totally insult Santa. That bastard stole my cookies!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dante Falcon

      Dante Falcon

      You know. You left them out on an open plate. Sounds like you wanted them stolen to me.

    3. Curiose


      I'll steal your cookies... and I'LL EAT THEM TOO!

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Dante: I didn't leave any cookies out, none! They be miiinnneeee!

  13. happy birthday!!!
  14. "Enjoy the shape of my mask. It is all you will see when you look upon me."

  15. No time to send out sketches with the cards. I may send sketches out after the card counting.

  16. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1292463462' post='75545'] Two new avy's: [attachment=2439:LadyInBlack.png] [/quote] This one is very well done, but I feel you should work on the general structure of a woman's body a bit more. The chest looks a bit, ah.. how to put this, too large and a tad bit flat shading-wise. Other than that, it is a superb avatar.
  17. I believe this avatar may still be worn by someone in game. I can't recall who, unfortunately. As to the one that Raven wears, that one was done by Glor specifically for him, so if anyone sees it in the shop randomly, let me know.
  18. Sending out a pack of christmas cards today sometime. :)

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      If any of my adepts would like to trade, please let me know!

  19. Saturday the 18th? I'll be able to make it, unless I'm working. Then hopefully there will be a log.
  20. That would be a better way to do it, I feel. From the past to the present, so you will get the whole picture and not just a small piece.
  21. Working on christmas cards~ PM me if you'd like to trade.

  22. Happy Birthday Glor! May you never relate your visits to herpes again! (though that was funny as all hell.)
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