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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Just my two cents here. What if this could be something like the lectures the MD University did when I started playing, around October '08? You could have people who are old enough in MD that know what can be considered a spoiler and what not. As for topics? Well, this doesn't hae to be entirely on deep mechanics such as Inner Magic, Shades, Angiens (though you can use what is already known to us from what is already there and provide the newcomers an insight of what lies in the surface and then let them do the rest by their own.) You could teach about basic fighting methods, lore, and whatever else is there that all us needed to know on the beginning of our journeys here. Learning should be a priviledge to all mind power levels. And I personally started learning after a few people pointed out the right way to me.
  2. Peace

    New Ggg?

    If Rhaegar, Yrthilian and Firsanthalas want this particular subject go on, open a new topic, will you boys? Our current topic is about the new GGG ground that some want created. You have to say anything else for that matter? If yes, do so. I was not aware if Yrthilian was notified about the Lair being used as a training ground. I surely hope not, for the best. Although there was also a topic some time ago about Lifeline being gone cause he was using the Libs to train in Golemus with the King's permission. That is another topic, I know, but I would like to point out that there have been many 'Seighearts' so far. People who seeked to make a private training ground and were expossed. And being expossed sometimes can get punished because not all training grounds work by the rules. Anybody remembers what happened to Crazymike? I don't have a personal grudge with Seigheart... yet. But to create a training ground is a location that was even restricted by Mur himself, was a bad choice. [size="4"]edited for grammar check[/size]
  3. Peace

    New Ggg?

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1290077915' post='72420'] Public place where everyone can get access to. No rules on how players should attack. If you wish to set a tree, do it without screaming if someone breaks your rit. [/quote] Just my two cents here and I have to say that I agree with Dst on this one 100%. Personally, I see no need for a new GGG of any sorts. I quit fiighting for many months, leaving me behind in terms of strength and upgraded creatures to use to train properly. I didn't try to form a new training ground. I was out there looking, I realised some people had such defences I could get wins/victories out of them, and I did. In less than a month I managed, after being absent from training for months!, to both get enough wins to max my angiens (when they are in lvl 3, do the math how many wins they need to get maxed) and other creatures, I was finally safe from reaching skill damage. And I did it the right way. I was looking around for targets, I even still had trees on my defences for others to get wins from me and I did not complain about it. Now, if some people wish to make a new training ground, do it at Willow's. When fighting three trees you don't get much xp, you may also get a victory counted and offer a win with your defence to those who help you. Fight and defend, simple. Why do you desperately need a new 'GGG'? And come on... the Drachorn's lair? You people should get punished for even [b]entering[/b] this location. Coming from you, RJ, I am really disappointed, I expected more from a Veteran.
  4. Happy Birthday, Teddy! Wish you the best!
  5. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1290043090' post='72374'] Though you can get punished for using this trick so its a good thing that you posted it though in order to stop other people from using this please star out the method used and instead pm mur directly. [/quote] Or Rendril, he has a job for a reason. Hence why Mur picked him.
  6. [quote name='The Great Pashweetie' timestamp='1290045243' post='72380'] Id also like to nominate *BFHLIGHTHING* for the LHO of the year, because of his kind service to me as a LHO and a friend [/quote] Nominations have not started yet. Read Grido's post carefully.
  7. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1289899752' post='72238'] i returned all kings item to him, i wont pick each one see what and why is where it is etc, he can give them back to whoever he want after. [/quote] Yet according to the item trading logs, I received the items from Pamplemousse. I acked her and from her answer I understood that she never came and hand them to me.
  8. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1289886849' post='72230'] Small worry on my part; Looking at item logs, the only kingship item(royal seal ring) restored to Jester was from Peace, not Grapefruit, and Peace is neutral in the whole affair. Am I missing something? [/quote] Jester requested the items to be transfered to me straight from Pamplemousse and whenever he decided it was needed, he asked of them.
  9. Stalking me, aren't you?

  10. Peace

    Mushroom Cult?

    Oh... I can not speak of them, they are secret experiments. So.. will you do a favor to humanity and let me keep the Shroom?
  11. It is always good to see an old member of our community coming back to us. Welcome back, Aleron.
  12. Peace

    Mushroom Cult?

    If you would let me run my experiments on it, they might turn magical. Who knows...
  13. Welcome back, Sharpy! Look forward in meeting you in the realm as well.
  14. It has been gentle to me though unease. I am also waitng for the path to be open again to see my frinds who are trapped.

  15. I miiiiiiiiiiiss you!

  16. Hello and welcome.

  17. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1289482862' post='71894'] Look you are trying to be a smart ass about this topic. The kingship has responded to the anouncment in here and you come along and say stop moaning. [/quote] I am not trying to be a smart ass, Yrthilian and if you could put aside your arrognace you would see it. And yes, I am saying stop moaning. Cause this is what you all people know to do nowadays. Moan, moan, moan, whine, whine, whine. In my years in MD, I have learned that changes don't just take place from one day to another. It requires time. And of course, patience that you are lacking. I say my opinion and immediately you jump on me, running your own conclusions about me, when you have absolutely no idea what I am saying or what I believe. I resigned from my Queenship long before the kingship items, except the seal, even were created. I am not a kingship expert, those who are already wear their crowns over their heads and have some abilities. I am talking as a mere citizen in a realm of constant changes and since it isn't me who makes the changes, I subside and let those who do them deal with the concequences. Turn your rant about Kingship elsewhere, not at me. And this is my final word to you, Yrthilian. I believe it is time to go back on topic. Leave with it and move on. I am not obligated to responde to any more of your rants so it stops here, I hope.
  18. In responce to what you said Yrthilian. Don't bring this on me. You have an issue about Kingship? Go to Mur or his staff. I am merely expressing my opinion here and frankly the word 'BS' is not what I expected from a king to say.
  19. Thank you, Dst. This may be closed now.
  20. I am in charge/control of the Necrovion forum. If I wish to open a topic that was closed from a Moderator(Chewett, dst, Grido, Shadowseeker)in that section, I can do it without asking them or do I need their permission first?
  21. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1289475878' post='71886'] If you meet the requirements (certain amount of land loyalty), there will be a button on the citizenship page that lets you rebel. [/quote] Ah, thank you Rendril.
  22. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1289474489' post='71884'] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Forgive my ignorance but what is the role of the kings? From what I see, they are just here to dish out Wp's and take flak when things go wrong?[/i][/color] [/quote] I believe this may help: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5314-kings/page__pid__44123__st__0&#entry44123
  23. Don't complain about the changes that come, just deal with them the best you can. I understand the frustration of the Kings. But in the years that I spend here, like many of us, I have been affected by changes in the past. But I can not ask to have a heads up, noone can, no even Mur. Do people ask Mur EVER before they do something that will require him to eventually change something? If something gets abused, he is the one who pulls the snake from the hole. And nobody asks him, it is what he must do so that all of you get pleased. Of course, this will affect others in the process but like always, we find our ways out of it and move on. You have questions to be answered? This is what the forum is used for. So, on another note. Though I just woke up, I still don't have full connection with the enviroment around me. Has anything changed in the interface? Am I suppose to see a rebel button somewhere and I can't? Or it is only the King's interface that is/will be changed?
  24. [quote name='Rasiel' timestamp='1285718583' post='69313'] I believe there will be change, great change. [/quote] Apparently the Oracle was true.
  25. Happy Birthday, Spary! Hope you enjoy it with family and friends.
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