[quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1287271341' post='70474']
[log='wedding'][19/12/08 01:40] .Metal Bunny.:totally quoted
[19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:What the feck?
[19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:Bunny!!!
[19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:What have I done to you???
[19/12/08 01:41] MRWander:Shoeps!!!!!!!! *throws a snowball at*
[19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:Warder...
[19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:...
[19/12/08 01:41] Mirdred:O_o
[19/12/08 01:41] Mirdred:-
[19/12/08 01:41] Mirdred:-
[19/12/08 01:41] Logan Marquis:you ran shoeps off.
[19/12/08 01:41] MRWander:T.T shoeps hates murmas
[19/12/08 01:41] .Metal Bunny.:what have i done to you?
[19/12/08 01:42] DarkPriestess:This is going to ruin my reputation!
[19/12/08 01:42] .Metal Bunny.:lol
[19/12/08 01:42] .Metal Bunny.:you made teh funny in teh chat, what else?
[19/12/08 01:42] DarkPriestess:Oh please god do not use anything I said for the next awards
[19/12/08 01:42] Logan Marquis:*chuckles* reputation...hah...
[19/12/08 01:42] .Metal Bunny.:lol
[19/12/08 01:42] DarkPriestess:*grins at Logan*
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:so uh.. anyone volunteering for a 2 min ban?
[19/12/08 01:43] DarkPriestess:Well now I am left with three of you...
[19/12/08 01:43] dst:hi my love, how are you ?
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:that\'s what she said
[19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis:lol...bunny and dst?
[19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis::-p
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:lol
[19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis:now THERE is a sick thought.
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:not me
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:ew
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:EWW
[19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:ah man
[19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis:sure sure.
[19/12/08 01:43] dst:are you cheating on me again ?
[19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:ROFL
[19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:To who are you talking Dst?
[19/12/08 01:44] MRWander:O.o
[19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:metal bunny gets dst\'d every night, huh?
[19/12/08 01:44] .Metal Bunny.:omg, dst is a guy
[19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:*shudders* so wrong...
[19/12/08 01:44] MRWander:i feel lost again....
[19/12/08 01:44] dst:to you my love (priestess)
[19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:Lol
[19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:so VERY wrong
[19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:WHAT???
[19/12/08 01:44] .Metal Bunny.:say that again and i\'ll perpetually curse you logan
[19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:according to mrd, bunny, bunnies are gay.
[19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:ME???
[19/12/08 01:44] .Metal Bunny.:HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA
[19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:*faints*
[19/12/08 01:45] Logan Marquis:see dp, you DO have a reputation...?
[19/12/08 01:45] DarkPriestess:This is definately...definately a dream...
[19/12/08 01:45] .Metal Bunny.:hahaha
[19/12/08 01:45] MRWander:ROFLMFAO
[19/12/08 01:45] .Metal Bunny.:hey dst, want to volunteer for a 2 min ban? grido wants to see what happens why you try to log in when you are banne
[19/12/08 01:45] .Metal Bunny.:banned*
[19/12/08 01:46] .Metal Bunny.:when you try*
[19/12/08 01:46] dst:babe, this is not a dream
[19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis:lol.
[19/12/08 01:46] DarkPriestess:Dst are you on drugs or anything, maybe drink a weird potion or anything???
[19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis:dst\'s feeling the heat...
[19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis::-p
[19/12/08 01:46] DarkPriestess:OMMur he called me again
[19/12/08 01:46] DarkPriestess:*faints*
[19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis:*laughs* tho dst apparently has nothing on mrd\'s bob...
[19/12/08 01:46] .Metal Bunny.:quick, she fainted, kidnap her and do a shotgun wedding
[19/12/08 01:47] DarkPriestess:Eh???
[19/12/08 01:47] DarkPriestess:Wedding???
[19/12/08 01:47] MRWander:i would MB but i have credits....
[19/12/08 01:47] Logan Marquis:dearly belove---dearly gathered friends...
[19/12/08 01:47] DarkPriestess:Wow Mister
[19/12/08 01:47] Logan Marquis:we are here to betrothe this man...dst...to this woma....flaming priestess.
[19/12/08 01:47] .Metal Bunny.:lol.. you do know what a shotgun wedding is right?
[19/12/08 01:47] dst:true, I had a few drinks, but this only brings the truth out
[19/12/08 01:47] Logan Marquis:Do you, dst, take flaming priestess to be your fiery flaming hot-blooded sex slave?
[19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:yes bunny :-p
[19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Ok now I am going crazy officially
[19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:you can put it so eloquently logan..
[19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:but this is SO much more fun!
[19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:hi, what did i miss?
[19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:
[19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:you missed a lot mur
[19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:Mur...the wedding of dst and darkpriestess.
[19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:tell me
[19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:dark priestess made some nice comments
[19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Mur they are marring me with Dst!
[19/12/08 01:48] MRWander:the ultimant tree hater and tree hugger are being wed Mur
[19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:*wedding bells chime in the distance*
[19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:about how big MRD\'s \'bob\' is
[19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:lool
[19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Lol
[19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:dst...you need to respond.
[19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:=))
[19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Stop it!!!!
[19/12/08 01:49] .Metal Bunny.:lol..
[19/12/08 01:49] DarkPriestess:Repeat the quetion Logan
[19/12/08 01:49] Logan Marquis:nono dp...you wanted this...you asked for wedding :-p
[19/12/08 01:49] DarkPriestess:He didn\'t heard I think
[19/12/08 01:49] dst:neeh, noy much, I just told my love (priestess) that I miss her
[19/12/08 01:49] MRWander:i scared shoeps away (
[19/12/08 01:49] Logan Marquis:Do you, dst, take flaming priestess to be your fiery flaming hot-blooded sex slave?
[19/12/08 01:49] .Metal Bunny.:again with the beautiful words.. lol
[19/12/08 01:49] Logan Marquis:to have and to hold, to love and make love to, for this day and many more from now on, as long as you both shall login?
[19/12/08 01:49] DarkPriestess:I am a slave?
[19/12/08 01:50] .Metal Bunny.:oh eh mur? grido wants to know what happens when someone who is banned, tries to log in
[19/12/08 01:50] dst:weding ? no way, it will ruin the relationship
[19/12/08 01:50] Logan Marquis:would you prefer puppet, priestess?
[19/12/08 01:50] DarkPriestess:Lol Logan
[19/12/08 01:50] MRWander:xP
[19/12/08 01:50] DarkPriestess:Puppet???
[19/12/08 01:50] Logan Marquis:dst...shh...this isn\'t a true wedding...a bretrothal, yes...but a different kind of one.
[19/12/08 01:50] Liberty:i am going to make some company to woody, he is alone out there
[19/12/08 01:50] Logan Marquis:it\'s not a monogomous relationship...
[19/12/08 01:51] Logan Marquis:liberty...that is so priceless with the convo earlier.
[19/12/08 01:51] DarkPriestess:Ahh ok then.. proceed
[19/12/08 01:51] .Metal Bunny.:lol..
[19/12/08 01:51] Logan Marquis:someone help dst stand up straight and help him say i do.
[19/12/08 01:51] dst:hmm, yea, but934 true love is
[19/12/08 01:51] MRWander:*holds dst straight*
[19/12/08 01:51] dst:yea, but true love is just for one
[19/12/08 01:51] dst:(at a time ) :P:P:P:P
[19/12/08 01:52] Logan Marquis:dst said yea...
[19/12/08 01:52] Logan Marquis:works for me...
[19/12/08 01:52] DarkPriestess:OMMur
[19/12/08 01:52] .Muratus del Mur.:
[19/12/08 01:52] DarkPriestess:I want a copy of this please
[19/12/08 01:52] Logan Marquis:flaming priestess, do you take dst, to be your sexual manipulator, and to be enslaved from this day forward until such a time as he grows tired of you...as long as you both shall login?
[19/12/08 01:53] .Metal Bunny.:...
[19/12/08 01:53] Logan Marquis:*thinks if MRD would only copy this into his quote log :-p*
[19/12/08 01:53] DarkPriestess:Tired of ME? I don\'t think so!
[19/12/08 01:53] .Metal Bunny.:that.. that\'s just wrong
[19/12/08 01:53] .Gargant.:what....on earth....have I just....walked into....??
[19/12/08 01:53] DarkPriestess:Lol Gargant
[19/12/08 01:53] Logan Marquis:just say the words dp.
[19/12/08 01:53] DarkPriestess:Welcome
[19/12/08 01:53] MRWander:this is the platform of insanity welcome gargant
[19/12/08 01:53] Logan Marquis:and...garg...what is this earth you speak of?
[19/12/08 01:53] .Metal Bunny.:someone needs to quote all of this and send it to me
[19/12/08 01:54] DarkPriestess:Well though I am sure he can not be tired of me... ever... I do!
[19/12/08 01:54] Logan Marquis:and flaming priestess, your response is?
[19/12/08 01:54] Logan Marquis:*nods*
[19/12/08 01:54] Logan Marquis:by the power vested in me by Mur, Shoeps, the Archivists, and the Legend Speakers...I now pronounce you dst and she who is to be \'dst\'d\' later...
[19/12/08 01:55] DarkPriestess:LOL
[19/12/08 01:55] Logan Marquis:dst...you may now whip the hot-blooded priestess.
[19/12/08 01:55] .Metal Bunny.:LOL
[19/12/08 01:55] DarkPriestess:*bends over*
[19/12/08 01:55] .Metal Bunny.:HAHAHA
[19/12/08 01:55] Logan Marquis:*the wedding march begins to play but is promptly interrupted with the sound of the Imperial March*
[19/12/08 01:55] DarkPriestess:
[19/12/08 01:55] Bourbon Biscuits:::chuckles loudly::
[19/12/08 01:56] DarkPriestess:he said whip
[19/12/08 01:56] Logan Marquis:*laughs* thank you...thank you.
[19/12/08 01:56] MRWander:*wipes a tear away* that was beautiful
[19/12/08 01:56] Logan Marquis:Mur, if you would be so kind as to tag the flaming priestess as \"dst\'s pirate\"...[/log]
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