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Everything posted by CrazyMike

  1. Spelling? With all the good things going on you are talking about spelling? You want good spelling, you should play scrabble. The misspellings shows character. Shows the creator is more interested in the bigger picture than to worry about players pointing out his spelling mistakes. It’s a great game, enjoy it…. Don’t let the mistakes get to ya! *wink*
  2. Nice drawing. With the borders darker and bolder, the drawing can be sharper.
  3. Mur made an observation on the current friend list and expressed his feelings about it. I dont think he will be touching it anytime soon.
  4. CrazyMike

    A Wedding

    Bachelor party at my place! Ask Grido for the keys.
  5. I just checked the calendar…. Its 2010. Are you still living in the stone age? Just because you have passed Basic Training and went on a Tour in Afghanistan doesn’t make you brave. It might just mean you are too stubborn to know when to quit. You say you were on a Tour in Afghanistan? Doesn’t prove that you were brave. It just mean that you were a mindless drone who got involve in a war that Americans shouldn’t be involved in. Sorry, I am anti-war and all my American friends share the same sentiment. Being in a war is not something to be proud of. DST sits behind her computer and speaks her mind. How many dare do that? Like you said… she doesn’t roleplay, whats dst in game is dst in RL. That take guts! Bravery is different depending on different individual. But to say that you are brave because of what you went through shows a narrow mindedness that is typical of a MCP. You give guys in the army a bad name not to mention men in general. Don’t even get me started on your point that no females passed. Doesn’t mean a thing. You might have some point in the beginning, but the more you argue, it only proves one thing. Dst, a woman sitting behind a computer has more brains and balls than you! If you still have a cell in that brain of yours, I would suggest you retreat before you shove your whole foot, shoe and legs in your mouth!
  6. Lets be more positive. Sir Kamil leaving will undoubtely be a headache as there will be questions that cannot be answered. Lets concentrate on what to do with the avatars that are "suspect" and the innocent players who bought them. It is not fair for the buyers to be punished for buying an avatar that they feel was genuine. I do not have an answer to deal with this, but I feel that a discussion on how to solve this would be better than flaming about a guy who has just ran away.
  7. It is always distressing when one reads of another's departure for whatever reason. I just started to get to know you and was looking forward to getting to know you better. Hopefully our paths will cross again. Good luck in your future endevours.
  8. Here is my cents: Moderators are humans too. I would expect that to have opinions. Whether the opinion is extreme or not, depends on the reciver or to be exact, Chewett to decide. When Moderators do a good job, I believe nobody will start a thread to say thank you. But when Moderators are perceived to be biased, thredas start building up. I see the moderators controlling their emotions and trying their best to be nuetral. If they can, great. If not, then as Chewett said, treat them like a normal player. Dont take things too personally. DST is playing a game. She is playing a role. Did she harass players? Maybe she did. Did she hurt your feelings? Maybe she did. But as long as she plays the game within the rules and did not abuse her mod responsibilities...... whats your problem? Mods do not expect to be thanked for what they do, but they would expect you to understand what they do. I believe this thread is considered harrassing, as they have better things to do than to defend their actions. Peace out!
  9. wats wrong with dst or MRG? i like it, its short and simple. Are you implying MRD should change too? and i think Princ gives more character to a player instead of Prince.
  10. For other potential candidates who are interested in joining GOTR, it is good that the candidate is a strong individual. But joining GOTR means you will be part of the Guardians family. Caring what other GOTR says or thinks about you is important. GOTR does not require grovelling or apple polishing. We seek in individuals who can reflect the spirit of GOTR. We want individuals who can carry the principles of GOTR. We want an individual who is not afraid of being in a team. GOTR is not just an alliance, we are also a family who cares for each other.
  11. Just want to say that Jonn is a player that I will always remember. (this is in response to the statement that he is forgotten) He is a fair player and the thing that makes him different (besides his passion for the responsibilities that he carries) is that he has a weird sense of humor. I feel lucky and honored that I got to know him.
  12. Technically, I think its not much of a problem. But the argument here is not the technicality of it. Its a matter of principle. Anyways, there is already a venue for one who wantsto change name, and that is talking to Mur. As they say, why fix something that is NOT broken. If Mur feels there are too many request for name change, maybe he will do it. But as far as the majority of us feels, changing of name is not something that is to be taken lightly, and therefore, should not be in the WP Shop.
  13. My back access has been fixed by Mur. Took abt a month of bugging him since he was always busy.
  14. I offer my assistance
  15. Previous winners or players who placed in HC no longer can take any heads during an attack. The only heads they get is the ones from the system when a player is online. Previously, some players who won or was placed did manage to get heads due to a glitch or complication during the HC whereupon they are allowed to compete again. But currently, there are no longer any such cases. It could be a bug if a previoous winner manage to take your heads KB. Maybe you can post the log to show how your heads was lost to a previous winner?
  16. I voted No! Its already happening now with HC chasers getting heads from friends and alts. Allowing the new RP spell will only make it easier. I know the HC is unfair, does it have to make it easier for players with alts or more friends. I am hoping to enter Boss HC later, and I shudder if this RP spell is allowed, how much abuse can it do? Picture this, I have lots of silver and gold. I sponsor other players to join Boss HC. Thier job is just to give me their heads. Is that an abuse? or just another part of HC being unfair?
  17. Good read! Interesting entries. Since all entries became anonymous..... does this mean all entries got rewarded?
  18. Its kinda a chicken and egg scenario. You can start by telling your story and how the story fits into your role, or you can start to find a role in MD and make your story to fit the role. Like the advices given before me, look around MD, and see what role you want to play. Integrate both your story and your role. We can give beter advices of role if you can make your story available to us. We know you are a warrior. More details of how you are a warrior and what does the warrior do would help. Based on the name, I would lean towards blacksmith, rather than cobbler.
  19. Totally agree with Udgard. I love that the avys are unique. When I was a noob, it was one of the things that I look forward to.
  20. 1. Agree that it would be most helpful for those that trains alot as every second of farming is important. The importance of the timer will be lost to those that doesnt train consistantly. 2. Copy and paste. Dun need a predefine text saver. (On a side note, LHO is doing a great job in helping newbies. Easy for one to criticise as one sees it all the time, but a newbie seeing the message for the first few times would find that very useful. LHO's not asking for a thank you but I think that they would appreciate you not being too critical of the job they are doing)
  21. I cant remember a HC where alt abuse doesnt happen. The worse was when MP2's were ard and being used to attack MP5s. I believe some players were banned for doing so during the HC. Maybe another ban to remind everyione of the rules?
  22. The banners are fine. I see them, doesnt bother me at all. Didnt even think about them until this thread said its there.
  23. I know this is very bad and I have been ashamed to post it but..... here goes When I got the call that said my dad has passed away, I told Sparrhawk, and was trying to figure how to steall Amoran's heads! And during the funeral, I kept stealing moments away to see if I have pointed and was trying to steal more heads! Not proud of myself!
  24. Awwww..... I wish I can do HC, sounds like the new rules are fun!
  25. I too disagree the idea of conquering a neutral land. They are there for a purpose. Anyways, I do like LadyDusk idea of "King of the Land" competition. A competition for the alliance to flex their muscles. Of course some would argue that the TR is there for that purpose.
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