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Everything posted by Aeoshattr

  1. Yes, I was in the SI. However, the fact that dst kicked me because "I no longer fit the purpose of the alliance" would suggest that I wasn't her minion in the first place.
  2. Hello, I have returned after a prolonged absence. I have been a member of the Root before, and for now, I wish only to be a citizen again. Memories from times long past still tie me to this place, and I would genuinely like to see the people that made MD enjoyable for me in the beginning once more. I leave my fate in your hands, Lorerootians. Aeoshattr
  3. Keep what updated? Sorry for the short post, I really didn't understand what you were referring to, Chewett
  4. I hereby... embark on this quest, of becoming an MP6 once again. I am humbly looking for the support of fellow citizens. My goals are pure. I seek not to upgrade my creatures. I just want to be helpful in a way, and I will be a "healer" protector to whoever helps me. So far I have 20 adepts. So I'm already pretty close.
  5. Well, i guess i HAVE to post here since we shared the same avy xD [color="#4169E1"]Shadowseeker: Aeo, this is pure spam. No content or anything inside that is helpful. Refrain from this in future please.[/color]
  6. I like your avatar, Magnus (LOL) found it on google?
  7. I'm coming to the USA for a few weeks (NASA-organized project so that means no visitors, no internet) and i just wanted to ask for a pretty simple thing. When the LR items are launched, i would like to ask the players that get "Pendant of The Oracle" or/and "Obsidian orbs" to keep them for THEMSELVES until i return. In case you see a "newb" with these items, please buy them from the newb, i will give back the price you paid(i need proof of how much you paid, a screenie and a "declaration" from some witnesses, so be prepared)+ a little bonus for retrieving the items. I will give substantial rewards to anyone that gets me these two items. (assuming they are actually launched....). I will be back on 9th March. Anyway, i hope i can rely on you people for this little thing. And... see you soon! (regarding the items, all similar items apply. So if it's not named "pendant of the oracle" but "necklace of the oracle" whatsoever, it's the item i requested. not same applies for the orbs, they have to be made of obsidian. otherwise they can be "marbles" or anything similar)
  8. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='07 February 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1265567934' post='53996'] Removing the owner list is one step in the right direction. It won't solve monopoly problems, yet solving the monopoly problem but keeping the list would also be insuficient. The majority of people currently in the list are not willing to trade (for prices people consider fair). Removing the list will make it more difficult to find the person who owns what you want but at the same time more likely that person will trade with you. If you want to browse items in order to decide which you want, you are doing it wrong. There is a way to earn a custom made item which suits your character, so if your character really needs a certain item that's a very good way to get it. If you are checking item by item whether you want it, you're bound to desire dozens of items and are going to be very disappoined. The ratio of items versus active players is probably less than two... [/quote] And what about resources, the items needed for crafting? don't you have to 'browse' for those?
  9. Name - Aeoshattr, Prior of The Oracle (spelled Prior right? xD) MP : mp5, once was mp6 but dropped Age: 458 (at date of post) Main principle: Transposition (value 1043,33) Reason: I like the idea, 'not completely evil, but not good either'. I also enjoy role-playing and it's pretty much all i do.
  10. well so far that's the only 'item browsing' service. so if you'll remove it, trading will pretty much die as you won't have any means to view all (well at least lots) of items in one place. i personally don't want to run around all over the place to see what items people have. maybe it would be a better idea to arrange the item owners by name rather than by the number of items they have. i don't know, or make an alphabetic list of items with their current owners' names.
  11. The Subtle Knife Use: (if possible 2 uses? xD as it has two different blades) 1. Movelock spell 2. Teleport function (doesn't have to be all over the place, i'm happy with just one location ... like DQ or GoE) Blue glowing shard (i have five of them, but i'll ask for one use, not 5... though it could be interesting... xD) 1.Transfer vitality spell or 2.Locate player spell Do I have to explain why my items should have these... erm... abilities?
  12. Please contact me in 24 hours or you won't be getting your creatures. Thank you (sry for new post, had to make it show up on "new posts" xD)
  13. Bidding ended! check the topic to see who won

  14. BIDDING ENDED! winners (underlined) contact me
  15. [quote name='Master' date='02 February 2010 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1265108081' post='53710'] La Multzi ani !!! [/quote] English?... anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bearhug* xD
  16. Aeoshattr


    When your brain gets smart, your head gets dumb You’ll never shine if you don’t glow The silence scares me ‘cause it screams the truth Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself I’m tired of being what you want me to be You can’t play on broken strings The truth hurts The world’s a better place when it’s upside down It’s easier to run A smile’s worth a thousand lies Half of the words don’t mean a thing You cannot hide from every loss, and every lie, and every truth that you deny most are from songs... xD oh, and my all-time favourite. it depends on how you read it : GODISNOWHERE
  17. Yes, you all have a shot at getting my critters. here's a list (PM offers - FORUM PM, not game PM. do not make ridiculous offers or i won't post them) [s]1. Chaos Archer, age 509, blood drop 2, claw 1, dark shield --> [u]1 silver by MasterB[/u][/s] [s]2. Elemental, age 505, emerald glare, star dust, claw 1 -> [u]1 silver by MasterB[/u][/s] 3. Birdie, age 473, emerald glare, stardust -> [u]3 silver by Grim Angel[/u] [s]4. Water Daimon, age 456, claw 2, emerald glare, star dust --> [u]6 silver by grim angel[/u][/s] [s]5. Knator, age 456, claw 2, star dust, onyx fangs, claw 2 -> [u]1 silver by MasterB[/u][/s] [s]6. Tree, age 456, blood drop 1, claw 1, enlightning, emerald glare -> [u]3 silver by Amoran[/u][/s] [s] 7. Chaos Archer, age 351, claw 2, blood drop 3, antifreeze -> [u]1 silver by MasterB[/u][/s] [s]8. Elemental, age 401, kelletha fire, emerald glare, black tear --> [u]5 silver by grim angel[/u][/s] [s]9. Joker, age 340, blood drop 1, blood drop 2, claw 2, antifreeze, black tear -> [u]2 silver by Sir Kamil[/u][/s] [s] 10. Unholy pope, age 292, blood drop 1, claw 1, emerald glare, fire drop -> [u]2 silver by nadrolski[/u][/s] [s] 11. Imperial Aramor, age 284, black diamonds, kelletha Fire, star dust --> [u]7 silver by Phantom Orchid[/u][/s] [s]12. Water Daimon, age 267, claw 1, star dust[/s] [s]13. Tree, age 267, claw 1 , claw 2 , star dust -> [u]2 silver by Amoran[/u][/s] [s]14. Angien (not tainted), age 243, star dust --> [u]1 gold (15 silver) by Yoshi[/u] [/s] [s]15. Angien (not tainted), age 157 --> [u]5 silver by MasterB [/u][/s] [s] 16. Tree, age 69 [/s] [s]17. Tree, age 69[/s] [s] 18. Tree, age 69, dark sky [/s] [s] 19. Tree, age 69[/s] [s] 20. Tormented soul, age 55 -->[u] 3 silver by stavaroiu[/u][/s] [s] 21. LR Archer, age 36, black tear[/s] [s]22. Pimped grassy, age 36 --> [u]3 silver by Phantom Orchid[/u][/s] [s] 23. Blood Pact archer, age 36 age 36 --> [u]6 silver by Kyuu[/u][/s] [s]24. Shade, age 36 --> [u]7 gold (105 silver)by pipstickz[/u][/s] Oh, forgot to mention, it's more of an auction! bidding ends in 1 WEEK! of course, if special offers are made, the potential buyer will get his/her creature immediately 1 gold = 15 silvers and DO offer items, please? shiny sparkly energy / mana-related / shard gem, etc item = 15 silvers shiny item metal spheres, knives, swords, etc = 10 silvers accessories clothing, jewelry, (simple, not sparkly xD) = 5 silvers planks or other types of [spoiler]crap[/spoiler] = 1 silver
  18. Well, you've read the topic title. I am leaving MD, a bit happy, a bit sad. Many issues have made me take this decision. It's hard to say goodbye, i am struggling to write something, but i just can't seem to find the right words. So... this is it. To those that consider me a friend, I will always have my YM so it's not like we can't talk ever again. Anyway, i tried to find some nice words to say "goodbye", but in the end, i couldn't find any. So i'll just say goodbye, farewell, etc etc. I had fun, but i also had great disappointments. I've met very nice people, probably some of the nicest i have ever met in my life. But i have also met... bad people to say so. You can all argue about my items/creatures/etc, I have already decided who will have them, so shut it. My last wish? To be able to say "[u]It was fun[/u], but..." [insert "Leave out all the rest" lirics - Linkin Park (NOT 'TWILIGHT' VERSION) here]
  19. well it was yesterday. anyway, thanks. and... close topic?
  20. xD the number of comments surely shows how special I am... Anyway, thanks mya *hug*
  21. aww.. i missed another one XD hopefully, i'll be able to come to the next meeting XD
  22. today at 7:30.... well i'm just gettin out of school at that time so... i dunno... i'll think about it. maybe i'll skip the last physics hour (Oh i sure hope so XD)
  23. I find the auction, to be honest and to get my reputation to -100 or so, rather stupid. Stupid because i can't find any other word. As much as I agree that people should be rewarded for their work, I am simply.... dumbstruck? (did I invent a new word?) by the idea of an auction. If you want to reward them, reward them personally. Not by putting some awesome creatures / other things under our noses and then let people show off how much credits they pay. (yes shadow, i read your post). An auction should give ALL participants an equal chance, or at least try to. And the idea of a separate auction for... "lowlifes" i think you'd call us if even more hilarious. What are we gonna fight for? An Aramor with Claw 1 on it?? It seems as if this auction is just meant to upset people and give others a reason to flick others' noses "HA! See what i got?" It seems so corrupt and... ugh... At least you could have made it private, so we don't have to watch. And you wonder why people leave from MD. Don't tell me to leave if i don't like it. I just wanted to point something out. Of course you like it, so far I've seen posts from people who have a chance of winning something and don't just have to watch how others get items / spells / creatures that will get them even more lost fights (etc). I'd like the idea as well if i knew I'd stand a chance. I tried to ignore every bad aspect of MD until now. People get away unpunished, some get to finish quests faster because they tucked some coins in the right pocket, creatures / items given for the very good reason of being in 'love' with someone 5000 miles across the world, completely unfair system for newbies, and many more. I hate being impolite, but one thing I don't stand for is discrimination. Argue about this as much as you want, this is just the way i see it. As I said, my intention is not to alter the course of the current auction, but to point out some things (that may or may not deflate some ego-s). MD is going the wrong way, and I think the best example of what happens when something goes wrong from the high positions in the social hierarchy is Romania itself, Mur / Manu should know what i'm talking about. It's pretty much the same situation. oh, and just in case you start typing "well nobody asked you to go and look at the items for sale" stop and read. [spoiler]It's in the announcements, everyone's talking about HOW GREAT it is, it's all over the forum. what would ANYONE do? go check it.[/spoiler]
  24. z...o...m...g ? unbelievable. is that even... possible?
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