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Everything posted by Aeoshattr

  1. So far, the descriptions I've read for veteran and fossil don't really match, imo. Fossil is given during MD awards, and not necessarily to old players. Aeoshattr is 6 years old and he doesn't have one. I suppose NoOne's description of "acknowledged as an old player" fits better, even though seriously, to be acknowledged for that you should only need the account creation's date? I'd rather go with something like "old and frequently active" as a better description, judging by the criteria for being awarded with the fossil medal?
  2. I think there was a distinction made at some point between Erolin heat and Stored heat. So if I were to guess, I'd say Erolin heat is the pure energy one, whereas Stored heat (and subsequently stats, VE, VP, etc) is given some form of identity when it "becomes one" with the player, if that makes sense? Thus Stored heat wouldn't be pure energy, rather energy with some form of identity.
  3. Yep, someone borked MD. Getting the same error. Sad times.
  4. *grabs popcorn* But since some may know by now, I can't help it, here are my 2 cents: Seeing resources depleted is frustrating. Especially if you want to use them say to craft other usable items like tea, etc. Also, annoying since AFAIK you can't trade resources 1 by 1 (but I may be wrong, I tried a few times, it transferred the whole stack). So people that hoard them may not be willing to trade just a small number of resources (as they essentially have to dump a huge stack of resources on someone, as opposed to being able to trade say... 5 at a time). IDK. That's something that I'd personally change: allow players to transfer a specific number of items from a stack, rather than just 1 by 1 (as with coins) or all at a time (as I have personally seen with branches, for instance). People will always be greedy and deplete or try to hold some form of monopoly over various resources. It's how people are and people don't change - I've seen this happen in multiple games, the only difference being a more lax trading system. I don't mind buying resources from someone who has the time and devotion to hoard them. @dst: Greed = "Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food" (from Oxford dictionary). While not inherently evil, it does hold bad connotations. You could argue that greed for knowledge is bad, if in obtaining that knowledge you harm others. Same for the other greeds you mentioned. I'd say there are always good and bad parts to any kind of greed, as in my mind at least, it involves one form of excess and an excess of anything is harmful.
  5. Since this is open to debate, I'll throw in my opinion and say I find this achievement rather silly. I agree, it takes a lot of effort and dedication, but I find it silly because of the reactions it seems to have gathered, with Rophs wanting to buy branches to get his, MRAlyon posting something related to this as well in a different thread. I mean... I could demand this achievement for posting 666 sets of "..." in the chat. I don't know who'd count them and all that, I'm giving a rather preposterous example. Though I'm pretty sure it will be overlooked, my point is.... It feels this kind of achievement is rather arbitrary and might end up being used as a precedent for some people to ask for similar stuff when they haven't put in as much work as NoOne seems to have done. Solution? I don't know, don't think there is one. I don't really want to restrict or enforce any other kind of rule upon medal/achievement rewarding, since I like this aspect of MD that if you do something for a long enough time, you'll be rewarded somehow. I think it's important to highlight that NoOne harvested and passed the flowers to dst one by one. Passing 6666 flowers one by one would take an awful lot of clicking and overall effort. Getting 666 somewhere in your screen for some reason shouldn't qualify as achievement material IMO. If you worked to get that 666 to an extent comparable with NoOne... then sure, it's achievement material.
  6. Though I agree, I don't think it's a bug, I actually wanted to ask about this... Should (as in is it logical, not "does the code do this on purpose") being drunk also scramble RP actions (text between asterisks) and OOC text (between brackets)? I personally don't think it makes sense. Maybe for text between asterisks, but I don't think it should also scramble OOC text.
  7. Storytelling Night - Thursday, 8th of January, 21:00 ST. Location TBA Before anything else, I would like to thank everyone who attended and actively took part in my sermons so far; as perhaps you may have figured out, I was never on the lookout for a "correct" answer, rather conversation and opening new perspectives, to all those that participated, including myself. Thank you. The Storytelling night involves the following: Each participant chooses a particular pain - the name given to it (I.E heartbreak, grief, etc) is to be kept secret by the player. Each participant must spin a short, but meaningful (and hopefully metaphorical) story based on that one pain. It can be complete fantasy, it can be something that actually happened in MD (but as I said... "encoded" a bit in metaphors). Please try and not take longer than 10 mins/player. At the end of each story, we will have a 5 minute break, during which we must figure out what pain troubled the storyteller (I.E heartbreak, grief, etc). Do not be shy. We're not literary critics (I kindly encourage people to listen and interpret the content rather than analyse the structure of the story) so your writing skills won't matter. My only request is that the story you're spinning is coherent and doesn't reveal your pain straight away (E.G. "I fell in love but wasn't loved back" said directly). LOGS (for clarity, I will post the stories that were told, since my story at least was interrupted by a IRL event.): Aeoshattr's Story: [spoiler] [08/01/15 21:12] Aeoshattr:There was once a young little shepherd. [08/01/15 21:12] Aeoshattr:The young shepherd, while having to care for a small number of sheep, spent most of his time skipping around the meadow and picking flowers [08/01/15 21:13] Aeoshattr:He kept the flowers to himself, watching their beauty, and always shed tears when they withered and died, despite having brought that fate upon them [08/01/15 21:14] Aeoshattr:Soon, no more flowers grew in the meadow. [08/01/15 21:14] Aeoshattr:As the young shepherd had plucked them all. [08/01/15 22:30] Aeoshattr:Soon, not only the shepherd, but many of the people living nearby saw that there were no more flowers. So they ventured further away, deep into the forest. [08/01/15 22:30] Aeoshattr:For there is always need of flowers - for beauty, to show love, to give happiness. [08/01/15 22:30] Aeoshattr:The young shepherd found a bush of thorns with the most beautiful flowers he had seen. So he plucked one, and soon let the others know about the thorny bush. [08/01/15 22:31] Aeoshattr:One by one, the men and women of the village came to take the flowers; and one by one, the bush lost its flowers. [08/01/15 22:31] Aeoshattr:But it happily grew more, as it was happy on its own to gift them and bring joy to the people [08/01/15 22:32] Aeoshattr:Days and months passed, night and day of gifting. [08/01/15 22:32] Aeoshattr:But one day... One very sad day, the bush could no longer bloom. It tried and tried, but its twigs were dry. No flower could grow on them. [08/01/15 22:33] Aeoshattr:And one by one, the villagers no longer visited the thorny bush. Soon, even the young shepherd forgot the bush. [08/01/15 22:33] Aeoshattr:Not only did it not bloom anymore... But one by one, the bush lost its leaves. [08/01/15 22:34] Aeoshattr:Before long... the bush had one last leaf left. And it clung to that last leaf with a bitter hope that the young shepherd, the boy who first visited him would come once more [08/01/15 22:34] Aeoshattr:But he never did, and the thorny bush weakly let go of its last leaf, in the dark heart of the woods. [08/01/15 22:35] Aeoshattr: *smiles* That was my story. [/spoiler] Nimrodel's Story [spoiler] [08/01/15 21:23] :*Nimrodel* clears her throat and gets up [08/01/15 21:24] :*Nimrodel* looks at everyone and starts the story in a nervous high pitch [08/01/15 21:24] *Nimrodel*:Once upon a time, in a prosperous kingdom [08/01/15 21:25] *Nimrodel*:There was a great king who watched over his kingdom with the help of his wise advisors [08/01/15 21:26] *Nimrodel*:Occasionally this king could also be stupid because he was too obstinate. [08/01/15 21:26] *Nimrodel*:Only one of his advisors was brave and wise enough to show the foolishness of his ways. [08/01/15 21:27] *Nimrodel*:This is a story about one such episode. [08/01/15 21:27] *Nimrodel*:The king was very fond of asking questions about Life and values to his courtiers. [08/01/15 21:28] *Nimrodel*:So one day he asked them, "Tell me, will a man do anything for money?" [08/01/15 21:29] *Nimrodel*:His advisors said, "Yes Sire. Money is very important for people to lead a comfortable life." [08/01/15 21:30] *Nimrodel*:The king smirked and said, "Prove it to me and you shall be rewarded." [08/01/15 21:30] *Nimrodel*:So the wisest of his advisors, The brave one, brought a poor man with 3 children to feed, to the court. [08/01/15 21:31] *Nimrodel*:He said to the King, "Sire, i have brought you someone who will do anything for money." [08/01/15 21:31] *Nimrodel*:The king looked at the poor man and said, " Stand for one complete night in the lake near the forest without clothes, and I shall give you a lifetime's worth of gold" [08/01/15 21:32] *Nimrodel*:Everyone gasped hearing the King's cruel request as it was the middle of winter and the water outside was freezing cold. [08/01/15 21:33] *Nimrodel*:The poor man agreed to the king's request and Spent the whole night in the freezing cold water of the lake. [08/01/15 21:33] *Nimrodel*:The next morning, the man, with the advisor, went to meet the king. [08/01/15 21:34] *Nimrodel*:The king marvelled at the man's feat and asked, "How did you manage to stay in that water all night?" [08/01/15 21:34] *Nimrodel*:The man said, "I kept looking at the stars Sire and the light gave me hope." [08/01/15 21:35] *Nimrodel*:The obstinate king looked at the advisor and said, "So! He was keeping himself warm with the light of the stars! He has not done what I have told him to. He shall not recieve his reward!" [08/01/15 21:36] *Nimrodel*:The entire court gasped at the king's foolishness. The advisor merely bowed and beckoned the shocked poor man to come with him. [08/01/15 21:37] *Nimrodel*:About a week later after this incident, The advisor invited the king to his home promising him a meal that would be cooked by himself. [08/01/15 21:37] *Nimrodel*:The king, excited and eager, went to his home that day. [08/01/15 21:38] *Nimrodel*:The advisor's servants invited the king in and requested him to wait in the hall as the advisor was still cooking the stew. [08/01/15 21:38] *Nimrodel*:The king smiled and sat down in the hall. [08/01/15 21:39] *Nimrodel*:6 hours passed by, and the hungry king lost his temper. He got up to see what his advisor was cooking that was taking him so long [08/01/15 21:40] *Nimrodel*:In the kitchen, there was a tiny fire in the center with the pot of stew hanging about 3 metters over it. The advisor was sitting next to the fire waiting for the stew to cook. [08/01/15 21:42] *Nimrodel*:The king glared at his advisor and Shouted at him angrily,"What nonsense is this? How can you expect to cook a stew if you hang the pot up so high and light such a tiny fire?" [08/01/15 21:42] *Nimrodel*:The advisor got up calmly and said, "Sire, if the poor man could get warmth from the stars, I am sure the fire is enough for the stew to get cooked.* [08/01/15 21:43] *Nimrodel*:The speechless king realised the foolishness of his folly and immediately summoned the poor man, giving him his promised reward and apologising to him for his foolishness. [08/01/15 21:44] *Nimrodel*:The end :) [/spoiler] Draconas' story: [spoiler] [08/01/15 22:00] Draconas:i know a short story from when i was very young, from before the war with the gods [08/01/15 22:02] Draconas:i was walking through the town, on this bright midsummer evening [08/01/15 22:03] Draconas:at first i was wandering around aimlessly, until i saw her [08/01/15 22:04] Draconas:i stopped where i stood and stared how she was hanging the laundry on the line in her yard [08/01/15 22:05] Draconas:and then i heard a familiar voice from behind me "staring again Draconas?" [08/01/15 22:06] Draconas:i turned around and i saw Elran behind me, a dragon with who i was raised, and my best friend [08/01/15 22:07] Draconas:i ginored his question and said "shes beautiful even in her human form, isnt she? [08/01/15 22:08] Draconas:and he said "she sure is, why dont you go talk to her?" and i didn't answer, not wanting to tell i lacked the courage [08/01/15 22:10] Draconas:weeks passed, and i kept staring, while Elran went around talking here, joking there [08/01/15 22:11] Draconas:and then on an evening in the cold winter i bumped into her [08/01/15 22:11] Draconas:bumped* [08/01/15 22:12] Draconas:i quickly apologised for making her drop her bag she was carrying [08/01/15 22:13] Draconas:and nevvonervouslyoke to her about the weather, the weather! [08/01/15 22:13] Draconas:but she smiled and said "yes its a beautiful day, i wish i could go flying right now" [08/01/15 22:14] Draconas:so i said "me too, why dont we go and fly some later today" but she laughed and headed off [08/01/15 22:15] Draconas:i sobbed and sobbed, but Elran managed to finally cheer me up somehow [08/01/15 22:16] *Nimrodel*:you were always the drama queen draco >.> [08/01/15 22:16] Draconas:but a new problem had risen, the day of the dragonball was getting nearer and i still didnt have a partner [08/01/15 22:16] Draconas:shush you [08/01/15 22:17] Draconas:there was only one candidate for me, so i waited for the right moment to ask her, so i waited, and waited... [08/01/15 22:18] Draconas:and then it was the day of the dragonball and i hadnt ask her [08/01/15 22:20] Draconas:and when the opening notes were about to start Elran whispered to me "you should've talked to her" and then walked over to her and when the song started they started dancing [08/01/15 22:21] Draconas:so i flew off to his cave and set his nest on fire [08/01/15 22:22] Draconas: *mutters* that served him right [08/01/15 22:22] Draconas:that was my story of pain [08/01/15 22:23] *Nimrodel*:you could've got a role in Gossip girl without even trying >.> [08/01/15 22:23] Draconas:im a man! a manly man! [08/01/15 22:23] Aeoshattr: *chuckles* Nim, don't be mean. [08/01/15 22:24] *Nimrodel*:No.. You are a drama queen. Now shush and sit here. [08/01/15 22:24] :Draconas grumbles some not so nice things [/spoiler] Zleiphneir's story (which impressed me a lot) [spoiler] [08/01/15 23:22] Zleiphneir:There was a quiet little farming village, dirt roads and straw thatches [08/01/15 23:23] Zleiphneir:they did everything for themselves there. Reared animals, ground corn, cooked, slaughtered, loved [08/01/15 23:23] Zleiphneir:but there was never violence, and there was never avarice, they worked well together in their world [08/01/15 23:24] Zleiphneir:in one house, a small family, mum, dad, and two brothers, John and Edward [08/01/15 23:24] Zleiphneir:John was strong. He'd spend his time in the fields, laughing and joking, gleaming in the sunlight and smiling at giggling girls [08/01/15 23:25] Zleiphneir:carrying bales of hay and sacks of freshly ground flour for his mom [08/01/15 23:26] Zleiphneir:Edward was scrawny, chisle-nosed and wiry, but wide eyed from spending time in the darkness [08/01/15 23:26] Zleiphneir:he was a blacksmith, and the light from the fire stung his eyes, the cold of the metal made him think [08/01/15 23:27] Zleiphneir:he was always filthy, and no lass would look upon him but with the ember of pity [08/01/15 23:27] Zleiphneir:of a winter's eve they slept, on their haybale beds, tucked in, grown though their were, by loving parents [08/01/15 23:28] Zleiphneir:John's maiden snuck in under moonlit shadows, and Edward covered his head with a pillow as usual [08/01/15 23:28] Zleiphneir:then silence [08/01/15 23:28] Zleiphneir:then coughing [08/01/15 23:28] Zleiphneir:then screaming [08/01/15 23:29] Zleiphneir:the house was aflame, the sound of hooves and cracking on the roof [08/01/15 23:29] Zleiphneir:John desperately trying to drag his maiden outside and douse the lapping flames [08/01/15 23:30] Zleiphneir:when all was done, the maiden lay but a dinner for crows [08/01/15 23:30] Zleiphneir:the village, mostly ashes [08/01/15 23:30] Zleiphneir:John vowed that day to take revenge, and as the village was rebuilt, the two lads wrestled and fought [08/01/15 23:31] Zleiphneir:first in preparation, but it soon turned into a brawling contest [08/01/15 23:32] Zleiphneir:and John, knowing Edward often walked in the night to the town nearby and hid bottles of liquor under his bead, blamed him for the events [08/01/15 23:32] Zleiphneir:bed* [08/01/15 23:32] Zleiphneir:so he was extra vicious with his poundings. He knew, if he could hate and beat his brother so, he could definitely do it to his enemies [08/01/15 23:33] Zleiphneir:when the scout returned with word of who had carried out the deed, John demanded of his brother a fine sword for the task [08/01/15 23:33] Zleiphneir:and Edward went to work [08/01/15 23:33] Zleiphneir:but he hadn't made swords before [08/01/15 23:33] Zleiphneir:he hadn't needed to [08/01/15 23:33] Zleiphneir:so when he handed over the finished product [08/01/15 23:34] Zleiphneir:John threw it back in his face and viciously slay him with unkind words [08/01/15 23:34] Zleiphneir:he stormed away, he would buy a sword somewhere [08/01/15 23:35] Zleiphneir:Edward looked at his creation and shed a single tear. It fell on the metal and spread out in small veins [08/01/15 23:35] Zleiphneir:he put the unrequited gift in a corner, and went on living [08/01/15 23:35] Zleiphneir:time passed [08/01/15 23:36] Zleiphneir:and one day he returned to look at the sword. Rust addled it's blade in the veins, but the grip remained tight [08/01/15 23:36] Zleiphneir:he stepped outside, dragging the point and breathed the night air [08/01/15 23:37] Zleiphneir:a gust of wind blew by, and the sword spoke whispers [08/01/15 23:37] Zleiphneir:On horseback now, with a gleaming suit of armour and weapon to match John returned [08/01/15 23:38] Zleiphneir:in the blazing sun, these months gone by, the girls flocked over and cooed [08/01/15 23:38] Zleiphneir:but he had had his fill of city girls and was simply amused and shooed them away [08/01/15 23:38] Zleiphneir:where is my brother? That traitor? [08/01/15 23:39] Zleiphneir:he whose slumber, he whose drunken idiocy caused my leave, caused my first love to perish? [08/01/15 23:39] Zleiphneir:Edward could hear it all, and he went to the sound, the old gift in hand [08/01/15 23:39] Zleiphneir:Brother, im so happy you have returned, did you slay the people? will you now accept my gift? [08/01/15 23:40] Zleiphneir:John laughed and dismounted. I killed any who got in my way, and more [08/01/15 23:40] Zleiphneir:im sure the ones were among them, but who cares? [08/01/15 23:40] Zleiphneir:if it wasnt for you, it wouldnt have happened anyway [08/01/15 23:41] Zleiphneir:brother...you're being ridiculous. I travel a little sure, but nothing more...but still...if you think it my fault, please, I apologise, accept the gift? [08/01/15 23:41] Zleiphneir:he held out the old rusted sword [08/01/15 23:41] Zleiphneir:John slapped it out of his hands. You brought them here! You showed them the way! [08/01/15 23:42] Zleiphneir:and with that he draw his own sword and launched a blow at edward, who span into the dirt just short of losing an arm [08/01/15 23:42] Zleiphneir:brother no! please! I beg you! [08/01/15 23:43] Zleiphneir:another blow came crashing close and Edward scrambled to his feet, desperately grasping and grabbing the only weapon available, the old rusty sword [08/01/15 23:43] Zleiphneir:hah!! you idiot. That's not going to help you. You have no armour, that weapon is but a fractured twig, and we both know I always win [08/01/15 23:44] Zleiphneir:Edward sucked in his sorrow and swung the sword, completely missing John [08/01/15 23:44] Zleiphneir:but the sword sang out, it screamed as the air filtered through the veins [08/01/15 23:45] Zleiphneir:and the scream shattered John's perceptions [08/01/15 23:45] Zleiphneir:he grabbed his ears as blood ran from them and fell to his knees [08/01/15 23:45] Zleiphneir:their parents pushed their way throguh the crowd, the mother coddled John and ushured him into the house [08/01/15 23:46] Zleiphneir:the father nodded at edward, and he stood alone in the crowd, sword in hand, somehow victorious. [08/01/15 23:46] Zleiphneir:- [/spoiler]
  8. Off to a good start. I didn't claim to have an awful lot of knowledge about the avy system. Yes, I know back then the avys were rare, but I personally think this doesn't justify allowing poor quality avys to still exist in the item shop. It feels like we have more artists and/or more people that can upload decent/good avatars, so why not have more of those instead of saying "it's normal for there to be badly drawn avatars in the shop"? Yes. The quality of the uploaded avatars increased quite a lot throughout the years. However, we're still stuck with a ton of bad avys in the store. I personally remember you saying something about the avy store needing a cleanup at some point in the past, but I may be wrong. If this is the avatar manager's job, then let's encourage/help them do it. I have, indeed, seen improvement regarding the uploading and approval of avatars, but I haven't seen any improvement on the avys in the store and I did shuffle quite a few times in the past few months. That was me (the noob). I know that's true (since I stated it and checked beforehand...), and thus I believe that the little text/rule/comment (or however you want to call it) which says that "your avy is yours forever" should be adjusted. False advertisement, IMO. TL;DR - IMO the amount of poor quality avys in the shop does the item store a disservice in the long run. I would personally prefer paying silver/gold to an artist on MD so that I will have an avatar that represents exactly my character rather than wishing that I will randomly run across one in the shop and spending $$ for it. But this is my opinion, as stated above. Again, since more people can upload avatars now (just about everyone) I don't think the argument that "avatars were rare" is justified. The approval of avatars is great, IMO, so only good avatars will get past that. Thus why not repopulate the item shop with good, quality avys rather than leave the old, poorly drawn ones in?
  9. Well, he pretty much nailed what I had to say on the matter. The one thing I also want to point out about the "rule/comment" in the shop is that your avatar is NOT yours forever. Avatars are sent back to the shop if you are inactive for 6+ months.
  10. IDK, I feel as if this is deviating. I think Myth has a point... more specifically the part with the Oak Tower containing "interesting items". I don't find anything interesting about the items inside, they're just a bunch of clickables (sure, some might contain some "leftover" lore from people that once had access to it, but it's nothing that feels truly relevant in MD at the moment). I think the description might be better off without that last part about "interesting items" or have that simply changed to "clickable items".
  11. I will not be able to make that date and time (I'll be on a flight to the UK). Next day, same time would work for me (11th, at 20:00 ST)
  12. Quoting only to point out what I'm talking about, not to argument against you directly, Chew. I.E if I use "you" here, it's a general "you". I apologize in advance, I am mildly and ever so slightly infuriated like F. IF indeed the reason you all voted for DD to stay dead is because he needs to "change" then this is the utmost and most ridiculous pile of steamy fresh horse **** I've had the opportunity to lay my eyes upon in a while. What gives you the authority to demand that he changes? Forcing a player to change as you see fit through keeping them dead is beyond execrable. If that's how he's going to play his character, than that's how he's going to do it and you don't have the tiniest bit of a right to demand that he does it otherwise. Has he broken any game rules? Has he abused bugs? Has he done something that is objectively condemned by the game rules? AFAIK he was recently in prison for a word he used in the chat which I personally thought was yet another pile of ****. And furthermore, AFAIK he hasn't (at least recently) abused any game features or done anything against the objective game rules, so all that you're pouring here is subjective horse **** which is utterly and completely NULL. When will he have changed enough for you? Who is to judge how he's meant to change? It sounds like you all just want to keep him dead because of some personal (hate) reason and use this nice sounding "change" as an aegis. If you want him dead have the decency and guts to say "I want him to stay dead because he called me a X, Y, Z and I'm still mad at him since then". Oh he didn't treat you nicely? He doesn't always speak too politely and respectfully? Well life sucks. If you're expecting everyone to treat you justly and correctly and fit your image of what "right and wrong" is then you're in for a surprise when you step away from your keyboard. If you can't see past his "spikes" then the issue is on your side, and it means he's doing a damn good job of keeping those spikes up. Curiose, you say that DD didn't treat you nicely (or spoke to you too politely and whatnot, I don't know all the details). Please read your post again and reconsider if the problem is solely on his side. Also please don't give me all the tumblr-grade "wisdom nuggets" you were all pooping out last night with "oh you don't have friends because nobody wanted to fight for you" or "you should've revived yourself by fighting, not by this farce". You're funny. Again, what gives you the authority to impose how a player is resurrected? Blame Molquert for allowing different methods to obtain resurrection, if you really need someone to throw blame at, not DD for picking the method that was convenient to him.
  13. To clarify, no, I did not downvote you by accident. If you want to leave, then so be it. I am conflicted as to whether I should try and talk you into staying or letting you leave like this. However, I say you give it a few days and see how you feel about it then. Don't rush into it (more than you already did).
  14. I was actually looking for this topic as I realised it died out without anything coming out of it. I agree with Sasha to an extent, she raises a few valid points. My only objection is that the follower system (IMHO) would work with a larger number of players. What I'm saying is that I don't think a majority of the members of an alliance would spontaneously follow someone in order to force them in the alliance just for sh*ts and giggles. I'm relying on the assumption that people are aware of the consequences of their actions. However, for the sake of simplicity....How about this: Keep alliances as they are, with one exception: Have a minimum "time loyalty"/player with the alliance in order to be its leader. In other words, leadership IS decided based on loyalty, however you must have... let's say a minimum of 24 hrs? 48 hrs? (arbitrary numbers used to give an example) in the alliance in order to actually be granted leadership.
  15. Third Sermon of Pain: Date&Time (POSTPONED TO): Tuesday, 30th of December, 20:00 ST Location: Path of Loneliness Topic: Pain as Change. Purpose of Pain. As before, all are welcome. There are a number of people I would personally like to attend, I will try and let you know. NOTE: I might postpone this if not enough people show up. I realise it's a short notice in a rather busy period. I only recently replaced my faulty keyboard and can properly type out long chunks of text. Sadly, I was unable to retrieve the logs. Apologies, it was my mistake. TL;DR (summary) - you'll have to take my word for this one, as I was unable to retrieve the logs. [spoiler] Pain is the one and only factor that can truly change people; by "truly change" I mean fundamentally alter their definition of themselves for an indeterminate period of time (I.E. true change is not dressing differently for a few days and then reverting to your old style.). By definition people are constant, until change is necessary. Necessity for change is felt as pain. [/spoiler]
  16. I am personally happy to see things get moving and change. Whether changing for the better or not, I can't say right now. My only question so far, is: Will the vets be able to somehow experience the new intro/tutorial/story mode? Or do we have to create alts for that?
  17. There is no specific deadline yet. Consider the quest will run for a month (as of today) at least, unless someone else figures out the names I'm looking for really quickly.
  18. UPDATE 2!!! Bonus stage now running. Read post at the bottom. Deadline: 8th February 2015, 23:59 ST. I'll keep it short. Your goal in order to complete this quest is the following: Find 5 names according to the details given below. There are 5 short poems located in 5 different locations across the realm which will give a clue as to either the name, tag or a popular spellword used by the respective person. For clarity, here are the stages: 1. Find the 5 locations. 2. Find the words which reveal the poem at each location. 3. Read and interpret the poems. 4. Send the details to me (via forum PM), as such: Scene - Clickable name (or description) - Key Word - Player Name. ATTENTION! There is an INSTANT win clause. Solve the following puzzle and you win the first prize immediately, regardless of the progress of the other participants. The only clue I can give is that each line of the puzzle may or may not be connected to the rest. Puzzle: KUL NARAD URR MASACHEVI EMIC GARGATUA UCI KIMINATCHA TOK JUGRAMA REWARDS (provided by the TKs) 1st prize: Nutcracker 2nd prize: 2 Gold Coins 3rd prize: 1 Gold Coin CLUES I will post (and update) clues as to where these locations are and what their key words are. NOTE that is ALLOWED for you to come and ask me in-game for clues. I will only answer public requests (no PMs, so when you ask consider that someone else may find out the clue too!) and I will not allow chat-spamming to clear it and the use of any chat distorter will disqualify you (from the instant win clause too). I reserve the right to award clues as I see fit. I will label with L clues to locations and with W clues to keywords. I will provide additional clues in this post if it is deemed that it is too difficult to progress. BASE CLUES: 1. Clear water (L). 2. What is it that my knife cannot cut? (W). 3. Sword (L). 4. I bring about change. (W). 5. Shelter (L). 6. What am I to a heretic? (W). 7. What treasures do I hide? (L). 8. Keeps home warm (W). 9. Fountain (L). 10. I am mystery (W). New Clues: 1. All the players you are looking for have also written on my PL. 2. There are no clickables (for this quest) in Necro, GG, or the Laby. PARTICIPANTS: (post below if you wish to participate and I will list your name here.) 1. Hiria 2. Lintara 3. Asthir 4. Azrafar 5. DD (?) 6. Intrigue
  19. I would be terribly interested in Night Mode, if this "role" is still available, considering that I believe you (Mur) said it's already complete?
  20. Quest: Lania (if the poetry event she organised is considered a quest!)
  21. I'd say something like wearing a mask. From the given text, it looks as if you're not showing your real self (due to fear? I am unsure what kind of fear, but that's the feeling I get). While your real self is hiding behind a hardened mask (cage, metal contours that cut), the mask seems to be causing more harm than good. I will not extend this for now - this can refer to more specific things, like hiding particular parts of yourself (I.E a more emotional part while trying to look hard and strong on the outside). I will elaborate if it is deemed that I should. Acceptance? Fear? Fear of not being accepted for who you truly are? That's what I can come up with off the top of my head. Alternatively, if I am to think of this as a nightmare only and if I am allowed to extrapolate quite a bit (I.E. might go waaaaaay off topic) this looks like fear of being pushed towards something you do not want by someone from the outside. The feeling of being influenced and pressured to the point where you cannot act outside that influence at all (thus the cage and struggle to escape).
  22. Well, this is half "wow, so accurate" half "omg so rude". http://colorquiz.com/results.php?code=m,1,4,7,5,2,0,6,3,6,7,5,1,4,2,0,6,3,0&p=full
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