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Everything posted by Aeoshattr

  1. Aeoshattr

    New ideas

    Creature Artwork Gallery: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16386-creature-artwork-gallery/ Feature Item Pictures on Item Page: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16387-choose-item-pictures-to-be-displayed-on-item-page/
  2. As title says, I'd like a feature (purchasable from the Extra Features section of the MD shop?) that allows a player to choose which item pictures are displayed publicly on their item page. For instance, I could choose to hide the artwork for the gold/silver coins. When someone clicks the "I" button (item page? is that what it's called?) they will see the coins in the item list, if they scroll, but the picture for the item itself isn't displayed. Aesthetic purposes only.
  3. Though I'm not entirely certain if this was suggested or not before in the same form (I.E. I might just be a pain in the butt for mods and "repost" an older topic) I had this idea. Would it be acceptable (by all non-spoiler, etc) standards to have a "creature artwork" gallery feature, similar to other games? Right now, this is how I envision it working: Availability: Free (everyone has it by default) $$ Shop (Extra Features) Once the feature is unlocked/purchased , there are 2 options: It is completely blank. Has ALL the creature families and levels mentioned in it (but they're blacked/greyed out or contain no information whatsoever.) In order to unlock (and save) the artwork for the creatures, a player must level them. Once levelled, the artwork (maybe description + stats + abilities too?) is made available to view in the gallery. IDEA: The current "creature cards" (Such as Angien Card) could be used (for the Free option mentioned in 1.) to unlock a creature family in the gallery, which then the player can "populate" with artwork by levelling said creature. (In other words: player uses Aramor Card. Aramor Card unlocks "Aramor" family in gallery. Player then has to level an Aramor, an Imp, etc etc for the artwork to be "stored" in the gallery.) Is this acceptable? I figure the artwork gallery can be kept private (not public like the bestiary) and that would reduce its spoiler-ish nature. Plus this suggests a use for the creature cards. Thoughts and feedback much appreciated :) P.S. I also think that if a player already has a maxed creature (say an Aramor Assassin) when the feature is implemented, it should unlock the artwork for all levels of the creature? (this is assuming the feature actually gets far enough into development for this to be an issue).
  4. Fun. Whether that fun comes from social interaction, brain work or pounding (virtually) an enemy to a pulp. What makes a game more fun for me, usually? Getting to know the community (or getting in a community like a Guild) and meeting people.
  5. Though not a Golemian myself, I'm not sure how "hell" hounds fit with Golemus. However, I do like the idea of mechanical hounds (Clockwork Hounds? I think that actually sounds nice). Your decision! But decide, take your role up and get the public involved! :)
  6. Apologies for the delay - things are precipitating at the end of term (university). The Third: Date&Time: Sunday, 15th of March, 22:00 ST (postponed from Saturday) Location: Fountain of the Lost Path (MDA) Topic: A more detailed story on Aeoshattr's third great pain (in the realm of MD). LOGS: [spoiler] Aeoshattr: *hums* Well then... *sits down cross-legged, holding one obsidian orb in his hands* . : Change rests her hands in her lap on top of her sketchbook and listens Aeoshattr: I believe I've told you, last time, about the Second. My first days in the realm and... the muse. Aeoshattr: And with the end of the Muse, the Third was born. Aeoshattr: I rarely ever am able to recollect what happens immediately before and after a "shattering", I only know that despite having been in the Labyrinth, I awoke in the lands of Marind Bell. Aeoshattr: The Third was rather... scarred by the shattering. Though ever since the days of the second I felt a strange, foreign darkness grow within, it is during the days of the Third that it first showed its Aeoshattr: face. Aeoshattr: *hums and lightly taps his fingers over the orb* Alas. It was in the lands of Marind when I first met... him. Aeoshattr: *has a half smile on his face* The shattering still left me confused. Lonely. Angry. But I learnt that for some reason, he stifled the anger. Aeoshattr: He carried my mind away. I had no clue how or what he did - but with him, the loneliness was no more. The pain was soothed. Aeoshattr: A fool I was - and a fool I still am. Aeoshattr: Naturally... I sought more. What beast doesn't seek more of that which sates it? Aeoshattr: But though the Second had known the meaning of love - it seemed that the Third was too... selfish, too broken to understand it. Aeoshattr: Imperfect. But the imperfections, instead of being sanded and worn down by the relentless time, were sharpened. Aeoshattr: He... soothed me. We spent many days at this fountain *smiles subtly* He was but a call away, the whole time. Windy: Hmm... Aeoshattr: But I, the Third, could not and did not give him that which he deserved. Aeoshattr: The pain was gone... but that was merely because I walked ahead of it. Aeoshattr: I left it behind - for the poor Shadow to hold, while I selfishly pursued that which I desired. Aeoshattr: And the fool... the wretched fool... took it. Instead of throwing it away and forgetting the beast I was... Aeoshattr: He carried the pain. He carried the pain of a heartless beast. Aeoshattr: And I never knew what devotion... what strength it took to do it. I never knew until I had lost it. Aeoshattr: And if there is anything I do not wish upon anyone... it is to see that pain in the eyes of a loved one. : *Sunfire* nods Aeoshattr: I only knew what I had put him through when he looked at me, broken and defeated. Aeoshattr: But there was no more I could do. Aeoshattr: No amount of tears, no regret, no pleas will bring him back. Aeoshattr: He loved me, and I was a fool to tell him I loved him. I should have made him hate me, perhaps that would have driven him away to a better life. Aeoshattr: Alas... he stayed to have his heart carved out. *lowers his gaze* Aeoshattr: And only when I could see my ... "art" did I realise that I had been carving in the soul of a man that gifted himself to me. The look in his eyes will forever haunt me. Aeoshattr: I can only hope that he found love - one that would bring him joy, not pain - in the days that he had left. For I know pain clinged to him... Aeoshattr: I only dare hope that he found a glimmer of light to soothe him, as he once soothed him. And that the glimmer of light was warm, not cold and sharp. Aeoshattr: Yet I am cursed not to know, as he is forever gone. Regret and anguish let the darkness sprout to the surface. No longer being carried by anyone else, the pain returned. And it lashed so furiously, Aeoshattr: that we broke once more. Once more, as we looked into Shadow's teary eyes. Aeoshattr: *raises his eyes and looks up at the sky* May you forget me, Shadow. : Aeoshattr tucks the orb back in one of his oversized sleeves [/spoiler] TL;DR [spoiler] Hollowed by the previous events, the Third let a poor man carry his pain - a man that fell in love with him. And in the newly found, painless, freedom, he pursued his desires, yet left the devoted Shadow behind, to break and wither while carrying the pain. OOC - it is something I still find difficult to talk about. I don't think my ramblings do Shadow (mcvitie's) justice. Strictly related to MD, The Third is the one that began learning about the Children of the Eclipse and also began the training and initiation rites needed to join - the "dreams" he pursued to Shadow's detriment. [/spoiler]
  7. All in all, interesting responses and views. The one issue, at least from my point of view: The lockinchaos "punishment" was easily overwritten by leashes, jumping, spells, etc etc and I believe that defeated the purpose, which, I imagine, was to not allow the participant to gamble again for the duration of the spell? The punishments just seemed redundant.
  8. Though it's possibly "illegal" to bump a thread, I'm still looking: At least 1 more BP, prices ranging between 5-15 SC, negotiable based on age, etc etc and based on the seller's negotiation skills. Still looking for a rusty - the cheaper the better. Purchased Still looking to buy Angiens.
  9. Sasha's Blood - 3SC Since I don't see any specific value for a starting bid.
  10. WTB 1x Rusty. Don't care about age, interested in tokens it has. Resolved. Nothing for now, will update as necessary
  11. "Ermagerddd why is my face stuck in a treeeeeeee?!? HALP!" Click attached picture. I'm not drunk I swear.
  12. Updated. Left old sketch and attached finished one. As for the story... Brick after brick, brick after brick, A tired old man had laid down. Oh old man, I see you've walled thick! What poor thing have you built around? Brick after brick, tear after tear, The old man's gaze wandered afar; His deep, laboured breath was austere. Parched lips spoke - "It is but a scar." Tear after tear, day after day, The old man fell down in defeat. "My dream I can't, will not complete, For my heart I have walled away..."
  13. While I don't care as much for who and why leads the East, and I still uphold my position that outsiders have no business in arguing how another land is ruled... May I suggest a "Regent"? Instead of a duke. Until someone is elected as true King, you could have someone lead the East in Mur's place - Mur remains the "King", but the Regent takes care of everything to make Mur's life easier.
  14. Aeoshattr 89024 1186 AD Necrovion 100-ish Briskness (may vary till April)
  15. Ended bids + payments Ice bell flower - 6sc Lania King of Black Diamonds - 3sc Grido Blades of dried grass - 3sc EE Candle Stick Holder - 5sc Change Shapeless baloon - 5sc Sasha Teeth - 3sc Z Also updated pic on top :) Also... buying credits with SC - 15sc=5$
  16. I've updated the topic with TL;DRs (as suggested by Chewett!) which will hopefully make the entire thing easier to read and understand, rather than by reading non-friendly logs. I kept the logs posted for reference. The Second: Date&Time: Saturday, 28th of February, 22:00 ST - onwards, depending on how the discussion for MD's anniversary ends Location: Clash of Ages Topic: A more detailed story on Aeoshattr's second great pain. As with the previous event, this is a short storytelling gathering. It is meant to be historically accurate in terms of Aeo's first experiences (oh god why...) in MD, as well as set the basis for his further development. Questions and commentaries welcome afterwards. LOGS: [spoiler] [28/02/15 22:07:10] 1_-1x-2_1:I think I've told you how I put myself in the situation of being executed at the gathering last week? [28/02/15 22:08:12] 1_-1x-2_1: *chuckles* How I got the Knife. [28/02/15 22:09:25] 1_-1x-2_1: *flips a page slowly* The punishment for my little... shenanigan was execution, along with my family - my father. [28/02/15 22:10:34] 1_-1x-2_1:I was still just vaguely aware of it all - my head was reeling, my arm was aching, and everything felt wrong, my skin felt like it wasn't my own. I only remember the punishment that was chosen: [28/02/15 22:10:58] 1_-1x-2_1:Drowning. I was cast in a lake that my kind held sacred... for a reason I will never understand. Its water is deathly poisonous to all Nephilim. [28/02/15 22:11:39] 1_-1x-2_1:To this day... I do not know what happened. Whether I died, and this is some sort of... hell... [28/02/15 22:12:04] 1_-1x-2_1:I only know I woke up here. Gasping for breath under the scorching sun. [28/02/15 22:12:49] 1_-1x-2_1:And despite the gaping emptiness, the grief of having lost my only family... I didn't feel alone. [28/02/15 22:13:14] 1_-1x-2_1:Do you know that feeling you get... thinking that someone is right behind you, breathing on the back of your neck and glaring at you? [28/02/15 22:13:57] 1_-1x-2_1:I walked along for... days and days - or so I judged, since there was no Night. Always feeling someone behind me. [28/02/15 22:14:23] 1_-1x-2_1:I felt lonely, though not alone. It is very... uncomfortable. [28/02/15 22:15:07] 1_-1x-2_1:Lost... you could say. And always feeling like... something was stuck to me, something that had not been there before. It felt oddly like binding creatures to me, once I learned doing that. [28/02/15 22:15:43] 1_-1x-2_1:And to answer your question, in a way, Asthir... My first friends here were mcvitie, her shadow, and Lady Ren. [28/02/15 22:16:31] 1_-1x-2_1:Lady Ren... I was such a young fool back then. Couldn't see what was right before my eyes until it was gone. [28/02/15 22:18:41] 1_-1x-2_1:She guided me. And she was, to this day, what drew me to Loreroot. [28/02/15 22:19:37] 1_-1x-2_1:Times long past, those days when we used to walk through the forest with not a care in the whole world... I not knowing what I was here for, and her having a smile on her face... a beautiful,sad smile [28/02/15 22:20:47] 1_-1x-2_1:She loved the Raven man. And crushing it was, indeed. I would never have anything to offer that the Raven man couldn't. [28/02/15 22:21:52] 1_-1x-2_1:And in my foolish young years... I tried to best the Raven man. But I could not. Oddly enough, I was happy when the Muse's kitten got lost... [28/02/15 22:22:15] 1_-1x-2_1:I found it before the Raven! It was hiding here, scared and shaking amongst the debris. [28/02/15 22:23:05] 1_-1x-2_1:I felt a silly pride as I returned it... And was given a smile. A smile, and then she returned to the Raven's embrace. [28/02/15 22:23:38] 1_-1x-2_1: *flips a page* And for many many days did I long for her embrace... If only I knew that when I would get it, I would regret it for the rest of my days. [28/02/15 22:24:36] 1_-1x-2_1:It was sometimes in the early days of the Taint... and while I hid away like a scared rabbit in the woods... She was always there, brave as the men and knights that tried to keep the sickness away [28/02/15 22:25:22] 1_-1x-2_1:Such a gentle being, in the midst of the... atrocities of the Taint in those years. [28/02/15 22:26:31] 1_-1x-2_1:And she fell ill. [28/02/15 22:27:18] 1_-1x-2_1:I only learned days after it happened... as she hid away in the Labyrinth [28/02/15 22:27:39] 1_-1x-2_1:And looking for her, I got hopelessly lost. Only by sheer chance did I find her somewhere in that forsaken place. [28/02/15 22:29:21] 1_-1x-2_1:She was withering away... And she asked me to end her, with tears in her eyes. [28/02/15 22:31:03] 1_-1x-2_1:And I could not. How could I, of all people, harm her. [28/02/15 22:32:25] 1_-1x-2_1:The simple question stunned me... I had not even realised when she grasped by hand making me hold the knife... and embraced me. [28/02/15 22:36:07] 1_-1x-2_1: *stands, looking somewhat sad* And that was the creation of the Third. [28/02/15 22:36:27] 1_-1x-2_1:That was all for tonight. Thank you for coming to listen to my ramblings. [/spoiler] TL;DR (summary) [spoiler] Though loving Lady Renata, Aeoshattr was never able to be the man she deserved. He was timid, naive, lonely, perhaps - traits which kept him from showing the muse his feelings - her tragic passing was the event that marked the end of the Second and the beginning of the Third. Strictly related to MD, The Second is the one that pursued joining Loreroot (at a time when Citizenship did not exist), at first approaching the Savelites, then the Guardians of the Root. [/spoiler]
  17. As title says. Bids start at 3sc and last for 24h from the opening bid. I am interested in: silver coins gold coins credits creature totems (maybe) A few other RP items (such as immobilised tears) I am also interested in drops of blood, though due to their rarity, if you wish to trade a blood drop for multiple shop items in my list, let me know. Ink Bottle (Sold) Knator Aftershave (Sold)
  18. Also... since I forgot mentioning. Some clickables and the Obelisks are "on top" of the night mode layer (they're not shaded/greyed), but the arrows are greyed out, making them very difficult to see sometimes.
  19. http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2611 The announcement (and my understanding so far) suggests that a player in Night Mode should not only be invisible to those in "day" mode (I.E. not appear in the player list) however, the player should also not see anyone in the player list at all. From my experience so far, while I am in Night Mode, I can clearly see who is online at each location, and I am unsure if this is intended or a bug. Also, as the announcement suggests, there should be no traces. However, a player in Night Mode still leaves traces, but no trace is visible in the location the player still is in (I.E. if I move from GoE to Plains of Tranquility, I will leave a trace at GoE but be invisible at Plains of Tranquility.) Again, not sure if this is intended or a bug. Also, Sunny Weather is known to reveal players in Night Mode (http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2614) however players in NM should remain unable to see players in "day" mode in the same scene. I currently can't test this, since players in NM can view the player list anyway. However, to me it doesn't make sense for Sunny weather to reveal players in NM that are in locations with "no visibility" (such as most locations in the underground, etc). As far as I know, those labels are meant to deal with Rain (so you can't collect rainwater while indoors, for instance) but to me it makes sense for this to apply to NM too. To keep in mind (mostly a note for myself, but hearing others' thoughts on this or putting this out preventively might help too). NM gives "combat" bonuses. Initiative + attack, thus being able to actively attack players is crucial. If player list is invisible, the only way to attack other players is if they speak - must test if players targetted from the chat, not player list are attackable or not (as in not get some funky message like "player not in this scene?") If NM "blindness" proves to be incompatible with NM combat, which one stays, or how are they made compatible? TL;DR - NM does not function entirely as mentioned in announcements so far. You could say my main question is: Is NM meant to work as in the announcements, or have changes been made along the way? The way I see it, it works fine now, combat being compatible with invisibility, and while I like it, I don't feel that keeping this potential bug hidden is fair or follows rules.
  20. Nothing. I'd say the purpose of the whole thing is to see that the person is interested and desires to experience Night Mode. It doesn't matter to me that much if they actually give me the letters, draw from previous research, run around, pay someone to do it or cheat. I want to see the person is interested enough to act, more than just come to me and ask to be put into Night Mode. In other words (though rather crudely and over-simplified), you could say I don't want the letters myself, rather I want proof that people put some sort of effort, into it. I'm also in the process of editing the main post at this moment.
  21. I won't know. I'm trusting that people are honest with the task, which really is just asking you to sit in one place and write down a grand total of 10 letters which appear directly in front of their eyes, not even crypted or anything. If people can't even be honest and trustworthy about this, then I'd genuinely rather be ignorant about it - I'd rather be the fool and pretend everyone's being honest than knowing people can't even do this much work without cheating. Yes, perhaps my Night Mode spree last night was a bit excessive, which is why as of today I require a small, I even say token service to put players into NM. When the planned algorithm will be out, things will be different and more effort will be needed to enter NM. I do offer my help with Night Mode to other questmakers, should they require it at some point in their quest. In other words, yes, last night was fun, but I will not be putting anyone who asks into NM as of today. With regards to the Fictionist's house, you can use it if you want. Do note I may assign locations preferentially based on the player's native land - Eastians might get locations more remote than others, to "cancel out" their "advantage" of being able to move through to the Fictionist's house easily. Also, do keep in mind I labelled this a "miniquest". NM is meant to be available to everyone. The algorithm and the means of activating NM will be made public, so that everyone has the knowledge as to how to activate it. Whether they want to work for it or not, that will be a different question. But for the time being, I'd like to give as many people a chance as possible.
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