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Everything posted by Aeoshattr

  1. BP Archer ​​Age: 368 ID: 790542 Tokens: blacktear, stardust, blooddrop2, jewelshards, claw1 BP Archer ​​Age: 278 ID: 793962 Tokens: blooddrop1, emeraldglare, sunshine, blooddrop2, osirisbelt, blackdiamonds BP Archer ​​Age: 316 ID: 817600 Tokens: blackdiamonds Root Warrior (x2) (Bought by Grido. Transaction successful) Fresh as a daisy. With glowing eyes. Bought on demand. Prices start at 1GC + 2SC / token (standard). Only accepting coins as payment - not a bid, simply buyout. Negotiable via PM.
  2. With the risk of butting in inappropriately... I am often given the "but you can't make analogies between MD and RL because MD is SOOOOO different from RL" argument. While at an objective level I think that is quite preposterous, subjectively I am accepting it because it is more convenient than to actually argue against it. Where am I getting with this? RL research will not be like MD research. There rarely ever is an objective truth - it needs to be confirmed by Mur (or others? Chew? Don't know) and even when it does get confirmed, odds are that bits and pieces of the "discovering" player will be left in the theory. Players mould and shape MD and I believe that happens to lore as well (which might be one of the reasons why the Lore feels a bit like a chimera right now). Is it good? Is it bad? I can't say. This brings me to this second point: good or bad, should we discourage it? Can I drop the f-bomb and say F. NO? Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. Both are equally important, and it is important for you and others to know how you were wrong - so that they can learn how they might be right (I.E. new approaches/theories that don't just repeat previous false theories). I think people should be encouraged to research and try to understand and explain aspects of MD - I'm not expecting the majority to get things right. But the process of reaching the conclusion (whether true or false) is often valuable. However - I do believe false information should not be spread. I.E. if you are researching something publicly, and are not certain of your knowledge, then do not state it as fact. Please keep in mind that certainty doesn't necessarily mean absolute truth - but your affirmations should be made on more than just a whim. If you think X, then present your arguments why. Doesn't matter if you're wrong or right as long as you provide arguments for others to review and decide whether to accept your statement or not Finally, I believe research should be more openly available (once complete!). I hope that the Legacy project will help lead to a more structured, properly stored research base. TL;DR - research in MD is a fun activity (for me at least). People shouldn't be discouraged from trying to understand the realm of MD, even if it feels like MD "science" can't be properly tested or observed; however this must be compensated for by a rigor of logic and argumentation. And finally: Being wrong is not bad! Being dishonest is.
  3. I'm interested in purchasing an aged Rustgold Drachorn, and I would also want it to have been transferred at least 1 time before. It should have enough age to be maxed after being transferred. Tokens are appreciated, but not needed. PM me (with age, number of transfers + trade value and tokens, if any). Thanks!
  4. Well, to get it started... Aeoshattr - 5 SC
  5. No-one oddly enough pointed out what I wanted to say. I shall have to write this down in my calendar as the Day of Agreement between Aeo and No-One. Celebrate! I admit - I only approach newbies if they show some sort of interest. I attempted to talk to fresh MP3s on a few occasions and I was slapped with that kind of "how u get wins" or "giff gold" speech, which I dislike and I decided it's best NOT to engage such players (since I risk being rude to them and I do not wish that.) I will HAPPILY talk to a newbie who speaks properly, engages people in-character, or even with one who politely asks for help that I am able to provide. But on many, many occasions MP3 newbies just WHOOSH by without reading the chat or simply don't show any of the values that I appreciate (good thing I'm not a LHO). So I decide not to approach unless I am approached. (Keep in mind that Aeoshattr is MEANT to be dislikeable in-character to strangers, and most of the time I am in-character when in-game). However, what I believe, as Chewie said somewhere above is that LHOs could do all that you suggested - they are meant to look after newbies. I've actually seen EE or even non-LHO people sitting in the paper cabin and welcoming new MP3s. Rarely ever do I see replies in the chat from the greeted players. Community-wise, from my experience in a number of MMOs it takes time for a player to "mature" sufficiently in the game to even want to join the community. This is SOLELY my experience, so take it with a grain of salt - but the behaviour of fresh MP3s seems to fit my experience. They might just need a bit of time to get used to the game environment and build confidence. While yes, it's nice to be helped and guided by someone, I also like players who build their confidence by themselves and actively try to do something in the game, rather than being guided everywhere - MD, IMO is a game that requires quite a bit of confidence and ambition, and not a game where you should be expected to be babysitted (is that a word)? Do not get me wrong - I strongly believe LHOs should be there to help MP3s and offer them advice and guidance. But it should not, by all means turn into "Do you want to participate in this? Do you want to try this? Do you want help with that? Do you want this and that and everything?" It should be based on the newbie asking for help, rather than just being given it. TL;DR - Yes, LHOs should be there to help MP3s and welcome them. But let's not turn this into MP3 pampering just because we need MP3s in the game. We won't be able to keep up this pampering when there will be more than a handful of newbies in the game (which I do not know when it might be) and I see it as quite an unfairness that some newbies will get pampered and welcomed and all that but once more join, they won't get the same treatment.
  6. My drama senses are tickling. Chew offered to help revive those that are still dead and as far as I'm reading, without further costs (so technically the "revival ritual" worked with a slight delay). Curi, unless you're claiming to have knowledge that Aethon is behind the storm (which I am currently unaware of) then I take it from this that you aren't fully aware of what happened with the storm and revival. I personally don't follow your post for the most part - yes, I think Aethon overall did a great job at gathering people together and getting the revival ritual going, but I doubt that he was the one behind the storm. I say just let it all sort out. Sure, some mistakes were made here and there. Can we claim they HAVE to be solved by whomever was behind the storm? Rudely, yes. Can we RP this as a sort of continuation of the revival ritual? Sure, that works too. Can we just wait for Chewie, who kindly offered to remedy this? We can do that too. All are valid solutions (some better than others). Let's not go mammaries-up because of this little (IMO) issue. Miq used some strong words, maybe, and Z also raises a valid point. Let's decide how this will be solved? I think this is more important.
  7. I personally see this as more of a role-spell than something everybody should have (I.E. via Achievement rewards). But that is highly subjective and should be taken with a grain of salt. The way I see this (potentially) working: Same spellwords for Marker/Recall Spell depends on whether it's cast on a set of coords or if cast without any additional parameters Coords = marker no parameters = teleport self only I think it should remain self only, not able to target other players. Once you cast the marker, it remains valid for... anywhere between 3-6 hours. Once you cast recall, the marker expires immediately. You must be in the location at which you place the marker (I.E. you must have access to it, you can't just mark some random location that you wanna see and teleport yourself there). 3/4 casts every 2 weeks sounds reasonable to me.
  8. I don't know why or what is going on, but despite the death, it feels like RP is alive! Are the old days back?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea
    3. Lania


      It's so frustrating. I missed the whole thing, I barely know what this is about.



      Wasn't it Piss Piss?

  9. Tree Dude is finished. I shall call him Evil Bob. [attachment=4617:IMG_1153.JPG]
  10. Well. I rarely draw, but I happened to be in the mood to draw today and I felt this kind of belongs here [attachment=4616:IMG_1151.JPG] I'll post more in this topic if the mood ever strikes me again. Might post older artwork too? I dunno. Hope you peeps enjoy.
  11. Though I did send you a in-game note about this, I feel the need to voice out my concern. I genuinely did not see that you required my hand to be in the photo, so indeed my bad there. But seriously... you could have just told me (here or in-game) that my entry was invalid because of that reason - I spent quite a few hours drawing that and for it to be excluded because I didn't include my hand in it (like you can see pens, my earphone cable, messages dedicated to MD... etc.) really seems flippant and I feel like I wasted a lot of time and effort on this entry and that my time and effort were not even important enough for you to let me know I am wasting them (considering I posted my progress pictures over a few DAYS.) Though I might sound a bit acidic, I do not mean offense. However, you might want to revise your quest etiquette for future quests.
  12. I look almost fabulous enough for the image to be enjoyable.
  13. Bright, heavy gold eyes; Even in Death she lives on As the Sun above.
  14. the requested aramor...[attachment=4591:aramor.jpg]
  15. Aeoshattr: I say the best way to hurt Miq is to ... *looks around and whispers in a lower tone* torture the Trout! Aeoshattr: Let the Trout dry in the Sun... somewhere in that parched Golemus. And then pluck its scales out one by one Aeoshattr: Hmm... Someone will have to hold Miq so he watches. Aeoshattr: And then, when all the scales are plucked, we should take the Trout in Necrovion and let it flop around in the sand! Aeoshattr: And then... as a Coup de Grace.... Aeoshattr: SLAP Miq with the dead, sandy trout!
  16. [15/04/15 12:59] Aeoshattr:There was once a beautiful young woman [15/04/15 13:00] Aeoshattr:Alas, the lass lived alone in a castle. [15/04/15 13:01] Aeoshattr:All by herself, with no maids, no servants, no sound to be heard. [15/04/15 13:01] Aeoshattr:And what the lass did, to kill the time that so slowly passed was gaze out the window into the Night. [15/04/15 13:02] Aeoshattr:Night after Night, the lady gazed upon the same star, and after a long time, she grew to believe that the Star gazed back to her. [15/04/15 13:02] Aeoshattr:And many times she spoke: "Oh bright Star, wouldn't you come down from the heavens and shine light into my Night?" [15/04/15 13:03] Aeoshattr:Yet every time, the Star whispered back "I cannot come down, for to the Heavens I am stuck" [15/04/15 13:04] Aeoshattr:But despite this, the Star grew fond of the lass - and every Night, he shone through clear air or through the clouds. [15/04/15 13:04] Aeoshattr:Just so that the young woman would see him and whisper to him more. [15/04/15 13:05] Aeoshattr:But time passed, and the lass grew and aged, relentless in her desire and pleas to the Star. [15/04/15 13:06] Aeoshattr:Yet no matter how much the Star tried, he could not break free from the skies - yet he told the lass "I shall wait for you by the lake tonight" [15/04/15 13:07] Aeoshattr:And thus the lass walked by the lake in the Night and indeed, on the icy cold water she saw the Star, gazing at her not from the skies. [15/04/15 13:08] Aeoshattr:And a Night together they spent - one a ripple on the lake, the other brushing her fingers over the glimmering light. [15/04/15 13:08] Aeoshattr:Time passed and passed again, until the lonely old lass could no longer wait by the window. [15/04/15 13:09] Aeoshattr:With her dying last breath she gasped "Star, oh brilliant Star, won't you come down and shine into my Night?" [15/04/15 13:09] Aeoshattr:But as she withered away, a faint, gentle glimmer sparked right next to the Star. [15/04/15 13:10] Aeoshattr:Still cold, still in the dark - but lonely no more. [15/04/15 13:10] Aeoshattr: *bows his head slightly and smiles* The end.
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