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Arianna de Montrève

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  1. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Jester in Discussion about reviving MD   
    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' date='18 February 2010 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1266500537' post='54673']
    I'd expect more wisdom from a king...and less somber from a clown.

    This game [b]IS[/b] its community of players. They create their own excitement through creative quests and roleplay, and, while Mur and the AL provide a focused outlet, neither are entirely necessary for the society to peaceably operate. Player involvement and player motivation are lacking as much if not more so than the same from Mur.

    I would expect more wisdom from an EX-Sentinel, but this would be better discussed in another thread.
  2. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Jubaris in A Noobs Guide Towards Greatness   
    find a sugar daddy
    find a sugar mommy
    stab them in the back once you take what they have!
  3. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in A Noobs Guide Towards Greatness   
    Be friends with the right people. People that don't pretend to be vampires, werewolves, or demons.

    Be realistic, intelligent, and truthful!

    Be Patient.
  4. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Tarquinus in Md In General   
    Good points all, Burns, and I could raise another big issue which, in my opinion, killed 90% of the story in the game. But I don't want to point fingers or feed back on negativity, which really only perpetuates more negativity.

    I am an alcoholic in recovery. We in recovery like to talk about our problems, yes, but the more experienced among us note and repeat (as many times as we must) that focusing on the problem only makes the problem bigger. What helps us, who used to feel ourselves in a hopeless state, is to focus on what might be the solution to our problem.

    So let us focus on the solution to MD's woes: story.

    Right now I am re-playing one of the best games I have ever played: [i]Mass Effect[/i]. This game is a shooter. I hate shooters. So why do I like [i]Mass Effect[/i] so much? Story. The story is amazing. It's well fleshed out, deeply researched, and solidly written.

    Those of you who have played other roleplaying games and enjoyed them will notice a common feature shared by all of them, which is story wedded to the mechanics of a combat system. This kind of quest is a thing I had hoped to introduce to MagicDuel as RPC, but was too lazy really to implement in time to make a difference. But it can be done. It will take long hours of work, cooperation from at least six people who are willing to be online nearly all the time, and/or who have reliable understudies to take their parts so the "actors" (non-questing characters) can keep the quest running constantly. And it will require a good story.

    A good story doesn't have to be original. A novel way of presenting a story can be brilliant, but it's just not necessary. While playing [i]Mass Effect[/i] and games like it, I navigate through one over-arching story and encounter dozens of mini-plots along the way. The elements of the over-arching story are familiar: [x] is going to destroy the world/galaxy/universe, and our hero is a rugged, rough-and-tumble outsider who rises to the occasion. Meanwhile, in addition to the corruptions, seductions, and betrayals among the story's principal characters, minor characters are also reporting, and need help resolving, small betrayals, corruptions, and kidnappings in their own minor spheres. Everything's broken; everything needs a hero. You're he (or she). Where you go, change comes, and history is written in your trail.

    MagicDuel prides itself on originality, and originality is good where it keeps a story going. Where there is no story, originality is interesting for a few moments, and rarely more. Don't want to click to advance? Fine. Learn how to excel in this dueling system, manage the maze of conflicting personalities in MagicDuel, and forge your path in a complicated situation fraught with obstacles and ambiguity.

    If you don't have the time or inclination to write a story-based quest yourself, create a small one and get some other players to help you. Just remember the three essentials of a good story quest:

    [*]Use the fighting system. All stories require conflict, and in a roleplaying game, conflict must have a system of arbitration. Yes, some people can "roleplay" fighting pretty well, but there is no structure to keep players "honest", reasonable, or in proportion. Solution - take advantage of the existing system.
    [*]Be true to the setting. Many quests in MD are cool but don't have anything to do with the "story" of the game world. That dissociation, in addition to a generally arbitrary level of difficulty, prevents most quests from seeing many participants.
    [*]Use existing characters and situations as a springboard. Characters and events that don't happen "in game" don't interest the average player. We want to interact with characters we know and things we care about. Here's the acid test: does a person who solves a quest have an interesting story to tell? If not, the quest is going to be of academic interest at best.

    There are lots of players hungry for story who will be glad to help you, and there are several who can code clickables to help automate parts of your quest. Here is my challenge to the MagicDuel community: write a quest that people want to play [i]just for the fun of being part of the quest[/i], where rewards are nice but a secondary consideration to having a fun, memorable experience.

    Good night, and good luck.

    [b]Edited to complete a sentence [doh!][/b]
  5. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to cutler121 in Unacceptable Pl Entry   
    This person and some of his alts have been banned in the past due to his inappropriate and at times extremely antisocial behavior. I guess we can just be happy he isn't in a position of authority or power anymore and most people have lost all respect for him.

    It would be great if he would just leave MD forever if we all ignored him, but unfortunately he is way to petty for that.

    Being a personal friend of Mur, I would leave it up to Mur as to what is an acceptable PL. Maybe Mur will delete it.

    What I wouldn't expect is any kind of reasonable or courteous response from this player, he has shown many times that he is incapable of treating others with respect.

  6. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to gremlin in Item/slave Auction   
    By organisers I mean people that help with the quests mainly and a few no more than 5 people helping me set up quests cause to be hoenst I am not so great at mini quests. and Chewy yes you can do that IF the creature is donated for the creature auction and as I said before IF anyone donates items or creatures please send a PM with the CTC/item. Also speaking of the creature auction I will NOT be getting the creatures just the CTC. Shadow the creature prices are AVERAGED prices of creatures of the course of some months so that way they are not just some random prices that come to mind and everyone can ckeck to make sure the creature prices are averaged out.
  7. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Pipstickz in The Temple   
    It's not yours.
  8. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Chewett in Item/slave Auction   
    [quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1265654136' post='54093']
    ok here are my plans jsut to clear everything up for everyone. during the bidding I will accept creatures and coins which in turn will be used to give out as rewards for those that manage to obtain an award, 25% of the coin income will be givin to the people volunteering, 25% will be givin to those that help organize the event, I [u][b]MAY[/b] [/u]keep 25% for myself and the other 25% will be givin out as rewards as well same principal with the items. Now as far as creatures goes as far as awards are concerned I am using those for the same ordeal as with the coins I am currently working out a [u][b]FAIR[/b][/u] price range for all the creatures that are available thus far and I [u][b]MAY[/b][/u] keep [u][b]CERTAIN[/b][/u] creatures for my collective purposes and not for making profits off of. Dont get me wrong it would be nice to make a profit for myself but I feel that MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable.

    As watcher has said you have cleared NOTHING up. I really like you Gremlin, [b]But to me this is just another scam[/b].

    This is not for the community, This is for you.

    If you want to run it for the community. Ask people to tell you what they want to sell, you sell their item/creature, and then charge them one silver per gold they get. That seems much fairer than keeping 25%! You sell the crit then they can trade themselves between the person who won, That means there is no age loss.

    Prettymuch people arnt donating for the auction, [b]They are donating into your and others pockets.[/b]

    Do it this way if you want, dont worry, you will recieve the same outrage when people relise that you are keeping all the crits and money you want.

    Prove to us you arnt doing this for money, dont take any or a fraction of the cost, because currently, i[b]ts one of the biggest scams that the community is just letting happen.[/b]
  9. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Watcher in Item/slave Auction   
    [quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 02:16 PM' timestamp='1265656619' post='54100']
    I am holding a creature/item/slave auction as well as a few mini quests if someone offers up creatures like a rein or rusty I will auction it off because I find it unfair and unjust for me to keep something like that for myself and besides I already have them except the rusty. I dont need many creatures to compleat my collection and I will keep A few (meaning no more than 4) creatures at the most the rest will be auctioned off or sold. now as far as money goes 25% to those that makes the events possable, 25% to the slaves, 25% to those that offer items for auctioning and 25% for rewards for awards being givin out and quests. I am Keeping NONE of the profits at all except 3 creatures at the most which are as follows a santa, nutcracker, and MAYBE n angien if its offered but thats all I am asking for. I am still not sure if I am even gonna keep these creatures mentioned for myself cause like I said I am not doing this to make a profit I am doing this to bring some fun and excitment into MD again cause those features of MD seem to be withering slowly.
    While this might all be clear in your mind, you are not conveying it in a manner that is sensible to another.

    From your post, it is not clear what is happening. Will there be three coexisting events? Will you auction off slaves, items, and then creatures only to often them up for another auction or sell them off if they are used as payment?
    You need to state which is occurring when and in what order. If someone pays for a slave with a combination of creatures and/or items, will you then place those payments into a separate auction another day? the same? You are still not being clear. And if you do earn coin--or, perish the thought, more items or creatures--from continued auctions, do these profits go to you? the original owners of the creatures or items? those who organized this event? the slaves? some unnamed community chest?

    As presented, your event is still confusing to anyone who is not you. There are questions you have not answered because you either do not wish to address them or, worse yet, you have failed to anticipate them.

    Should this event end poorly, i.e., it is perceived that you profited when you said you had no desire to, this will be the last such event MagicDuel will hold of this nature.
  10. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Watcher in Item/slave Auction   
    [quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1265654136' post='54093']
    ok here are my plans jsut to clear everything up for everyone. during the bidding I will accept creatures and coins which in turn will be used to give out as rewards for those that manage to obtain an award, 25% of the coin income will be givin to the people volunteering, 25% will be givin to those that help organize the event, I [u][b]MAY[/b] [/u]keep 25% for myself and the other 25% will be givin out as rewards as well same principal with the items. Now as far as creatures goes as far as awards are concerned I am using those for the same ordeal as with the coins I am currently working out a [u][b]FAIR[/b][/u] price range for all the creatures that are available thus far and I [u][b]MAY[/b][/u] keep [u][b]CERTAIN[/b][/u] creatures for my collective purposes and not for making profits off of. Dont get me wrong it would be nice to make a profit for myself but I feel that MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable.
    You have not cleared up anything, though you seem to believe you have.

    You state that you "may" keep some of the coin profits and that you "may" keep some of the creatures or items for your "collective purposes." What will determine what creatures you will keep? If one offers up Rustgold Drachhorns or the new Reindrach as part of their bids, will you keep those if you do not have one of your own?
    Also, you state that you will decided a "price range for all the creatures." Does that mean that any given creature could be worth multiple values? That is more confusing than a set price. Determining a value for a set characteristic would make far more sense such as one price for the creature, a multiplier for twice its "maximum age," and then values for individual tokens that may be applied to them. Saying that a knator is worth between two and five silver does not make sense at all.

    You also state that "MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable." However, you are only willing to disperse 25% to those who offer themselves and another 25% to those who help organize such an event. That is not most, but half, and you have not indicated who it is that is helping with this event nor whether you would be including yourself amongst these organizers. And this only pertains to the coins you acquire, though I believe that you state items might be dispersed as well, though it is not quite clear. What about the creatures? You make no mention of them.

    Also, you have stated that you may keep 25% of the coins--and an indeterminate number of creatures--while holding the remaining 25% to give out for other reasons which are not clear from your post.

    If you wish for more people to support you in this endeavor, you need to be [i]much[/i] more clear about who is involved, what they will earn--including yourself--and in what fashion creatures and items will be held or dispensed.
  11. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to dst in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    I believe we got bored of your posts and of the hole subject, that's why you do not get any answer (and I am merging all your posts).

    Actually, I wanted to point out a new issue:it seems there are some players that grab the items put in Wasp Totem then never return them. And you IAB are one of them.
    I even seen a player that actually doesn't play (just logs in for his active days) that have 2 of the items on him. Why do you people keep the items after you use them? Let them go so others can try them! Shish!
  12. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to wizard of heaven in Long Live The King   
  13. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Lazarus in Cerimonian Exacution   
    You and your friend redneck should be the first to put as test subjects to whatever your idea is. You share the EXACT same qualities.
  14. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    [quote name='I am Bored' date='25 January 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1264379490' post='53353']
    we don't sell them for massive amounts.

    unless you just limit the number of raw materials a person can have, not overall items, as was suggested previously....

    and one question, slightly offtopic, why are my posts the only ones rated negativly?

    pehaps we would get somewhere if we had a meeting of both parties, as we will eventually get somewhere using the forum, but i think it might go slightly faster if we had a meeting of both parties in md, and because of the number of those who aren't in the " item hoarder's " catagory, we must have a few designated people who will be able to represent their side's interests well, but they must also be a person who is willing to make compromises, otherwise we won't get anywhere.

    one final point i would like to make is that items were meant to be rare and special.

    You'r rated negative because people don't like your opinion.., if you want positief post you shoud say exactly what others want you to say;)
  15. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Nwt (Yet)   

    I find it just insulting when people don't take the time to make a proper offer, let alone take the time to make the offer legible. Why would I trade something to you if your offer is a tenth of what its value is, especially when you make me dislike you for being an idiot?
  16. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Kafuuka in Nwt (Yet)   
    It seems that every time I happen upon something rare, I get these really lengthy private mails:

    [i]Untitled - Wrong Label
    Hi, are you willing to trade your ....?[/i]

    Except that half of the time there is a spelling error in this one sentence. I can somewhat understand why these inquiries arrive and I am not really overwhelmed by the amount of them. But seriously, [b]if[/b] I wanted to sell something to just anybody, I would have announced it in the appropriate channels. If you are not going to bother making an offer, I am not going to change my mind either. I haven't had much time to play the game recently and I simply deleted most of these pm's, without replying, so I thought it might make more sense to make some sort of announcement:

    [*]I am not willing to trade "Kafuuka's signet ring" EVER.
    [*]I am not able to trade those special creatures on that one account I got as a reward, because technically they are not mine. Even if the probability that the last one will be claimed by it's rightful owner is near zero, I am not selling something that isn't mine.
    [*]I will trade or gave away my pass papers once the changes to the items are more final. Yes I did say trade or give away: if I don't find anything that makes RP sense for my character to have, then I'll give them away to someone for whom it makes more RP sense to have the pass papers, ie. a citizen. Otherwise I'll use it to bargain with, obviously. Consider this weird/generous/opportunistic if you want.
  17. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Pass Papers For Mb   
    Shadow that is backwards logic. The whole point to this is that MB is already open to all players, with select places that very few can access, where as the other lands are not accesible except to the select few. Now MB citizens can acces MB all they want, but don't have papers. If MB citizens get papers they should gain access to places others cannot go.

    It's either that or lock the gates, and let noone in, and give the citizens passes.
  18. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Wtt/wts Shade   
    what sort of 'shade, are you referring to?
  19. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Wtt/wts Shade   
    aawh, oke. and are they powerful, or special abilities.., or shouldw e just find out when we bought it?
  20. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Death Bell in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    small note.

    He promised to give the $$ and reindrachorn by tuesday and he still didn't give.
    When i asked for the REINDRACHORN he said here is the ctc take it and deal is over. I take the ctc to see its my OWN gg drachorn i gave him before. Now he is telling me i took the drachorn (which i thought was the reindrachorn since thats what i asked for) so the deal is off.
    All i want to say is please don't trade with him he is a lier.

    And the best part of it all is that in dst topic he created more than 2 places he keeps repeating he only speaks the truth omg lol...

    Don't be cheated by him and don't even trade if he is giving the goods first for that is like he has won scamming others.
  21. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    Would you like the email they sent saying they overdrawn my account? Or... what? I returned the drachorn with several tokesns on it as extra. I already apologised.h
  22. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    Well, as dst is(using her favourite word) to cowardly to reply, what has been said has been said. She refuses to at least change.
  23. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Chewett in Dst   
    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='13 January 2010 - 10:41 AM' timestamp='1263379309' post='52638']
    If I may be so bold I'd like to make an observation and a suggestion. In the real world, employees generally have reviews and warnings before dismissal. I understand that moderating a forum is a bit different, but if someone is not doing things the way you feel that they should, would it not be better to sit down with them and discuss where they are going wrong?

    Each one of these points we talked to him about it. on either yim, ingame or via forum pm.

    For example, one such one i hadnt deleted. And this is what i sent to him.

    [quote]Fenrir i dont think you should have closed the topic.

    And i have unclosed it for a few reasons,
    One was that in that section closed topics are finished.

    Secondarily, xxxxx was not bumping the post, merely replying to a person that posted an offer and didnt pm it.

    And Third, xxxxx complained and he thinks that you did this because he didnt send you a shade, and also he claimed you spammed him and called him an alt abuser, but ofc that is just gossip.

    You cannot let your opinions about a person affect moderation.

    If you wish to argue how it should have been closed you can reply to this and we can discuss it.

    This pm was is related to "closing topics with reason" the second one on that point.

    [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='13 January 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1263389811' post='52647']
    but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now. or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:)

    As burns said, on post 6 i have posted my reasons, and above i have posted an example of the warnings that have been give.

    Please read what is being posted before posting since im not going to reiterate what i have already said.

    And as i have said before, fenrir was given a chance to complain, he asked me for a few things and i have provided them. I also gave him options to complain agaist what we did, I said he could talk to any moderator about it, or talk to mur (and i offered to ask mur to talk to him if he wished), or even take me to "court" (remember the thing mur talked about ages ago) if he wanted.

    All of the issues currently i see fenrir complaining about are nothing to do with dst. They are to do with me and his demotion. If you want to talk about that more. open a new topic. Because this has nothign to do with how dst is a cruel witch
  24. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Burns in Dst   
    Had you bothered to read the topic, you'd see that Chewie posted all he had to say in post #6 -.-

    And, no, neg rep is not a thing to give to foul language, that's what earn people warnings and mod previews, negative reputation is what you give you stupid posts, incoherent posts, useless posts, and posts that state things you don't agree with^^

    apart from that, i think that dst is an evil person who hunts people just for her personal fun, but she's doing it damn good

    her prey, on the other hand, is usually doing anything they can, and nothing really good, just like this topic, which turns around a demotion instead of dst's evilness in the end...
  25. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Dst   
    oke, without reading all of this there are a few things I wish to say:

    WHY FOR MY MOTHERS SAKE are all fenrir's post being voted negative? I mean, he might indeed be wrong, and he might indeed be seeing it all wrong. but that doesen't make it a bad reply, that is not the reason it is there for, it's for people who spamm, say bad things, harrass or so.., not just because you like someone less, and start voting negative on him. Same problem goes for me, a few people don't like me and they start voting negative.

    and offcourse, I am not certain, but it very much looks like this is done by a few(3 at most or so) people who dislike him most.., and I am not pointing any fingers.

    as for the reply that chewett made, these are indeed good points, power abuse is one of the most treacherous things that can be done and is not permitted, but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?

    for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now.

    or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..

    well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:)
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