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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Why don't we mix up few things people wanted? (Newspapers, advertising...) I suggest making an account on Blogger.com where it's admin would write descriptions (in combination with pictures) on current events in MD, and occasionally, make articles about MD itself (which can be advertised from Twitter and Facebook MD pages as reviews). I would like to do this, by the way. That's the simple description of it, any questions?
  2. Everyone payed up for now except Paracelsus (not including the rusties of course). If no new bid arrives, The Rusties will be sold in 2 hours my friends!
  3. uh, splendid ^^ I have my own stack of credits which I am willing to use on Item pictures, so I don't require you to spend yours These are the items that I would like to have artwork on, tell me what you would like to do and we'll arrange some details via PMs: 1)Deer Hide Boots A soft pair of knee-high boots made from deer skin. They enable the wearer to travel with near silent footsteps in woodland. 2)Drachorn scales Scales of the fabled creature drachorn. Highly durable and resistant to fire. 3) Savelite Banner Held by Anubarak, bannerman of the Church. Savelite crest on white background. 4) Savelites incense Lovely scent which may cleanse your mind and enlighten the body I will give some sort of payment for sure, though.
  4. Yes, good point, will do just that. I'll message everyone with their CTCs via forum PM about every creature EXCEPT the three rusties
  5. Can I still bid on the Pimped Grassan 1? You didn't post here about the updated status, and I was lying in my bed whole day due to illness, was unable to check the topic. 3 gc 5 c
  6. wooops my bad. Didn't see new posts. Auction prolonged till tomorrow 21 hours server time (unless new offers arrive), updating the main post with new offers!
  7. Auction will end 24 hours upon last bid (every new bid will prolong the auction for 24 hours). Offers updated.
  8. Updated. Auction will be prolonged a day if the outbiding continues.
  9. State which one please? Rusty1, 2 or 3?
  10. Auction finishing tomorrow - as soon as I wake up!
  11. Pimped Grassan 3 - 2 gold coins
  12. Pimped Grassan 1 - 3 gold coins
  13. Weird... Am I the only one who thinks MD got better, rather than worse as you all say? Except saying that, I don't want to interfere in your... discussions... I already said too much I have on the subject on too much topics, about your "definitions" of roleplay.
  14. Heretic Archer 2 - 2 gold coins
  15. Heretic Archer 2 - 1 gold coin Pimped Grasan 1 - 2 gold coins Pimped Grasan 2 - 1 gold coin Pimped Grasan 3 - 1 gold coin
  16. I made a post, and after 5 minutes I edited it, before anyone read it. I didn't place my bet as I didn't handed any coins to you, nor we had a verbal agreement. Plus, I could have just edited the post by putting some offtopic, without you realizing I previously made a bet, which I didn't. It's like going into those gambling houses to bet on some football matches... You take a ticket, write down what you want to play for, but the employee doesn't "validate" the ticket, and you eventually decide not to bet after all. edit: ok, it wasn't 5 minutes... more like 15... but the point stands
  17. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1305813665' post='84654'] The Contest Starts on Day 144. All bets must be payed before the end of Day 145. [/quote] withdrawn. Wanted to bet some money on Shadowseeker, but it seems he got his score controversially
  18. Yes, you said you prefer creatures for the rusty, that doesn't exclude the Coin offers I made an offer in coins cause I don't have anything fitting to place in the bid that would interest you, and that I would be willing to part with. But if 13gc isn't enough then ok, I withdraw myself from bidding.
  19. Sorry Sasha, already have two Santas. I would prefer coins for bids, much easier to show which one is more valuable But of course, I will "settle" for tokened creatures, Windy, Tainted, Morphs and such... But somehow my intuition tells me that people won't do that. Main post updated with new offers (Pothos one )
  20. weird, didn't see your response... how about 13 gc for the tokened rusty (everything above would really be too much), is that offer according to you?
  21. Main post updated. Auction ends on Monday!
  22. It's ok, Lone Wolf Pup. Btw, added two sharptroopers to the list too
  23. This is an auction. "Products" will have minimum prices, auction will last a week, and every "product" that had minimum price+ bid, will be sold, the rest won't be. Everything is max-aged. [u][b]Creature - Minimum Price - Current Bid leader [value of his bid][/b][/u] [b]Rusty1 - 4gc[/b] - [b][i]Sasha Lilias [4gc 7sc][/i][/b] -Stored Heat 599712 -Age 449 [b]Rusty2 - 4gc[/b] - [b][i]lone wolf pup [4gc 6sc][/i][/b] -Stored Heat 285074 -Age 675 [b]Rusty3 - 4gc[/b] - [b][i]Buster [4gc 6sc][/i][/b] -Stored Heat 237899 -Age 623 [b]BP1 - 10 s[/b] -Stored Heat 526535 -Age 428 [b]BP2 - 1 gc + 5 sc (20 sc total)[/b] -Stored Heat 793032 -Age 618 Tokens: blooddrop2 blackdiamonds enlightning claw1 [b]BP3 - 10 s[/b] -Stored Heat 483809 -Age 429 Tokens: Blooddrop3 Imp1 - 2 s - [b][i]Emerald Arcanix [2s][/i][/b] Imp2 - 2 s - [b][i]Emerald Arcanix [2s][/i][/b] [b]Sharptrooper1 - 1 gc[/b] - [i][b]ZenTao [1gc][/b][/i] -Stored Heat 204750 -Age 329 [b]Sharptrooper2 - 1 gc[/b] - [i][b]Pothos [1gc][/b][/i] -Stored Heat 204750 -Age 329 [b]Both Jokers are with MAX + with both heat and age.[/b] Joker1 - 5 s [i][b]Paracelsus [6sc][/b][/i] Joker2 - 5 s [i][b]Esmaralda [5sc][/b][/i]
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