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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. the story is mature enough for a blockbuster o_O I'm glad things are alright now, that you are safe and sound... welcome back if you need any help, find me out
  2. I think that if there were "best Princ Rhaegar of the year" as a category in MD year awards, I would lose to dst/Grido or such :D

  3. what's up with appearing once in 6 months to leave few comments? :D

  4. Luxembourg a? Welcome

  5. my name isn't in bold! )))))) I don't want to be assimilated into Lightsage's lame joke
  6. Princ Rhaegar, please, not Prince Rhaegan
  7. world's greatest minds all over history couldn't answer that question for sure yet, about beginning... For myself, the very existence is illogical. I cannot accept that something is timeless, that time doesn't have a beginning, yet at the same time it CAN'T have a beginning (cause if it did, a question "what happened BEFORE beginning would result immediately). Maybe I don't have enough of kilometrage, maybe I don't have the capacity to understand, whatever it is, existence is illogical to me on grand scales.
  8. Mournhold! City of Light, City of Magic!

  9. Princ Rhaegar 820 AD why would you choose me? it's up to you to find a reason. One thing is certain, I won't burden your thoughts like Shadowseeker if you don't choose me x) --- If you do choose me, I reserve my right to quit if I don't find the quest interesting.
  10. "If any person has a good word for the previous government that is good enough for me to have him shot." :D

  11. keep it up and even I'll use it as my theme and replacing Liverpool's theme is not something to mock with
  12. You will be missed Adi. Adio adi! Best wishes
  13. by the way, welcome to SoE :)

  14. as much as someone wants MD to be new Middle Earth, it isn't. I was at start a bit frustrated about some things in MD regarding realm's background - not enough presented data, axioms about realm, for you to build on... but later on, you realize that it has to be so. My perception is that our characters represent our spirits, essences, souls... Just, "aspect of RL Ravenstrider" if you get the point. So MD is pretty much related with RL, it isn't some fictional world "far away"... It's difficult to present my intuition clearly to go further into this, otherwise I would make a better "picture". Those characters should represent our nature, and it would be unrealistic for our characters to know they are spirits and that they have a RL self somewhere out there My opinion is that it is ok for someone to form their aspect into a wolf or such, but my opinion would be that it is just a symbolic transformation, representing your need to distance yourself from the world, community and such... getting back to primal instincts and their tranquility of thoughts... In any case, it shouldn't represent in any way your "physical" strength. You can't pretend that you are dragon and that you can eat everyone, or that you're the best frikkin' archer in all the land. Regarding imagining things, I will get to the subject of RP a bit - you are RPing when you are leader of Knights of the Bell, when you DO something in this realm and people acknowledge you for that, but you aren't RPing (in MD) when you say you are a pro dancer, or that you can throw fireballs (when in fact, you don't have no spells to cast)... Well, you are RPing, but you are RPing a disordered lunatic, not a fireball caster Regarding creatures, when I posed some questions about their nature, Mur replied to me that the creatures are manifestations of ourselves. Simple answer yet it checks you back on the right path of the question again.
  15. 5 silver coins
  16. I would like to order one more topic: Heretic Archers "How to drop weight in 2 min"
  17. Quickly Pazur, send your discoveries to Mur, he will find them most useful, don't let the knowledge go to waste!
  18. Playername clickable ability would mess with the idea that people should find other people in the realm itself to talk to. (friends list and very old PMs are also messing it up, as Mur confirmed, but I don't think things will get intentionally even more messier concerning the mentioned concept) I would like to see the time of posting tho
  19. hehe :) I'm glad you are, I'm sure you'll have much fun. A song of ice and fire is definatly my favorite book series by far :)

    One of rare things that get my full recommendation in every aspect all the time

  20. New Reindrach - 55$ New Rusty - 51$ New Windy - 100$ Annihilating Ravenstrider - priceless [img]http://www.dodaj.rs/f/3p/YH/x1YjtEt/moj-napad.jpg[/img] [b]There are some things money can't buy... for everything else, there's MasterCard[/b] *disclaimer: no feelings were harmed in the process of creation of this topic
  21. Well, it's been a while but Emerald asked me personally to post here, again just recently, a youngling asked me about Marind Bell, so I answered like this (certain parts are censured due to some spoilers, certain parts are added): well... as you may noticed, identity of the lands was formed by the creator of the game to attract certain attributes in people. Marind Bell and Necrovion, as well as Loreroot and Golemus represent two sides of the same coin. MB and NV are same coin in sense that they are both spiritual in nature, only MB has that lighter motive, while NV has that darker and sometimes sinister. LR and GG are same coin in sense that they are both realistic and non-spiritual in nature, only LR again has that lighter motive (in sense of moral norms) while GG applies "goal justifies the means", something that you may picked up in the sign in front of the GG. MB also as a land (note: I am speaking about supposed nature of lands, not their communities) encourages individuality, and evolving of the individual - new challenges, new questions, new paths to the answer, a lot of that is symbolized in the Stairs through out Marind Bell. As you can see, landscape of MB is 'human-made' settlement, yet, made with co-existance of nature (it did not try to step nature aside) so you can notice the un-destructive nature of MB (in essence), its respect for life. Perhaps even non materialistic nature, at least, that's how I see it, the soul goal of a Marindian would be expanding his "cube", understanding new things, becoming "better", stronger, progress. GG is also perceived as a land with thirst for knowledge, so I have to make some differences. I would see GG as a land that accumulates practical knowledge, something it can use for easier life, while MB would accumulate knowledge of the soul, finding out more about yourself, becoming "better", finding out WHYs not -how we can use-. ----- now to continue, what was unsaid. It is also perceived via certain descriptions in MD, as well as in Story Mode, that Marind Bell also encourages that purity of person, honesty of yourself. Being true. There are also tons of "facts" and speculations about nature of MB in some other things, but I guess that would be a bit offtopic, and frankly, I did it in hurry just to pay my respect to Emerald, bear in mind that I am lazy and that I will be snobbish enough not to spend my energy focusing on describing things to random people. If anyone has a concrete doubt/question, post it here. [b]*disclaimer: this is my opinion, do not take it as granted [/b]
  22. when Bell invented phone he had two missed calls from Chuck Norris

  23. 1 gold coin
  24. [quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1300882206' post='81145'] I think you are insinuating the western powers like America, England, France? Oddly enough, it's the other Arab countires that benefit from it most. The conflict in Libya has resulted in an increase in oil prices. That definately doesn't suit the countries in the west that import such oil. [/quote] Arab countries aren't the only ones with the oil (plus, practically whole Arabic world has disorders... so, you are implying they are doing it to themselves too), plus, in some countries, you have oil, but that country doesn't own them, some Companies from other countries own them. In any case, it wasn't Arabian alliance that invaded Libya, it is Nato. [quote] Umm...that statement is so wrong on so many levels. First up, the oil doesn't spring from Gadafi's arse. It's there with or without him. Libya has prospered? If you mean the people that support Gadafi have prospered then yeah. Not much use to the average person there though. As for the oil situation and international intervention.... Well, Egyptian citizens were not being bombed by their 'own' (supposedly in the case of the Libyans I'd say) airforce. Bahrain also has oil and as yet the Americans haven't gone in there all Team America style. It's easy to say the situation in Libya is simply about the oil, but I don't think it is that simple, nor fair to make that assumption. It's a factor sure, but not the sole one. Regardless, I hope that the average Libian citizen ends up in a better situation at the end of all this. [/quote] My point was he used the oil, traded the resource, got some wealth, invested it in land's progress (more technology, more mechanics and such, all that = more jobs. I mean, foreign people came to work there, and it's a lot cheaper to employ domestic people considering they will pay you back with taxes as well and spending money in Libya's economy, logic works that there weren't enough Libyans eager to work, or people didn't need a job, meaning, it's cool ) Gadafi was thorn in the eye of America for decades now. Libya was already bombed before. Libya was already hostile, so they just used an excuse. Bahrein, is very small country, and wasn't that aggressive in politics at all (Gadafi is known for his anti-american attitude). You can't just invade everything, you need semi-good excuses [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1300882700' post='81147'] [color="#2e8b57"][i] Yes Libya had oil and therefore oodles of money but almost cent of that money went into the Libyian Investment Authority. The name of this "investment" was the only thing that linked the country to the money which was stored in it. The LIA was the treasure storehouse of the Gadaffi family. read :- ----> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12626320 Chaos errupted because the people are tired of their country being run by Ali-Baba and his forty theives. When Gadaffi came into power, he was young revolutionist who made many promises to the Libya and the world which he promptly failed to deliver. Ask yourself why did he not step down when the people asked for it? why did promise a blood bath instead? How long do you expect a nation to be oppressed before it screams for freedom? [/i][/color] [/quote] a bit less of BBC, CNN and similar medias regarding politics, and you'll run into some objective articles eventually. (for example, I respect BBC a lot considering numbers of documentaries they did, so many good shows and such, but in politics, they became manipulating media) Do you really believe that NATO will cleanse the land of Gadafi influence, they will follow the Knight's codex and teach the Libyans how to earn more money? They will work to establish a puppet government, after that, they don't care. There are always dictators all over the world, point is, while the dictator is good and loyal (like Sadam Hussein was at the start), it's cool, you support him, arm him and such, but when the dictator steps a bit from the path (like Sadam afterwards), then you nuke 'em, nuke 'em, nuke 'em. "Democratic" principles aren't worth a damn, or the poor terrorized people I heard about a lot of civil wars where major forces didn't intervene. I heard about lots of civil wars in Africa, where people massacred each other. If powers wanted to stop genocides, they would act everywhere, but they only choose to react on SOME of the conflicts, meaning, it has to be something that pays off the campaign (there was an economical crisis recently, so they don't have that money to throw away). [b]EDIT[/b] been writting for some time and didn't see Chewett's post. I just made a post to represent both sides of the conflict, so people don't read only about pro-nato points. Won't do so no more
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