[quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1300882206' post='81145']
I think you are insinuating the western powers like America, England, France?
Oddly enough, it's the other Arab countires that benefit from it most.
The conflict in Libya has resulted in an increase in oil prices. That definately doesn't suit the countries in the west that import such oil.
Arab countries aren't the only ones with the oil (plus, practically whole Arabic world has disorders... so, you are implying they are doing it to themselves too), plus, in some countries, you have oil, but that country doesn't own them, some Companies from other countries own them.
In any case, it wasn't Arabian alliance that invaded Libya, it is Nato.
Umm...that statement is so wrong on so many levels.
First up, the oil doesn't spring from Gadafi's arse. It's there with or without him. Libya has prospered? If you mean the people that support Gadafi have prospered then yeah. Not much use to the average person there though.
As for the oil situation and international intervention....
Well, Egyptian citizens were not being bombed by their 'own' (supposedly in the case of the Libyans I'd say) airforce.
Bahrain also has oil and as yet the Americans haven't gone in there all Team America style.
It's easy to say the situation in Libya is simply about the oil, but I don't think it is that simple, nor fair to make that assumption. It's a factor sure, but not the sole one.
Regardless, I hope that the average Libian citizen ends up in a better situation at the end of all this.
My point was he used the oil, traded the resource, got some wealth, invested it in land's progress (more technology, more mechanics and such, all that = more jobs. I mean, foreign people came to work there, and it's a lot cheaper to employ domestic people considering they will pay you back with taxes as well and spending money in Libya's economy, logic works that there weren't enough Libyans eager to work, or people didn't need a job, meaning, it's cool )
Gadafi was thorn in the eye of America for decades now. Libya was already bombed before. Libya was already hostile, so they just used an excuse.
Bahrein, is very small country, and wasn't that aggressive in politics at all (Gadafi is known for his anti-american attitude). You can't just invade everything, you need semi-good excuses
[quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1300882700' post='81147']
Yes Libya had oil and therefore oodles of money but almost cent of that money went into the Libyian Investment Authority. The name of this "investment" was the only thing that linked the country to the money which was stored in it. The LIA was the treasure storehouse of the Gadaffi family. read :- ----> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12626320
Chaos errupted because the people are tired of their country being run by Ali-Baba and his forty theives. When Gadaffi came into power, he was young revolutionist who made many promises to the Libya and the world which he promptly failed to deliver. Ask yourself why did he not step down when the people asked for it? why did promise a blood bath instead? How long do you expect a nation to be oppressed before it screams for freedom? [/i][/color]
a bit less of BBC, CNN and similar medias regarding politics, and you'll run into some objective articles eventually. (for example, I respect BBC a lot considering numbers of documentaries they did, so many good shows and such, but in politics, they became manipulating media)
Do you really believe that NATO will cleanse the land of Gadafi influence, they will follow the Knight's codex and teach the Libyans how to earn more money?
They will work to establish a puppet government, after that, they don't care.
There are always dictators all over the world, point is, while the dictator is good and loyal (like Sadam Hussein was at the start), it's cool, you support him, arm him and such, but when the dictator steps a bit from the path (like Sadam afterwards), then you nuke 'em, nuke 'em, nuke 'em.
"Democratic" principles aren't worth a damn, or the poor terrorized people
I heard about a lot of civil wars where major forces didn't intervene. I heard about lots of civil wars in Africa, where people massacred each other. If powers wanted to stop genocides, they would act everywhere, but they only choose to react on SOME of the conflicts, meaning, it has to be something that pays off the campaign (there was an economical crisis recently, so they don't have that money to throw away).
[b]EDIT[/b] been writting for some time and didn't see Chewett's post. I just made a post to represent both sides of the conflict, so people don't read only about pro-nato points. Won't do so no more