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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. I see this as Mur's mistake. Why making guilds for resources, and then turning all their tools to become shared, what's the point of the guilds then? They are obsolete. Unless I'm missing a stone in this grand scheme.
  2. I personally don't like it. Perhaps, limit it to one cast per month... With a warning that it is only for emergencies, when you click it. (only because of the newbs that may get lost, and that's it)
  3. When you realize, Chewett didn't came to be, he always were... o_O
  4. For now 4 poems and 2 drawings only.
  5. [quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1320266398' post='95153'] And finally someone gets it. You cannot solve a social problem like bullying or harrassment or what have you with a game mechanic or tool such as a needle. The tool itself can simply be used as a tool to further these social problems and therefore end up adding to the problem instead of fixing it. You don't hand out knives or guns to school kids to stop bullying etc. You don't hand out knives or guns to ordinary citizens to attack people that are making their life hell. While MD is not exactly real life some things still hold true. Social issues needs social and socially created organisational responses and safeguards, not user enabled revenge. [/quote] Great, then organize a response in game, make your presence felt, criticize, defend how you can, raise some rhetoric against the bullies and label them as such to the world, just let's not make "sigh" topics for they ultimately won't change much.
  6. [quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1320247258' post='95139'] Surely you guys can do better than that? Especially when you know fine well that is a load of tripe. Now if you don't mind I am off to hide the brainwashing machine. Wouldn't want you to find it after all. It would take me ages to build another one. Of course, if you did, It might make me go make one that didn't only just work on intelligent people. [/quote] Shame on you. Would add few sentences as a response, that you surely deserve, but you won't provoke me this time. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1320251051' post='95142'] So says someone whom I've hardly seen active EVEN when I was on MD for around 10-12hrs a day. [/quote] You're missing my point, it isn't about an random individual, nor is it about hours-per-day-used-on-MD, it's about making any project at all, quests, events, organizations of some kind, active involvement in something, which surely you can notice that Loreroot lacks, and if anyone should be responsible, it should of course be Firsanthalas as its sovereign, he is the one responsible for your land. Why was that mentioned in the beginning anyway? I simply connected myself to Pipstickz post, and the "stereotype" that Firsanthalas doesn't do anything and that only complains which was one of the soul issues in this topic, no? Authority can be made without additional game mechanics gadgets, it is a social thing, it is in organization... I know about Firsanthalas frustration that he "can't do things he must as a king", which lasts since the moment he got the kingship, I honestly don't remember once that he tried to do something in relation with the land (if we forget about his lobby to get excommunication items). WHERE'S WILL - THERE'S A WAY (and be assured that this applies in MD 100%), and I notice a huge lack of will to engage in anything, yet plenty of energy to complain how everything is hard. You can see this as an insult... Or as a sign to try to make things better?
  7. Post your submissions by messaging me, on forums or in game! The meeting date will be announced after Halloween festival, along with additional details (like do you have to be present or not, can somebody replace you... etc.)!
  8. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1320216390' post='95094'] It honestly seems that way, because I don't recall any time I've seen a Lorerootian disagree with Firs since he became king. [/quote] Well, there were, but they ain't Lorerootians anymore. It may seem biased, but it's not really, I haven't seen any kind of initiative in Loreroot in the past year regarding anything, except Mya's quest tho I'm not familiar with its details. You want to stop something, and there are lots of you? Well use those "cause" fights, get attention, work! Don't ask for everything on a plate!
  9. Burns lost it. Can someone tell me here of all the active mp6s?

    1. Chewett
    2. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      Burns is back MP6, Shem and Amoran are MP6 too.

    3. Jubaris
  10. excellent, always wanted to have it in this format, somehow never engaged in such a battle x) Thank you!
  11. I don't think that your point about attitude in MD is wrong, I point that you are a hypocrite for not recognizing your own mistakes in the first place. Regarding you being a hypocrite, I am referring to the bullying part - we had tension between us (while I was in Loreroot) for a year, no? For that period, did you try one time to resolve the issue as a sovereign of the land? Not that I recall. So as soon as you got to Romania, you orchestrated fancy abilities and burned the Savelites to the ground. But let us forget about me, let's remind ourselves about Woodcutter incident, and countless other details that occasionally pop that trigger your bully-attitude. Don't you dare to turn this at me like it is some kind of my personal issue - I don't give a flying duck about your existence, but I won't hide from replying to your posts that I deem wrong.
  12. You should first declare shame on yourself, considering you were the very one who acted in same manner in which you accuse certain people of.
  13. His "rules" aren't based on laws, but on soul monopoly of force, basically, he threatens anyone who dares to defy his will, as he did countless times before. People seem to like that here.
  14. that's the one, couldn't find the link, in combination with the laziness to search for it in the first place
  15. contact Grido for any typos, with precise data on where you found them, and he'll correct them (he's doing that work already).
  16. don't have a nutcracker, but how about a Santa + 9 gold?
  17. aaaa ^^ Great video, Maeb, cute kid Congratulations winners!
  18. They will be free to enter both sections - yes, they have a chance to win both of the first prize rewards. In case of few number of participants, this case of one player winning two wish points will be avoided unless his/her works are that much above others (meaning, the winner in one section will have his work discriminated a bit in the other section) The main purpose of this is, tho, to share our thoughts on the subject, pick up few "glory points" with our talent and such. Progress of our artistic thought.
  19. 18 gc
  20. 16 gold coins.
  21. I agree with Firs, but I don't think Yin Yang would be suitable for Necrovion. Yin Yang portrays balance, and Necrovion isn't balanced, it is balancing other lands but it is not balanced itself.
  22. Get well soon, Kets!
  23. Even when you make up a word independently of any outer influences, there's still a good chance that another language uses that word, or something similar, so yeah, making a decent yet original new words is an accomplishment.
  24. Sounds delightful, I would be honored to use such an art as a prize for this contest, it seems convenient that a masterpiece receives another as a reward
  25. Some of you may remember a Poem contest Emerald organized at the Whisper Alley. We played with the thought make it again, and turn it to become annual contest, a sort of tradition, and I decided to add one more discipline, drawing for start, later on perhaps even more, with purpose to encourage creativity and art. The contest will probably start somewhere in the beginning of November, due to the Halloween festival that is coming up (don't want to mess with it). Rewards will be at least 1 WP for best work in Poem section and 1 WP for best work in Drawing section, perhaps even more rewards if some sponsors come along the way. It will probably be held at Whisper Alley in Marind Bell, and make it a traditional place of this gathering. The reason why I am posting this now is for you people to get your works prepared so I can announce the hour of the contest meeting with more flexibility. This is the theme of the contest: Drawing: Make a drawing (with a pencil) about your interpretation of enlightenment. Make large "MD" initials in the corner of your drawing to show that it is really your drawing. Poem: Make a poem about your interpretation of a seeker (as a general term). Additional infos will be posted here afterwards, this is all you need to know for now.
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