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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. I want that he (consulting with also other major representatives of Loreroot) makes a list of goals for Loreroot, what should it focus on as a land, then work for it and assemble a team of people who are best for the areas of work need to be done (and not push one of his own. I'll continue Firsanthalas' trend of making examples from RL - like that annoys Shara, so that annoys me when he does it, only she doesn't think about that does she? Biased little head she is ) It's like a president pushing members of his own party to get some money instead of putting right people on right places who are best for the job. But at the moment as far as I see it , it comes to NO JOB AT ALL. It isn't even about council, it is about fair and correct relationship, and common action of whole Loreroot, not Guardians of the Root.
  2. tell me one thing at least Firsanthalas, once I am completely out of your way, who will you blame your failures on? I have objectively responded to the topic you made, focusing on things that brought up with it, and on my question regarding your announcement you responded with a rant of lies (surprised how no one warned you of going offtopic). My point still stands, but you can always continue playing your political media games and telling lies. You can continue telling lies, contradicting your own words while doing so, and taking some of my words out of context, but you can never "win" this, for the truth can be checked in deeds, deeds that you lack during these 8 months, while some of us actually tried doing something around here. and you Shara... at first I am not entirely sure are you saying this to fulfill your purpose of a "shouter", or you really aren't able to understand? Nomad story fits MD since people inhabited empty Loreroot, it shows how land should function when it is made from point zero (since Loreroot is still on point zero, and no one proved me wrong, nor anyone will.) all of your points are wrong, and I won't be draged into explaining things even further just for later to be pictured as a spammer, apparently, and invasive. Use your brain and think about the things you ask, and leave the limits of your illusions.
  3. this system could work ~~~~if the land had some kind of structure~~~~ which it doesn't. You just preserve state of nothingness by this. you basically have nothing going on, and you make a set of rules that ban people of doing something, without going through the whole process of stalking people and poking them for weeks to think about something (pray to the gods that someone will actually read your PM in a period of a week.) and with this you make the Loreroot picture of the few (those who actually have some power to make decisions, who decide not to move their bottoms for something that isn't that "cool" in their eyes) Since you Firsanthalas are a big fan of examples in RL, I'll make one for you. Nomad people wonder and wonder for ages. They stumble on grasslands after years of wondering in deserts. They found out they have neighbours in the lands around. They need to make something unique so they can be known for who they are. Naturally people would gather up and discuss what would be their goals, plans, and structure of the land, what to do, what are the needs of the people etc. You don't have someone stepping up and saying, "ok, I take control of this land now. If you want to do anything except taking water and food, you'll have to ask person X to approve it, who will bring the issue to person Y who will tell it to me, and I'll think about can it be done." by doing so you eliminate making of a land culture. You can "lock" the things by that structure ~~~IF~~~ you have a system to start with, that functions so and so, which Loreroot doesn't and if I am wrong about this, then tell me what is the system of Loreroot, how do the people work together in prospering their land?
  4. anarchism is order, government is chaos :))

  5. since it involves death of Mya, your second, and number of actions concerning most of Lorerootian population, it pretty much gets some common points with "our" issue. and you answered only to a part of it. You were saying (as many else) how it is wrong to just be able to abuse such an overpowering item that destroys people's characters unrealistically (without their reaction), it is the same thing when you imprison a leader of an alliance, since my role was based on the Savelites not on me itself. And I invested much energy into it. Maybe Mya crossed the line to Ivorak, as I crossed to you? it is in your right to ATTEMPT to jail me, but the point is that it is overpoweringly unrealistic, jailing me WITHOUT MY POSSIBLE REACTION, as YOU TRYING TO MAKE YOUR OWN point that Mya's murder didn't allow reaction of her. That is contradicting to me, is it to you?
  6. I wasn't gonna get involved into this, but few things are going to pick my eyes out. what's the difference between week-long "death" status of an overpowered item opposed to imprisoning someone to weeks-long status due to personal wishes (with also stripping alliance badge) and not pre-set-game rules, with an overpowered item? when me and Sparrhawk made the guild - Rangers of Loreroot, it was disbanded for not consulting with the king first. This quest was (told to me since the quest very started) disliked by Firs, and when this issues reached climax interfering with authority of a Lorerootian king () nothing was done, such as disbanding of a quest. Double standards. Firsanthalas, you say killing someone is wrong, since you take away by doing so what a person behind the character done to fulfill the role (is it spending energy or money, unimportant). Well you just proclaimed ownership of everything lorerootian and took away something I worked for over a year (to clear things for those who don't know, it is the Savelites Church), yet that is not punishable and you seek for killing to be? realism of both items is nonexistant, it is absurd. I ask what's the difference? That I don't have sugar friends to complain to everyone about how it is unfair? [color="#0000FF"]Princ, you're offtopic. You have a place where to rant about your "issue". Don't hijack this thread or I will move your post. dst[/color] on the contrary dst, I think it is very on topic. It speaks about the same type of issue that wasn't "maintained" earlier, and this hardly qualifies as a rant. I'm pointing out the contradiction in Firsanthalas' claims in this post, therefore it is ontopic.
  7. can your one post ever be non-political Yrthilian? Akasha is right tho, as is Dst with "neutral one (in this issue) should have it". I think that silvers should be either awarded to LHOs or invested in some projects/quests for newbs to keep them entertained in this realm. [since this feature isn't of a private made but of Murs]
  8. yes, the conspiracy is so huge that youtube got payed to brand every tomato documentary as a comedy video... it's tragical... the fact is apple marketing turns billions of [insert some strong currency here] every day, and Tomato truth would indanger that... Apple just makes more profit, and people will make sure it stays that way when the bible was getting formed in Byzantium... what was the problem of the grand discussion and voting on forming of the Church? it wasn't Jesus' nature as some writes want you to assume... that's just a decoy. they were voting should fruit of heaven be turned into an apple or stay as tomato!
  9. hehe I'm glad you like it you do know of course that this is a solid proof that apple wasn't the fruit of garden of eden? it was actually -tomato-!
  10. None of you are right Tomato on Serbian is called "Paradajz", looking from it, it is clear that is based on english "paradise". (only English themselves haven't used the word for it!!! major mistake number 1!!!) In Croatia (it's the same language pretty much, but other word-combinations are used for tomato) it is called "Rajcica". It is clear from there: Raj means paradise on Serb-Croat language, and Rajcica would be fruit of paradise. I want WP for this
  11. hahaha. it will last till about a week or two. It will not end sooner then my release in any case.
  12. picture removed.
  13. this avatar is for sale. post your offers here, highest offer wins [attachment=1766:girl nice.gif] [deal will be made once I am out of jail ] click on picture to see how it looks in game. Avatar made by Blackthorn.
  14. sorry for double posting (making announcement) spoke with Gremlin, deal will be finalized when I leave jail I'll ask someone to close this once it is transfered.
  15. well that is the problem, I wanted for things to work. If Firsanthalas isn't listening then I have to make him listen somehow. Pardon me for not being a worshiper of democracy not to dare to question it's functioning. I'm banished, so I don't have anything to end here, I am tho glad that my banishment made some Lorerootians asking for the ideas/basis of projects/ I made (I guess if I'm not there to make them, they seem much more attractive to you all) edit: about you all calling this democracy. for this to be democracy, votes need to be held annually with [u]Lorerootians[/u] voting [u]anonymously[/u]. If it is not anonymous, the whole point of democracy falls into the water. what if you have in USA a president for permanent, well till someone makes a majority without voting, with president knowing who will NOT vote for him? what would you expect that president will do (considering nobody is a perfect when it comes to honor)
  16. Since when does majority makes something right? I said that I don't need to compare him with other kings - other lands have their own issues or not to take care of, it is up to one of their members to voice something is wrong if it is. The fact that I think Loreroot could have been functioning better or that I want Firs to carry out what he said he will do doesn't need to be brought down just cause some else ruler (insert a proper name) is doing a much worse job. Cause that has nothing to do with us.
  17. [quote name='Tarquinus' date='10 June 2010 - 08:03 AM' timestamp='1276149819' post='61542'] From the standpoint of a game designer, plot writer, and game player, I urge you, Rhaegar, to take this incarceration as a marvelous opportunity to develop your character's story. A writer friend of mine says: "Nothing turns pages faster than bad things happening to good people." Make the most of this! It may not be just, it may not be fair... but it IS interesting, and it is only, like the Maltese Falcon, such stuff as dreams are made of. [/quote] heh I do plan to Tarquinus. this is a game after all and to chewett... I don't care about other kings. I'm talking about Firsanthalas, things that he didn't do, why should I compare him with other kings? "Bush is not that bad... Look at XXXXXX in Zimbabwe, he's massacring his people every day, so Bush is not that bad, no reason to do anything a?" (I have no idea what is the situation in Zimbabwe for the record.) those forums are old, inactive, and as you said, public. therefore they can't be used. and about using this forums... I already spoke that in another topic. Look it up (Rangers of Loreroot, when Chewett mentioned everyone can make a hidden section here. In any case, Firsanthalas didn't do that, so don't know why are you pointing this to me? since he was supposed to make them, and by bringing the number of options, you just showed that he didn't use them, not me. If I did it instead of him... we would have this situation like for Rangers of Loreroot again.)
  18. Jubaris


    ah I understood, when I asked, that you will assign someone to read (since I submited it) my laziness is to blame, so nevermind.
  19. tell me a one thing that you took effort to do, that wasn't based on Mur's additions to Kings (like item suggestions) on those meetings? mention me one time when you approached me for a random chatter, or for some ideas of yours, perhaps an advice or a decision to make, if it isn't based on //someone doing something wrong// (which we both did, but I'm pointing out that you aren't true to what you are saying). Or you decided I am not good enough to talk with you, or to be part of your thoughts? and then you ask, why am i discontent?
  20. Jubaris


    well... I AM in jail
  21. the main issue from the very start was your lack of will/desire to create the court (or in my previous posts Council - it is one and the same). you just showed what tyranny is, and how much you care about that diversity... I find it very hard to believe that that supposed "most" of Lorerootians support your autocracy (like I said, autocracy itself isn't the problem, but Loreroot is supposed to be more oligarchic) [b]edit: not even the autocracy in Loreroot can be that of a problem, but lying most certainly is. especially of a king who lies about the whole basis of the land's structure [/b] you have done almost nothing if not nothing in total of what you said you will do at the very starting point of your leadership. But you don't have to justify to me... who am I? just a leader of one of three alliances of Loreroot? or now I am regarded as I never been in Loreroot?
  22. you did not respond to my question which is important cause it is the main issue of your reign. You say you couldn't create the Court of Loreroot due to time differences. Ok, there are plenty of options to make it happen. Such us creating forums for people to talk as soon as they get online, if they can't gather at same time. But no, you haven't bothered to check something like that? you just went for, what, 8 months of soloing, but officially you have a court? How can you expect me to follow all the procedures when you can't follow the ones you put to yourself?
  23. agreed Metal Bunny. no Firsanthalas, I didn't ask for Mur to give me kingship, I was asking for a realistic feedback on my rebellion, since you can imprison the whole world just like that (while the population is 100). and in that case, why wouldn't be the player be allowed to escape if that player has the ability to? the both abilities have limited casts... so why is a spell of another player more valueable when activated then a spell of another player? (since kings are just other players with roles.) I'm just saying that the concept is really unrealistic for me at the moment, but nevermind, it has little importance, I'll just do the time. Ok, I know that time difference is a big trouble.... [b]But that's why the forums[/b] , that would go perfectly for a council if not for the whole land! so why not making forums 4 months ago like we agreed you will? edit: sure Chewett. Maybe you want me to draw a map for you too, to show you what are my exact plans, what weakness what strengths... how smart of you
  24. I just count your posts as annoying. You obviously know nothing about the issue, nor you read at all, and as most important, you have nothing to do with this issue. Not to mention you have don't know how to think here at all (I certainly won't explain things to you), are you overloaded with emotions over this (and why would that be?) or you are trying to provoke with that behavior, I don't know nor I care. You deserve no reply.
  25. lot of people that have not a trace of relation to them post here talking like they know something. I'll make few things clear and ask my own questions. Since he became a king, I let go of my opinions of his possible motives and reasons for previous acts, it wasn't important now, we have to work together in rebuilding Loreroot. His candidacy was good, I liked what it was [u]said[/u] there. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM'] I suppose I should post my proposal/application here for all to see. I know it will go up for voting, but I guess this will give people a little more time to see it and quiz me on it too. Application for King of Loreroot .Firsanthalas. ID: 28728 Days: 551 Concerning rulership: • Title of king to be changed to that of ‘Speaker for the Forest’. [/quote] That happened right? [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM'] • As Speaker, I would pledge to work in consultation with the other groups within Loreroot and agree to listen to and respect their ideas, views and concerns. To facilitate this, I would instate a court. This court would consist of the leaders of the Savelites, COE, Creators and any other alliance/guild that would be residents of Loreroot. The Second of the Guardians would also be entitled to attend to ensure that the Guardians’ interests where adhered to and that the King was in no way overstepping his mark. [/quote] My ideas, views and concerns weren't respected. Court wasn't made, unless you call a meeting of 3-5 people once on every 4 months a Court of Loreroot. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM'] Should a sizable body of citizens that are not within an alliance or guild be evident, then these would be treated as a guild of sorts, in that they would be allowed a representative at court. • While the Speaker would have the final say in matters, listening to and accepting the views of the others concerned would be important. Indeed, should the other groups be unhappy with his decisions it would be incumbent on them to question the ability of the Speaker to continue in his post. [/quote] This seemed like big trace of democracy in his future reign. So by pointing out my frustrations after being denied with a project that was regarded good as him as well, I got banished, along with my friends who talked with me after that. He was insulted by me... ok, but I stated I do not wish to overthrow him, I stated that I wish for him to acomplish what he told us he will do! where is that Court/council? [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM'] Concerning aims: • As Speaker I would strive to improve Loreroot for all parties concerned. Therefore I would try to develop Loreroot in general, but also seek to improve things for the Savelites, COE and the Creators in particular. To develop and expand on the knowledge and feel of what Loreroot is, what it feels to be a Lorerootian and what makes Loreroot different from other lands. [/quote] I had ideas that would indeed improve things for all of us, something that would be a common project of us all, creating culture (as this is a game, you can classify it as RP, backgrounds) of Loreroot, but it wasn't respected by him. I even asked him politely for 2 weeks in a row 4 months ago (!!!) to make a forums for whole of Loreroot, where we would be able to share our ideas between ourselves and establish a stabile contact of somesort, that didn't happen not even until now. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM'] • To promote a greater sense of community and belonging in the land of Loreroot, while at the same time acknowledging and promoting the diversity within it. [/quote] I already mentioned in my posts how diversity was impossible with that kind of system of rule. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM'] Qualifications: • I believe that I have the support of most of my peers and many beyond the borders of Loreroot. I have been constant in my allegiance to Loreroot for a very long time. • Since becoming leader of the Guardians I have worked to rebuild the alliance. I have put a definitive structure in place and tried to make the goings on more transparent and open for all to see. I have tried to create more of a feel and idea for the Guardians. I would like to think that I have also worked with and helped the members of the alliance to grow and mature in the alliance and MD as a whole. • I’ve worked to improve relations with the other groups in Loreroot and bring stability. I believe I have shown that I am patient and willing to listen to others. My plan has been to develop slowly and carefully so that they can flow into things and reduce any risk of disturbance to others and therefore create something that can last. • I have requested and worked on items for Loreroot already, such as the clickables. Hopefully the position would help do more in the future and use things like clickables to develop quests and activities to provide some fun and challenges for people. Conclusion: I won’t be so clichéd as to say that I want to make Loreroot the best or most powerful land. What I would like to do is to add to and create a sense of a land and its uniqueness from the others. And to do this with the aid and co-operation of the other people involved and passionate about the land too. While some of my points may not go into detail, it is precisely because I wish to discuss things with others before implementing ideas and policies arbitrarily. I feel it would be wrong to have firm ideas and plans about things without consulting the members of the Court. [/quote] Firsanthalas as a king did only things that were related to things granted by Mur to all kings, and I admit that was totally done in fair fashion by him, no matter how opinion I have about him. I was refused and not listened to at all. My "riot" started after I got banished, not before that, it is inconsidering by a king to his land to make such a damage to a diverse community he said he will preserve, of our land by banishing me and my friends, for voicing my opinion and criticism. It seems that I wasn't important to him, and most important of all, that Loreroot wasn't important to him, Firsroot is. Why haven't you worked on that system of diversity you told you want to make, Firsanthalas? Why you ignored me, why you haven't made the forums, why sabotaging my projects for the good of us all?
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