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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. updated my first post.
  2. no no, don't say it like that Blackwood Rejection of your offer is the result of my selective subjective pick of needed goods. Udgard, by first-day-recruit, you mean, recruited on the first day Angien Shrine got opened? if so... I'll consider it (that's 12k VE for my obsolete mp6 bottom! ), but I won't promise anything MB table cloth is interesting to me as well since it is an usable item, and cause it's MB related. It's a bit hard to decide if it isn't pure difference in coins In any case I'll wait some times hoping that the offers will be made, and at point decide on which I want the most. still, just for the record, if reindrach or credits come in game, there won't be any doubts
  3. ah sorry, forgot to mentione one thing I'm not looking for Rusties at all (cause I have enough credits to get one, and one reindrach at Christmas - so that's why I mentioned I would like a reindrach other than credits, to have those maximum two at some point) I will think about your offer, tho, Manda, since in essence it has much more value than Eigger's offer. (the problem is that I don't need yet another sharptear or a rusty, could just try to sell them on later as well.)
  4. important details: Age 214 tokens: antifreeze (and only that ) unimportant details: name: Meraxes -lots of teeth. [b] -I am mainly looking for credits. -Can settle with some combinations too like number of items I like + creatures of some kind of practical use (even aged angiens can play small part), perhaps coins in that combination offers but I will really try to avoid getting more coins. -One more thing that would equalize itself with the credit need, is the Reindrach. Would add some of my coins if someone would like to trade one for my GG. -pm me or post the offers here, it's all the same. if you don't want your name to be next to your offer in the post when I update it, do let me know. [/b] [i]Updates for best offers: manda - rusty, aged angien, sharptear, Torch and Fuel, Soulweaver [/i]
  5. well don't know if anyone reached this much heat from anybody... (and I'm not sure should I post this or Clock Master but anywhere here it is) [attachment=1941:Worshipers - za upload.JPG]
  6. what have we learned today?
  7. Shapeshifter had that service with examples (fine ones) as well as far as I know. Contact him for more details.
  8. nonsense! Grido you just want to win another one with dst! >.< no one can beat the... cutest couple in the world of a clown and inquisitor
  9. u sto te napusise sa ovim negative poenima :)))

    bas si gunner, topdzija sa hajberi-a :))

  10. Jubaris


    yes, like I mentioned Chewett, that human factor, which falls down to Mur Shadowseeker, that is a danger without or no alliance moves, your "enemies" can disband your alliance, whether they move it or disband it they get political issues with the land's authorities. That's why moves, and not just moves but disbandment too (nature is same, doing something without consent of the King and more importantly, alliance members), should be stopped by that Mur human factor (which happened number of times I believe, tho I am not that known about all the examples that happened to be) The most biggest issue about it is how to establish a stabile contact with Mur. perhaps a special panel for messaging of this cases should be made (with heavy warnings not to abuse it for different kind of messages ) and also I believe that there are some alliances that aren't defined by it's people, and that they cannot move as an alliance but separately if they want (already mentioned above)
  11. Jubaris


    noted just one important note and I'm through with responding to offtopic: Firsanthalas I didn't try to move it, cause I didn't had a land to transfer it to - It cannot be in Necro, if it goes into GG it would create a lot of mess since we have a history of relations, as you and Yrth have history of relations, and Marind Bell doesn't like the "Church" part. It is a large subject that cannot be resolved over night. If it goes away from mainlands, who to contact to give accepting welcome? Mortal human compromises aren't exactly what followed the course of these events and naturally I don't expect favors/sympathizes from Mur (sshhhh, he wants to beat me up ) so I have to work with what I have. [b]note to moderators: I didn't want to involve emotionally compromised people into the topic, I wanted to treat this topic seriously and objectively, let's face it, Savelites incident IS a precedent in Magic Duel's history, and has to be used as the only practical example for this topic. (not cause it was well liked, or cause feelings got hurt, but cause it showed ability of kings, cause it shows what happens if majority of the related thinks one thing and the powers think the other thing) [/b] offtopic of ontopic: shhh, Shadow, it is not LoTR, it's LR (I made a typo as well, but I noticed it soon after ) ontopic of ontopic: invite some henchmen... who would do that? since leader, the one who controls the invites, joined that land that majority wants (if a leader doesn't want to move to that other land, and majority wants... it's a mess, but that leader would be replaced by someone who wants I guess. In any case let's assume that the leader is a sympathizer of the land where alliance is at the moment). Democracy shouldn't be that much applied. "Level of trust" needs to be gained of members to be able to decide, to avoid invites for votes, how, well not by automated system since those get abused but by some human factor. Usually, people who really make one alliance are known.
  12. Jubaris


    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='22 August 2010 - 11:40 AM' timestamp='1282470055' post='66771'] @Rhaegar: if you had the whole Alliance behind you, then why didn’t they DO anything? If Maftbp is inactive, why was he the only one who actually TALKED to me? [/quote] cause they decided to move on, most of us went in opposite directions as you may notice. Don't lie please, number of them complained how by the time they logged in in MD, they received the message, but your action was already done. [quote] Stop it… just STOP ok? This whole pointless discussion is your word against mine. And I dont think people really Care about it [/quote] my word against mine? I think it is quite clear that you had only maftbp, in difference to what was left of Savelites Church before you. (and I can bring some evidence of their opinions without any issue, if you wish it so) I don't say this cause I'm trying to win some sympathizes, but cause Miq mentioned that ---MAJORITY--- of alliance opinion should count. [quote] So please, STFU! [/quote] watch your language. These are public forums. [quote] But yeah, why do I even care to tell you? Not like you're going to listen... You never do [/quote] redirect your frustrations to my personal inbox, thank you. [quote] _________________________________ @ Miq: because you are referring to the Savelites: What do YOU have to do with it? Do you know ANY other alliances that want to leave their land? No This whole idea is pretty pointless really… because no one WANTS to move, and the Savelites won’t move either. If you are talking about that Rhaegar could move it… 1 word: History [/quote] By Savelites you meant your alt SageMCquincy, the last standing one? or there is some other reference you were aiming with that "Savelites" won't move.
  13. Jubaris


    so what's problem with that? eventually someone wouldn't want to accept the land-hopping alliance (ooo, a new term for MD ) as generally no one likes alliance hoppers. In essence someone joins an alliance (as an alliance joins a land) which he/she/it wants to stay in but you can't force that someone to stay there. Some alliances aren't defined as guilds, but are defined by its people, and thus have no obligation to stay in one land if the people want out of it.
  14. Jubaris


    [quote name='Miq' date='22 August 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1282431878' post='66752'] Princ could have asked Mur to move it and vote in alliance. [/quote] since I am now like an example of everyone in these situations I see fitting to respond. I haven't asked for Savelites move to another land for much reasons. Aside taking care of other factors (like for example, getting acceptance of King of my 'new' homeland to transfer a new alliance), the main problem was that I was told that I cannot ask for a move of an alliance simply cause Marvolo was the official leader (since I got booted in such a fine manner, he received it by default as a second player with most loyalty) and I don't have no legitimacy to do that (however that absurd sounds). Not to mention that I had the support of the whole alliance, except Maftbp (who is btw inactive 99,9% of time, I don't think any of you knows the dude) who joined Marvolo. Alliances are groups, and should be allowed to go wherever they want as ones (with that provocing political issues or not, you cant stop them from moving in essence), the only illogical thing is for Necrovion sentinels to abandon Necro, guerrila golemicarum to leave GG, GoTR to leave LR, KoB to leave MB. Those are the alliances that have strict roles towards their lands.
  15. btw, perhaps you can make a role about it if you change it? (keep the old one in your inventory if so) like you got a youth elixir... just an example
  16. I honestly prefer your original one, for your character (but maybe I'm just sentimental and got used to the feel). The new one is done very nicely, but I think the original one suits you better.
  17. Mr. Gorilla, proceed!

  18. Mr. Gorilla, you are promoted to a chimpanzee, now set your phaser to surprise butt-sex and target secondary Unit Raven!

  19. :o

    Mr. Crusher, escort Unit Raven to his quarters and lock him up.

    Mr. Iluminati, set the course to planet Tost Waste Prime, warp engine 9!!!!

  20. when pigs fly.

    Unit Rhaegar is the Grand Master unit.

    Apply or be terminated

  21. Unit Raven most definatly is not an alt

  22. 5 silvers for the angien.
  23. oh by the way, I am currently in Slovenia :D

    hah forgot to mention that... my dad works here

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