I admire Nimrodel how you manage to turn Firsanthalas who banished Savelites, Marvolo who betrayed the Savelites into a poor old burdened king and a victimized brother. You are learning from the best, I think Firsanthalas should hold school for manipulation, lies, public hypocrisy, media spamming. Talking about biased opinions of Pip, where in fact he gives you the most rational responses, yet you yourself cannot accept that Firsanthalas actually has flaws.
From when this have started I've [b]NEVER[/b] saw Firsanthalas saying "ok, I might overreacted here, I might made a mistake here". Isn't that some sort of biased opinion? This course of events is really a mess, nobody can say that he did his part perfect.
-master initiator that's exactly what Firsanthalas condemnded up there, but you seem to present the pacifist part of his thoughts. Add faking to the list of held subjects in Firsanthalas' school. How I love to see when Firsanthalas plays the role of an angry god, and minutes after that, most often, Mya shows up with a fixed smile and a "welcome hug". In this case it is you.
-you know nothing about my chances given to Firsanthalas so stop talking about them. I will finish the file I mentioned soon I hope and post it somewhere to be seen, my point of view on things, and how I came to them.
-Mya always had suspicious behavior on me. We talked about that and I think we resolved that during the period, but sadly course of events lead us to separate sides again. Not being able to work with Mya... you need to be more concrete than giving semi-questions and answers, mentioning something than letting people use their imagination to present Rhaegar with horns and fire.
-So, me rebelling after Firs "tightens his nose" is wrong? He banishes me and sends me to prison... but that's perfectly fine? I could have done much worse later on Nimrodel, going into a mad sabotage wherever I could, you must understand that I have nothing more to lose here, and that's it when people are most dangerous. I chose not to do few things on the end. -Read more details on the following book, only 5 dollars to hear the story of your wildest imagination... - a little joke, but I will tell more about it when I make that file. Isolating case like this only makes my posts longer than needed.
I am very curios on how long it takes till someone in Loreroot makes an opinion of his/her own. Just a few more years?
-Nice now I'm accused of robbery. What else?
About Jazira... Of course she can't continue what I have started completely, if someone starts something in the Church it will most certainly be entirely new (much of my thoughts about it weren't expressed, of course, again, in that file you will find out more). However it makes me unease... I would like to give opportunity to Jazira to do something... it is my moral duty, one of the general principles of the Church for sure to let her do her job if she wants to do some good to the world. It is the dilemma that haunted me last few minutes, should I step up against Jazira, or support her? One of the major problems in it is that most certainly it won't have any refferance to what "my" Savelites were doing, what they standed for, and that most likely they will not be EVER mentioned by her, since she must follow up policy of Firsanthalas to make an alliance... But if she tries do something else that is good, why wouldn't she be able to, people get forgotten all the time? Maybe it is I who should try to preserve that memory, which I try to at least with that Memorial Firsanthalas hates so much...