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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. I'm sorry, I had a trip that pre-eminent role player is the RPer with middle age. It is for any RPer. Can I change my nomination then for that subject? edit: and also for the artist
  2. maybe BT is MIA, but he still did his artwork part in this year. Khalazdad was MIA since month of May I believe last year, yet he won a reward for that year's "most influencing" reward
  3. Adventuring Award (quester) - *Clock Master* Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers) - Shadowseeker Best Quote (PL, or something in chat/forum) - hmmm... Ok let's say... one by Jester, something along the way that he makes a desk out of nothing, then slams his fist on a desk, then throws away the desk.. I can't share the exact quotations cause I don't have those, but if somebody pulled the log, please correct me here Best Spell Caster - ... SmartAlekRJ for sure his spells brought most controversy Elite Evil Villain of the Year - Firsanthalas, the most vile of them all Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year) - *Burns*? one of the most active "veterans" The Golden Protector - Sparrhawk Most Addicted - *dst* Outstanding Service to MD - Rendril Revant Pre-eminent Role Player - Blackwood Forest Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD) - Ravenstrider Superlative Orator (Debating) - Pipstickz [b]for grido:[/b] I'm sorry but I don't have the exact quote on what Jester said If only I could remember who exactly was there at the point, argh, I should start screenshoting those things. Sparrhawk was a protector during the beginning of the year I believe, as far as I recall he was an mp6 for a month or two (I don't know how to check exact date, but many Lorerootians can confirm that he was one if you're in doubt), was at the Park healing people while he was mp6 and then he decided to drop. that's it about the corrections
  4. yes, but that kind of rituals weren't possible to start, errors happened as far as I rememeber when the announcement was made? or rituals were deleted?
  5. Unbelievable Power logged in after long time, and noticed he can put 6 drachs in a rit. so I screenshoted this for him, cause he was only checking in.[attachment=2198:6 drachs.JPG]
  6. you are talking about double standards. Mod will apply the rules "whenever he/she feels like it?"
  7. so why is this enforced on me? My signature signifies my thoughts, beliefs, ideas and such... It isn't a conspiracy so one bunch of people understand it and other not. Something even worse is posting on another language for example on Birthday topics, how many times (as did I on Serbian) people posted "la multzi ani" or however it is spelled "happy birthday" on Romanian...? For me that is ok, it is clear and is really trivial for the rule to be enforced... But I apply the same "trivial" case here. Where's the difference? Let's look at all the signatures, mood panel posts and such, and let's see how many people "broke" that rule you're raising, while I'm the only one under process of being punished (considering it will probably be forgotten to Raven since it is his first "mistake"?) And why again are Latin/Greek words allowed in signatures/mood panel posts while Serbian isn't? the rule says forum language is english... so let's be concrete that that rule includes every feature of writing in forums? (signatures, about me page, mood panel, posts, forum profile comments) if so, we would be the ONLY case where the rule was applied.
  8. every song has its own interpretation in another mind, that's what art is about among other. will every song/quote that has passionate attitude, discontent or similar be taken down cause of possible interpretations of some people? Thank you for your suggestion Udgard, I considered it, and I would do just that if it was some sort of an objective law-dispute, but I think that this thing has been taken way to personal level, and I will refuse to replace my signature (by my will anyway) unless I am proven otherwise. cause some important people have non-forgotten conflicts with me, I am supposed to be totally calm watching that my ever letter doesn't offend someone randomly by any chance? pfff. if those who have the power to do so remove my status, fine, nothing I can do to stop them, but I won't change it by my own will UNLESS I broke a concrete rule, and if so, I will correct my signature so it is fitting for the rules (if I am given the opportunity to do so in that way). Again, I don't see what rule we broke with that signature, if you do "convict" us without caring do we understand what we did or not, fine, again, nothing that we can do about it, but if you do care to "reason us" than please, list those concrete rules that we broke, how did we broke them and such. It's not much of an ultimatum if you want to respond humorously to my post, it's more "you can take my body but not my soul" of a thing.
  9. Udgard you're right, it's lyrics from a song called "Crv" (translated as Worm) by one of the best musicians in modern Serbia. If anyone finds him/herself in the song... well what can I do. Rendril, as one of the, I can say, officials of MD, stated many things objectively which I wish to thank him for, that's usually not the case with such figures of power in MD, and people that question accusations of other officials are often labeled as some kind of MD enemies. You have my respect (as you did before) Rendril said many things that I support, but I'll repeat it as response of my own cause that's what people want I guess. I will be gladly to remove anything that is against the rules, assuming that rules apply for each and everyone, that are clear and without space for self-interpretation. For now, I don't understand what is our mistake, except being said that I (and Raven) acted controversially with this signature. [quote name='Akasha' timestamp='1290504966' post='72882'] - Signature pictures may not exceed following rules: Height: 150px Width: 500px File size: 50kb. [/quote] "Signature Pictures", each and every one is according to the rulebook. Rules didn't state the size of the text... so please modify that if you want, and I'll change things accordingly. Text is rather short, so I don't see the problem there
  10. “It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.”

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sephirah Caelum

      Sephirah Caelum

      @Grido, so if I don't have enemies I don't need true friends?

    3. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      but arent you yourself your own friend and enemy? i argue with myself all the time but sometimes i'd agree with me-self. but then again...

    4. Udgard


      @grido: you don't need enemies to tell who your true friends are if you don't have friends from the first place! =b

  11. I already congratulated you personally but, just for the sake of building up your topic happy birthday!
  12. I totally agree with Kyphis. I used stars frequently, while the cloud itself - not at all. PMs open much faster without the cloud cause of the additional flash animation (that's only my guess ) but stars ain't a problem and are quite useful
  13. yes, I thought about it, that would be considered magic. But consider this: item having an ability (let's say potion that makes you speak french) is magical as well it is realistic for an item to get stolen in that way, but where's the realistic feedback to my beating up the newb so I can get my item back? about alts, my point is, you can just use the other computer... some people play at work and dont play at home (and other way around) and have extra computers on their own... plus internet cafes... That last one is perhaps an extreme scenario, but that the point is that you cane easily create an alt that won't be recognized as an alt if you want it.
  14. without the homing thing, you can still farm cash with those items. Someone just needs to set up "free passage into Golemus for 5 coins", and they'll make a deal, all nice black&white on paper. Having the feature on the item would avoid such formalities, and making deals on every step you move. Alts aren't that easy to detect. Reset your modem, change your computer... whatever it takes to be done... it's not that hard with decent amount of will.
  15. if a trade is commissioned, you can make screenshot of a PM or whatever (like now with any trade), so any abuses would be punished like up till now, but if you want to allow someone to test an item (or in an example i mentioned allow someone to enter another land), you need to make them say "i promise I'll get them back" every time, so you can screenshot it? There wasn't a single case yet as far as I know someone abusing a short-term item transfer (like for an RP event, when someone passes an item temporarily to another person just for the sake of realization of people's actions), so I don't know would that be sanctioned? also a newb, or a new alt has nothing to lose by cheating (considering the account is not yet developed). People owning an item usually have much more to lose by abusing the system. Item that was transfered under the option of temporary usage, should have some signifier bellow that "usable" tag
  16. yes, I remember he mentioning something like that in the announcements, but it is not that rare for him to forget about some things and move on to the others, this one isn't anything that would change the game radically (just boost up the already item system). Like you said, it's already there in test items, and it can be applied in every scriptable item players have. I asked Rendril about this 'new' feature, and he recommended me to post it on the forums. If the community agrees, it might be made possible
  17. yes, a feature that allows Scriptable items that players posses to be transferred temporarily to another player (to have two options, in terms of limited number of usage before it gets back, or limited amount of time)
  18. Jubaris

    New ideas

    http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8432-item-limited-use-feature/ item feature limited period suggestion
  19. I would like to suggest a feature that allows me to transfer an usable item to somebody else for period of time or limited number of uses (so for example nobody crosses me over when I transfer Lorerootian Pass papers to someone for one-time use) What do you guys think? here's the Pool, vote! (wait, I just need to set the Pool somehow, uno momento! )
  20. thumbs up for what Peace said. people, it's like you would also ban all religions just cause some people might believe in something that might not be true in Ancient Greeks you had philosophy schools, each having it's special mindset, here people could hear our Raven's mindset, somewhere else let's say Shadowseeker's mindset and such, and believe what they want to believe in, or take into consideration.
  21. don't know did somebody already suggested this (bare with me, I just woke up from a nice nap) Champion of the Year (fighter who left most influence in this year, in the eyes of the voters) edit: doesn't even have to be a person who is in the top of the strongest players, but someone who quickly evolved in fight, in any case great progress by an individual, someone who picked the eye of others just for his/her fighting skills
  22. I would like to help out. Also I would add a suggestion on tournaments with specific themes, that the tournament is announced about the same time on how much every creature from the Theme Category needs to get maxed. I assume people that aren't motivated to fight and train would join in this kind of competitions.
  23. Jubaris

    New Ggg?

    I'll stop posting here as well... I'm sorry that this conversation came to this, I never make fun of people's troubles, if I knew what was the situation, I wouldn't post that. I personally don't have anything against you, and wish you all the best in RL. I hope this haven't affected you much
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