It's good that you do, I wasn't sure.
In difference to you, although I respect when a person follows tradition of its people/culture, I don't respect people of the Church (or any other religion, organization) that blindly follow what was told and do not question what was "lectured", do not question themselves, especially considering that Christian branches do not have clear definitions of their base - God, the doctrines those people preach today are very contradicting and illogical. There is a huge gap between the original idea and modern Church, and people refuse to evolve.
Hehe, the feeling is likewise, your ego often steps on my nerves too no hard feelings tho. Perhaps from your perception, I'm not showing respect to you, but I was honest and straightforward from day 1, if you can't respect that, then I don't know what do you respect or want from other people here.
that third thing, I didn't realize you actually ever cared about my opinion
if we forget that I am already a part of another land, I have no desire (nor I had it before) to join Soldiers of the Inner sun, the alliance is not interesting to me. Don't get me wrong, is it Kelletha alliance, is it SoTIS, that kind of alliances bring great amount of prestige with them, but neutrality creeps me out, or at least partial neutrality... It's not that I don't like being Neutral, I don't like that I ---have to--- be neutral, if you get what I want to say x) (maybe they ain't that neutral, but the alliances are more of an extension of one person's role, which I don't like to adapt to)
The reason why I replied in humorous way (it's not a bad joke, it's just the lack of humor in you people... it's pathetic how some people cannot laugh at all - and I'm not talking about you here, for the record) is cause what I WOULD say on the matter was already posted by several people, so I saw no point to post again just so someone could say that I'm copy/pasting.
wasn't sure is my goal to get the sign to "zero" (which I was feeling somehow the closest to, Rendril, along with some other people posted that image there)
or is my goal to make a counter where the result would be the same strength in opposite direction (another sign, where the result of those two "separate" symbols, would be the first symbol turned upways, if you use the symbols like vectors).
Certain people suffer from complexes, or have so depressing periods in their life that they have to spit on every thing they can and demonize something that was supposed to be fun (I'm talking about the neg points, it's not that they affect me, but they signify the profiles of people behind them. A normal person that doesn't like a joke, would simply ignore the post)
I think Sephirah Caelum is supposed to be in that post too (nothing subjective, I just remember her posting a lot with links as well)