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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. there's one thing I wanted to post last night tho, on connections with Christianity and Alchemy. (you can just move the post there, if it ain't the problem) I was tired, and I decided rather to go to sleep x) Malaikat Maut said how God DOES have feelings, but on much more complex level than us... And where did you got that, Malaikat? Mur, you were bragging about scoring points against the Church... but you don't know what are you actually talking about. Listen, I'm an atheist, but it is clear that you never read the bible in your life (as little, I read stories of the bible, 365 stories for Children I believe is the name), yet you are degrading it to the maximum. You must understand it completely to tear it down "with evidence". If you're aiming at the very religion, you should first read Jewish texts, from which Christianity originates, then considering that many ancient Christian texts were lost. The Church as a Church was developed by people who CHOSE to put what they want to put, and the people who follow those rules without question have slight issues Also you mentioned how you would focus on the Catholic Church cause they uphold to their "principles" most and seem the clear representative of Christianity to strike on I guess... Errrrr no. Perhaps this is a bit subjective, but Catholic Church is crawling with details un-related to Christianity, much of their rules were made originally different from Byzantine doctrine just so Carlo The Great's faction would be different, or cause of the lack of education in Frank Priests, and they doing stuff on their own rather than asking the much more experienced Byzantines, was cause of the political situation at that point. Christianity was mostly formed during the Byzantium Empire, and the heir of that religion is today's Orthodox Christianity. Better find sources there than somewhere else. Like I said, I personally am an atheist, and I decided not to 'spit' on the religion cause I believe I need to research its base first to tell some fact-based things, why, cause Church made interpretation of texts on their own, and I think every priest in the world has his own interpretation of their religion (like, the so far only representative of the Christian beliefs here, Malaikat Maut, showed that he has his own interpretations of religion). Perhaps the religion itself wasn't meant to be a place of fanatics but simply a path that would encourage number of people to act "by the book", to take some moral values of the original creator of all that, we don't know yet, and there's no point discussing right and wrongs on a matter we don't know at all. It is clear tho that the today's Church has no relevance to the core, and is a product of corruption and selfish-power-grab-acts.
  2. saying how your title doesn't mean anything, while on the other hand you hoard all authority over Loreroot, while the game officially recognizes you as its ruler (meaning that you can sanction all behavior that you don't like, and can encourage everything you like), falls into the water. You shape a land's path. Rewards don't have to be based on game mechanics prizes such as WPs, tags or whatever you want to have as an "official pat on the head".
  3. Rebels have it handy? excuse me? Rebel should have a harder time, cause King can do nothing to do them?! O_o well rebels can do nothing to a king Firsanthalas, you said it totally from the side of a king without any objectivity or consideration to the other side, basically your argumentation equals zero. [quote] Well simply put, rebels have the ability to bring negative attention on a king and a land. Anyone can go rebel, even if it is purely down to a personal issue with their king/queen. They can do it purely to cause trouble or out of spite. Then the king and land are stuck with that rebel until they decide to leave or apologise. [/quote] and they can bring negative attention to themselves via rebellion. Turning a rebel isn't that productive. Take a look at Necro. Pample and her faction are rebels for... some time now. They profited absolutely nothing from this mess, and are stagnating... at least in those loyalty points you get for each activity day. If a person has enough influence to hurt activities of the land's king via rebellion, that means that such player is certainly some kind of veteran or nearly a veteran, and that that person spent enough energy into his/her account, so, blocking your own progress, to partially halt King's is not that good of a deal. If a player DOES do it out of spite as you said, then nobody will take that player seriously and no harm will be done to the kingdom/king. You made a lengthy offtopic post there, and gained positive rep points by default-bots. to make clear my opinion on the topic, tho: I do vote that rebels can be banned of King's quest they rebelled against, it's illogical for the King to have a duty to reward a person that rebelled against him yet participates in his land-related-quests. It's up to the King.
  4. Please do it on weekend, otherwise I'll have little time to maneuver for the event
  5. I want to trade my drach with following attributes: [claw2] [claw1] [kellethafire] [emeraldglare] Age 325 so I can buy a drach that has at least: [claw2] [claw3] [darksky], where claw2 is optional Will add some coins to the offer too.
  6. Mur's offer is accepted. I'll send you the ATC of the avatar, thanks for helping the quest sponsorship with your offer
  7. probably offtopic but Fyrd gave me an idea. those weather spells... could add an environment bonus to the combat interface? Rain slows down arrows - Archers do 20% damage less... Sunny helps fire (i guess) - Drachorns 20% damage more (snow makes opposite effect... same as rain?) you get the point anyway. how possible it is?
  8. This is nothing new, about possible games inside MD in a location, like a huge chess field... More practical would be having a game inside a clickable, but can it be coded so that the players that join the clickable can join the game? (first two that click the "join" button would play I guess )? I know Cutler for example did great things in his Astral Plane. So I'm just asking could this be possible right now with current possibilities of an Clickable editor inside MD? To create a game where two different players could join and play the same game against each other?
  9. anyone remembers who edited the Clash of Ages book into a tutorial for "clickable items"? that content is currently missing, tho, but I would like to speak with the person about something

    1. Chewett


      Might have been Fyrd or Emerald

  10. [attachment=2264:avatar_694960.gif] starting bid 1 gold, will sell 2 days upon last offer. Using the coin for future quests and sponsoring (along with the others I collected)
  11. that second avatar Sparrhawk never wore (I believe), but I know for sure Gremlin did
  12. 4. Bloodpact Age: 378 Tokens: ClawI, ClawII, Stardust, Antifreeze, Darkshield, Blackdiamonds, [b]2 silvers [/b] 7. Angien Age: 136 Tokens: ClawI, Kellethafire, Jewelshards, Onyxfangs [b]2 silvers[/b] Nutcracker [b]12 silvers[/b] 10. Marksman Age: 85 [b]2 silvers[/b]
  13. good work exposing my master scheme, Mur. What will I do now when people realize my 10 golds and 138 silvers ain't worth a thing! I have a question tho, since I thought about money as an illusion long before, how would the most "true" system (so, not capitalism! ) work, one not based on illusions (where people don't receive false values)? Should people get back to the basic trading of a practical item-for-an-item? Should people work for the good of the whole community like in Communism, but where's the individual personal free time there? Or maybe we should all just stick to our own lives, hunt/make crops for ourselves, not looking to get those from others...
  14. Jubaris


    Oak Fort Poem - The Fort protects the forest, the forest protects the fort But the people that are brave, the[color="#FF0000"]y[/color] protect them both correction is in red (just in case)
  15. 1st wish: Reset the MD shop why not: waiting for Christmas. Perhaps some things I unlocked will be the locations of new set of limited edition creatures, and it will make me waste less credits to buy them why yes: I have enough credits and shop resets why: I want new creature slots! haha, let's be serious 2nd wish: Learn French why not: it takes some time, which I do have but usually I want something else to do... and the lazy feel is there too. why yes: I have time, and I think I won't have much issues with learning a new language why: always wanted to learn French, it is a beautiful language, and I respect French's culture and history very much 3rd wish: Write a book, fictional world with realistic characters why not: takes a LOT of time and research, fear of ultimately wasted time why yes: I have enough time! why: the feel of creating every detail of a fictional world always entertained me, it could be a never-ending pleasure for me, and in best case it could earn a buck or two
  16. "oh to be a gunner" :D

  17. most addicted a... why you little devil :D

  18. since the ranking goes up with the ambient of dark arts... how about Necromancer, or "teeeeh dark lord"
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