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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. everything is max aged, and some probably have an extra token or two for sale: Rustgold Drachorn - 1 sharptear + 5 gold coins (Adiomino) [b]sold[/b] Wish Joker - (ravenstrider) 1 gold and 10 silvers [b]sold[/b] Bloodpact - 15 silvers (goldfinger); 1 gold (Fyrd) or 2 golds + 1 silver for both BPs (fyrd) [b]sold[/b] Santa* - *about 620 age, but will sell only for the right price (surprise me) please post your offers here, I will update the first post from time to time.
  2. 27. Mur is Rhaegar. There are many copies... And they have a plan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xti9O4yLu1k&feature=related
  3. hypothetically, you could give royalty status to whole of Necrovion and make every Necrovion a powerful madman with overpowering privileges? declare, I don't know, Leixer a royal bastard prince and such...
  4. this was mentioned a lot of times for a year or two now, Manda, so don't think you're being left out
  5. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1285337899' post='69019'] LE:I never said UG is neutral.Yes, it doesn't have more then 2-3 individuals and I intend to keep it like this unless I find players that suit my needs (but this isn't anyone's business). Leadership? Why? Plan on running for king of UG? [/quote] maybe I will, just to annoy you my point is that no neutral land has a leader for now, and underground is the only one privileged to have the space at Torch competition (and with that treasury). I would like to hear the explanation about it's status You shouldn't take it that personally, if I am curios about something that has relations with you, it doesn't mean it's cause of you The point is that one of your "solutions" to this issue is that you gain ability to recruit citizens, which effectively makes you a queen of underground, which leads me to question the nature and motive of this whole topic
  6. since you mentioned it dst, I don't understand why is Undergrounds part of torch system when it isn't a mainland, and it doesn't have more than 2-3 different individuals? is it intended for neutral players? in that case, it shouldn't recruit "new citizens", it should involve "no man's land" citizens, yet if you follow up that rule "citizens only" then you still have the abuse, people will just take UG's torch to abuse. if it's not intended as neutral player's base, then it's status (including leadership) should be discussed. abuses in the Torch are many, what kind of abuse you want to stop here? the fact that the competition is unlocking locations or scoring?
  7. on a sidenote, there is already No armor spell and weaken spells, so "strip spell" would be overpowering comparing to them if it had all those effects. I would just stick to stripping off tokens for few minutes on certain player, since you already have combat spells like "mirror ritual", "freeze" and "no multi" , and I like to see diversity.
  8. happy birthday! on the start of autumn too...
  9. Figure I can throw some help too Brcko District in Bosnia is an interesting region, not part of either Republic of Srpska nor the Federation of BiH, it has Serb, Croat and Muslim population (Muslims as Serbs and Croats who accepted Turkish life for privileges during the long occupation) as part of Bosnia, it was a long time occupied zone of Turkish Empire (you shouldn't look into the time before that other than royal and noble dynasties, people of that region often changed their surnames, based on their father's name... for example, random name, Mihajlo Aksentijevic had a son named Aca, and Aca took his father's name as a surname and became Aca Mihajlovic, so most probable results are in latest centuries... of course it is hard to find ancestors before that period in any case ) as far as I know about Blackwood, he has Croat origins, and Croatia was part of Austrian Empire, they certainly hide nicely preserved archives, the question is are there some of the data on the internet. So look for either Turkish, either Austrian analogies, for periods of 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Later on, Yugoslavia is established with Serbian dynasty after first World War, but many data was lost in the bombing of Belgrade during World War II in 1941 by the Germans, so the question is how much you can find there... Later on Communists came, but Blackwood said he doesn't care about 1950s+ [b]edit: [/b] detail I forgot to mention is that Bosnia was also part of Austrian Empire as an occupation zone to maintain order in the province from 1878 (de facto owner), passing 1908 when they announce the annex of Bosnia (de jure owner ) all up to 1918 till the liberation from Serbian and ally forces. So Austrian records would be the best one to look up to, along with the remains of Yugoslavian ones, I'm just not sure about the importance of Brcko as a region back then (as a District it came to be after the civil war in Yugoslavia 1991-1995)
  10. Jubaris


    if I tell you, you won't use my DNA sample to make Rhaegar clones? (shhhh, Ravenstrider would be mad if he find out that there are more exact copies of me... )
  11. it seems half of MD lives in California... Tupac pilgrimage, I'm sure...
  12. tho that turns mp6s more of mp5 healers than mp3 healers (those with low VE enjoy fixed amounts rather than percentual)
  13. so level 1 spell - 1000 VE healed, but 300 heat spent? level 6 - 6000, but 300 heat? people would raise a hand how it can be abused (but no one complains about give vitality that is much stronger ), in any case I would settle gladly with that as well.
  14. Will the Guilds project ever be finalized?

    1. Udgard


      Not in the near future, I think. Mu'r on vacation..

  15. to prevent abusing, it can be limited to heal in best case only till MAX Ve of the healed player. (but regularly like Apophys suggested, so heal actually means something to normal mp4s and mp5s)
  16. Rowan - the Thinker / cat. and yes I think they got it right.
  17. Jubaris


    other than those awesome great protectors that are everywhere, this old timer is available as well, where you will find honesty and a true friend. and there's bound to be one more protector as well, yes? or it's just us 3?
  18. Pip cleverly said few things I wanted to add as possibilities before replying, one thought to add: the very tournament that was mentioned here, I had in mind as made of those reprentations of few people. 2-3 people fighting for the land, but for the event, more should come, let's say 5-6, as reserves (in case of needed substitutions, that one doesn't show up and such. King should make a list for priority of players who need to play, and who replaces them if they don't show up) [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1284327517' post='68298'] B) if you can present good answers to my cynical viewpoint, then your "idea" is likely to be a half decent one, responses like your previous one merely shows you are not actually trying to answer my points i am making, and therefore will mean you are not thinking about the issues that may occur. C) yeah, some people are too good, the issue is that most of the time its a pre-determined ranking, you already know who is some of the best players, and it doesnt take too much work to look at it and work out who is likely to win. Im not saying this is wrong, but some contests there is no point in entereing becaue you know the winners already. E) Who is saying they arnt already doing this? (not pointing the finger at anyone) but there have already been incidents where kings have been auccsed at giving out wishpoints freely to their people. So why not again? I) "Neutrals don't exist as a state," - im sure that you can work out that Ailith and Phantasm and relatively smart people and between them can organise some people from Tribunals. Unless you feel they are incapable of talking and making a descision? Even if you feel that, you merely have to tell them that they need to agree on something or they dont get a "team", Its not rocket science. H) i still disagree with your idea that you should gather people before telling them the definition of what will happen, i agree about the idea of the olypmics, but totally disgree with the current "fight" thing that you have put ahead. And i apolgise for thinking this would be ran by you, your initial post is very cloudy. If the current format is anythign akin to the Torch contest (same strong people abusing the system so the outcome is already known before the contest) then it will fail quite simply. It needs to be much rarer and much more intresting. When i go to check the forum and see the results, i should be intrested and not feel like TC "Oh what a surprise, X got some points from alt farming and abusing the system" [/quote] B) I like that you're giving me "extreme" cases, so we can all discuss how to solve them and get the idea better, what I don't like is that you seem like you just want to destroy anything before it happens (hater attitude. maybe I'm wrong ) C) well ok, they're too good, then they deserve to win. Thierry Henry was too good to play some football, so he should go away? E) of course there are abuses that we won't point fingers at the point is, every king like I mentioned if you noticed, cannot vote for his own player, only for "foreigners". We can make a better system if you have fears that there will be political voters, example: King X fears King Y and want's to kiss-ass (pardon ) so he votes for player from Kingdom Y. I sincerely hope there aren't that kind of 'weak' kings, but if you think that's how it is, let's try something else. I) I thought of it originally as a competition, meaning that getting better than your opponent is a great motivational factor like in most of the sports (Greeks hate Turks, but it's better to let it out in sports than make a war. Random example anyway), and I would like it to stay competition in that sense, but I know many who aren't in mainlands would probably like to participate anyway. In the case of me being stubborn which won't happen, a new contest can be made for that "general fun" idea, but sure, if you are all enthusiastic about it, let's involve the "neutral lands" somehow. Pip mentioned that what I wanted to say about making a low populated land (like Undergrounds) being allowed to voluenter to help another mainland (hell you can make transfers of that. We can make a contract system! ), so that's one option. Second, is that we make some kind of unified lands thing (only on the paper) with someone taking care of submissions. Suggest some more H) look, this idea fell to my mind. I haven't exactly started thinking nights about it, that's why it's cloudy as you said, and as such, I just don't want it to slip away, get forgotten, and if community likes it which I think it does, I then want to brainstorm on all difficulties, work with those who give me help the most in ideas. I have this general opinion on the ambient it should provide, and I would like to use your (community) suggestions that will help me form that cloud in the way I like it, or the way I semi-like it and you like it better if I like it less... whatever I could ran it, but there's a chance I would like to participate at point. So people will maybe tell me I have conflict of interests? What I would like to be achieved, in fighting, is that the fight log of every player gets screenshoted after the fights end, and send to their respective kings, then it would all be announced in a forum topic for the "jury" or whatever to decide and calculate the heavy math on who was the winner Torch is open to abuse (farming), and doesn't have any clear rewards yet, and no one keeps public record of the wins (that ideally should be fair and justified), so no motivation to work. It cannot be as Torch [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1284332250' post='68303'] King/alliance leader picks 3 people who will do the events, without knowing the events that will be used, and can't change those people. Example, Marind Bell chooses Chewett, Handy Pockets and nadrolski to represent them, and can't choose those people for the next two competitions. If a land doesn't have enough players, people with no homeland or from another (not main) land can be subbed in. If, say, Rendril competes for a main land, MDA can only give players to that land, and cannot have their own team. Not a perfect system, but I think it'd work. [/quote] thumbs up. One of the possibilities @Kyphis: I already said in this post what I think about neutral lands being part of this. Ok we can do it (although I am unease due to my thought-aura of neutral lands being neutral and having their own functions to concentrate on, but I guess that's just me, nvm), we will think about possibilities along the way. and yes, this is intended for something longterm Yes my point was something related to game mechanics to have a "defined" winner... (that MVP doesn't change the nature of the very tournament that is based on mechanics, but is for statistic, honors, etc.) Debates... ok I would like to see a debate, but on which subject, and how can you assign which side defends which side, what if they don't believe in that side, etc. ?
  19. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1284324098' post='68293'] A) Heads contest, too much of something fun? its not fun anymore, and definately too much of it, however you have to get people to organise this. This is the difference from heads and it makes it even more annoying for those who have to do things each month. B) If your best argument is to attack someone who gives an opinion/problem then you have really gotten low. C) Did you participate in <insert name here> tournament? it involved no tokens, nor skills and dst still did VERY well, i dont see how you can limit something to make it fair for everyone when knowledge rules and those are already known. E) Vote fixing, Ever Watched Eurovision? The strange little countries win because their "borders" vote for them, UK never wins because no one likes us. Its not a contest F) ok then, but i thought you wanted something fun for all, G) If you are limiting people entereding then some lands will quickly run out of people, H) You cant say that questions about the format should be asked later, because you cant organise something going "it will be a festival, we should decide if you like it but i cant tell you the details until you agree whether you will like it because it will confuse things" I like the "idea" of having something like this. But i dont like how you are intending on implementing it, but when i have brought up my opinions you have decided that "Talking about rules will cause confusion, let's leave it for later". So because of the general flaws i feel that this will have, that you havent yet addressed, and since you feel talking about the rules will cause "confusion" i am very negative about what you are planning. And totally disagree with what you are saying., [/quote] A) it's discussable really, it can be even rarer. 3 months, 4 months, whatever, depending on the situation B) I wasn't attacking you, but you're being very cynical (sounding at least) C) the idea is to balance the potential of players, as an example in chess - that we all have the same figures (or at least nearly the same figures), and that it is up to the skills of the player how to use them. Are you saying contest can never be too fair since certain players play better? E) yes, they are based on people voting. These are the kings, that already have that abusive power of giving WPs, so I doubt they will make such conspiracies to reward certain players... Just to answer that Eurovision, it's not always about good neighbours, but about citizens that live in country other than their homeland (lots of Turks in Germany for example). G) forget the nature of participants, limited number of participations was just a thought, not an idea I'm trying to present. We'll discuss rules seperatly (read below) [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1284324877' post='68295'] You called it Olympics and whether or not your going to retain that name if you want fairness *cough* in the least likely of sense then you should allow neutral lands to be able to pick their own reprentatives if they choose to do so. The alliances of the neutral lands have leaders that are fully capable of choosing participants from their lands, and thats if they decide to participate. Also in normal Olympics there is more then one event, so you might actually consider a fighting contest and other sorts events or perhaps different variations on the fighting concept such as no tokened battles and/or scene crit only battles like i did in my last tournament along with full all out battles where everything is allowed. Last I would consider holding it every half a year at the least June, December, or somewhere around there otherwise it will get boring fast and you won't have enough time to come up with new ideas and events to keep things fresh. [/quote] Neutrals don't exist as a state, so I can't give them an invitation. Point me out to their system and I'll reconsider then. Alliance leaders... how do I decide who's more important? for example, Phantasm or Ailith/granos/pip/whoever is leading Seal of Six/ ? Yes, I want to do more events. The problem is I couldn't think of anything based on game mechanics yet to add. Maybe something again related to rituals but not fighting, but achieveing certain scores... As much negative XP as possible? I asked for suggestions. Just don't suggest poem contests please or such purely subjective things about rules being discussed later, my point is that I first want to gather people to say: I would like something like this. And when that's settled, I would like us to start going step by step (us the community, not me alone, otherwise I wouldn't post and ask for suggestions, this is not "quest of mine" but a competition I want to make that would be a certain motivation for number of us to play) and post the rules that we think are fitting (perhaps we'll need to pass the competition a time or two to see possible mistakes.
  20. A) well better too much of something fun (and people that are participating changing so others can enjoy too) is better than nothing. besides, people like to watch football too, not just play it B) I don't like your pesmistic approach. everything is boring and pointless to you, do you have any fun at all? C) like I said... limitations of a kind. There can be limited spectre of used creatures (and people would train non-token one PERHAPS just for the competition, out of fun of course) or which I originally intended is to have one minute pre-battle of spells, with number of spells being unallowed (such as attacklock, ghost spell, and mirror too perhaps since you basically win the fight with it when you attack) so you can handicap the opponent with freeze spell or weaken spell or no multi spell (it's discussable in that option which spells would be non-overpowering to use. the list must be made in that case), then one more minute perhaps to set a ritual after the spells are casted so once can prepare accordingly (or just don't, having an element of surprise). Talking about rules will cause confusion, let's leave it for later please if the answer is positive so we can start work on it. What I am sticking for sure is that the score will be made out of that minute time of fighting, studying the logs, and the one who has the percent of VE lost the most, losses. Percentage of VE decides scoring points, not the fix numbers. E) how about kings vote according to the statistics, but they are unable to vote "for their own" players? F) I can't please the whole world. If they can't participate, I shouldn't make it at all? It doesn't have to be world-wide event. You have European Champions cup, what will Asian clubs do?
  21. just a note: I sense this aura of hostility A) yes, I agree that is better to keep it once per 2 months B) I think it's better that the leader of the land, or the one assigned to the position decides of those submitted to participate who is the best one for the representation, like a manager for football in RL. PERHAPS make a limitation on how much one person can join tournaments in a row C) fair in sense that it cannot be predicted on who will win, like in football you have strong teams, but everyone can lose against everyone D) I'm not sure how should prizes work... probably something that is recycling like coins, something that players posses and are free to transfer so no rules are broken in any sense. E) objective council of voters, who rate one based on statistic gained from fights. (every fight log will be screenshoted - should be screenshoted )
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