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  1. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in New Ideas For Usable Items   
    Possible uses for some Items currently in Czez' inventory:

    [b]Knator Bones[/b]: grant bearer key to Loreroot Back entrance, as this is location of knator den

    [b]Tar[/b]: grant bearer movelock spell

    [b]Horseshoe[/b]: grant bearer increase in Luck stat (temp? transferable by spell?)

    [b]Pine needles[/b]: grant bearer spell to increase VP

    [b]Nautical Charts and Graphs[/b]: grant bearer spell to increase Exploring Points

    Last two are useful mainly for helping noobs, but still nice ability.

    Item I haven't got but would like to see:

    [b]Feather Pillow[/b]: grants bearer givevital spell

    Also, it would be nice to have input to item fuction such as userID for a key, where if you use item without authorisation it will give unintended effect

    P.S. Tara, sorry but those W[b]orn High Heels[/b] should definitely lower AP
  2. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from Chewett in New Ideas For Usable Items   
    Possible uses for some Items currently in Czez' inventory:

    [b]Knator Bones[/b]: grant bearer key to Loreroot Back entrance, as this is location of knator den

    [b]Tar[/b]: grant bearer movelock spell

    [b]Horseshoe[/b]: grant bearer increase in Luck stat (temp? transferable by spell?)

    [b]Pine needles[/b]: grant bearer spell to increase VP

    [b]Nautical Charts and Graphs[/b]: grant bearer spell to increase Exploring Points

    Last two are useful mainly for helping noobs, but still nice ability.

    Item I haven't got but would like to see:

    [b]Feather Pillow[/b]: grants bearer givevital spell

    Also, it would be nice to have input to item fuction such as userID for a key, where if you use item without authorisation it will give unintended effect

    P.S. Tara, sorry but those W[b]orn High Heels[/b] should definitely lower AP
  3. Upvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Torch Competition: Tactic For Defending Against Point Farming   
    [quote name='Lady Ailith' date='10 January 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1263130354' post='52410']
    No, the biggest problem is that barely anyone participates, so people have to resort to point farming. If MB players participated, your capital would have a very good defence indeed.

    wot bs is that? even when mb was in its best military edition ever, and that was around the time when torch was implemented, we tried torch best we could several times, and never scored a single point! then why to keep up? not enough ppl on our side to cover up tactical disadvantage, 10-15 ppl, if everyone is active at that time (which never was case always was somebody unable to play due to rl) then when ya count up timezones, ya get 3 ppl online every 8 hours, now that aint enough to hold up defense, 2 paths lead to capitol, and defending at capitol wouldnt be possible coz somebody can wait up at heresy lane till regen hits and he can instatly bank points in base especially if his friends bring points to him, since everyone is banking points in mb, which is ofc shortest way to do it, there is no way that defense wouldnt get killed, if defense falls ya get negative points, if ya try to go offense most likely it will fail to, and ya can do that sort of tricks with that few ppl, thats just mp5, its simple to solve this problem, mb needs 20 more ppl and problem solved, yeah right... there will be always some mp3 almighty alt that will kill newbs which pick torch in mb and score for other land, same with mp4

    wanna make it fair? citizenship is a must for this, and also cross mp fightin for torch holders should be placed up since some players never want to reach mp5, fine but if they compete in torch they should be able to be attacked by enemy torch holder regardless of mp level, also for torch ppl lore back entrance should be closed and torch holders shouldnt be able to travel from mdp to willows shop but instead take longer route through willows walk, then it will be balanced and mb will have chance
  4. Upvote
    Czez reacted to phantasm in Pointless bickering   
    *turn rant on*

    OK, and here we go. For anyone here who is over the age of 15, most of us have had relationships IRL. When you see someone for several months to a year, what happens? So the question of intimacy is not weather it's really RP, because you would play the same as any person would feel after being together so long, it's the question of seeing it. The reason it hasn't been such an issue before is because most of us, yes me included, go to remote area's and after we are done scroll the text so no one is the wiser. There are many locations where you can sit for hours and there is a 99% chance you will see not see a soul. Two people got busted from DST's "witch hunting", and it downgraded into an outright pitiful sight of slander, degrading comments, and outright stupidity. Do I think DST was wrong for hunting them down, yes. Do I think they were wrong for being so rude, yes. The true depth of this horrid drama is that it affected the community as a whole, over two parties bickering.

    Until now anything of this sort has RARELY ever been spoken of. Even when walked in upon, the chat is cleared, and most people are lucky to catch the last line. I think this is another factor in the degrading of MD. Yes DST i love you to pieces, but I think you are degrading MD in this whole mess. Making such a big deal, and throwing such a temper tantrum that Mur has to step in and take measures, well its simply ridiculous. I don't only blame you though, I also blame those who do their private business in places people are known to travel. Worse yet, it that they are so wrapped up in themselves, that they don't have the decency to wipe the chat all you do is
    and poof the chat is gone. Then the only way that it can be read is WHEN SOMEONE PULLS A CHAT LOG, which at that point who is more in the wrong? The party who was RPing, or the party who felt the need to pull someone's chat log, because I think its the latter at that point. DST you are a great part of the MD community, and I enjoy talking with you whenever we do. I just feel that this was a "little girl throwing a temper tantrum because someone wasn't nice to her" and it created a mass hystaria, and almost deffinatly chased possible newcomers away from the game with all of this drama.
  5. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Liberty4life in The Stone Tablets   
    Wow Thanks for this, and my apologies for the misunderstanding about forum pm rather than in game.
  6. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in The Stone Tablets   
    Wow Thanks for this, and my apologies for the misunderstanding about forum pm rather than in game.
  7. Upvote
    Czez reacted to pamplemousse in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    [b]Finally[/b], Kings act like I expect them to! Rash, impetuous and in love with their own power!

    Yes, yes, Peace we all know that you could have banned all his characters if you wanted. But, my goodness, saying that mentally ill people need to "be locked up"?!

    I think these words, uttered so casually, might hurt a larger percentage of the MD population more than someones attempt to destroy the Howling Gates.
  8. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in I'm Back   
    Welcome back, Light.
  9. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Death Bell in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    Say it ain't so! Who's gonna fight the shades?

    Thanks for everything, Lib.
  10. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Liberty4life in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    Say it ain't so! Who's gonna fight the shades?

    Thanks for everything, Lib.
  11. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from Handy Pockets in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    Say it ain't so! Who's gonna fight the shades?

    Thanks for everything, Lib.
  12. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    Say it ain't so! Who's gonna fight the shades?

    Thanks for everything, Lib.
  13. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Phrog's Alliance   
    and that ally doesnt have logo nor anythin, thats wot ya get when ya try to see page of ally that is never made; logo, name, stats etc doesnt exists in other words nothin is associated with that ally id which ya wanted to see so if ya look at id 100000000000 ya will get same thing
  14. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Reorganizing   
    start with forum acc then throw dices and see wot comes up even or odd number
  15. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Reorganizing   
    punish her
  16. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Song Contest   
    Baptized in war.
    40 of 1

    So silent before the storm
    Awaiting command
    Many had been chosen to strike
    And outnumbered them by far
    The orders from Liberty
    Push forward, advance!

    In early morning it came
    A war unknown to the realm
    This army will enter that land
    That is protected by Shades hand
    Because they are 40 of 1
    Shades force will soon be undone

    Baptised in war
    40 of 1
    Spirit of Marind
    Death and glory
    Soldiers of Lib
    Second to none
    Wrath of the Shades brought to a halt

    So come, bring on all alts that you've got
    Come Sentinels, come Summoned_Army,
    Never stop
    Because they are 40 of 1
    Necrovions lives will soon be undone

    Lib power for the win yeah

    ripped from sabaton - 40 to 1
  17. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in New Leadership Of Seal Of Six   
    i was unable to post this in respective section becoz it says i dont have permission to post in there, so i put it here

    so i came in and kicked granny and his followers out of ally, i left i am bored in ally, well he seems to be such a nice guy so i will let him have fun inside

    and granos this is just becoz i dont like your secretive stuff and revenge for every spy ya sent into marind bell

    have a nice day
  18. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Pip For Marind Bell King!   
    unless chew doesnt candidates me votes for ya as well
  19. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Name That Pub!   
    do we need to repeat 91 but this time on your soil to prove it otherwise again
  20. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Name That Pub!   
    oke... lets continue on pm no probs
  21. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Name That Pub!   
    wot is canadian? some animal tasty for bbq? sounds awesome name for pub but really ya cant say canadian power since somethin me never heard about and never saw in md cant be powerful, but for example ya can say lib power
  22. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Name That Pub!   
    haha pips owned ya guys, anyway cro ftw
  23. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Festival Contest - Day 278 - Painful Sacrifices   
    i would like to do it just my angien permits me

    actually now me is even more motivated to do it
  24. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Festival Contest - Day 278 - Painful Sacrifices   
    wot stupidity? it aint stupid and i would gladly do it me is just sorry for aged angien so no becoz of that, me wants to see maxed lvl asap and also there is no reward that can interest me i have it all lol only medals which ya cant give, so no to this, but this is interesting competition
  25. Downvote
    Czez reacted to Liberty4life in Name That Pub!   
    Bored Club
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