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death ray

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  1. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Pass Papers For Mb   
    Shadow that is backwards logic. The whole point to this is that MB is already open to all players, with select places that very few can access, where as the other lands are not accesible except to the select few. Now MB citizens can acces MB all they want, but don't have papers. If MB citizens get papers they should gain access to places others cannot go.

    It's either that or lock the gates, and let noone in, and give the citizens passes.
  2. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Top 5 Mders - People Who You Admire   
    top 5? it would be very hard for me to name a top 25, a top 55 would be slightly easier for me.

    Really, i think most people will name Mur, and a couple of other characters key in their development. But i personally couldnt name 5 people because no 5 single people have helped me.

    The people who are my friends, you know who you are. You are the ones i admire. And i thank you all for all you have done for me.
  3. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Asterdai in Top 5 Mders - People Who You Admire   
    in no particular order...

    Pamplemousse - my first friend here, a special person who at the time when i arrived, had time for everyone, not just me, interested in story writing (and very particular on spelling mistakes!!) and offering rewards for people who helped others with their papers. Havent really experienced her Citrusy wrath only the sweet scent of her grapefruity goodness. Leader of Team Citrus, truely deserving of Best Protector, who spent an AWFUL lot of time and patience with all her adepts not just me. The first person i RP'd with and made me feel warm and welcome in MD, helping me spread my wings for myself x

    Ailith - When i had problems with people in MD i didnt know who to turn to. Ailith helped me with my problems (i dont know what she said...but it worked..thankfully.. or i wouldnt be here) friends with everyone and a big ear and even bigger heart. I dont know if it pained her to become tainted, im sure it was probably nessercey for her character to develop. I didnt like the change at first, and i believe she must sometimes miss being the person she once was, but change is nessercery for everyone, and to me, she will allways be the same x

    Zleiphneir - Being lost and not "feeling" the love in MD for a few reasons, feeling alone i didnt have anywhere to turn. There was one person that was i knew would be there to talk with, whether he liked it or not!! he didnt have a choice to leave.. i could come and go when i pleased, and sometimes i felt rather selfish.. but you know we all have different friends..it would be impossible to keep in touch with all of them ALL the time. Taught me simple rules about hwat i should or shouldnt think about doing when RPing and helping me create a character i enjoyed playing, this is probably the person i felt most attached to when i first began the game. though a bit annoying and defensive when asking him a question (i call him a brick wall ) often asking a cryptic one back, one of the only people who made me look deeper into different parts of the game.

    Peace - if i ever felt in an Intelligent mood, i would search to find Peace. Her understandng about principles and the ways and workings of Necrovian were an inspiration for me. Often she didnt say anything, and helped me think for myself. Annoying yet thoughtful stories/morals that she got from her father, still perplex me to this day, and to be honest make me feel a little stupid, because i cant understand them. She helped guide me to an answer i waqs satisfied with, talking with me for hours and hours at times, and i really really apriecated her time, and the way she went about "leading" me to an answer.

    Ladytwin - Not knowing much about this perplexing character.. it doesnt matter. Friendly to everyone she is an inspiration for me. The time she has spent on this game and helping people, and just seeing her wave fury (her hair) around is just amusing and makes me smile. Constantly searching for something, allways a woman on a mission, yet having a LOT of time for people in the paper cabin, an LHO without being named as one. One of the people who has RP'd from the start and im sure will continue to do so.

    (special mentions, people mean a lot to me personally : innocence, kouros, windy, Rhah de la rey)
    (please post your TOP 5! if you cant say nice things about people you admire in game, tell them what you really feel, then try on here)
  4. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in New Ideas For Usable Items   
    [b]Elemental Amulet[/b]

    Forged in secret in the underground caverns by unknown entities, it holds within it a part of each energy from all five elements.

    I would like to see the Elemental Amulet to allow the holder to cast unlimited weather spells.
  5. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Dmik King in [ Weekly Tournament ]   
    [color="#FF0000"][b]No one except GG contact with me about joining the tournament. Probably no one is interested.
    Please close this topic.[/b][/color]

    [size="6"][b]Weekly Tournament[/b][/size]

    [b]Every week I will organize friendly competition between 2 alliances. Please write to me if you wish to participate. There is no reword for winning but the won alliance will get honor and will be announced in the game and forum with the score of each team. Donators and sponsors that want to help to the tournament are welcome to contact with me as well! People that want to help with organizing are also welcome to contact with me.[/b]
    If I will get enough support this tournament will be open for all people and all mps.

    Rules of the Tournament:
    1. Only 4 members from each alliance can participate at the event, and their names must to be submitted one day before the competition starts in order 1 to 4. This will be also the order of the fights but no one of the other team will know who he will fight and their arrangement - all about strategy!
    2. The time of the match will be given to each of the alliance leaders one week before the tournament, and the participants should arrive no later the 8 min before the start.
    3. The competition will be 1 vs. 1 only every time, and before each battle there will be announcement who against who one min exactly before start - each one of the participants must confirm that they are ready to start.
    4. Each one of the participants can attack his opponent only after it will be told them to start the fight - if someone will attack even one sec before the start he will be disqualified!
    5. After that both participants attacked each other they have to post the result of their battle: win/lose and 0% vs 0%
    6. The winner will be member that won 2 fights. Or if there is draw the one that did more damage in %.
    7. In case that battle ended in draw and the % was same there will be coin flop that will deside who is the winner.
    8. Each participant should copy his battle log after his attack and keep it in case that there is something wrong.
    9. No one of the participates can use magic or leave the tournament area after 8 min before the start and until its finished. (you can go idle but you might miss your battle)
    10. Every won battle will give the winning team one point.
    11. The amount of battles in each tournament will be 4 to 7. Depends the balance wins losses of each alliance.
    12. In case that there will be more participants from one of the alliance that moved to the next stage: the alliance with one player left will battle separately against other alliance members. (For each won fight he will score one point, if he lose against one of the members from the other alliance the tournament will be over)
    13. You can not attack anyone in the tournament zone even not people that don't participate.
    14. People that don't participate can not attack anyone and cast spells on anyone in the place of the tournament.
    15. No one is allowed to speak during the match and one min before the start except organizer and 2 participants that have battle in 1 min. Only after the battle is over and organizer said that its over you can speak. Between each battle there will be short break that everyone can speak with each other. (each battle should take 1-2 min max the rest of the time you are free to talk)
    16. If someone pass on the rules of the tournament he will not alowed to participate and get warning/ban.
    17. If participant didn't show up in the match, or didn't fight he lost the battle and his opponent get won fight and go in the next stage.

    Most important:
    [b]Come rested, healed and with good mood![/b]

  6. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Living Art   
    Because i took this picture when it snowed a week/ish ago, i have taken another one with the required "MD" in it. Hopefully you can see its from the same plant/location (in my backgarden)

    Here is the one with MD in it

    And here is my submission during the week it snowed. I was surprised that this plant still had this flaring red color wheras the rest of it had started to die.

    EDIT: it seems these pictures are a little large, to view them properly it might be easier to save them and view on your comp.
  7. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Firsanthalas in Torch Competetion   
    Well here is the way that I see it.
    I agree with Lifeline that the Torch competition is unfair. First up, some lands like golemus are further away as Lifeline has said. Granted they may have to carry a torch further, but from other land's point of view every other land is probably easier to score against, so its less likely for them to have to worry about conceding scores.
    Secondly, defence. MB and Loreroot in particular have two access points into them. Necrovion and underground have but one. Granted golemus is accessible by two, but again there is the distance factor and one is the maze, which also requires going through other lands like MB and the archives. Underground also falls under this category as its inside MB. MB is easily the worst placed land in this and after that its probably Loreroot and Underground.

    My next gripe is more personal. Loreroot has recently come under attack for cheating. Whatever about the second and most recent instance, the first time we were accused of cheating for taking up torches in places like MB for Loreroot carriers to take. Now its less than noble and to be quite frank its an exploit. But here is the thing. With perhaps the exception of MB, I am pretty sure (I know for a fact) that other lands have and do use this 'tactic'. I didn't hear them get accused of cheating. In fact I would go so far as to say that any form of cheating that Loreroot has been accused of has also been committed by other lands at some point. And again, didn't hear much about that either.
    Actually it seems to me that certain people seem to get a pat on the back when they exploit things or people. Yet when others decide to follow their example they get jumped on. If you don’t participate then you seem to just leave yourself at a disadvantage. In short, it seems that people seem to get rewarded (or at least gain the benefits) for exploiting things until they are boxed off and can no longer be used.
    I have also had complaints from people that they have been harassed and threatened by certain individuals.
    Now, the big thing for me is that I don't see this as right or necessary. I would like to think that I'm a reasonable person and I'm willing to listen to people. I did not tell anyone to cheat and I did not know it was happening. But I will state here quite clearly that I do not agree with it and would ask anyone engaged in such practices to stop.
    However, don't dare point fingers at Loreroot, or indeed any other land singularly and make accusations, when not tackling or acknowledging that it is going on elsewhere. I will not stand idly by while citizens of my land are the subject of personal attacks, threats and in my opinion, bullying. I do not understand why people cannot come to me and at least attempt to discuss this or any other situation before taking it upon themselves to sort it out. I find it unreasonable and I find the singular pointing at Loreroot to be unreasonable too.
    Its just back to the good old fashioned blame game and not being in any way constructive or helpful.

    The Torch competition is flawed and so are those people that participate (if you happen to be perfect do let me know, because I'd be interested to know how and why that is) and therefore there are inevitably going to be problems. Screaming at people, calling people names and harassing them is not actually going to fix anything. My suggestion would be that people discuss the matter and agree on what is and is not allowed. There is way too much emphasis it seems on game mechanics in MD. There seems to be this overriding belief that because its possible to do something that its allowed. Personally I don't see why this is or has to be so. I mean in a game of football I could walk out and shoot all eleven opposing players, stick the ball in the back of the opposing team's goal and say that I had just won by a goal to nil. Oddly enough I have not heard or seen that happen (its an extreme example, there is no need to decide to point out that it is against the rules of football (although I'd wager there is nothing in the rulebook about shooting all the opposing team in the kneecaps) ).

    One suggestion that I would have is to at least move the torch locations and also the scoring points to more equal points. I had thought of something like a pole at each land gate. That way new people could pick up torches for lands that they cannot actually enter. But this leaves problems for places like underground. Although in all honesty, short of constructing an actual 'arena' I'm not sure how that would work much better than the current setup.
    Another option I can think of is to allow citizens of each land access to the relevant land so that they can actually pick up the torch from there. Perhaps this could only last for the torch contest duration? Perhaps even go further again and bar access to lands you are not a citizen of unless you carry a torch. This last suggestion though may cause problems with quests and generally just annoy people.
  8. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Firsanthalas in Torch Carry   
    When I feel that I can make a comment without every second word being an expletive I will.
  9. Upvote
    death ray reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Living Art   
    [b]Reward:[/b] 3 wps, one each for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

    [b]Submissions end:[/b] 1st of March 2010

    [b]Task:[/b] Post here on this thread a photograph of art you find living in the real world. It cannot be a sculpture or a painting but it can be graffiti, it can be a vine wrapped around a fence, a leaf, a cracked pavement, a paper bag dancing in the wind...I hope these examples are explaination enough, if not please ask for further clarification.

    You must include in the photo the letters "MD" on a piece of paper or on your hand to show it is an original. ( thanks to Akasha for that idea )
    The purpose of your living art image should be to cause the viewer an emotive reaction.

  10. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Akasha in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    The forum is not a 'game chat'..well , only the spammers would say it is

    [quote]We talk about a subject, and sometimes it goes off topic. [/quote]

    Wrong! spam means offtopic, that's why there are mods and admins to scream at you to stay ON topic.

    [quote]Punish those who are actually posting useless crap/ off topic posts.
    Not those who go off topic occasionally, because Akasha, you would get punished as well [/quote]

    That is exactly what i am doing now..punishing those that get offtopic and you are one of them..considering your warning status you will get the 'preview by mods' thingy.
    Occasionally is something..but when you spam constantly and you can't stop..we must stop it.

    [quote]I forgot to add that most posts made by anyone are off topic according to you.[/quote]

    Yes, most of DB's posts are offtopic.
  11. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    Unless that is what the topic is called for. Like the captcha topic.
  12. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    Spam on the forum isnt just things that are offtopic, but also those posts which have no usefull content, posts for instance which just have "LOL " are spam.
  13. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Akasha in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    I know you are scared of getting a reset , you would like it now, or later after few more posts?
    Please look at your warnings...from today they start to mean something to a mod/admin and you could actually get a bad thing from them.
  14. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    Was this course of action approved by the other admins/ mods before hand?
  15. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Akasha in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    Moderator preview..well he made 7 posts in 5 minutes.. so yeah, a moderator will approve or disapprove his posts. Unfortunately he can't understand when to stop , and i personally had enough of the spam from the forum, that's why i started to take actions. Think that more the half of his posts are spam...and look at his warning and such..if he can't stop, we must stop him..i personally want to read a topic without posts wich are put in there just to increase the post counts.

    The free of speech ...well he was free to post *cough* spam 658 posts ..so , i started to cook the spammers from this forums.
  16. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Burns in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    once again, i feel tempted to put my toes on the line XD

    postive aspects: YAY, people will finally start thinking before posting crap
    YAY, less stupid spam to read for me =)
    YAY, people will hopefully try to stay ontopic, sometimes at least...

    negative aspects:
    Mod preview? that's like... you know, i think even the romanian mafia and tomato cultists have heard of free speech and such...
    I think/hope that mods will leave posts with content and stuff, but that's certainly looking a bit like Big Brother...

    Though i admit, he had it coming for a pretty long time LOL

    Are there certain warning levels and rules one should know about now? Or are they secret? Or are things being decided out of peoples mood? :/
  17. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Akasha in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    Well, DB got another warn and a moderator preview posts.

    So.. who is next?
  18. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Akasha in Spam And It's Different Ways   
    Lately i saw a lot of spam in all topics.

    From now on i will delete the spam, count down the numbers of post counts you have, or depends on your warnings...reset your count posts.

    First to go : Death Bell got his first reset to 0 posts today because of repeated spam .

    Good luck to the rest

    ps: rants in this topic will be counted as spam also
  19. Downvote
    death ray reacted to dst in Torch Competition: Tactic For Defending Against Point Farming   
    I agree but with one amendment(which probably is obvious but i will still underline it):killing someone who fights for the same land as you will not give you a point.
  20. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    I appreciate the comment Laz, but I am not humiliated.

    I especially enjoy dst reading this topic, and not saying a word.
  21. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Lazarus in Dst   
    Dst is a rude, annoying, evil, wicked witch who enjoys torturing innocent people, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against her, in fact I like her for being her natural self and all she has done, specially that Alliance thing, you just have to live with it if you still want to continue your saga on MD, because I think her twisted mind won't be affected by this little topic you've made. You're just further humiliating yourself.
  22. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    Grido, I understood your point of view. That is what I conceeded, not that bumps are spam.

    I had misread what he said about editing the offers that don't count.

    And how often has he actually acted upon it? I am the only one he has so far demoted. For some stupid reasons. I made mistakes, I should have been given a chance to respond to them.

    All of these events happened within the last ten days. When was I given the opportunity to change? or Learn?

    That is between me and him, which is why you don't understand.
  23. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    It is a longshot, Pip. But I want her to change, because I am tired of her harassing people. It can't go on.
  24. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    Pip, I am the only one with enough nerve to bring this up. There are many who are subject to her attacks. Whether or not they wish to stand up to her, is not up to me. But as I have posted this, I was contacted by four people saying that they agree with me. Another saying that she needs to be pushed back down to Earth.

    And chewett, this is not a bitching topic. I am trying to address something I see a problem with, in a calm manner. You are the one that is making it out to be so.

    No one is correct in assuming that there is always two halves. And I realise that. I know that what I was told was subject to being distorted.
  25. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    [quote name='Chewett' date='12 January 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1263337387' post='52595']
    I purposely didnt post on the forum that we demoted you because i would have thought that would have ruined your reputation more.

    But if you dont mind i shall post why we removed you here and now.

    Here is the story on that front. Then i shall comment on other such things.

    This is directly copied from the post i made in the moderator section about fenrir. With no omissions, the comments made are my own initial ones and are only the first post. I will not post what moderators posted after for it was Chatham House Rules. They can post if they wish to.

    [b]Closing topics without reason:[/b]

    This is about one specific topic. I received a complaint from a user that Fenrir was moderating his topic unfairly. So i investigated and cleared the topic up. here is what i found in that topic.
    After The user bumped the topic, where the last post was around a week old, he posted.

    Now i dont believe there was anything wrong, and it was just a plain bump. Considers some users bump topics daily...
    Then after a different user asked the question and the person who complained replied he posted:
    [Bumps are just plain spam! Something to which you are so adamantly against. They do not do anything besides reactivate dead topics. If anyone wants your creatures, they can use the search function to find it. Should I bump topics just so people can read them over again?][/u]

    I was uneasy with this on multiple levels.
    Firstly he was merely answering a question, something about accepting silver or something (since it wasnt stated in the post)
    Also, in this section, all the closed topics are finished, which would mean it would likely be forgotten.

    Overall, i felt this was just fenrir being a little too officious. But after talking with the user it seems that Fenrir didnt like him because he didnt sell his shade to fenrir.

    When i asked his if this was the case fenrir said it was most not and that he didnt want a "alt abusers shade" and then proceeded to rant about how the user was an alt abuser and it was against his morals.
    Which made me believe that it was more likely he closed it because he didnt like the user.
    [I like him perfectly fine. I was not annoyed that he wouldn't sell it to me, because my offer was to low compared to Eiggers. I did not "rant" about him abusing alts. Infact, I think I made only one comment about it.][/u]

    [b]Reposting Someones WTB offer:[/b]

    He reposted someones entire "WTB several crits" post, and even left the title of the post the same. More than that, he also then edited his post when the original user edited his.
    To me this is something that is just plain rude and not something a Section Mod should do.

    [What? Are you serious? Because I was to lazy to rewrite absolutely everything he wrote? And because my post saying that I wanted the same creatures and to pm me if they didnt like their offer? How is that wrong?]

    [b]Thread Hi-jacking:[/b]

    As a moderator he has deleted such posts, but here he makes them, I removed it but i dont think that moderators should be hijacking threads when he deletes posts of other people that do that.

    [That is another one of your lies with no proof. I rarely ever deleted posts unless it was just spam.]
    [If you wish so badly to have your Mods to have a squeeky clean rep, and not do anything questionable, why is dst still a Mod? She does nothing but attack people.][/u]

    [b]MD Auction:[/b]

    He removed a tonn of posts from it and then posted under it:

    While he has every right to do this, and was probably helping. We all know that any topics that Mur is organising should not be changed in any way. [Was only trying to help keep it clean. I had misread the post Mur later made.]
    Removing posts may also be considered an abuse of power as he may have removed posts from people he didnt like (i didnt check before remerging it) [u][That is not true. In anyway. Infact, most of those people I do not know, let alone dislike.][/u]
    Mur posted two posts above that he was unsure what to do, whether to delete low bids, or something else. From this i would have hoped he would have left it until Mur had decided. [u][If you look at the time stamps of my deletes, you would see that they occured during/before/ or immediately after.][/u]

    As you can see there are the reasons we demoted him, amoung others such as general attutuide[My attitude is a problem...? Again... please look at dst. ], And the investigation into his moderatorship started a couple days *BEFORE* the argument with Dmik in GGG. This investigation was made after several people complained how he was running the section. And i shall just quote one small section of the pm i sent to him.

    "If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules." [u][Sorry, but this was poorly worded and I took it to mean that you would not tell me what they said.][/u]

    If you want to discuss this. Then as i told you, there are many ways that you can discuss your demotion. But unless you want to make another topic, your demotion is nothing to do with your problem about dst.


    [b]Now lets look at your post[/b]

    What "nuisance" are you referring to? do you mean she does things you dont like? Please be more specific

    How little you know. If you knew anything about this issue you would know that both of them are equally to blame. Dst is angry at shoeps so she berates him. shoeps is angry at dst so he swears at her. Please dont assume that because you dont know what happened, means it doesnt matter. You are taking it massively out of context.

    And, when was the last time you have seen her bitching about Shoeps? Every couple of weeks? have you even been playing the last few months, Shoeps stopped playing so it seems a miracle that she has been attacking him.
    [Try looking at todays Player Logs. Enough said.][/u]

    May i see the list? will you publish it? And again, since you know nothing of Shoeps and dst do not make general comments that show your ignorance of that topic. Find another more apt argument that fits. [u][I actually know quite a bit. As I have had several lengthy chats with Sheops about it.][/u]

    Now im getting worried, im probably going to be on her blacklist because i said its half her fault, you know what? i dont care because she is merely one person. I dislike a few poeple in MD, but since its a GAME they cannot do anything to hurt me. And if you are a insulted by her calling you a "coward" then she has won, and you are letting her have her saticfaction. [u][I was being sarcastic, I am sure you can realise that. I don't care if she called me a coward. Its the fact that she has no idea what Bravery is that annoys me.][/u]

    oh, i see, you mean this post you made? [u][Yes, exactly.][/u]

    It was made on the Topic of what is "sexually explicit". And your post was rude and offtopic. that is why it was deleted. And again, if you had an issue with that, you could have brought it up. Not kept it as "blackmail" material as it seems you have now. [u][How can I bring things up against one of your Mods, when you turn a blind eye to absolutely EVERYTHING THEY DO.] [/u]

    i was there fenrir and your ideas were clouded, and it did seem like you were claiming that, So i am not surprised that Dmik thought you were saying that. Although i hoped you weren't. [u][Not even close. Your memory must be going. We weren't even talking about how the holocaust did or did not happen. We were on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT topic. I commented on Dmiks rude outburst about how he would kick my ass if I even claimed that it didn't happen.][/u]

    As i have said in the pm i sent you, and i will publish it if you wish to portray that i was not crystal clear that if you didnt understand i could send you infomation if you required it. I also did send you what you asked for, but you didnt even bother replying.

    again, i will requote part of the pm i sent you

    [b]"If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules."[/b]

    You did not ask for them, so if you were unclear then it was your fautl for not asking for them. [u][Because I realised it would not get anywhere. You had your mind set and you would not see the errors of you ways. Everytime I try convincing you of something, you always dismiss it. You made a mistake.][/u]

    And as i said in my pm to you, You can post what you want as long as it complies with the rules, However the lies you have posted need massive corrections.
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