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death ray

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  1. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    Pip, I speak the truth so others may see the truth. To change if need be.

    Dst does it out of personal vindication.

    I want DST to stand up, and to change. For her to stop this public hunting of others.

    No one should be subject to her harassment. It isn't right.

    Edit: To those of you who are giving All of these negative remarks? And no reasons given? Do you disagree with what I am saying? Or are you just to immature to see reason?
  2. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    For as long as I can remember, dst has been just as much a nuisance to the general MD public as certain other individuals. The names Death Ray, and redneck come to mind. She may not be a nuisance in the same way, but she is still a nuisance none the less. I use the word nuisance as a kind substitute for other words which could be applied.

    I would like to bring to light her constant hunting of "prey". Those she considers weak, stupid, or different. For no other apparent reason other than for her own self satisfaction that she is better than others. Whether or not she is, is up for debate. Not only does she hunt these "prey" she chomps down on their hind quarters until they can do nothing but limp on for months. If they are so lucky as to be able to walk after the initial attacks, she then sinks her teeth into their throats. For instance, her attacks on Shoeps. I do not care what he did, or why she attacks him constantly, but it is not acceptable to see these instances brought up every few weeks when she can't find another prey to attack.

    She made it her life's ambition to see his game life ruined, and unfortunately, it appears as if she succeeded. That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that her goal was to make Shoeps hated by the general population by making a personal conflict public because she could not win otherwise. Again, unacceptable. He is not the only one she constantly harasses. I have a list of people she makes regular attacks against, and it isn't right.

    Her attitude towards anyone that does anything but tread lightly around her is deplorable. If you so much as argue with her, she will call you a coward. If you so much as win, watch out, for you will be put on her "black list".

    I had recently posted something about her comments of calling an individual a coward on the forum. What happened? She deleted and removed the post because she found it "insulting". As well as threatened to have my warn level increased to the point that I will have a Moderator review everything I post.

    I was also demoted from my job of being a Section Moderator for the CTC Section. The reason being? I closed topics that were inactive, and merging posts without notifying the poster when they were spamming their topic with bumps. Why is this a reason for demotion when I had been faithfully maintaining the most active section in the forum for nearly 8 months?

    I believe dst is once again at hand. The night prior, I was having a heated debate with Dmik King(If forget exactly what the initial topic was about but towards the end Dmik King was claiming I was claiming the Holocaust did not happen... when I wasn't talking about it. Tried clarifying it but he would not listen because he was so angry.) and a few others.

    Dst intervened and started her usual act of trying to prove herself superior to others. I, in no way, claim that I am better, nor worse. When her arguments were being questioned, she resorted to her childish behavior of name calling and dismissing my questions about her arguement as being "stupid".

    And as an attempt to attack me once again, she decided that I was no longer fit to moderate the CTC Section. (I really don't care if I am the CTC Mod or not. It does not bother me.) So, dst and Chewett, notified me several days ago that I was demoted for reasons still unclear.

    I am here to call dst out. Make a valid arguement. Do not spew insults and insinuations. Make valid arguements as to why you seem fit to do this.

    Anyone else is welcome to comment on it, after dst has responded.

    [Mods: Please notice that there isnt a single insulting word, swear word, and this is not a heated response to something she did recently. I let a few days pass before I decided to write this so I could write it without being rash.]
  3. Downvote
    death ray reacted to awiiya in Pointless bickering   
    As someone who might appreciate Roleplay and art in general on a more intricate level, I will say the following:

    I can see the values in roleplaying intimate behavior, even though I myself would never even consider participating in it. However, what happens between two people in this close and intimate way should be kept between these two people. The third person who is forced to participate just by reading or seeing what is happening is unpleasant.

    Sex is fine, good, and lovely. Seeing it is a matter of utter severity. I am not saying what you and anybody else do is not beautiful, but rather to the unsuspecting eye it is jarring.

    So this is why I say, as someone who supports Roleplay and all its facets fully, I sternly support this move to ban intimate behavior.

    Also, if anybody is a proponent of Roleplay, it is Mur. Why in the world would he outlaw a form of it without due cause?

  4. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Tarquinus in Pointless bickering   
    Actually, dst, I'm indifferent about the whole thing. From all your stalking and chat-log pulling, I'd think you'd know I have found another venue. I did not speak up on the cyber-sex thread because I didn't see what good voicing my opinion would do. You weren't listening then, you aren't listening now, and you are unlikely to ever listen in the future. YOU, my dear, are the hypocrite, a seasoned rule-breaker who has appointed herself one of the moral authorities of MagicDuel. The comic irony of that is deep.

    So... you stayed because you didn't see a single RP thingy. Good for you. When people started roleplaying, you were confused and disgusted. Admit it: outlawing the cybering won't make MD a better place for you. You hate ALL roleplaying.

    Yes, I do say if you have no training in art, you cannot appreciate art as an artist can. I've known scores of people to dismiss things such as modern art and oh, I don't know, maybe poetry, out of sheer ignorance. Your exposure to roleplay and the roleplaying world is ankle-deep, but you speak as though you have plumbed all the depths and intricacies of it. You have not. You speak almost entirely from ignorance, and like most ignorant people, you hate everything you do not understand.

    I wouldn't bother threatening someone as self-centered as you. You have always been quite open about your flagrant disregard for anyone else's point of view.

    No idea, do I? Hmm, whatever you say. I recall voting on your stigma, and I recall the events of that time. For the record, I voted against giving you the stigma... because I am a big softie.

    I have always known I was doing a thing that could get me banned, and I was always prepared to pay the consequences of my actions. You don't read well - because you are not paying attention - and thus you didn't see my remark about what Mur has done and his record of being lenient on this and other matters. Like people such as yourself.

    As nearly as I can tell, Amoran opened this topic because the rule seems to be something you and people like you pressed Mur to institute so you could get the people you don't like banned. You still don't have the spine to admit that your stance on this issue is really all about the people you don't like rather than any righteous horror at what they have done. Your concern for the MD community is entirely and demonstrably confined to issues and people that affect you personally.
  5. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Mya Celestia in Guardians Recruitment   
    as a thought...maybe some one could mentor me in being a mentor....i don't fill i'd be a good one thus not offering to be one for new recrutes.
  6. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Guardians Recruitment   
    as a thought...maybe some one could mentor me in being a mentor....i don't fill i'd be a good one thus not offering to be one for new recrutes.
  7. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Yoshi in Sacrifice Alter Bug?   
    i've had a similar problem as well with gaining temp. stats. i tryed a certain crit. for the temp. stats and and i get nothing for it, i've tryed several times at diffrent alters all give no temp stats. all it get is a errer message that pops up and goes away rather fast.
  8. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Metal Bunny in Woodman's Quest   
    So.. Woodman's quest had been going on for about.. 2 months?
    People collected the full picture and the full riddle, but, couldn't solve the last part.

    This quest will end at the end of 2009, so maybe, just maybe, people can solve it in the few days left.
    But I sincerely doubt this.
    That is why, if absolutely no one has solved this by the end of 2009, I will start a new quest in 2010. Simply put, this quest will be an easier version of the current quest.
  9. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Roland in Post Masters Reward   
    What about Orlando?
  10. Downvote
    death ray reacted to redneck in Creature Price List   
    mmhhmm i dont get it
  11. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Merry Christmas Md!   
    Merry Christmas to one, and to all!

    May your holidays be sweet and serene, lasting an eternity in the deepest corners of your personality altering it to the better for ever and beyond!

    As for the New Year, the best of luck to all your endeavours that you may take upon yourself!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  12. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    Yes, Shadow. That is exactly what I suggest.

    I suppose they can keep them, but they can only use one in a ritual.

    I do not know how to do it, but I think that we reset all the drachorns to the egg stage(keep the age and everything) but perhaps that is too much work.

    Any ideas?

    Grido, they can still sell them to those who cannot purchase them.
  13. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='23 December 2009 - 01:15 PM' timestamp='1261592106' post='50906']
    I just simply agree. I mean, Doesen't the drachorn has his flaw? I suppose it has, but haven't been able to check it already. but it should just be harder to get them, instead if making a limit. like: you can still buy them for 51 credits. but it costs you 5000 honour and 500 loyalty and a wishpoint or so .., or less exspensive but you get the idea. you need to pay money, but you have to be a strong player to.

    Orlando, you shouldn't have to pay more for it. The whole point of the MDShop is that everything costs the same. (There are variances... I know, but not so large that it would prevent people from buying it) But, making a player wait longer to buy from the MDShop is only hurting MD/Mur.

    They can purchase as many Rustgolds as they wish, but they can only USE one. There is no reason to limit how many someone can buy from the Shop.
  14. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    I never said that people who didn't aquire the Rustgold and the Reindrach from the shop can't use them. But they are limited to one of each.

    As for those who earned the Drachorns because they are powerful, I am sure they are powerful enough that four drachorns is still a pretty tough ritual.

    I know MANY will disagree with this. I am pretty sure I would too if I had more than one of each kind as well. (I don't I have one of each.(Still can't use three of them though... )) But, I am willing to sacrifice some hard earned creatures for the sake of balancing the game out.

    It is not about taking the rich's money, but that is what is needed. If you look at any game, all the different classes(Mage, Warrior, Priest etc) all have a weakness to another class. One cannot dominate the other.

    Well, we have WAY to many players dominating other players. And not in the usual sense. These rituals are so powerful that if we turned MD into Aion/WoW, these players could PWN the Mods. 1.2 million damage in one round is absurd.

    Another thing I would like to add, is to limit the ammount of tokens per creature. (However, that is another topic for another day)


    phantasm, that is the problem though. There is to large of a supply of Drachorns. And the people who have them hold the monopoly on them. A LARGE monopoly. They can charge 80 silver for a Drachorn, simply because they can.
  15. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    What is the point of the most powerful creature in MD being hoarded like a troll hoarding it's gold?

    Aren't Drachorns supposed to be majestic beasts that are almost untameable?

    Then why do people like Leixer have 40 Drachorns?

    Why do most of the veterns have 4-10 drachorns?

    What is the point of an unbeatable ritual? Being unbeatable defeats the purpose of the mechanics of this game. All rituals have a weakness, but when the only thing that can beat the drachorn ritual are more drachorns, with more tokens, and more stats.

    This is a major flaw in the system. I do not see the point of this. All it does is cause more people to hoard their drachorns so that they can compete with these people.

    So, I propose this reasonable solution. One that none of you will like. At least, none of those who hoard their drachorns.

    I propose to limit each account with a single drachorn of each type. So, a person can only have a Madhorn, a Rustgold Drachorn, a Mutated Drachorn, and a Reindrach.

    That should be MORE than enough power for one person, but it does not make the ritual unbeatable. It's still a tough ritual, but it won't cause a person to be completely slaughtered when they come up against it.

    To stop people from aquiring more than these drachorns, I suggest having a check placed, when the Egg of each drachorn is ready to hatch, checking for another of its kind. So, a Rustgold Drachorn Egg is ready to hatch, and a line of code checks your current creatures to see if you have a Rustgold already. If so, it prevents your egg from hatching. (We could relate this to these Majestic beasts being overly protective of their master?)

    As for the Drachorns bought in the store, these can still be bought, but they can not be hatched until their siblings have been removed from the Creatures Page. (Ie. They can still be sold/traded to those who do not have drachorns)

    Please let me know what you think, and any improvements on this idea you may have.

    Do not just flame this, as it is a possible solution to a growing problem.
  16. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Chewett in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    [quote name='pamplemousse' date='21 December 2009 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1261444791' post='50770']
    How can you be so sure it is MRD?
    i think he is the only one that can send players there.
  17. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    I know this is offtopic, but ffs redneck! Take some time and revise what you are typing! Half of what you say is misspelled or just plain wrong. I have to reread what you say because it isn't English. It's some dead language no one knows anymore...

    So please! Take some time and think, then type, then read, analyze and then do it all over again until someone without a masters degree in Ancient Languages can decipher what you say.
  18. Upvote
    death ray reacted to MRD in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    redneck there is a very simple solution. will end this once and for all. dont ever go back to GGG. you cant behave there and that is perfectly alright for you to do. but there are consequenses for your actions and words. this is the public notifacation that redneck is banned from GGG.

    Reason(s): He uses abusive language toward staff and players, he does not respect the rules or fellow players.

    redneck ill let you out, again, but if you are seen at GGG you will be put BACK in the tunnel. Just because you do not see ME in there or online does not mean i am not watching. Whatever you do outside of GGG is none of my business, but i will not tolerate your attitude or behaviour in the Training Grounds

    EDIT: So we are clear, as soon as you publically accept these terms in this forum topic you will be let out and not bothered again. If you fail to accept these terms the punishment will continue

    ps. i apologise to those of you who do not see me often, i am not gone just very busy with the holidays this year.
  19. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Lower Xp To Zero   
    Will that cause one to drop back down to MP3?

    I doubt it, but I have never tested it...
  20. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Prince Marvolo in Abuse Of Silence Spell   
    [quote name='death ray' date='20 December 2009 - 03:55 AM' timestamp='1261277710' post='50658']
    didn't mur say there wasn't a punishment for that spell?

    Ooooh! DR spotted someone who did something wroong!!
    Ooooh! Punish her now!!!
    Ooooh! DR found a way to get Attention!!

    Stop complaining! And take a look at yourself first!
    Or go whining somewhere else
  21. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Lazarus in Gameage! (Oneword Story)   

    (what the hell?)
  22. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Muratus del Mur in Md Real Coins O.o   
    Listen to this ...
    i can make COINS, gold plated (24k), silver or bronze. I mean like REAL COINS with 3d engravings and writing, just like currency coins. Diameter of about 40mm (1.56'). Problem is that i need to do at least 100 or they wont create the dies, so i cant just do a few for those that want, i must do all or none.

    I can cover a big part of the cost myself, but i wont do them without first checking if enough people are interested in this and also take preorders.

    I have a few ideas, but remember, only one of them can be made real, i can't make one of each.

    1) Matte or Shiny gold plated , marked with "1 Gold" or something similar, refering clearly to the gold coins in MD.
    2) Silver with 1 Silver, refering to the Silver coins in MD. Silver looks better than gold it seems.

    Advantages of making them currency coins with a value is that people could get more than just one.

    3) Bronze or any of the other options, with something generaly valid for MD, like log on one side and "something" else on the other (i have to think about it and it good). Maybe a thematic coin of some sort. If i am planning to make these in 100 coins series, each time i do a new series it could have the same main design but with one side changed (like Euro is in each country).

    Bad thing is that if its general , there is no reason to get more than one, and there won't be 100 individual buyers for sure.

    Other "communist" ideas:
    4)put a tax/donation/optional payment of 3-5 credits for all players and then give these as awards based on different reasons (but not to those making the credit payment).

    5)Use these both as rewards and purchased items (it wont be fair!) until i can get a second type of coin just for one of these purposes.

    Gold plating is more respectable, but in my opinion looks bad, contrast is low and if its matte its two faded (its also more expensive). Silver doesnt look like actual silver, its more like a grey (see pics) but keeps better contrast and resembles more actual coins that are in currency. Bronze is the cheapest material, and it has low symbolic value, but looks great and heavy, especialy the 3d one (thats almost as much as the flat gold one).

    I wished i could get these to you for free, but obviously i cant. I also have to make a price differentiation between those that preorder and those that will order later, or none will preorder at all. So i am thinking of this. The preorders will be priced at exactly the cost price. So whoever gets them with preorder will have the minimum price possible, but i can't guarantee a price because i have no idea what are transport and customs taxes exactly. So for preorder price will be a lot smaller, but might fluctuate a bit.

    Estimate price, without shipping from Romania to international:
    With preorder (actual coin cost from mint, plus shipping here, without any profit or taxes added by me) is about 7$ (+/- 1$) plus 1$ for gold matte plating (depending if thats the coin will be made or not).
    Estimate price after, without preorder, 12-16$ (includes MD profit part, handling)

    These are raw estimates, its first time i work with this provider and i have no clue what will be at the end.

    They will have to be shipped here in Romania first, then i will send them to you. The shipping from me to you will be depending on location, i have no idea how much, but you can check out with your local shipping services to get an estimate quote. For more coins in same package the shipping will be almost null for the additional coins so you will get a much better price per coin if you get more. I am thinking maybe for people in same town you can join and get them all in one package to save shipping costs and then meet and get them in person.
    (In Romania you can come and get them from me if you are in Bucharest or domestic shipping charges via Fancurier, Cargus, etc)

    So, i am waiting for your opinions.
    Because this topic might get very big very soon, please write only if you are realy planning to buy. I am sure most of you have good ideas about this, but those that will actualy buy them should have a heavier word than others.

    Check out samples:
    I marked them with letter so you can refer better to them if you want to indicate a certain model in the picture.
  23. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Lazarus in Gameage! (Oneword Story)   
  24. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Lazarus in [Necrovion]Riddle - Tales From The Prison   
    It seems that Adam's mental problem is getting worse. The other day he was hallucinating and eating the prison bars, yesterday he tried to kill himself, and earlier today is much worse:

    Day 351 Year 4

    [b]The Deadly Paws[/b]

    [attachment=1331:ADAM INSANE!.jpg]

    His hallucination and mental illness is getting dangerous for others and for himself. He can kill an inmate if this continues without medical treatment, now he believes that he is a Cat and, apparently, killed Peace. Fiju, an Inmate Healthcare Supervisor is not always around, and I am Bored has no knowledge about health or mental problems, this will not be resolved and will just get even worse as the days pass by...

    Watch out for the next installation.

    [PN: I created the "Chad" account for all of my characters, but it got banned so I have to speak through this account for all of them, so now I don't talk about Lazarus, I talk about Adam Riddle.]
  25. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Forum Spam   
    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='16 December 2009 - 07:14 PM' timestamp='1260990849' post='50434']
    I suppose that this is a needed step for some people, how ever I would like us to review the steps needed to achieve post moderation.

    If we need three warnings to achieve post moderation, shouldn't it be for the same mistake? For instance, if I troll a fat person over and over (ie I berate them for being stupid and explain why but also suggest ways of doing it better) and recieve two warnings, but I get a third warning for posting spam. I don't think that I would need post moderation, at least until I troll the person one more time since spam isn't nearly as bad as trolling fat people.

    So, in conclusion. We need three strikes(for failing to change our ways concerning a certain misbehaviour) in order to be post moderated by failing to listen to the previous warnings.

    currently i dont warn people for one offence of spamming. because everyone spams a little. After a continual bout of spam i then warn the person For example this person was warned on 08 December 2009 - 06:23 AM and was told of the punishment if they continued to spam.

    Then after a lot more posts i then gave them a post moderation and another warning as it was obvious that they hadnt learnt from the pm i sent them. For spam i use this because spam doesnt nesscarily need anything done about it immediately, If there was a lot of it then i would consider some action.

    Rudeness on the other hand currently uses a three strikes system (although it seems we always have more) Where the user is warned each time they are rude (to a level that is unacceptable) then once the user has reached this level they will have some form of punishment

    Any action taken on an account is trackable on every member so a moderator can see what warnings they have been given by whome. This allows us to track what the user has done, so punishment will incrment based on overall account activity. But it will vary based on what the user has done.

    For example if they user has been abusive a lot, they might be banned form posting for a period of time, Or if they spam a lot, Have a moderator Approval

    As with all punishments they can be discussed with the person who has punished you. They will always contact the user to tell them their punishment.

    And if you ever feel that a punishment is unfair then you can always contact me or another mod.
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