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Everything posted by Myth

  1. I checked 2 of my accounts, but I'm willing to bet they all show this. None of them have any avatars.
  2. Also: There are several more occurrences, however I think they're correct, as they refer to amounts of spent $, and not to amounts of gained credits. P.S.: inserting images places them at the top of the post, not where the cursor (is that what it's called?) is.
  3. Is there a way to play around with the layout? I can't stand reading the forum on half of the page. while the other half is occupied with "Recently Browsing" etc. and only uses the top 6 rows of the page. Leads to a LOT of scrolling, especially when you have to read, for instance, essay quests..
  4. @dst - your links send people to this page, instead of the pictures.
  5. This update gives stalking a run for its definition. As a guest, I can see everybody's every registered action, in almost perfect condition. Even though saying this might lead to some unwanted changes (which makes me a horrible stalker), I simply couldn't resist saying it. Otherwise, I strongly dislike the WHITENESS. Edit: said I had 45 notifications. Clicking the icon showed none. Clicking "View All" also showed none.
  6. Myth

    Influence slider

    Nope. As per Miq's example, both sliders be taken under consideration as a whole, creating a 200:100 % ratio. For 200% cumulated (VE and stats) you get 0% token power, for 160% cumulated you get 20% token power and so on. Like Miq, I simply don't see the imbalance. I can't think of a concrete example which would jepordize the current combat system. :-/
  7. Myth

    Influence slider

    Can't this be fixed by separating the token power bonus? - attack with 0% VE and 0% stats = 100% tokens - attack with 100% VE and 0% stats (or vice-versa) = 50% tokens - attack with 100% VE and 100% stats = 0% tokens - and so on You get the idea..
  8. Myth

    Influence slider

    It's a nice idea, though I'd see it more like a gained ability, instead of a default option
  9. I don't even care about the flags, since proxies can hide your country. I see alts in everyone regardless of the flag... it's in the tone :p
  10. I don't see what could prevent that from happening.. screenshots and out of MD communicating As for what Jail is: - a damp and dark place to rot for a while in, after wronging someone, no? - definitely not the equivalent of a ban - could use some visiting hours.. but make sure to thoroughly check us for magical escape pins, or the likes *cough* :p
  11. A little bird tells me that prizes have been given out accordingly. :p Topic may be closed. Thank you! :D
  12. Round 3 has ended! [hr] Scoring! Procedure: - players had to provide X heat - for every 10% of X above or below X, 1% score was subtracted for that player, in that round - additional points were given provided 2nd goals were met - exception: Round 3 - Option 3, where 0 score was given if either of the goals were failed Format: Entry number. Player name (option 1/2) = provided heat / required heat (+/-) = score % Screen shots (+/- represents whether or not goal 2 was reached for extra points) [log="Round 1"] 1. Rophs = 5.616 / 1.800 = 78,80% http://i.imgur.com/egejqn6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/s1dLcQK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yE0ovn7.jpg 2. Aethon = -288 / 906 = 76,82% http://i.imgur.com/1OpM9y7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/omDMhyu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zKHseZU.jpg 3. Wideberth = null = 0,00% 4. Neno Veliki = 384 / 6.450 = 90,60% http://i.imgur.com/QqX0mb9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WZ2rI64.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dVRTX9M.jpg 5. Mirus = 1.300 / 1.300 = 100% http://i.imgur.com/HtJcCPO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RnGYBcN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KHuvq2j.jpg [/log] [log="Round 2"] 1. Rophs (option 2) = -1.512 / 100 (+) = -62,20% http://i.imgur.com/YdmDVAG.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1QrFpPa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ncF1iRb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GwvGi8P.jpg 2. Aethon (option 2) = 1.275 / 100 (-) = -17,50% http://i.imgur.com/vY5YMEJ.jpg (I forgot to take this screen shot; apologies; according to notes, goal #2 was not achieved) http://i.imgur.com/VcS9B2x.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DykZOZ3.jpg 3. Wideberth (option 2) = -14.889 / 100 (+) = -1.399,90% http://i.imgur.com/WtuV8OM.jpg (I forgot to take this screen shot; apologies; according to notes, goal #2 was achieved) http://i.imgur.com/9pUZUEP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IAzLHXR.jpg 4. Neno Veliki (option 2) = 0 / 100 (-) = 90,00% http://i.imgur.com/plDXx7z.jpg (I forgot to take this screen shot; apologies; according to notes, goal #2 was not achieved) http://i.imgur.com/Ax3AV7c.jpg http://i.imgur.com/R8nHLQc.jpg 5. Mirus (option 1) = 1.000 / 989 = 99,89% http://i.imgur.com/m6O9pCb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VAPIL00.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eAq5okI.jpg [/log] [log="Round 3"] 1. Rophs (option 1) = -8.505 / 195 (-) = -356,15% http://i.imgur.com/MZ5xG9C.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mPMLRRn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/fS7rPWf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/W2Ac8HT.jpg 2. Aethon (option 1) = 2.273 / 195 (-) = -6,56% http://i.imgur.com/XK4eujO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FRoiAAx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GVcQe6N.jpg http://i.imgur.com/fAPDSRx.jpg 3. Wideberth (option 2) = 194 / 420 (-) = 0,00% http://i.imgur.com/q1XWzG4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1EDYU4D.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Li8VlCh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JeZ2w1m.jpg 4. Neno Veliki (option 1) = -5.409 / 195 (-) = -197,38% http://i.imgur.com/plQ0UAc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7NPSeu0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/iQ0oWNo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/D1xCLUj.jpg 5. Mirus (option 1) = -35.750 / 195 (-) = -1.753,33% http://i.imgur.com/j4bhoNv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/e5XsUJD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jexiQGy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GiWKeKq.jpg [/log] Unfortunately, Dark Demon and Nadrolski did not attend. Final Scores and prizes! 1. Aethon = 17,59% 1 x Wish point (Asthir) + 5 x Heat Stone (Syrian) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs) 2. Neno Veliki = -5,60% 1 x Marksmen - 6 tokens (TKs) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs) 3. Rophs = -113,18% 2 x Gold Coin (TKs) Congratulations and thanks! The unfortunate negatives come from the use of the Regeneration ability, which I warned against. I definitely should have made that line stand out more. :P All in all, I hope this was as much fun for you as it was for me. Thanks for participating, testing, sponsoring, providing and even spectating. :P Prizes will normally be distributed before November 12th, hopefully sooner. :)
  13. Nevertheless... Mythrandir 38628 :D
  14. No stats are allowed, which means no slider usage. :P Question @Juba: What about Pimps? :p
  15. I'm adding 2 days to this round since I can't be around very often. I can be on: - 10:00 - 17:00 ST (slight chances) - 20:00 - 00:00 ST (maybe 01:00) Modified dates: [...] 5. Oct 11th - Oct 28th - round 3 takes place (2 days added because 12th and 24th are Days of Tranquility) 6. Oct 29th - Nov 4th - scoring 7. Nov 5th - Nov 11th - prize distribution
  16. Due to recent events - accounts going missing - I'm prolonging this round for as many days as it takes. I can't carry out this round until Asthir is back, because he has the neutralluck spell which is required in the round.
  17. Happened about 1 hour ago. Looks like accounts have been deleted :p
  18. You know that mayhem which took place 2-3 weeks ago, where effects wouldn't end? Here it is again! :D If you need proof, just check the Gazebo chat list :p (Myth hasn't disappeared from chat since last night, even though I haven't logged him in in the past 7-8 hours; triggers don't go away etc.)
  19. A little under 1 week remains of Round 3! I hope you've used this time to test! :D
  20. The actual war? >_< I took Team Brit as an in-game term...
  21. Round 2 has ended! [hr] Round 3 has begun! As before, Myth will be stationed at Meeting of the Roads. Give him a nudge if he's around but daydreaming. :P If that doesn't work, try Asthir - usually hangs around the Gazebo. Round 3 details are 3 posts up. (2nd post on the 2nd page) [hr] (apologies for not being very precise when posting this message :p)
  22. Due to unforeseen circumstances (power outage) I couldn't be around last night as promised. I'm pushing all dates by one day, thus prolonging the duration of round 2. Dates are now as follows: [...] 4. Oct 3rd - Oct 10th - round 3 target details are (already have been) made public - round 2 takes place 5. Oct 11th - Oct 26th - round 3 takes place (2 days added because 12th and 24th are Days of Tranquility) 6. Oct 27th - Nov 2nd - scoring 7. Nov 3rd - Nov 9th - prize distribution Round 2 ends tomorrow night (Oct 10th) at 23:59 ST.
  23. 1 day and almost 12 hours are left of Round 2! My activity will suffer until 20:00 server time, both today and tomorrow, due to work related issues. After 20:00, I'll be on until the end of each day. 2 of you have completed this round, so far.
  24. Awww... I guess that lifestealer *cough* saver caught up with you after all :))
  25. I have 82 of them. Should anyone need any, give me a nudge (either here, or in-game to Asthir / Myth, whichever works for you). What will follow: - we'll find each other - I'll send the stones over - you use how many you need - you send the rest back I'll update the thread if the number changes.
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