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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. all went well. Molima's both hungry and productive now time to lvl it up thanks again for fixing it.
  2. Molima started eating bones. Everything seems to be in order now. Will confirm after enough bones are eaten to produce the spores.
  3. sure thing. thanks for looking into it
  4. Chewett, if you have time to check the molomas again, please check mine as well. It's condition is unchained since I posted the first time, just now it's inactive for 6 weeks now. thank you in advance
  5. personally, I never found DoT useful.
  6. hello is there a "fasting" time period before molima becomes productive? it seems my molima is not in the mood to eat and/or produce anything and it's been over 2 weeks since I have enough bones for it to munch on. Other (un?)important details: lvl: 1 Name: Molima Crit ID: 851848 It has been transfered. it's upgrade-ready
  7. Happy Birthday man!
  8. Actually the organizer of the contest can decide the rules, Chewett doesn't need to be bothered with that. Perhaps we should allow Azull to compete. As an MP7 he can fight with any MP lvls when he chooses to and can't be attacked if he doesn't want to. But surely he can still still play other vital support roles as well as win if he so desired it
  9. Molima - 851848 - 661 days - 10 gc 5sc (7gc + 10 creds)
  10. actually it seems like you're looking for excuses. And seem desperate at that. It's a shameful attitude from a person who wants to be treated seriously.
  11. bid update: Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - 22 gc
  12. bid update: Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - 20 gc
  13. Molima - 851848 - 661 days - 8 gc
  14. Molima - 851848 - 661 days - 6 gc
  15. it would be helpful if you included crits names as well. with only ID it's troublesome to check if you're outbidding my (anyone else interested) offers. thanks
  16. bid update: Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - 18 gc
  17. bid update: Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - 16 gc
  18. Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851577 - 669 days - 2gc 10sc Loreroot Archer - 828849 - 1029 days - 10 sc
  19. Loreroot Archer - 270942 - 2727 days- claw1, firedrop - 5sc
  20. bid update: Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851574 - 669 days - 2 gc (no change, I believe it's still highest bid) Molima - 851848 - 661 days - 5 gc Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - 15 gc + Loreroot Archer - 270942 - 2727 days- claw1, firedrop - 2sc Loreroot Archer - 828849 - 1029 days - 2sc
  21. bid update: Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851574 - 669 days - 2 gc (no change, I believe it's still highest bid) Molima - 851848 - 661 days - 5 gc Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - 14 gc
  22. update on the bids. Fang, that's still offering for a bundle. But just in case you can pay separetely for each crit, an update. Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851574 - 669 days - 2gc (either way atm outbids Fang) Horseman - 851879 - 12gc
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