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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. dead tired... miss you guys.

    1. gonzalocsdf95


      MD also misses you brother

  2. 2 most interesting quests I was waiting for and I missed them both... :( and it seems I might miss lot more if things won't get straight for me... edit: I'd still would like to try the quest outside competition if it'd be possible. It might not be this nor the next week tho...
  3. you and I resemble god, made by him to come after him, everything in us resembles god except one thing...

  4. you and I resemble god made by him to come after him, everything in us resembles god except one thing...

  5. you and I resemble god made by him to come after him, everything in us resembles god except one thing

  6. you and I resemble god made by him to come after him everything in us resembles god except one thing...

  7. someone looked inside of me, it almost made me puke... *sigh* I hate gastroscopy...

    1. Magistra


      I know what it is! Have had lots of them.

  8. You need to fight them again after advancing to MP4 (and MP5) to gain access to Loreroot. Even if you have gained access on previous MP lvl. To be able to fight them you need to "see them for what they are". If you don't know how to do that quest, seek me (or any other LHO) in game and we'll help you :)
  9. I agree with Chewett. There is a good reason why votings (in and out of MD) are anonymous.
  10. O_O try finding a way. or no! don't try! do! there is no try! steal from neighbors! :P and more seriously: all the best, come back soon, we'll be waiting :)
  11. hope you still can be found around to clobber people, Batgirl :D oh and congrats Change! :)
  12. in the starless shutters of my eyes...

  13. Just a side note. Jealousy is a characteristic of a person that did not get favored treating, not of the one that did. One can be equally jealous of someone who got something because he worked for it hard and of someone who gained something unjustly. Looking at it from different side: jealous person can be both jealous and have valid arguments against someone being favored. As I said, just a side note.
  14. That's prolly not gonna be a shock to anyone, but I'd have to say.... balance. Balance doesn't mean "in the middle" more like "in between" and "one can't exist without the other". In reality nothing is ever just white or just black. It's always in between, leaning towards one side or the other. One of my fav poem fragments, by Ursula K. Le Guin from "A Wizard of Earthsea: “Only in silence the word, Only in dark the light, Only in dying life: Bright the hawk's flight On the empty sky. —The Creation of Éa” That's also one of the reasons my character is a druid and my font is gray... edit: grammar
  15. Congrats No One! Share what you got! :P
  16. sing with me, if just for today...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      I will sing with you if you will dance with me, if just for today :)

    3. Kiley



    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      Isn't this some music lyrics?

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