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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. It's not something I'd open a topic about, but since it's there already I'll admit that I agree with No One on that. With the resources moved I can either see the chat or the screen location. I'll get used to it, no problem, but I do like seeing the graphics while taking part in RP. Stimulates imagination bit more. Perhaps moving the resources section in new form below the chat would be possible?
  2. herbs baskets don't seem to have the pic. or at least I can't see them. edit: the ones I have seen in people's inventory show pic, the ones on the list in Raven Hold don't. Maybe it's list issue not item issue?
  3. uhm, relax John... dst's post points out that anyone emailing the Council must be patient. They do get lots of emails and most of them need to be discussed before replying. It takes time.
  4. Don't know who accused you of what (beside the obvious of being an alt, which is not an accusation really). All I know I went for a Loreroot tour with Ravianna to show her around. I already knew at that point that she was an alt, didn't inquire as in to who's. And I'd do that again. Alt or not, fun is fun. edit: bah. forgot to reply on topic -.- edit2: now the edit was offtopic ^^
  5. ah. In that case, happy this and the last b-day. Even if you won't read it :P
  6. I could and prolly should get into discussion how Loreroot humiliated DD or how the land should support that particular idea of a role/name change. But I won't. It's offtopic and it's potentially creating an aggravated discussion. All and any comments/grudges/apologies were and can still be discussed privately. edit: as always. spelling and/or grammar -.-
  7. Thank you everyone! *mass hug* :)
  8. you know you've been on MD too much when you try to convince your b-day guests that cake is a lie...
  9. I have 1 word for it. AWESOMENESS! PURE AWESOMENESS! ok, that's 2 words for it. :D
  10. ok. what's better than to start with dedication to the quest creator? :P Thanks for standing there in the dark rain watching the rainbow with me... (more dedications to come) edit: spelling. as always -.-
  11. Clearly it's because it was not :D
  12. if you couldn't find Nim or you realized she's simply too cute to be around with for too long ^_^ I can offer my humble services :) you can contact me on forum or find me in game. I'm easy to be found between Paper Cabin, Gazebo of Equilibrium and Fenths Press.
  13. Pretty much what DD said. I wouldn't recommend using a WP for reseting heat/xp. Wish points (beside the ones for age, but those are not many) are hard to obtain and rewards you can use them for are quite interesting. Spells, item creation and more... Why don't you want to advance to MP4 just yet?
  14. From Hangman's journal: "No noose is good news"

  15. Clock has rather easy to fight defense so try using that as an advantage rather than "same problem" BHC side event hasn't started yet, so I don't think he'll be guarding the heads he gathers.... edit: spelling errors
  16. yup, Clock took them.
  17. Aren't we overthinking this a bit guys? I really doubt the forum would get as restricted as dst is afraid it might. Even before the proposed changes some posts were removed due to "aggressive hostility", what's added is the warning point. Everyone can see if he/she got a warning point on his/her account. If it indeed was because of a misunderstanding/language issues, I'm pretty sure it can be explained and warning point removed. On the same note, if such thing happens one can learn when she/he's crossing the line. I don't believe sarcasm or hostility can or should be removed from free speech. But as with everything, it can be abused and pushed too far. That's where mods step in. And I do believe they wouldn't be too anal about it. Just anal enough :P
  18. well there's another announcement to quote: recent events show that this has become obsolete, so perhaps some kind of change is due.
  19. Prolly not the record, but giving -3,76 mil Vp in one hit is still something, isn't it? :P (attack conducted with both sides agreement, no one was underage, no animals were hurt during the attack)
  20. Wiiya Timeless Dust Syntropic Dust Skulls Skin Fat Toxic Gas if you have some of that and are willing to part with it, please contact me with your offer here or forum PM or in game. Thank you.
  21. The lack of attack button is not a bug. Fugitive can attack with skilldamage, can't be attacked back.
  22. Shish. Don't you hate it when people wake you up just to tell you that you're snoring so loud that thay can't hear a phone ringing in the office... -.-

    1. dst


      And it's worse when the said phone is your own...

    2. Magistra


      Must be an ordeal, Shem.

    3. Shemhazaj


      this, ofc, was a joke. I don't snore really. :P nuh, honestly, I can't sleep at work. I can be sleepy tho :P

  23. travel safe
  24. it goes like the wind! even my terrible lappy can't spoil how fast it is now! :P even the crits page loads faster (still takes some time, but that's most probably my flash having issues). loading attack rits doesn't seem to be a problem for me (~105 rits in less than 2s) Edit as requested: Poland
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