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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. I know the event has ended, but have been reminding myself of some older albums of mine and got stuck listening to this song over and over... so I think I'd like to share it with everyone in MD anyway Sing with me, if just for today..
  2. happy birthday Kyphis! :D
  3. Woah... you really went thru a lot of work to get these results... >> But numbers alone don't show that much really... I mean if all the 113 (or 82) neg reps were on posts that the mentioned people disagreed with you, then it is not spam. I'm pretty sure No One does that with no regard to who is he disagreeing with him. But if (some noticeable %) neg reps are for unrelated posts (like b-day wishes, off topic posts, market offers, etc.), then you can talk about neg rep spamming.
  4. the topic has been already started. With interestingly innovative, but perhaps bit misleading name: Happy Birthday Griduchhi edit: grammar
  5. well, since I married my lappy with milk coffee I don't play anything beside MD and facebook-time-eaters anymore :P but if you want a recommendation for an awesome game here it is: The Witcher The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings both are AWESOME! or BETTER! :D especially the second one , where graphics is (obviously) better and gameplay is strongly affected by your choices (meaning you can play more than once and you'll find the plot differs greatly) the only thing that some people might not like in these games is lack of multiplayer mode. Tho in second one there was something like an arena, but never got to test it... fired my lappy too soon... >>
  6. *raises a pint of Guinness* Oh Firsy boy...! (dedicated to Firsanthalas ofc)
  7. congrats Clock! :D
  8. *Shemhazaj* (ID:143975; Days:1483 (96%)), Lorerootian - 954 land loyalty I think I can be of use to you in between gathering fenths and LHOing :P Wandering Knight (Loreroot Consul) A ronin knight, a druid lost in the woods, walking his path to learn about himself and the world from the encounters the journey brings. Elected general ambassador and mediator between Loreroot and the rest of the realm.
  9. It's not about what you have to do now. It's about what you choose to do. You can revive Magistra giving her chance for fresh start, you can create different alt, with different approach/abilities/style, or you can take a break from MD. As one fine song said "yes, there are two [or more] paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on"...
  10. Poe, did you or did you not send Council an email pointing the lack of members in Crafters alliance? Did you or did you not know that it means the alliance should be disbanded according to the rules? So why did you do that if not meaning for the alliance to be disbanded? To make Council look biased and show yourself as a victim in their plots? Well, Council did what they should have done. They contacted the alliance leader and talked to him giving him the opportunity to gain more members like "past about two guilds that had 1-2 active members" did. He decided otherwise. It was his choice and I respect it. More than once he said that Crafters shouldn't be part of any land affiliated alliance. But you, like it or not, did play your role in disbanding alliance that used to be your own. And now you play victim and share jokes... Not that it matters much, but I for one am disappointed.
  11. Hi. I'm not an expert really, but you didn't strike me as being egotistical. Even more, I've grown to like you. I think you'd do good in any land, including Loreroot, tho I suppose you're not really interested since you didn't mention it.
  12. Recent announcements about the night and talks about the moon made me remember that poem that I read some time ago. Written by Li Bai in around AD 742. Somehow it speaks to me, so wanted to share it with you. Alone And Drinking Under The Moon Amongst the flowers I am alone with my pot of wine drinking by myself; then lifting my cup I asked the moon to drink with me, its reflection and mine in the wine cup, just the three of us; then I sigh for the moon cannot drink, and my shadow goes emptily along with me never saying a word; with no other friends here, I can but use these two for company; in the time of happiness, I too must be happy with all around me; I sit and sing and it is as if the moon accompanies me; then if I dance, it is my shadow that dances along with me; while still not drunk, I am glad to make the moon and my shadow into friends, but then when I have drunk too much, we all part; yet these are friends I can always count on these who have no emotion whatsoever; I hope that one day we three will meet again, deep in the Milky Way.
  13. would be possible for people to post a list of tools that are lacking a pic?
  14. also copy-paste was quite useful when trading items without ITC. some names are really hard to type correctly quickly... Especially when some people play switching "l" (non-capital L) for "I" (capital i) or are using random letters with their names.
  15. There's a bug in showing resources (fenths), but I can't copy it to send a report. It's not everyday use, but might be impairing some aspects of gameplay. tho ofc I can make a printscreen...
  16. As dst already pointed out. It'd mean that in your own land you're the last to notice resources. That makes little sense to me I get quite a lot of heat with every step in Loreroot. 5 steps is max heat. 5 steps ain't really running... So unless you want to deliberately penalize people with higher stats it's not perfect
  17. after the Artwork - very nice Location - after the change Mur mentioned is taking tiny bit more space than with resources below the chat, so I like it now. speed - bit slow, but I guess you can't have it in the same space as scene text and immediately... is there?
  18. Victims.... are we all.

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