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Posts posted by Laphers

  1. First off, I really like the new layout of the tabbed inventory.


    That said, you removed the ability to right click and refresh the frame.  Is it possible to add a refresh to the top of the inventory frame similar to the mood panel so players who want to check if their gathering tool has cooled down don't have to click "See More", "Inventory", "See More" (to bring the inventory closer to the top) and finally "Tools" to see if the tool is ready to use again?

  2. I would echo what yrthilian is saying about clickables. A few years ago you issued a challenge encouraging people to try to build a compass quest in the clickables.  While building something along those lines I found it odd that there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to where clickables were or were not. I would say that putting a clickable in (almost) every scene could be very useful to those who would like to build something that spans the entire land.

  3. Thanks Mur,


    And to be clear, I did not have sand or glass in my inventory yesterday.  That was entirely the community donating that.


    The way I look at it is this: I had the resources and by donating them those people who had smaller amounts can hold onto them for another project or quest. Maybe that's my contribution to the community. I don't fight a lot, I don't really roleplay much, I haven't built a quest in a very long time, sometimes I'm quick to point out the bad in MD, but bringing resources to something that benefits all of us was something I could do and do very easily.

  4. I think I prefer the +/- system but I do think that people should be accountable for the reputation they are giving others so making it public is a good thing.


    If it were changed back but not made public then I would suggest putting in a counter to state that the rep score is made up of # votes. I personally don't really care about the post's score but would rather see how many people thought that a post was worth repping up or down.  If it is -2 but only 2 people voted on it then it's not really a worry.  If it's -2 and 20 people voted then I know that the post is worth looking at because a lot of people felt it was worth repping. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather see that one of my posts was repped 9 times rather than seeing a post was +1.

  5. Just offhand, Why do we have fixed numbers of adepts needed to become a Protector? Why not have the active person with the most active adepts automatically become a Protector? Base the number of Protectors on the number of active players in the game. 1st Protector has the most adepts, 2nd Protector has the next lower amount of adepts, etc

    active: players who have logged in in the past 7 days.

    I do think that Protectorship should be more than a popularity contest and would support ideas that would move it in that direction.

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