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Everything posted by BFH

  1. If they come they should better be friendly On the other hand I hope they never come/exist even if it is a bit selfish of my part to want us humans to be the unique developed civilization in universe. Maybe because we most of the times are afraid of the unknown. and finally nice conspiracy theory tipu
  2. BFH

    BMMO Gifts

    Our friends at BrowserMMORPG.com kindly agreed with us to include our new BMMO Gifts as rewards for those who vote for MagicDuel The following freebies were added:[list] [*]BMMO Bronze Gift: This one is given to those who post written reviews for MagicDuel. You can do that by login to your free BrowserMMORPG.com account, visit magicduel's vote page: http://browsermmorpg.com/vote.php?id=217 type in your review, fill the security code and validate your vote. [/list] [indent=1]On each successful vote you give, while you are legged in to your account you receive one gold. Those gold can be exchanged for any gifts available at their gift shop, including the ones we donate. That's the case of our other item.[/indent][list] [*]BMMO Silver Gift: This one is available for 10 gold at BrowserMMORPG.com. You can get this one by submitting ten valid votes for MD while you are logged in to your free BrowserMMORPG.com account and then visiting their gift shop: http://browsermmorpg.com/giftshop [/list] [indent=1]The previously mentioned freebies have a nice and balanced effect that you can use when you most need. They work in a way that will help both, players who are new and weak, but also those who are old and strong.[/indent] With your votes and written reviews you are supporting the efforts of the admins, coders, and community by giving us the exposition needed to reach new audiences and present them the great community we are. As a side note, it is always useful to have feedback, for this items and the ones we provided on the past, as it will help developing other things to reward you, those that are loyal to MD.
  3. My opinion is that the feature is great and that we can save space putting it inside Quest Link as it is directly related to Quests.
  4. Bottox is a great strategy. Applying small bits of pressure on specific areas helps control headaches a lot. We hope to see you without headche for a long time
  5. [quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1364480075' post='134518'] What about Gold gifts and will they be permanent "things" instead of time limited like the silver gift boxes? [/quote] Leave gold gifts for the future !!
  6. As promised. More things got released! You can get a Bronze gift: when writting a review for MagicDuel on BrowserMMORPG.com And on the same website you can exchange your gold for Silver Gifts!
  7. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1364470813' post='134513'] I blame cloudflare: [url="http://blog.cloudflare.com/the-ddos-that-almost-broke-the-internet"]http://blog.cloudfla...ke-the-internet[/url] [/quote] Not only CF affected. I read on BBC that other networks received over 100gbs load. The attacks were epic.
  8. [quote name='Syrian' timestamp='1364280667' post='134476'] [b]Sponsorship are welcome:[/b] [b]Deadline: April 16th 2013[/b] [/quote] I suggest you contact the Treasure Keepers and Lightsage his leader. They surely can help you with more sponsorships if you convince them.
  9. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1364216334' post='134448'] I would agree that the poll is biased and would suggest you create one that is neutral and therefore may produce helpful responses for you and others. The only elements of this poll that are useful are actually the comments. It is biased. There is no argument about that fact. The poll is entirely prejudiced against Sieg and should be rewritten if you want any actual credibility. Either that or you believe the poll is neutral, and then you need to learn a little more about leading questions. [/quote] Can't agree more. Totally biased.
  10. [quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1364197543' post='134405'] ... how many credits you will get in 1 year only by voting? [color=#ff0000][size=6]You will receive 69 CREDITS !!![/size][/color] for investing only 3 Minutes of your time everyday and with this helping MD to be more known out there. I found MD through such a voting side and today I´m happy that you all voted for MD back in those days ... Thank you and all the best. [/quote] SOMEONE REALIZED!! Not only that. We provide multiple ingame items on random times to those that vote. Over the past years we provided credits, creatures, spell stones, gold, silver, and many many more things. Not to mention that new things are to be realeased on those sites very very soon.
  11. Handmade? Photoshop? all allowed? thnx I ask actually because of the MD sign thing, to avoid confusions.
  12. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1364034145' post='134326'] [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]The way Protectors are nowadays, and the way adepts are taken so lightly, it's the people who are doing the Protectors a favor by being their adepts. Thus, it's the people who have the power to change MP6's. It's not up to a Protector to decide how long s/he's gonna stay if s/he doesn't have support.[/font][/color] [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]So I suggest that Change should go around talking to players [b]individually[/b] (instead of a forum post) and build those Protector-adept relationships, which will give her a stable foundation for being a long-time Protector.[/font][/color] [/quote] I was protector for more than 7 months without dropping down. My trick is exactly as you suggested, speaking to people individually, ofc I also abused my mp6 spells at will, but that's another thing. So someone who really want to help a new player wont make their lives easier, instead will guide them to learn from their errors making them work for the answers and not making them a dependent player. I did that and it worked.
  13. HAPPY BDAY!!! Have a good time.
  14. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1363918392' post='134268'] The Blood Bath will be held at 14:00 Server Time of this day. I apologize for the short notice, but my scheduling was thrown off due to the extension of the contest. [/quote] Today- Day 80? or i missed this? or perhaps not happening or plans changed?
  15. When in the Middle of a country-wide tsunamy practice a big explosion on the energy systems of your campus occurs things get scary......

  16. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1363642872' post='134189'] I didnt go inactive one bit! [/quote] Great. Glad to see you are active with your event.
  17. Can someone update me on what is happening? Any kind of quest i'm missing? My impression is the Seigh went half inactive in middle of HIS event. or I can be wrong ofc...
  18. BFH

    Hot Stones

    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1363549700' post='134153'] The charm is consumed when it's used. You can take one thing, that's all. (Or store one thing, if you wish so.) [/quote] Epic Thanks and Congrats DST!!!!
  19. According to announcement there are new tools at MDA Sand Castles and Instructions So it says Sculpting paddle and sand castle instructions manual to be precise.
  20. BFH

    Hot Stones

    I have a small question sorry if i'm being half a newb here. Does the charm have a limited amount of uses? BTW: Quest sounds very interesting.
  21. Happy BdAy Doctor Nim!! (she is my MD doctor!! )
  22. Good. So this can be moved to 'Solved Bugs' even if it wasn't a bug. [color=#ff0000][size=8]MOD PLEASE CLOSE[/size][/color]
  23. [size=8][color=#FF0000]MOD [/color][/size]please modify title of this post. Thanks ------------------------------ Erolin Devices wont disappear by themselves. Please do as Grido suggested, update your flash player. (It is also useful to clean cache and cookies.) Please update us once you do that. Thanks
  24. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1363132605' post='133954'] [spoiler]I bet you if she gets two morphs she WILL act nice. So nice in fact, that we'll all be begging her to stop acting so nice and we'll have to give her two more morphs to get her back to normal. (Yes dst, I know your master plan. Sorry for spoiling it).[/spoiler] [/quote] Agree with that Spoiler!!
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