Our friends at BrowserMMORPG.com kindly agreed with us to include our new BMMO Gifts as rewards for those who vote for MagicDuel
The following freebies were added:[list]
[*]BMMO Bronze Gift: This one is given to those who post written reviews for MagicDuel. You can do that by login to your free BrowserMMORPG.com account, visit magicduel's vote page: http://browsermmorpg.com/vote.php?id=217 type in your review, fill the security code and validate your vote.
[indent=1]On each successful vote you give, while you are legged in to your account you receive one gold. Those gold can be exchanged for any gifts available at their gift shop, including the ones we donate. That's the case of our other item.[/indent][list]
[*]BMMO Silver Gift: This one is available for 10 gold at BrowserMMORPG.com. You can get this one by submitting ten valid votes for MD while you are logged in to your free BrowserMMORPG.com account and then visiting their gift shop: http://browsermmorpg.com/giftshop
[indent=1]The previously mentioned freebies have a nice and balanced effect that you can use when you most need. They work in a way that will help both, players who are new and weak, but also those who are old and strong.[/indent]
With your votes and written reviews you are supporting the efforts of the admins, coders, and community by giving us the exposition needed to reach new audiences and present them the great community we are.
As a side note, it is always useful to have feedback, for this items and the ones we provided on the past, as it will help developing other things to reward you, those that are loyal to MD.