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Everything posted by BFH

  1. nobody has objections :P now i sent you the list of itcs and cts etc missed the fact that i had to send them. Crazy me. Thnx for the reminder :)
  2. The Grinch stole part of our MD Xmas...

  3. That's an old and very known issue :P
  4. I already discussed this personally with Nim. From now on I dont accept on this topic any other complains regarding cultural differences or dissadvantages or whatever. Speak to me in chat if you want to discuss things. Here it is pointless and we will have a bloodbath as I have many arguments and you will have many. If you feel capable of designing a list with 50 items that fit xmas for people of 90 active countries and the hundreds of cultures that play MD then do so and send them to me. They shall be considered for a future Xmas. There are countries that do not celebrate xmas, yes they have a dissadvantage, yet you can;t remove the fact, that MD celebrates it. If you dont agree with the quest simply do not participate. Simply and put in few words. With a festivity like Xmas or Halloween, etc, it is IMPOSSIBLE to satisfy the beliefts and cultures of everyone. That's life. Differences are keys behind our humanity, we can't simply change that.
  5. BFH
  6. Wow you start the chaos while I am offline. Here we go Nim, when I made the list, I strongly encouraged myself to remove any objects that I considered directly related to religion. You mention christian dominated state, yet you do not see there a figure of Jesus, neither the kings, etc. Moreover, I clearly said: Consider this, I'm not a social scientists, neither know about all the cultures around the globe I tried to remove religion out of it, as I knew that's controversial. I wont quote all your comments but this should reply to all including blacktorns one. You can't expect to have a list of 50 items with stuff that will be available on all countries... It is impossible. Yet you all know that Xmas in MD is represented by a Santa, that Santa, have reindeeres, that the red nosed one is Rudolph, that xmas is "cold" and it snows in MD, we have a TREE in the middle of GoE, etc. Then people seriously you can't expect me to remove those items because they are biased or americanized as it is how we celebrate the tradition in MD. I gave an alternative to you guys a very good alternative: I dont think anyone have the 50 items. The idea is for you to HUNT, to get out of home and visit your family and friends, share with them a little, and take pics of objects they have that you dont and might help you to complete the list. There's plenty time almost 27 days to complete the list Finally lets not be unfair with me and tell me I'm biased when MD Xmas is celebrated like that. Read: I will count both as the same. Ignore. My bad.
  7. Title: Real Life Scavenger Hunt Description: This quest consist in hunting/seeking in either your home or the homes of your neighboors, friends or family for the items listed below, using your creativity and taking pictures of your findings. Instructions: Search in either your home or the homes of your neighboors, friends or family for the items listed below. Each item is worth a secret amounts of points value. We do not expect for you to complete the list, that means that you can submit your entry with any amount of items you have. At the end of the submission process the one with the most points wins. For each item you will firstly put a tag with MD letters in front and then you will take a picture from two different angles. Once you have all the pictures upload them to an online service, such as picasa, make an online album with the pictures and their respective ID and send me a link to the album. For items like snow, which you can't easily find in many countries, you can get creative and take a picture of cotton as replacement of it. This quest is a matter of creativity, hence if you can't find something you can recreate it with things you have at home. Prizes: First Place will get 10 points to compete for Champion Quester Prize and will get a nice reward. As your host I might consider rewarding other places aside of the first place. Point Worth Value of the Quest: Winner will get 10 points to compete for Champion Quester prize. See Sponsors for more details. Sponsors: This quest is an original idea of your beloved council. I was chosen as your host, but they will sponsor the rewards. [Since I'm your host I get to poke them about good rewards worth the effort ;)] Deadline: January 15, 2014 - 23:59 server time. IMPORTANT NOTES: NO PHOTOSHOP OR EQUIVALENT ALLOWED Make sure to send me a SINGLE link with the album. I wont accept 100 links with different pics. NO ALTS ALLOWED You can't repeat items. You need a unique item for each ID. For example if you have a Rudolph decoration [ID 3] you can't use the same figure it to fit the Reindeers Item [ID 37] List of Items: Xmas Tree Xmas Star Rudolph Elf or Elves Santa Snowman Snow Xmas Cup Xmas Bells Xmas Lights Xmas Cane Xmas Gift Box Xmas Carousel Xmas Cookies Xmas Stocking Xmas Hat Xmas Penguin Xmas Sled Xmas Gifts Xmas Polar Bear Chimney Xmas Doll Xmas Balls (Ornaments) Xmas Grinch Xmas Ghost Merry Xmas (or equivalent aka Merry Xmas) sign Ho ho ho! sign Snowflake Xmas Angel Figure Xmas Gnome Xmas Book Xmas Snow globe Xmas Nutcrackers Red Ribbon Xmas Candles Xmas Boot Reindeers (not Rudolph the red nose one :P) Welcome Xmas sign A pet dressed with something xmas related Xmas Card Xmas Cupcakes Xmas lights Xmas figures Pinecones Xmas outfit Xmas Balloon Xmas decorated Car, Bike, any method of transportation Xmas wreath Xmas Flowers Xmas Doormat Have questions? Ask away! LET THE SCAVENGER HUNT BEGIN!!
  8. HBD!
  9. BFH

    free credits

    That issue was solved indeed. Chew I believe you can move this to solved bugs area, as it is no longer a bug.
  10. See you around. Dont forget about us. Be sure to login from now an then. I wish you all the best and I will miss you pal.
  11. BFH

    free credits

    I personally verified this and could not replicate the issue. http://browsermmorpg.net/?vote=magicduel is the link that opens to me. Can you confirm this is still happening? Please provide screenshots and details about which browser you use, Anybody else have this issue?
  12. BFH


    Seriously TKs? They should be sponsoring the spellstones not you dark... I know this is not the topic to discuss this but, for God's sake tks that's ridiculous... ONE SILVER
  13. Which sorts of quest you would like this XMAS? I might organize a fast event, festival or something like that for this XMAS. For that to happen I want to know which kind of quests you guys would like to see? NOTE: IF council or public council or any admins have any plans, contact me as I don't want to interfere.
  14. If any members of Public Council needs support with XMAS spam me.
  15. BFH's XMAS... "soon" :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BFH


      Yes, if I survive finals =))

    3. Rophs
    4. Nimrodel


      way more awesome than DoF. His festivals are usually orgasmic :D

  16. Wookies are getting older!! :D Happy BDAY!!
  17. Hydrogenating cool stuff. A step further against cancer :D ++Like to Science :D

  18. BFH


    I was about to say... That's the worst post title I've seen in my MD life ... XD
  19. GG had elections. Yet I haven't seen much of the things those candidates proposed... A shame... (there could be a possibility such things are planned on a secret matter yet... it is a shame :P)
  20. If I owe you something YELL!

    1. Pipstickz



  21. the hex thing disappeared from iframes, yet we still have the issue.
  22. Imagine a cow next to Chew! No no Bad!
  23. What do you mean? Why that will happen? When it will happen?
  24. Yup and even interaction will happen. Because lets say I want X item or spell available on shop and I need X resource or cualdron type generated item to "purchase" it. I will certainly will speak to someone and try to exchange my resources for his. Moreover, we will have people working together to generate those cualdron type items. I dont see many negative things, but it is up to community if they like idea or not.
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