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Soothing Sands

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Everything posted by Soothing Sands

  1. You can always participate in gathering, of course. Nothing is stopping you from helping out or even organizing with the dowsers. As the CotE like to say, a badge is only a badge (as well as a few other minor things).
  2. Best fugitive ever! Enjoy yourself, Tipu.
  3. Hedge, you have now made me thing about this more... I would think this symbol says that darkness is natural, alive. I'm thinking the cube in story mode, a white shape with darkness surrounding it. -Note this is not a specific idea. Mirrors inverse things, right? The masks are opposites. So take any symbol you are thinking of, inverse it (black/white, or directional), and there you go! The necrovion coat of arms
  4. Well if there are no rewards, you don't have to send in the answers, Chew. Personally i'm more interested in what these questions are rather than making sure i'm right. Either way, i want to try
  5. Sounds like fun. Barely making the deadline, too
  6. Haha i don't think anyone would give you their stuff... But I would also be interested. There is something to be learned from not having or wanting anything, whatever that may be. I could really see this helping people decide what alliance to join, and to make a wise choice. Older players with roles may not want to participate, though. As Maebius said, I like the idea
  7. Hmm... basic laws of nature can be expressed in many ways, i think. The scientific approach, the magical approach (which might include some science), and the "it exists because it is" approach that i just made up. There are basic laws in magicduel that seem quite different than ours, and yet achieve the same thing. Element principle says water puts out fire, and guess what? It does The principles are kinda a way to predict the "basic laws of nature" with no proof - just ideas. And now i'm blank. That's all i got.
  8. Ok soo... Should i put myself back in jail for like 4 days, or am i going to be released anyways? And honestly, as a fugitive, it really seems like the general public doesn't care that much about me. A few individuals, yes, but most people I ask to not grab me, don't. I could sit in a semi-public location all day and be fine. But really- with the ease of escaping as it is now, who wouldn't?
  9. Thinking about being a fugitive forever...

    1. Pipstickz


      Careful, Grido might ban you for using jail to your advantage.

    2. Soothing Sands

      Soothing Sands

      lol. I will thrive with my cleaning mop AND the jail will be clean! :)

    3. nadrolski


      Contact Lord Tipu

  10. well it's clear this creature needs to be sturdy, as it's effect will only kick in after quite a few rounds. Either high def. or high vit, either will do. Butterflies, not so much. As for the type of creature, acid has generally been associated with weakening, i believe. Maybe a "bleeding" effect, which can be stopped by healing? (to give it more of a use in combat).
  11. Those are pretty general descriptions, by the way. Do you have a specific vision for any of them, or is this "surprise me"? Colors, shape, ect? At least tell us what theses 5 elements are... I do like to draw when i'm bored. Might try it
  12. You're always welcome into sage's keep. We party there 24/7 To be honest, though, I agree with what you have said. Alliances might mean different things to different people, but "oneness" should be part of that criteria, along with "unity". Maybe go for some more structure? I don't know.
  13. They also each have their own mini-forums, if you look at the list. I'm sure that is where you would find the most information.
  14. I wrote this long post, but then i was like - You know what? Forget it. I need perfect forum balance.

    1. Pipstickz


      Yay scandals. Don't lose hope, little buddy!

    2. lone wolf pup

      lone wolf pup

      I think what you did was great! Not like you did it with malintent, nice job on finding a way to try Tipu's quest. >>

  15. Joining a land should not be rushed, of course. Read the signs in front of each gate, talk to their citizens, browse the forums, ect. Lands are based more on how you THINK more than how you ACT (I think). You will have friends no matter what you decide. The fugitives, however, are based only on how you act
  16. Hmm.. I do recall that Atnas said only those who asked in chat would receive presents. People were saying "Player X has not yet received anything" and he responded something like "it is up to them to ask in chat/PM". (Not sure if everyone on that account was going by those rules, or not). So if you were standing there idle/not speaking, I'm not surprised you didn't get anything, from the way gifts were handed out.
  17. [color=#333333][font=Georgia,]ID:188260[/font][/color]
  18. I got a minotaur from Atnas, and it has not been returned/turned into a morph. I'm not sure if it's a do-not-release creature or not... Also, when i click on it there is a fatal error, where there were creature stats a few days ago. ~Thanks
  19. I'm not giving up on this, by the way. It will happen!
  20. I did some searching and i can't find any "official" video of this song on youtube. And her website is under construction, which isn't helpful. We will probably have to stick with the one i posted above... Also- If someone makes a radio that doesn't have "How much is that dog in the window", then it's wrong.
  21. 1 silver for the older Water Being. Unless you would rather have a cup of tea
  22. Hmmm well i'll look for one that doesn't have ads, if that even exists. I didn't know it would do that... And to Burns, the music player (start/stop button) is still there, so i guess the target video just needs to be changed.
  23. Just wondering If people liked the song enough to bring it back. Personally i thought it fit perfectly. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ798THmR5Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ798THmR5Y[/url]
  24. dream mutation, 1 gold ~
  25. Buying tokened Winderwild. Then my life will be complete :)~

    1. ChildOfTheSoul


      If only life was so simple. :P

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