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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. At the moment only topg.com, but I remember having problems with other sites as well on an other computer.
  2. There already is a friends list in the shop, and you can get a locate spell for a wishpoint.
  3. I also have some sites not showing a voting link and I'm also using Firefox 4.
  4. Kaya


    It looks similar to the type of errors you get when you don't have flash player installed. Maybe reinstalling flash player will fix it.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. This is the format in which a new creature should be posted: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4751-new-creatures/page__pid__60760#entry60760 you only need to add mp requirements somewhere. A creature made of body parts from other creatures might be intresting.
  7. This place also made me think about the book of principles, but I was thinking about Alche and the floating pyramid on mount Kelle'tha. This place might hold the key reach to the book without getting burned to dust. When it's related to the book of principles looking into Alche might help you find out what he's holding.
  8. My final aramor, didn´t have as much time for it as I hoped I would have. [attachment=2919:aramor monk.jpg] This aramor gave up his axe and became a pacifistic monk travelling the realm.
  9. Anything that could help improve it is welcome. I slightly moved it. [attachment=2911:MD serious 1.5.1 small.jpg] Uploaded it, you can find it here: [url="https://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/394471"]https://www.getperso.../persona/394471[/url] I hope you like it
  10. Replaced the yellow star with a smaller white one and slightly improved the quality of the text. [attachment=2870:MD serious 1.5 small.jpg] Any tips for improvements no matter how small are welcome.
  11. I think this will be the final version (for now at least.) I'm moving the bird to the lower bar. That's all that's going to be on there, so I don't think it would be useful to upload it here. [attachment=2866:MD serious 1.4 small.jpg] Any comments are welcome, I'm going to upload it tomorrow morning, after that it usually takes about 24 hours to get approved.
  12. Thanks for all your comments. Here is an updated version It still needs a bit of work before I'll upload it, but I decided to show it already so you can point out anything you think should be improved and so you can see what I've been doing. [attachment=2843:MD serious 1.4 small.jpg] The main thing that needs improvement in my eyes is the road in front of the stairs.
  13. Another coloring. I think I might have slightly overdone it with the background details, but I think he looks pretty nice. [attachment=2799:empty aramor colored 5.1.jpg]
  14. I uploaded it on the personas website so you can see how it looks when wearing it, [s]but it hasn't been approved jet. [/s]you can find it here: https://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/394471 I'll continue working on it for a while by adding a few more details. I don't think I'm going to make the text much bigger to makke sure it'll fully show up when wearing it. When I have enough time I'll try changing the road a bit. Maybe I'll make a version for each land when this one is fully finished, but that might take a while.
  15. The picture is of really bad quality, but still I think it's an interesting picture. [attachment=2798:tovenaar.jpg] It's only about 3 weeks old and it's my costume for a theatre play.
  16. I made a new using the old forum header as inspiration, I also slightly edited the last one to emphasize MagicDuel a bit more. Here is the new one: [attachment=2770:MD serious 1.1 small.jpg] The edited version of the previous persona is in the first post.
  17. Wow, I really like your work. Especially in your second post with pictures every picture was stunning. I also really love the last picture of the girl with the big flower. I wish I could draw like you.
  18. Who said Aramors can't be romantic? This Aramor brought a rose for his girlfriend. To bad it wasn't blooming, but that's just a little detail. [attachment=2764:Aramor in love 1.0.jpg]
  19. Here are my aramors, all colorings. The Bronze Aramor: [attachment=2745:empty aramor colored 2.1.jpg] The Chaos Aramor: [attachment=2746:empty aramor colored 4.0.jpg] And ever wondered how the ghost of a dead aramor looks? Here is your answer! The Ghost Aramor: [attachment=2747:empty aramor ghost.jpg] When I have time I'll try to draw one from scratch.
  20. [attachment=2751:MD upper 5.1.jpg]I created some more: [attachment=2720:MD upper 2.2 small.jpg] [attachment=2721:MD upper 3.1 small.jpg] [attachment=2722:MD upper 4.0 small.jpg] [attachment=2752:MD upper 5.1 small.jpg] I removed the big empty part to the left to make them easier to see. Please tell me which ones you like most or what you would like to see in a MD persona and I'll upload the best one(s). Edit: Added one more persona
  21. I just picked a few scenes available to anyone. I think the Paper Cabin should be in there as it is the place everything begins, for the others I'm open for suggestions. I was also thinking of creating a different Persona for every land, but I would have to use places not available to everyone for most of them.
  22. As many of you know you can customize Firefox to look the way you want using Personas. I was thinking why not create a MD persona, so I put this together: [attachment=2775:MD upper 1.1.jpg] The big amount of empty space to the left probably won't show up. To show you how it will look I also added a sreenshot of when I'm wearing it, this might look different for other people. [attachment=2715:MD screenshot.jpg] Any tips, suggestions or requests are welcome. The final (for a while) version is out. [attachment=2920:MD serious 1.5.1 small.jpg] For Firefox: [url="https://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/394471"]https://www.getperso.../persona/394471[/url] For Google Chrome: [url="http://www.chrometheme.net/node/8895"]http://www.chrometheme.net/node/8895[/url] Edit: It's the final version! [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] At least for now. Edit 2: Added a version for Google Chrome
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