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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. As a creature it isn't really intresting. It's an archer with 64k Heat and 296 days.
  2. What about 709709, 646565 or maybe 271707?
  3. *sighs* my computer became like MD extremely complicated and requiering a lot of patience, sadly it isn't as much fun :(

  4. I have had the same bug several times, first I refresh to make sure I'm not right before a new count after that I vote a few times, then I refresh but get nothing, even if I vote a few more times after that and refresh again I still get nothing and I'm pretty sure it doesn't take me 12 min to vote. I haven't tested if I also get this bug if I'm below max or if I don't get the max ve/vp bonus either but I do get the free credits every time. I have only gotten this bug when using firefox, but I have only tried voting using an other browser 2 or 3 times. Sometimes it suddenly does work for me after voting and refreshing a few times.
  5. Happy Birthday Mur!
  6. "Some rare last levels of powerful or rare creatures will require MP6 to be upgraded. Currently this is a problem because of fighting at MP6 and because this MP level is currently aimed for an other purpose. Future updates about this are pending, until then, these few creature levels that require MP6 can be considered non-reachable for now." If I understand this right mp6 is going to become a 'normal' mp in the future. In other words all the veteran mp5 are going to become mp6 and I think the mp6 are going to become mp7. I think it might have been better to make those creature levels really unreachable until mp6 becomes 'normal' though, because now people will go collect adepts only for to upgrade them.
  7. Although I think the restrictions are a bit to tight they are necessary with the new xp rules. Otherwise you could train a creature untill it has enough xp to max it and give it to an mp3 who only has to get wins. This way you can get a maxed army on mp3 without having to worry about xp cap. For mp4 this is even more true because they can also easily lower their xp by sacrificing. This way there is a reason again to go to the next mp even if you don't have problems with the cap.
  8. At first I thought the sun is there because without it we wouldn't be here either, however when I started reading I noticed that had already been said several times so saying it again wouldn't be useful. So I continued thinking and realized the important part the sun plays in cyclicity, without the sun the earth wouldn't turn around in a circle, but would move in a straight line towards... Well... Away from everything. I'm not sure what to conclude from that. After that I noticed the sun plays a major part in many of the principles. In entropy the sun plays the part of probably the most important source of energy. The sun gives for example energy to the plants, in turn the plants use that energy to grow and create cells and other structures dividing the world in ordered , the plants on their turn get eaten by animals that are even more advanced organized structures. Because of that it is also the start of syntropy. It's obvious that the sun plays an important part in the principle of light as it's main source. It also plays a role in the principle of darkness by giving it a meaning as it's counter part. So the sun exists because without it there would be an impossible gap in the principles. Maybe I'll work on it some more later but for now this should be good enough. And [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=entropiei&type=browser%20game"]here[/url] you can find the explanation of the principle of enthropy and the other principles.
  9. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1298672704' post='79628'] [color="#0000FF"]Edit 2: This is wrong on so many levels... (I will add my reasons tomorrow, so that I don't make any more mistakes ;P)[/color] [/quote] I know, I was unable to put to worths what I really wanted to say, I'll try again tomorrow.
  10. Our world is made of smaller bundles of energy turning around bigger bundles of energy, the earth turning around it's core, planets around a star, stars around a black hole etc... And now for the question why the sun, the stars have enough energy to send it out but don't have so much energy that they suck up their own energy. because of that stars make live able around them, and of course the sun is the star closest to the earth of which we best feel the present.
  11. I've been thinking the same thing for a while now, so I completely agree. I don't seem have the same problem as you though, Firefox, Opera and even IE seem to show everything. (isn't this supposed to be in either the new ideas or somewhere in the advertisers forum?)
  12. count me in for team bunny
  13. a small tutorial on how to use gimp to create a good transparent avy: first you should take all color out of the picture: Image > Mode > Grayscale Image > Mode > RGB and now we're going to start making it transparent: Colors > Color to Alpha set the background color to RGB = 241.239.214 or Hex #F1EFD6 Filters > Web > Semi-Flatten and save it as a .gif file, select Convert to Indexed using default settings (You can convert to indexed before you save, it's up to you) and you're done don't forget to scale you're image to 100 x 160 px and credits for the semi-flatten go to ravenstrider
  14. Kaya

    Death counter

    What about giving you a bonus for sacrificing creatures with a balanced win/loss ratio? Although I wouldn't use the amount of deaths, but the amount of losses, because dying is something bad, but losing is needed to balance.
  15. I thought why not give it a try so here is my Awiiya: [IMG]http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc506/Samonus/awiiya/awiiyamiddel.gif[/IMG] And roughly how it will look as an avatar: [img]http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc506/Samonus/awiiya/awiiya100x150wback.gif[/img] I tried to stick as close as possible to the original tree and I hope you like it
  16. I'll work on dec 24 - 31 I hope it'll be finished in time so they can already be used this year.
  17. I would love to join you Udgard, although I haven't started jet. In that case we need just one more member.
  18. If still possible I would like to enter the contest as well.
  19. EDIT: I can enter Loreroot now. [s]I’m actually not allowed to enter the contest jet (because of Loreroot) but I still want to give my solution of the problem. [/s] Using bait would be a good thing to do if we knew who would be the next target, but since we don't know exactly how the shadow picks the victims it picks the chance is too small that it will fall for the bait before he takes down many others. What we need: Mirrors (or one big one) A candle (or another small light source) A rope (or anything else that could be used to immobilize someone) I suggest we wait for the shadow to target it's next victim. When the victim is found (it won't be hard to recognize because of his black eye) he should be summoned to an empty room in a remote location . In the room should be as little as possible obstacles that could cast a shadow to prevent Phantasm's shadow to hide in them. Furthermore the room should be completely without sunlight, but lit by the candle (or the other source of light). In this room Phantasm will have to make the victim unable to move around, it doesn't matter how although we don't want to kill the victim so I suggest using a rope. With the slight amount of light the shadow should be weak so it won't be too hard. When the victim is immobilized we have to open the room to the sun, we have to lit up the room so that the only shadow in the room would be Phantasm's if his shadow would be attached to him. To light the room in the right way we should use some mirrors and put off the candle so it won’t interfere with the light leaving another shadow. Also we have to make sure we don't kill the shadow right away so the victim should have a tiny shadow where Phantasm's shadow can hide himself. The victim's shadow should be made smaller until Phantasm's shadow is nearly erased. Then the shadow would have to reattach himself to Phantasm in order to survive. From then on it's up to Phantasm, he will have to fight the shadow (not directly of course but as a fight of willpower) until it obeys him the way any normal shadow obeys it's source. The only thing we can do to help is close the room one's, so the shadow is on it's weakest again. Now we will have to wait until the fight between Phantasm and his shadow ends. The only thing Phantasm can do to prepare for the battle is rest and take in all the energy he can. To me this seems the best possible way to catch the shadow and reattach it to Phantasm. [s] I have a feeling I’m almost able to enter Loreroot but I still can’t, if the tactic I have in mind works I will be able to enter by tomorrow evening.[/s] Samon
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