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  1. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Sunfire in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another.

    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Seigheart in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    Like I have said before, everyone needs to back off of Fang. Let him do his thing how HE sees fit. If you don't like it, bring it up to Council. Not this blamefest you are all so intent on having. He is doing his job JUST FINE. Despite what you all think, he is doing the job just right. HE may not be acting how you wish, but the job itself is being done.

    Instead of telling him all the things you don't like, why dont you actually try to help?
  3. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from DARK DEMON in MD is down   
    Probably, did you try clearing cache or using a different browser?
  4. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    After reading the 35 posts before me and how the conversation has completely changed, I feel like to do nothing but laugh!

    @ Fang : You're doing a great job as far as delivering the rewards are concerned. Just try to be more formal and to the point; trust trust your boys a lil' more And [b]please don't go crazy[/b] when serious stuff is at hand.

    @ Curiose: Your time is over. Even if you DID do better, no one cares anymore cause the time's long gone.

    @ Eon: I don't blame you for killing Fang. Trust me, I should know how much a pain in the *** he can be (Fang, if you're cursing me now, read the above [b]CAREFULLY[/b])

    @ Falronn: There's my good man!

    @ samon: Definitely agreed!

    @ Nimrodel: In some places I agree, but otherwise not exactly...

    @ everybody who's still reading this: If Fang's on trial probation, he'll still be on trial no matter what you do. So even if you dislike him, please stop pressuring him. It'll make everyone's life easier. If Council believes he can't do his job well, you'll get your way right? And I believe Fang is fine with that too, since he already nominated Zen to be the head of TK's after him.

    @ Menhir: I TOTALLY AGREE! Which is why I'm clicking the "Post" button now
  5. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Rasiel in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another.

    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ivorak in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another.

    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    [quote name='samon' timestamp='1352240993' post='125094']
    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    See, now THERE is some constructive criticism o-o

    I appreciate your honesty my good man, and ill take it to heart and deep consideration. Your right. My TKs need to be as independent as possible.

    Time to make a new TK Update it seems >x3
  8. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from lashtal in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another.

    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  9. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another.

    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  10. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Eon in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another.

    First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together.

    Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader.

    I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  11. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Rasiel in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    I'm always shocked at how self destructive this community can be, and how backwards it is.
  12. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to VorniC in A Wish option to change principles in Principles Charge   
    I'll start by saying that i dont know if it is or not an option implemented, to do this thing, but i tink it would be verry useful idea to implement a wish option in the "Wish Shop" like the one in the topic name.

    And i say this because, from a while, i began to feel differently this game, and i got involved in various things, like socializing, making commerce, fighting, and even spendind some money in the Shop.
    I reached a certain point when i saw that the principles can be combinated and get new things if they are choised well. And here i come with the reason of this idea...
    It would be nice to have that option because, maybe i choised wrong the principles, or cannot be combined, or maybe i want to play a different style... more offensive or more defensive...
    I started this topic, and i will be glad if you will tell an opinion about, if it is good or not to be implemented,and if it is...to be for one or for all the principles choises,... or the place where it could be placed...

    Thank you, and i hope that i have not bored you too much.
  13. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    I said i wouldnt be SPONSORING quests myself, King Pippy Pip, Ruler of all things Delicious :3

    My fellow TKs do all the sponsoring from now on, i do all the delivering o3o

    And plus, this death of mine will cause delays because i am the ONLY TK that has all of the tools i need to deliver items/creatures/etc to anyone correctly and in a "timely" manner D;

    Well. at least i did. seeing as being alive is kind of a neccessity xD

    Hrm. i might ask for some kind of Death Immunity in a tad, just in case this seems to bug everyone enough to become a "problem" xDDD
  14. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to JusticeFang in Halloween Cookies!   
    Thanks for the quest! I enjoyed it especially the questions at GoE. It improved my knowledge of MagicDuel a lot! I will choose 8 then!
  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Colourful skulls   


    P.P. Z
  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DarkRaptor in Colourful skulls   

  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dragonrider7 in Colourful skulls   
    Here is my flying skull

  18. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Myron in Halloween Cookies!   
    [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1351618951' post='124830']
    [size=5]I've heard there is a Old Woman on a hunt north of Marind Bell capital that knows how to make MagicDuel Halloween Cookies!
    Go [b]TALK[/b] to her... [/size][b]Please Have Fun!!! Happy Halloween!![/b]

    North of Marind Bell capital? is it still this place where she wanders?
    The person closest to an old woman I met there is a RPC by the name of The Witch Doctor
  19. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Colourful skulls   
    Soon it will be el Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

    This festival is all about celebrating the dead. With prayers, a nice altar (Google “Altar de los Muertos”) and, most importantly, wildly decorated skulls! These skulls come in many shapes and forms most notably in the form of sugar skulls.

    For this quest you're asked to make your own colourfully decorated skull. How exactly you make it I'll leave up to your own imagination, but the more colour the better and edible skulls get bonus points.

    First place: A Shade + a WP
    Second Place: 15 Silver + an Angien
    Third place: 10 Silver + a Tormented Soul
    Fourth place: 5 Silver

    Furthermore all will get some Candy!

    The deadline is midnight ST in the night from November 2 on 3. After that there will be a public vote to decide the best skull for one week. Voting has started, cast your votes [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13152-colourful-skulls-voting/"]here[/url].

    Some examples; some sugar skulls, a drawing and some skull cookies :
    [center][img]http://www.joyfulbelly.com/journal/recipe_images/SugarSkulls.jpg[/img] [img]http://tf2sprays.com/wp-content/uploads/image/spray-DiasDeLosMuertos.jpg[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Tgo3NhsaF5M/Su3DsmcVg-I/AAAAAAAACgc/ClNpKqcJejE/s400/sugar+skull+cookies+1.jpg[/img][/center]

    [center][url="http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giUzNIliJSk"]English version[/url][/center]
  20. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aelis in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Aelis

    MP-Class: MP5

    Age: 762 active days

    Main Principle: Imagination

    Reason for applying: I feel the East is calling me back, but more specifically it's teling me to join the Caretakers. I feel that Death should be seen from another perspective. I've first noticed it after I've got my kill item. I would like to learn more about it and help the alliance with its tasks.

  21. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    lawl. cute bleach avy for the win xDDD

    2 things though o.o

    id sponsor this in a HEARTBEAT, if i was still allowed to sponsor and hadnt passed on that right to you all xD


    i wonder if you can sponsor your own quest... as a TK >>

    an odd situation indeed o3o
  22. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Colourful skulls   
    [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1350573152' post='124240']
    Umm.. not really an awesome entry.. not an artist >>
    *rushes and hides under the bed* please dont laugh ><





    Can I give points for cuteness? ^3^
  23. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to biermann in Colourful skulls   
    You took the time and effort, and perhaps the guts to post it here.

    Therefor you are by far more awesome then any of the Laughers above whom posted nothing
  24. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Colourful skulls   
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to BFH in Colourful skulls   
    [quote name='shayanuser' timestamp='1350825577' post='124410']
    Nice skulls guys! I'm new here and want to say that the community is so energetic and great
    Here are the best skulls I could make so far. I made these myself using some awesome tool + some Photoshop while listening to the fantastic Dia de Los Muertos(Spanish), the music is now stuck in my head and won't go away.
    It took so long before I was satisfied enough with them to post but I enjoyed making them and I hope you like them too. If anyone likes to have one of the original (big size) versions, just PM me





    A big applause Wel use of photoshop! Looks awesome!
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