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Everything posted by Aysun

  1. Sorry, but those of us without super mod powers cannot tell when something's a bug or not- this is why there's a bug forum to address these things. Sheesh.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jubaris
    3. dst
    4. Jubaris


      yes, from your own definition list here ya go: ---(psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior -----

      I said it, so it's kinda stupid trying to find another meaning, when I told you what I meant with it.

  2. Aysun


    So I clicked 'edgar' and the aside popped up....screen cap attached. x.x edit: I also seem to not be the only one who's seen it... xD Ok, I'm confused... edit2: While I'm here, I tried to view a fight log and got this repeatedly instead: [quote]Fatal error: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array in /home/magicdue/public_html/dlg/dlg.combatreplay.php on line 351[/quote]
  3. ^ Yeah, I know that quite a bit got melded with christian holidays in order to convert people. It's an interesting phenomina but really wrought with complications. Mostly because every single day of the calendar is a saint's feast day in general, and a lot of saints never actually existed. St. Blaise for example is the god Veles, and St. Christopher is the egyptian Anubis. This is why they're no longer considered real saints and have been recalled by the church. xD So, we have these things to watch out for. Still, I feel that there's enough out there that we can use, though, so I'm not too worried! I'll be at this for awhile. All the weeks have to be completed and submitted and then looked over and compiled and then turned in-- and then whoever's the new announcement maker in MD (which, if you're reading this, please PM me!) will have to look over it and approve it and then put it into the system. In an ideal world, all that won't take longer than two months max, but who knows. So, I feel there's plenty of time either way. As a note, BFH and peace have been added to their requested weeks! Please continue to post here with the week of your choice if you'd like to contribute to the calendar and I'll add you to the chart.
  4. Ok, guys, I'm gonna say this just one last time-- [color="#FF0000"]Generic lists of dates for one specific culture are ok. Otherwise, PLEASE only submit ONE WEEK AT A TIME and let me know what you're working on right before you start so that I can keep track of it- you have no idea if someone else also has a message sitting in my inbox asking for something that you've begun work on without letting me know. This is the only way it can stay organized. PLEASE stick to the script with this, otherwise it becomes a tangled mess.[/color] Awi- I'll add AL to the list. Thanks! edit: Ok, updated the first post a little bit. Hope it'll clarify some things a bit. Otherwise, I'm off to bed right now, hahaha!
  5. I've added a key to the week sign-up spread. I'm going to go ahead and start my own work just going down the list doing weeks that have not been choosen yet, so if you want to do a certain week, be sure to pick it now! [u]Remember to follow ALL the guidelines presented in the first post![/u] 8D
  6. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1285772468' post='69347'] yes, it's true, different tribes interpret events differently, but the essence should be the same... It didn't create that problem for other civilizations, for example we are using Greek mythology in the calendar, yet every city in ancient Greece was a separate state with it's own cult of god/goddess... I'm not that of an expert on Slavic mythology (that's why I acquired that book I mentioned) to tell more about all of this, but I know enough that it deserves a place in the calendar, and I'll see if I can help out for it to get there Some celebrations can be found here as well (oh that Google ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_mythology [/quote] Thanks for the link! From what I can tell with slavic culture is that there is only consistently, say, Veles and Perun that are consistent throughout the society through time as a whole. Otherwise it's all exceedingly specialized from there. The reason why the greeks work better for this sort of thing than the slavs is because they were slaves to record keeping. They recorded everything- ideas, government tallies, and even day to day accounting. You don't have these sorts of things in slavic culture outside of specific civilizations (such as Kiev and the early Russian empire) because writing didn't exist before the missionaries came in and created it- and by then, they didn't care about recording when all the old pagan festivals and feast days were. The reason why I think Kiev Rus will perhaps work the best for what you're proposing is because as a centralized civilization, there would've been record keeping of some sort. I'll have to look into that, but it's hard, if not impossible, to run a city without record books. I'm newly researching this stuff myself (and I find it a fascinating coincidence that you've brought it up here), so I need to look into that theory. If you're worried about Kiev Rus being influenced by outsiders, you must understand that there is no such thing as a 'pure' culture. A culture, at its essence, is an amalgamation of ideas from different places. If we go back to the two staple gods of Slavic paganism, Veles/Volos is merely an import of the proto-hindu Vele for example. So even if we took a broad look at slavic culture, there is still significant outside influence. With that said, I think Kiev Rus might be the closest we can get to an original significant Slavic civilization that will have some sort of recorded record of city feast days. We can both look into it, though. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1285772947' post='69348'] I'd like to sign up and give you a hand Aysun. I helped a bit with the old one here and there. I'll start with week OCT 24 - 31 if that's ok? Otherwise just pick any of them for me, I'll send you a forum PM done as you've stated when I'm done and if it's ok then you can assign me a new week? Z [/quote] Sure thing! Go ahead and start on it and I'll get your name by that week. You can pick any that you like- if you would like me to pick them, I'll probably just go down the list, haha. Thanks so much!!
  7. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1285755519' post='69338'] before of course. Slavs adopted Christianity much before 1650, and as a religion it got exterminated, but some traditions remained. South Slavs inhabited Balkans, and first Serb state for example was founded in 9th century. All Slavs have same background, but perhaps there are number of additions in the culture in West/East/South Slavs due to different influences. I recently bought a huge book that is used in university of Belgrade about Slavic Culture and Mythology. Due to school duties, my plan was to research it over next several months or more, but I guess you won't wait for that long. There are many celebrations that just changed their name when Christianity was adopted, but the tradition of them stayed the same, there's bound to be a lot of data on the net. I would like it to be implemented into the calendar, cause Slavic culture isn't just something irrelevant, Slavic nations have large influence in the course of history and culture (as do the rest of the Calendar cultures). Be careful about Kievan Rus tho, cause they were originally Slavic nation ruled by Varangians, so Nord culture is bound to have some influence there (if you search concretely Kievan Rus culture) [/quote] No one's tried to leave slavic people out of this- please let me say this first of all. My original list of groups regularly named in the calendar was purely from memory and needs to be added to. The problem with what you're proposing is that the slavs only ever coalesced into a defined civilization in a couple of places in history. We cannot just say 'slavs' on the list, because that is much too vague and the differences from tribe to tribe, and even village to village, with regards to heritage and especially religion were so drastically different from each other at times that there is no real uniformity to it that anyone remembers. This makes putting accurate dates to thoroughly known events hard. That remembering part is also especially important, too- writing did not come about in that area until the conversion from christianity, and by then those who were literate were not concerned with correctly recording local legend and native pagan myth in the slightest so a great deal of information is lost to time. Reconstructions have been attempted, but at best they are just vague stipulations in the end. Just like with Peace's greece list, I can accept a list of events you might put together, but there is no guarantee that they will *all* be used as anyone who decides to do a week can pick and choose which holidays they think are relative, and perhaps the most significant globally, to that day. But if you'd like to submit a compiled list of dates from [i]a specific slavic culture in particular[/i] (aka, this group of slavs must have a culturally identifying name), then I'll see what I can do to work at least some of them in. [u] As a note to everyone[/u], PLEASE keep in mind that dates are being worked on in WEEKLY increments- not monthly or yearly. Proposing a group to add to the civilization list to be considered and looked out for is fine, submitting a general fact sheet to me is fine, but things are getting completed in WEEKLY increments and people who sign up for weeks will have a blank slate to pick and choose what they feel is globally significant. They will not be picking a week and then handed an already worked on form. If you'd like to make sure a particular favourite civilization (civilization, mind you) is included, please sign up for a week, HOWEVER any one-sided submissions will be heavily edited. A.k.a., please do not submit a week to me where all 28 events only come from Asia, for example. Please be globally and diversely minded with this project.
  8. [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1285721134' post='69317'] I think I had contacted someone about the calendar myself, a long time back, but I was told that all the required info was gathered more or less, so I gave up my research. It is rather easy for me to get the Greek information should you need me to get it. [/quote] Sure! Are you thinking of doing a full week, or are you just wanting to hand over a fact sheet of things that can be used? [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1285735680' post='69322'] I would really like that Slavic dates get implemented into the calendar of world cultures [/quote] Sure! Do you have a specific culture in mind for that? Please remember that they need to have been active at or before 1650AD otherwise it's bordering too much on the modern. Kiev Rus, for example, could be a good pick possibly. What do you think?
  9. Yes, I agree. I'll have one up soon. Thank you for the suggestion! edit: There we go! If anyone has any critiques, ideas, or suggestions for the template or any other element of what's up so far, please share your thoughts with me. I consider this extremely flexible, so let's make it the best.
  10. As inquiries have been made about the completion of the MD calendar and a response given that it is now an open community project with potential incentive, I thought I'd start the thread for the work. I've personally been interested in the calendar for quite some time, so I'd really like to help with this if possible. Could the person who will be in charge for putting up the finished work once it's all completed PM me please? The announcement made was as follows: [quote]As you probably noticed, the calendar for these few month does not exist yet. Any of you is welcome to help by providing interesting ("same style") info for each of the missing days till the end of the year. Its better to get organized before randomly preparing info, use the forum for that. Currently we have all month of the year till August (included), so September October November and December are to be made. There are rewards for those that will help to finish the calendar but if you are doing it just for the reward please don't join.[/quote] So, the months missing are: •[b]September •October •November •December[/b] Some of the cultures that are currently used on the calendar are: •Ancient Egyptian •Greek •Roman •Celtic •Islam •Ancient Persian •Aztec •Native American •Japanese •[u]Significant events[/u] from the MD Adventure Log (If anyone remembers any others, please post them and I can add them to the list.) It seems that roughly about 3-4 different cultural 'events' are mentioned at [i]most[/i] on any given day, written in a concise format. Renavoid mentioned in the mood panel that the calendar has already been finished, but it seems either the work was never received or simply not implemented. Whether that is used or new work used, I figure a thread to start doing [i]something[/i] can't hurt! ≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠≠ Ok, in an effort to streamline this, I'm going to propose the following: •Those wishing to contribute should pick a full week (seven days) to do at any given time. I will put up a list of dates for all the missing months so that they can be signed up for. •Choose at least two historic HOLIDAYS* prior to the year 1650AD for any given day, but [u]no more than four for that day[/u] (three is an ideal number unless that day happens to be incredibly interesting for some reason). •Holiday summaries should be no longer than 130 characters each. •Each holiday entry for any given date should include a citation of where you got it from. This is just to make sure they're not coming out of thin air. •Completed weeks should be PM'd to me as in-line text. Please don't send me attachments. Here's a sample of what I'm looking for: [quote=Submission Template]WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 1-7 Sept. 1: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) Sept. 2: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) Sept. 3: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) Sept. 4: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) Sept. 5: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) Sept. 6: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) Sept. 7: •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry) •holiday name- holiday 140 character text here (citation here at end of individual entry)[/quote] Dates Available for work ([color="#4169E1"]post which you'd like to do and I'll put your name next to it[/color]- [b]Please submit one week before picking another one[/b]): [color="#808080"]SEPT 1-7 ==>Aysun/awiiya (complete) SEPT 8-15 ==>Awiiya (complete) SEPT 16-23 ==>Awiiya (complete) SEPT 24-30 ==>Awiiya (complete) OCT 1-7 ==>Zleiphneir (complete) OCT 8-15 ==>Zleiphneir (complete) OCT 16-23 ==>Zleiphneir (complete) OCT 24-31 ==>Zleiphneir (complete) NOV 1-7 ==>bfh lighthing (complete)[/color] NOV 8-15 ==>Peace (in progress) [color="#FF0000"]NOV 16-23 NOV 24-30[/color] DEC 1-7 ==>Aysun (in progress) [color="#FF0000"]DEC 8-15 DEC 16-23 DEC 24-31[/color] [color="#FF0000"]RED[/color] = open for work BLACK = in progress [color="#808080"]GREY[/color] = completed [color="#FF0000"]>>>>READ ME:[/color] [u]Generic lists of dates for one specific culture are ok. Otherwise, PLEASE only submit ONE WEEK AT A TIME and let me know what you're working on right before you start so that I can keep track of it- you have no idea if someone else also has a message sitting in my inbox asking for something that you've begun work on without letting me know. This is the only way it can stay organized. PLEASE stick to the script with this, otherwise it becomes a tangled mess.[/u] *just a note on the definition of 'holiday'- a traditional festival or traditional remembrance day that has become a feast day of some kind and has/had become an annual cultural norm for a given society. For example, The day athens survived against Sparta became an annual festival in greece, thus giving it long-term signifigance. However, the Battle of Torrence was just a battle- nothing is attached to it other than it happened and thusly shouldn't be used. If you have to wonder if it's worth using as a holiday for a given day, just pick something else less questionable. [color="#FF0000"]tl;dr[/color]: There is no tl;dr-Read this post or else your submission won't be used.
  11. Ducks are incredibly awesome anyway. I didn't know neurons lived in the 'hood, either. Are they also packing heat? "Raise 'em high!"
  12. Aysun


    Mur, only those who do not know who they are in their heart and at the very root of their soul become lost. Paths we go down, relationships, might lead us to dead ends, but that does not mean that we ourselves are the ones turned around- just that particular option is no longer valid or viable. Even the oracle at Delphi had inscribed within the temple she presided over the phrase "gnōthi seauton", or, as we say in classical english, "Know Thyself". Not even an augury of the future can hold any meaning to one who does not 'Know Thyself', or knows him/her self. Purpose is built upon who you are. You cannot hold a purpose to yourself if you do not know who you are. Gain insight, Mur. Philosophy only goes so far. We are not built upon philosophy, but something so much finer than that.
  13. Hang in there, sage!
  14. Oh my, thanks for saving me the trouble of continuing my investigations of what you've been up to all this time. (your rather obvious hint-dropping has not gone unnoticed) Unless of course this post is all a red herring. Either way, cheers and may you fare well wherever the wind takes you. -A
  15. Since Marind is a ghost from the beginning, I don't know how anyone can stipulate that she's alive at any point. She's dead when you begin the story and she stays that way. [size="1"]edited for typos.[/size]
  16. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='05 July 2010 - 11:59 PM' timestamp='1278395954' post='63494'] Your post added in the final book, haven´t forget to read and judge it, but only to combine. I am sorry for this. [/quote] No prob- thanks for including me.
  17. PARADOX. Sorry guys. :(

  18. ^The isolated example I used in my last post was to show that it isn't always a cycle and thus diverse enough to not fall into cyclicty, etc. Death has so many variations, as your example shows, and that's why I think it's principle worthy.
  19. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='05 July 2010 - 01:14 AM' timestamp='1278314088' post='63407'] Maybe Aysun will take a closer look at my entry and then a link will appear magically where all entries are gathered as prison diary book. [/quote] You have magically left mine out then....
  20. Congrats to the winners, although I must say my entry was better than everyone's, so....*COUGHCOUGH* Perhaps Blackwood could make a compilation of all the entries submitted?
  21. Aysun

    Cats In Md

    But.....that's not....ceiling cat!!!! >.< That's Longcat vs. Tacgnol. Jeez, newfags..... Let me see what I can find. It's been awhile since I was on ebaums and caturday has long since been abandoned after lolcats/cheezburger ruined everything...... ======================================================================== [attachment=1807:where-is-your-god-now.jpg] <--ceiling cat. ^Mur! [attachment=1808:tacgnol.jpg] ^Tacgnol is liquid dust cat? [attachment=1809:lime-cat.jpg] [attachment=1810:hangover-caturday.jpg] [attachment=1811:endcat.jpg] [attachment=1812:caturday-1d9.png] ^I'm sorry, but that's Pipz. xD [attachment=1813:cat-general.jpg]
  22. ^ Again, not all forms of death run in a cycle. Some things do simply end, therefore it cannot be any sort of loop. Death is a multifaceted thing, and due to its diversity and inevitability in a plethora of forms, I thought it worthy of suggestion.
  23. As I logged into MD, in the blank area next to the chat, I got the following: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ']' in /home/magicdue/public_html/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php on line 1484 I thought it might be worth posting, as I know a lot of work is being done on coding at the moment and anything caught might help.
  24. Principle of Death. Death is broad and comes in many forms- death of a view, of an idea, of people, plants, and animals.....death of the mind. The death of planets and realms....the death of stars. It is endless. One could say that death is only an aspect of cyclicity, but there's much more to it than that. In some forms of death, there IS a cycle- human death and rebirth for example. But in the death of ideas, or the death of the mind (brain dead, for example), there is not always another beginning from such things. In those instances, things can just end. I think death is very valid. I would say birth as well, but I DO think *that* would be getting too close to cyclicity.
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