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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Make that 2:00 at the GoE on the 24th.
  2. Just Phantom with 15gc
  3. Para, Phantom. You both have 48 hours to claim your Lot. Please contact me ASAP.
  4. Each quest/ winner of each contest shall recieve a WP. Courtesy of TKs.
  5. Sponsored with a WP
  6. Two more days until the Slave Auction at 1:00 game time on the 24th. Help me save Christmas by purchasing slaves!
  7. I am curious to know what came of this as well...
  8. The treasury email is indeed official, so is considered an acceptable form of communication, and applicable to any related rules/laws that are held IG.
  9. This Friday, I shall hold the Slave Auction. Again, All proceeds will go to Zleiph's Alms for the Poor event.
  10. Clearly she misunderstood Chewett. I'm surprised you couldn't comprehend that.
  11. All proceeds from the Christmas Slave Auction will be given to Zleiph
  12. I am trying to do this without their involvement. Stay on topic.
  13. Awesome. Congrats Darkraptor!
  14. Question about Eon von Matterhorn.... Eon's alt, no?
  15. This will help me figure out how much gold/silver to get to replace the notes with btw...
  16. TK sponsorship still stands. Just a side note, I had no intentions on judging any result. I just wanted to make sure there were actual submissions.
  17. I need to collect some information on the total amount of Gold, and Silver notes out there. So, please post the total value of notes you have here. For Example; If you have four 10g notes, and 2 notes worth 15 silver, you'd have 40g, and 30 silver. Please don't combine the value of silver and gold.
  18. I shall be sold off as well.
  19. So.... Santa is real. He is currently stuck in my creature inventory, and has absolutely no way out to deliver the presents for Christmas! Santa has sent me this letter by penguin: [quote] Seigheart, I am in great need of your services! I have been held captive by my very own invention! Apparently, when I cloned, and multiplied myself, my clones have gone and confused themselves with creatures! Since I refused to join them, they forced me into your creature inventory! I need you to deliver gifts for me! There is a red sack hidden in the Accursed Growth. Recover it and deliver my gifts! Ever grateful; Santa PS: You will be removed from the naughty list if you do this favour for me! [/quote] So, I went to the Accursed Growth, and found the Sack! Buuuut... it was empty when I found it. *coughs* So, I need to find a group of people to auction of as slaves. *grins* So, (as the previous years before have) I am looking for individuals willing to allow themselves to be sold into slavery! You ask how this will replenish Santa's missing presents? Why... with what you pay for your slaves! *grins* So, this is how it works: You put yourself up for auction; you get sold to your new Master. Your new Master pays me (Santa's little helper LOL), and then I deliver your Master's funds for Santa to random people in the street! Slaves must then make toys, gifts, or nuclear bombs for their new master. It's the way things work. You have to do something for them. (Slaves will get a small bonus at the years end for being good slaves. Maybe some hay to sleep on.) So, if you wish to be auctioned off, please post your Character name, and a short blurb on yourself. Current Slaves to be Sold: Seigheart Tal DarkRaptor EagleEye FireStarter ignnus
  20. wonders when people will stop calling him "Fenrir." He hasn't been played for well over a year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Considering that you appear to let it get to you, I don't see why anybody would stop.

    3. Seigheart


      I don't actually care, I think it's redundant and kind of a pathetic attempt to make things worse for everyone. O.o

    4. Pipstickz


      Fenrir. You're right, things are worse than they were 10 seconds ago.

  21. 20g (note) This is an official TK bid.
  22. Winners are: Phantom Orchid on the Reindrach for 15gc Dragonrider7 on the Nutcracker for 6gc And 4gc for Santa? for Paraceleus Bidding may continue until the winners are confirmed (pay up)
  23. 1g
  24. 1g
  25. I'm not sure whether or not this is even needed to be honest. A chase spell, or a summon spell would have its usefulness, but a new spell that allows us to immediately transfer creatures/items to another player? Unnecessary. It would undermine the entirety of the TKs. If I could handle every single reward dispatch myself, I would do it. A scene that could be called the TK's HQ would be excellent. Not entirely sure where it would be though. If it were in the Lands, a summon spell WOULD be needed because of the high AP. As far as this talk of abuse and crap; Really? I have creatures most, if not any, of you have ever seen before in my inventory, far more rare than morphs, windys, and darklings, and yet, you think I would abuse a spell(if such a thing is even possible?)? Do you understand how silly that sounds?
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