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Everything posted by Menhir

  1. Finally we might be out of the white cube again ... some might like it others not ... Listening to a band right now with the perfect name for the moment -> As I Lay Dying
  2. And the second before it went off there was a short message from Mur in the mood panel: "Lets see what this buttons does!" - I could not take a screenshot.
  3. So MD is down for the moment? The site is moved permanently - I guess that means your´re working on something?
  4. I like you statement Rumi but I have the feeling that Chewett meant 2-3 People with good coding/programming skills are needed and even then it would take a long time to do it. I think the move over to HTML5 is urgent because many would play it more intense or even start only because of this but on the other side there are many other very important things waiting - so what to do first? Lets find out using this -> http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14140-the-walt-disney-strategy/#entry136462
  5. Interested in other ideas? Take a look at his work - you will need time. Might be worth for you too ;). http://www.divinecosmos.com/
  6. Lets use his strategy (there are many more out there) to find solutions. Here is the link to a PDF you can look at and read through. After that I would like to create such 3 rooms were everyone of us will find his/her place to use his/her strength to help all of us finding the best solution for the issues which needs attention. http://www.wiredportfolio.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/DisneyPaper.pdf
  7. I know some already know this but for all who are not aware of the situation - MD is dying financially! What dose it mean? Server will be shut down and we all can say goodbye to MD. I know some do not care but others do. The question we should dicuss and try to find the answers as a community are: (and please keep in mind this is the wrong time to fight in the forum in this topic - we should be very aware of the situation that if we are not able to solve it then MD will not survive in the long term!) 1. Why is MD dying financially? 2. And what can we the playerbase do to change that? 3. What is lacking in the concept or what changed over the years? 4. What needs to be changed that those of us who have the money and would love to spend it actually do it without unbalancing the system? I suggest that everyone of us is thinking deeply about more questions and all those questions should be collected and presented in a separate forum topic. After that we ALL start finding the solutions. I´m very aware that we have to work together maybe the first time as ONE group of people who share the same passion for something. Comments like - "it´s councils or Mur´s responsibility to solve it!" - will not help because we all see that if they could have we would not talk about it now! My first suggestions are: 1. Why are people all over the world love championships & tournaments like the soccer league in Europe or the football/baseball/basketball leagues in US and do not forget the cricket season in India! Why? Because we love to be a part of those competitions between groups of people? Maybe, maybe, not lets find out why so many love it and use it as attraction in MD. Make tournaments at different section of the actual gameplay - creature fighting / RP fighting / Item creating / Quests creations - give out championship trophies each year and of course prizes. At the same time the change the shop - usable items for the tournaments (extra section) e.g. Coins or something else as entry fee for the championships. 2. Why are games like Minecraft are so popular and successful and at the same time nearly for free? They are creative and you are allowed to do some many SIMPLE!!! things but with combining them you are able to create awesome huge things! Murs last announcements and hopefully later fully implemented functionality of those new features are heading directly into this direction. So I say we need this urgently and we need a better way of advertisement. We need good advertisement and we have the internet for this. Lets create impressive Youtube videos with all features and good art - showing the people why MD is so special among all other games. We need to be aware that there are not so many ways how to cover future costs. Finding a sponsor who is supporting MD with a huge amount of money would be one - how many of those "money blessed" people you know? If you know ask them. Getting more fresh player into MD and change MD in the way that not 20% stay ingame and are willing to support MD with money for the server costs but at least 50%. I know this is a huge thing for Mur and for many (me included) because MD should not be changed in a way we all would dislike only to get more player but I´m pretty sure there are ways to do it differently. Let do this together. Please have a look at the topic I created about the Walt Disney Strategy. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14140-the-walt-disney-strategy/ All the best for all of you
  8. Happy Brithday Azull - wish you a breathtaking day.
  9. Happy birthday from me too even if I´m one day late ...
  10. All the best Fyrd may all your progressive constructive wishes come true ...
  11. Back from my tour in Himachal Pradesh (India) and still in rapt contemplation ... amazed and deeply touched ... changed somehow.

  12. Gratulations Chewett you are exceptional in many ways even if I know you only a little bit. You should get a platin fossil medal which should be unique as long as you´re the top most active player. I hope you had a nice party I was already sleeping. All the best and keep up the amazing work you´re doing for all of us. A big thank you from me.
  13. Happy Birthday Vall and all the best ...
  14. "They" never left, "they" are still here, "we" might be "them" or at least a part of "them". We would be ashamed if we would know everything from the times which are lost and if we would see how it was when "they" were living here "creating" for a long time what we consider as ours, we would be shocked by surprise. If you start searching you will see more clearly everyday. If you´re afraid of something then it´s possible that you could be afraid of everything.
  15. What is it about you ask? Maybe the first time ever I don´t understand the question which was ask. I did not ask to comment I did not ask to change I did not even thought that there is a response. I don´t do things like this to teach or inform - who am I that I even think that I know something and others don´t. I just share this with the ones who are somehow connected a little bit closer then others to myself - the might have an idea what they can do with it or they know other who are interested. There is nothing to explain and no one should, there is nothing to talk about only acting if one feels to do so, there is no need to do anything if one does not feel to do something while watching this documentation. If you feel somehow attacked by this topic, I would raise the question - Why do I feel attacked? - if I were in the position.
  16. I saw this years after I turned vegetarian and vegan but I still watch it from time to time with people who are eager to understand what they could not see beforehand. But I strongly doubt that a vegan diet is more expensive than a meat based one. It all depends on our selfs and if I see the expense of what we are doing with nature and earth(lings) I cannot see a single argument that a vegan diet is more expensive. The strong opposite is the truth and that´s one of my main reasons why I will never stop trying to make people more aware of what we are causing by being the demand for animal products. Thank you change for being one of the few who was not afraid ...
  17. ... I do ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTjhtgX72lw "Be the change you want to see" (Nick Vujicic). All the Best
  18. DD I´d like to give my 2 cents too. If anyone or anything can attack you or hurt you or lead you to something you don´t want try the following. ALWAYS ask yourself WHY you´re in this position and do not think one single second of others or the situation itself which "caused" it. I experienced that all situations which I was judging I was a big part of and I had definitely something to do with it - it was always me who was able to change! And then the understanding grew that I will never be able to change anyone else and that I do not even what to change anyone except myself. And this is the work you have to do and you will be able to do - work only on yourself - and this is not selfish it´s the opposite even if people try to tell you that you only care for yourself ... All analysis afterwards will always lead to the fact that YOU can change YOUR part in a situation and NOTHING else. Once you are able to life this with consciousness you will start growing faster and things will move faster. That´s all for the start - take it or leave it - it´s up to you what YOU do with it. All the best on YOUR way. And never forget it´s YOUR way and noone else should judge you for what or who you are. And at the same time accept if people have problems with your way of being and do never judge them or what they do.
  19. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1364485393' post='134521'] Leave gold gifts for the future !! [/quote] Hope of the future is one of the ways to keep the minds of human beings busy all the time - good job BFH
  20. What about Gold gifts and will they be permanent "things" instead of time limited like the silver gift boxes?
  21. You know you've been on MD too much when you´re on a motorbike tour through a country like India and your first thought when you enter the town of your final destination is: Hopefully my USB Internet is working here. After you found out it´s not working because you´re in the mountains you start the get nervous and immediately you start searching for an internetcafe.
  22. I did not join the quest because I did not had the time for participating and honestly I did not understood what it was all about. But I have my complications with understanding most of the quests made by players so this might be my own personal issue I have with quests in MD since the beginning. So it says nothing about this quest in particular.
  23. ... how many credits you will get in 1 year only by voting? [color=#ff0000][size=6]You will receive 69 CREDITS !!![/size][/color] for investing only 3 Minutes of your time everyday and with this helping MD to be more known out there. I found MD through such a voting side and today I´m happy that you all voted for MD back in those days ... Thank you and all the best.
  24. I agree with both of of you because its complete when you mix both of your ideas. The personal contact is the most successful way to come in touch with others and as an protector it´s ones aim to know his/her adepts (Change already mentioned this) "deep" enough to be able to serve them. Protectorship is service and with that come the biggest challenge in MD and in Real Life too. I believe change knows what to do and how to do so I will shut up cause who Am I? All the best on your way to be a protector Change.
  25. Looks like its back to normal - so there was only a problem for an hour or so. Can be closed. Thank you.
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