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Everything posted by Menhir

  1. Item: sword shade creature 1gc
  2. Item: memory stone collector 2gc
  3. I just remembered something: The Creature Totem feature if it ever was something on the list.
  4. Menhir

    The Truth

    Count me in, I would like to "help" in the evolution of MD.
  5. I would like to add something from my point of view. From my point of view there is nothing like fairness in games, there will be always some point where someone feels less valuable because he/she had not enough time or money or or or … some of those examples are already mentioned in this topic. What is the point of changing an older system – make it better, attract more new player or let the current ones be more motivated to play more or start again playing more. So here is one suggestion (i don´t even think it`s the best possible). Start from scratch with fighting stats – erase all to ZERO. (People would get angry for sure including myself) Erase the stat bonus from tokens and leave them in the shop as visual bonus for crits only. (People would get angry again because the spend money fort hem, including myself) Keep the permanent Stat bonus (e.g. Shield & Sword) in the shop. Raise the stats of the colored & Rare creatures slightly. Raise the possible stat gain from fighting. You still will have a discussion in a year or so, that fighting is unfair, because grinders will be in lead even with this „change“ - they invested more time into raising their stats. I played many different MMORPG`s and I never ever found a game where it was nonrelevant how much time you invested to reach your goal. But I saw one thing always happening. At one point mostly after a couple of years something changed in the game mechanics and there was no doubt that those who where disfavored by the changed left the game. It always ended badly as I can say today fort he whole game because there where so many other options out there where they leaving people found what they had before. I would choose a rough fresh start as I mentioned above even if I would not be happy with it at all. The other option is none for me because with the current system I lost completely my motivation. Now 2 more Suggestions. Create two separate sections in the upper line oft he MD screen right next to Announcement. Make them red cloror if unread same as Announcement. One for „Upcoming important Decisions“. People would see more easily if anything big is planned to change in the near feature. I have to admit that I don´t have that much time to read the forum everyday or even in some weeks, I guess I´m not the only one. One for „Patches“ (weekly/monthly as it fits). This would give every single one a very transparent and structured overview what changed in the past and might be in the future. People who had a break for some months could easily go through the patch section and make them selfs up to date without spending hours on the forum. All the best to all of you. Edit: Something which came into my mind regarding the shop and the paying non paying players. Please keep in mind that this is a first thought and nothing finished. Paying players can continue to pay whatever they want to support MD as a maximum but a minimum of 4 $ each month if they don´t wish to vote to have access to MD. All those who are not able or willing to pay real money can use the vote system to gain the needed minimum of 4$ per month. By voting you can achieve a maximum of 5,4 $ per month & with this there is enough room for those days in which you are not able to vote. This idea is somehow a little force on each player to do something for MD to have access to the game, it still would be free. Every player could have an MD account on which the amount of $ would be counted. Lets say you vote 2 months each day. In this case you would have a plus of 2,8$ on the account for the 3rd month and so on. Real $ payed would count on this account too.
  6. Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett The boost per token when sacrificing has been reduced after discussion with players as this has been identified as something which divides players greatly between paying and nonpaying. Hopefully this should level the playing field slightly. For me the worst decision ever. The rate dropped by 60% and all effort to train and sac creatures are 60% less from now on in comparison to those of the last 5 years. I´m just expressing my disappointment with this. I hope this decision helps the realm somehow.
  7. I didnt see this in the above list but maybe it´s under a different name. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13205-santa-prevents-full-glow-achievement/
  8. Mods please close this topic. Thank you.
  9. I would buy Independent Resource Collectors Rare Creatures Unique Items with an actual use I think I misunderstood something ... Independent Water Collector Independent Memory Stone Collector Revival Item Creatures: Shade & Darkling & Tainted
  10. As the title says I would like to buy or trade a 9th Anniversiary aramor. Please contact me via forum PM or ingame PM if you´re interested in selling or trading. I will buy for GC & SC and / or resources. I will trade for resources and / or creatures. I thank you ...
  11. I will sponsor this quest with 50 Memory Stones (I cannot give them out as whole stack, the winner needs to get them directly from me when needed over time). May the Best artist win Menhir
  12. I will sponsor this quest with 20 Memory Stones (I cannot give them out as whole stack, the winner needs to get them directly from me when needed over time). I wish all participants a tasty experience Menhir
  13. I wish you all a pleasant time and hope that you remember the next days at least for one year until the 10th anniversary of MD. A big thank you from my side goes to all those who will make quests and who organized the following 9 days. Additional words of thanks goes to all those who are still active in the realm participating and spending time in the most interesting and deep realm in the whole "internet-universe".
  14. I will sponsor this quest with 30 Memory Stones (I cannot give them out as whole stack, the winner needs to get them directly from me when needed over time). Good Luck to all Menhir
  15. I will sponsor this quest with 20 Memory Stones (I cannot give them out as whole stack, the winner needs to get them directly from me when needed over time). Good Luck to all Menhir
  16. I will sponsor this quest with 100 Memory Stones (I cannot give them out as whole stack, the winner needs to get them directly from me when needed over time). Good Luck to all Menhir
  17. If the interest in MD is "rising" downwards a king will rule himself alone soon. I see no need of any kind of ruling in the realm as it is right now. We have deeper problems which are not even touching roles, quests or anything else of the fun department ...
  18. Menhir


    Enjoy: http://vimeo.com/80237736
  19. Could you please write more clearly and structurally according to the questions. I would love to have a focused picture at the end with which we could work to find out what we can do and which resources we have available. Thank you.
  20. 1. How bad do you want that MD is not only surviving but blossoming? 2. And what are you willing to do for it? 3. How much further can you step away from your own personal goals in MD for the greater purpose of a growing and thriving Magic Duel realm? 4. How good can you put your injured inner EGO heal for a while and forget all those bad feeling of the past you experienced in the MD community? 5. How bad do want to have fun again and how much are you willing to work on yourself and not on all those others to achieve a better community? 6. What is your biggest most positive vision of YOUR Magic Duel you´re dreaming of? I wish all of you a fantastic week and an even better weekend ... I´m looking forward to see those of you responding with awareness and honesty. I thank all of you. Edit No one - wants to take an active part in the whole resource & item (colleting & creating) part of MD - is willing to sacrifice big parts of his own achievements
  21. Happy Birthday Nimrodel it seems we share something ... All the blessing you need on your way.
  22. Let your chosen path be awareness and self-responsibility combined with reflection and love ... and if you truly can manage to let those not just be words - I can promise you a holistic life. Farewell Fang Menhir
  23. I would prefer version 2 over all others because it looks noble, specific and is golden - the color which works best for me in this case. I´m looking forward to it.
  24. Old story I know but very good clip: http://www.upworthy.com/the-anti-bullying-video-that-could-probably-win-an-oscar?c=ufb2
  25. For me it works beautiful ... looking forward to get it fully implemented. Thank you.
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