The following comes only from my experience (only my experience!!!) ... and may not fit for everyone.
I was a martial arts trainer for many years, I know quite abit of nutrition and try to "help" people out with it, I do start my tours now through India "helping" people to get a different view of India and have the experience of an adventure they will never forget ... there are many more examples in my life ... but from all those I learned that If I expect something special back for my "helping" I get disappointed and If I answered peoples questions how to do things they mostly forgot the next morning/training. I know it´s not the same situation but in this case I would use the same principle to get rid of anger and frustration. As I told you some days back ... try to free yourself from those self created expectations and be open what life is giving you back ... do things because you like to do it and not because you have something in your mind which gives you some sort of profit for doing so. I do not say you have to do it, but think about it at least. "The others" around you will never change because you like them to change. You can change yourself and that´s hard enough.