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Everything posted by Menhir

  1. Hello all ... it´s all Rumis fault he took me by surprise used my tiredness of the morning to "trick" me into my first role. I thank you again for your trust Rumi and will give my best to fill the role. I will work together with whomever is willing to do so to continue your work. Hopefully we will be able to let the seeds grow which you were planting a long time back.
  2. Or maybe there should be a change in the regeneration of the low quantity resources? Otherwise they would be able to get stolen yes ... The possibility to steal a resource might be connected somehow to the quantity too? If there is only 1 resources at a spot it should be harder to steal it then 1 of 60 Water from a river - or isn´t this relevant at all? For me the resource which is more rare should be better "protected" from stealing - if stealing should possible at all.
  3. As you know the regeneration rate on memory stones is always 1 per day except you go under 1/4 or 1/2, so what is the point of your statement? It doesn`t matter if you collect a memory stone at 4/4 or 3/4 or 2/4 next day you have 1 more on the table. Maybe you are able to explain what you mean a little bit more precise?
  4. I´m not in favor of the stealing ability at all like you wrote in the opening topic. The only way I can think of something similar implemented would be if one player starts collecting below the regeneration rate (60%) then stealing from him/her should be possible or any other kind of "treatment" - not to judge but to compensate the loss in regeneration. If I go to a forest an cut all trees the people living around the forest would be very unpleased and would do something against it in the future. We should have an option to do the same. I know that all resources are growing fast in MD in comparision to a RL situation but with the future importance of items and resources people should have some sort of regulation ability in their hands to balance such behavior. I remember people logging in (maybe alts of someone who is upset) and depleting all resources because of being upset just to hurt others. If we can only watch others (maybe ingame enemies) how they are able to stop us from supporting our buildings or constructions, gardens before the fall apart, the whole ability would be useless if we have no possibilities to counter those "attacks". A garden could be destroyed easily and will be as I guess if the gardener and his helpers have no chance to protect it from being attacked - same with the stealing ability. My 2 cent
  5. Building houses (there is already one in planning) and keep them intact with resources. Destructible gates to lands which needs to maintained by the people of the lands, otherwise everyone can enter the land without AP cost - same would be nice with the capitals ... but with this on the table the timer for the resources needs to reduced and resource quantity raised. Otherwise we will have wars over resources and I think it´s enough war over resources in our RL world.
  6. I always loved to copy important discussion and information I had, I would really miss it because I cannot remember all speeches and talks I ever had with someone. From time to time I go through my documents and find those moments and most importantly those funny and bad moments we all love so much.
  7. What about if we wait until we see the whole picture, I guess there is something behind those tests, something bigger ...
  8. I did not change color so far ;).
  9. I use it since years and cured some nasty infections (one I had for stayed 1 1/2 years) with it in combination with a raw food diet. If you need more than this please ask me via PM and I will give you more info.
  10. Patience will bring you to your aim ...
  11. The following comes only from my experience (only my experience!!!) ... and may not fit for everyone. I was a martial arts trainer for many years, I know quite abit of nutrition and try to "help" people out with it, I do start my tours now through India "helping" people to get a different view of India and have the experience of an adventure they will never forget ... there are many more examples in my life ... but from all those I learned that If I expect something special back for my "helping" I get disappointed and If I answered peoples questions how to do things they mostly forgot the next morning/training. I know it´s not the same situation but in this case I would use the same principle to get rid of anger and frustration. As I told you some days back ... try to free yourself from those self created expectations and be open what life is giving you back ... do things because you like to do it and not because you have something in your mind which gives you some sort of profit for doing so. I do not say you have to do it, but think about it at least. "The others" around you will never change because you like them to change. You can change yourself and that´s hard enough.
  12. Sorry dst I did one mistake ... I should have said - "I would prefer doing it like this ..." - generalization leads always to confusion. My fault.
  13. Why would someone make an alt and does not want to be identified as alt? I work on fiction fantasy novel since many years and if I would not be able to go deep into totally different characters the outcome would be unsatisfying for everyone. So if one would like to explore a totally different role in MD it´s not helpful if all know who he/she is. Because people will always remember you as the person you started, because usually we are not open to new things and stick to the known old knowledge we have. So if you Dark Demon would like to explore how it feels to be recognized as an 60 year old lady playing MD as a "wise" witch in MD and everybody would know who that new character is, you would fail playing that role in the first days. This might be only one possible reason why one would like to stay anonymous and playing a new "noob" MP3 character is part of it.
  14. Please close this topic. Thank you.
  15. Happy Birthday Shem, wish you all the best and not only for this special day ...
  16. Hi all, I would like to trade an Aramor - 8th Anniversary Edition (I own) against an Aramor 6th Ann. Edition (I would like to own). Anyone willing to trade please send a Forum PM. Thank you
  17. Welcome back and all the best for your new little one and your whole family.
  18. I agree 100%. We are all "old" enough to use language not as a weapon. Language is our tool for communication with each other to understand what we like or/and dislike. After we found out we can start finding ways to get closer to each other. Of course a knife can be used to kill someone or to peal an apple it´s always up to the user.
  19. I hope you do well and all the best Magistra. Hope to see you now more often in the realm ^_^ .
  20. Great Darkraptor looks like at my garden, or I hope it looks like because my wife had to take care of it. I will see when I´m back home in 2 days. Enjoy the fruits of your work.
  21. Thank you Chewett for your awesome job - without you there would be a gap now most cannot even imagine.
  22. 1 GC + 5 SC Menhir
  23. My experience is different as from most others today. Everything is slower (at least 50%). Loading the creatures, the rituals and the scenes. I changed nothing at my laptop nor the internet connection. I´m still connected from North India
  24. Menhir

    Random Quotes

    Is there a must that the quote is funny?
  25. Exactly what I mentioned yesterday in the early chat we had ... you need no backup there too ;)
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