I heard once from a government - if you´re not with us then you´re against us - hence our enemy. So the whole black or white game is only existing to know where to put people or things and why? Because of the illusionary feeling of security. Security to put things or people in boxes to know how to handle those.
Some days ago I just listened to a favorite "band" of mine and they have a song in which they sing the following lines:
Und dann schüren wir Ängste, die sie verbrennen.
Sagen, wir sind nicht dagegen, aber auch nicht dafür.
And then we fuel fears which will burn them.
Saying, we are not against it but at the same time we are not in favor of it.
I´m not against depleting nor am I in favor of it. I´m in favor for the freedom of everyone to do as he is able to do. As long as "everyone" can choose to leave resources untouched or depleted "noone" should judge the action of others.