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Everything posted by Menhir

  1. Hello all I have the cloudfare errorpage since ST 6:00 and wanted to know if I´m the only one at the moment? Several times after it appeared the first time this morning I could log in but with the first movement or click MD stopped loading and I got the screen after 1/2 minute. I restarted my laptop twice, clean cache from all 3 browsers I have twice (used 2 different programms). AT the moment I´m writing this MD is loading at a speed of 40 B/s. My internet is working fine and fast with all other sides. Thx for the info.
  2. I like your idea very much No One. Would love to have this feature too ...
  3. Happy birthday and all the best!
  4. The principles of the universe should be taught in life right from the beginning, in schools & homes with heart and mind to reveal the true love.

    1. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Can a single adult in a room full of seven-year-olds really be entrusted with this?

    2. ignnus


      it is possible we are far too old at 7 years old and old farts can't be trusted ^_^

    3. Menhir


      What if we are able but always listen to the doubts and complaints of others?

  5. The priciples of the universe should be taught in life right from the beginning, in schools & homes with heart and mind to reveal the true love.

  6. Happy birthday Nimrodel ... hope you had a wonderful birthday.
  7. Thank you all ... it was a nice successful day even for a day without any celebration. I wish all of you a nice next week a beautiful next month and a wonderful year ... be all well. All izz well
  8. 12 SC for all 3 Bloodpact together
  9. I would - IF a new (my) resource would be implemented and the use (which would be great) for it - otherwise in the current situation there is no need because there is no use.
  10. Hello Manu, you´re one of those I would like to meet and we might one way. For now I wish you a celebration day as you wish to have it. All the best.
  11. Thank you Chewett. Thumbs up.
  12. Access to server is not possible: http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php 20 min ago everything worked.
  13. I heard once from a government - if you´re not with us then you´re against us - hence our enemy. So the whole black or white game is only existing to know where to put people or things and why? Because of the illusionary feeling of security. Security to put things or people in boxes to know how to handle those. Some days ago I just listened to a favorite "band" of mine and they have a song in which they sing the following lines: Und dann schüren wir Ängste, die sie verbrennen. Sagen, wir sind nicht dagegen, aber auch nicht dafür. Translation: And then we fuel fears which will burn them. Saying, we are not against it but at the same time we are not in favor of it. I´m not against depleting nor am I in favor of it. I´m in favor for the freedom of everyone to do as he is able to do. As long as "everyone" can choose to leave resources untouched or depleted "noone" should judge the action of others.
  14. I would like to share this with you. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snDQe3tWwRQ[/media] There are 11 parts of this DVD you can find on youtube and many others from him. Enjoy and maybe you can take something out for yourself.
  15. Happy Birthday to both of you.
  16. Menhir


    Skyrim - the game I waited for a long time. Dishonored - the best stealth game in a beautiful steampunk world Shadow Era - a great ccg - browser game Herokon Online - great RPG Browser game Lord of the Rings Online - no words needed and many other games in the past - longest game I played was Lineage 2 (4 1/2 years).
  17. It´s a very hard topic to DISCUSS ... we are all unique and everyone needs to find his/her own way by using information (and there are many) and testing. I blame not a single human being eating like he wants but I would love to be free to eat what I would like to eat. The first part is easy for me to do but the second part is much harder because humans tend to feel attacked if another human is doing something different as he/she thinks/feels. All I try since I realized this, is that I do not discuss or even talk about it any longer except people are very open minded and ask well thought questions with a research (made by the asking person) background. Hope you´re all doing fine.
  18. I would love to participate but will be on tour in India for about 6 months this year and so it´s impossible for me to join all who will be able to grow their own stuff. I wish you all the best results with your growing projects I will have fun with my garden in Summertime.
  19. Menhir
  20. I became a vegetarian around the year 2001 and a vegan after another 7 years in 2008. Seeing this -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52zWRtyhQNM was additional. I became a vegetarian after finding out that there is no need in eating animal products and that we are just hurting ourselfs and the animals while doing so. Simple as that until today. It is already a long journey with many more interesting and useful extensions. Just found out something even more important but that should not be part of this topic.
  21. Noone will change everyone but everyone can change him/herself ...

  22. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1359588665' post='131727'] There is a lack of usage of resources and tools, that you pointed out No one, because there is not a goal for them to be used. An important contest that would stimulate 'average Joe' to fight for and work would change that, but for now ... [/quote] I saw many nice ideas in the personal request topics as wishes which would make a lot of resources usable and people would use it. I always ask myself why do we have all the basic resources? As dst pointed out here -> [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13633-miningfishing-tools/"]http://magicduel.inv...gfishing-tools/[/url] there is a need in a system which makes it easy for everyone to do something with all those resources. No ones idea is an extension of that as I see it. The questions for me are -> Is there a need in the majority of the community to make resources more useful? Is there a chance that all those item ideas from the list of wishes will be implemented one day?
  23. [quote name='Lazarus' timestamp='1359096415' post='131395'] You people have no new ideas or opinions about the matter anymore, you're just looking for loopholes from each others posts and attack it to fulfill your insecurities about yourselves and to attract attention. Points have been made already, ... [/quote] Well put into words Lazarus. Sometime we need to hurt others to get hurt ourselves to see that there was something wrong right from the beginning.
  24. Why do we need to fight all the time? Anyone else dare to ask this question and dares to start walking the way to find out if there is an hidden answer deep in every single one of us? Is anyone interested in the stopping of hurting others at all? Or do we enjoy the behavior of destruction? What would happen if there would be no laws at all? Would we just try to be on the the top and rule over everyone else or would love truly be discovered? I dare to ask those question seriously and so far found only a few who were at least interested to search truly inside them selfs and not always in all others! As long as we are fighting each other in a destructive way there will be only losers. There was not in a single war with a winner at the end not on the battlefields of this world, not in the families of all countries and not at all in the anonymous internet. Start small to change in a constructive way and start with yourself. I say this to all of us (including myself too) because we are all hurting others more or less often but never wanted to be hurt by others. So why, so why ... "Treat others the way you want to be treated." - Why is this one of the most ancient sentences you can find in all different cultures and religions? Why? I wish all of us more respect and love for the brothers and sisters we are living with on this earth.
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