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[quote name='samon' timestamp='1357824502' post='130116'] Alternatively, get people to cook/make something in RL and describe how they did it, accompanied with some pictures, as a reward the best results will get the means to make their creations in game. -Going to work this out some more myself, though any comments are welcome. [/quote] I would love to participate in this, great ongoing idea!
[quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1357816038' post='130104'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Ah, okay Chew [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]And another suggestion... Log-in bonus everyday! (not the minute amount of stats...)[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]This would be for logging in on days [b]in a row[/b].[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Log in for 7 days in a row and get something, maybe [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]random crit with a little heat and age[/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]. Log in for 2 weeks in a row and get a silver coin perhaps. 3 weeks would give a spell stone, etc. [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]And so forth...[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]If you do not log in one day, the counting gets reset and you start again from 0 days in a row.[/color][/font] [/quote] My opinion on this: I was always against features which supported "player" with more free time than others, in all MMORPGs I ´ve ever played. The more you play the better you`re automatically over time - you don´t need an additional extra bonus for being here. I was here 99% of the last year but I would not like it to get gifts for that. Xmas Gifts are similar but once a year, that´s enough.
Idea of a permanent implemented "Quest" or Contest dealing with the idea of how the people see the lands of MD in relationship to music (style or genre) and how a musical "picture" of each land is slowly shaping over time. Each turn should be about 2 months (with a pause of 1 months in between) ongoing because of the variety of decisions, taste and research which every participant will need to succeed. The bigger idea is that you need to explore everything of MD which you have access too. For each turn of 2 months you will have to go to one announced land and find the most fitting "song" (from your point of taste) for every scene in this land - always in mind in which land you´re. Important is to get the mood of the scene, which includes for example the possible history (could be your personal history too) the scene has. Aim of this quest? Get into touch with all lands and scene of MD mixed with "the" or "your" history of each land/scene and give the whole realm a musical picture formed by the inhabitants them selfs. What do we need? A room where the favorite (most voted) songs for each scene are visible like a musical library. I would like to do this - working with others together. Please contact me through forum PM if you have interest to work on this. All constructive ideas which form this quest into a much better experience as it is now are most welcome . So far I have no idea if this quest need any winning prize (I consider this a win/win situation because we create something together) but if a prize or winner is needed we need to find how to judge this contest.
COMPLEMENTARY or CONTRADICTION – I say both are in and here we are losing our mind. We as beings who are not living in the exact moment are not able to understand the matters of the nonexistence of time. We as individual feeling observers are not able to leave duality. Outside of duality neither feelings nore time exists. How can you say (feel) something is “warm” if there is no counterpart of “warm” which would mean “cold” or “not as warm as this” or “hot”. Time has no counterpart in our understanding. Everything we can describe as “us” or “me” depends on the matter of time. The nonexistence of time is a contradiction of what we observe as life and we observe ourselves as part of life. Even if someone tries to understand the balance (I think here you have the feeling that you´re losing your mind) with his mind he cannot succeed because the mind in a part of duality. If he succeeds (somehow) it would mean his existence would either stop or/and be moved to a different stage (level of existence – different vibrancy ect.) which is hardly seen as life as we know it (maybe your fear comes from this source of inner understanding). Maybe you are not ready to leave or move on to whatever comes next after duality. So I say we are all existing only because of the fact that we can observe the past and the future and all talks about being in the moment are a romantic version of life which is not existing in this time on this planet in this vibrancy we are all in. Just a small example. You`re in the middle of a forest. Now you try to BE IN THE MOMENT. I try to understand now what it would mean and I´m just scratching the surface here. Feeling the air which surrounds you on your skin in your nose & eyes hear all sounds around you hear all sounds inside you see/feel all movements which are possible to observe outside & inside feel all emotions inside of you observe all “your” thoughts observe “your” breath observe “your” body movements (e.g. flowing of blood) feel the movement of the earth (which is possible – I did) There are many more things we are able to observe/feel at every moment and I doubt that anyone can do it at THE MOMENT and in complication to this ONE SINGLE MOMENT you have to imagine that EVERY MOMENT need to be like this one - CONSTANTLY. To be able to “do” this, one can easily see that this nothing we would describe as human “BE”-ings (as we know/understand us). Humans are “BE”-ings so we are what we are and this needs to be discovered through life. I don´t know if you are still trying to understand this “BE”-ing as a human or if you already moved yourself to a position of observing which is outside of it. What you describe in your small fragments is the glimpse you had or have into another vibrancy and your mind, only existing and properly working in the duality you´re living, isn´t accepting this properly. So you get so called “crazy”. In the german language we have a word for it and if you take a deeper look at the german language you will find in nearly every word a much deeper meaning as we use those words in our daily routine. Here is the example which fits perfectly to the topic of losing the mind. The word is: “verrückt” and we use it when we describe humans who are insane or have strange not accepted ideas (its a negative word in german language used in this combination). “Der ist ja verrückt!” “He is insane!” But we use the same word when we move a chair from one spot to another. “Ich verrücke den Stuhl.” I moved the chair. So movement from one position to another. I think the same happens with the so called crazy minds of the so called mentally ill people. As far as I can observe it, “they” are just able to see other things, understand the world we are living in, differently as the so called “normal mass”. There were moved a little bit to a “place” outside of the “normality” (duality). So they are a contradiction to the existing world of all others AND they are in complementary to the existence itself because everything they see is existing, otherwise they would not see/feel it. So I say both comments are true it depends from which point of view you´re looking at it. The fragments are in COMPLEMENTARY [u]and[/u] CONTRADICTION to each other. Mur I don´t know if you´re interested but if you like to talk about ideas of a “solution” for your “situation” maybe I can be of service without saying that it will help. I would not say this if I had not similar “experiences” in my life. Give me a short note when and how and we can come together and if you already have any ideas or did something (even if I have no idea myself except my “own” experiences).
Sold to Fire Starter. Please close this Topic. Thank you.
Happy Birthday, Metal Bunny and purplebunny!
Menhir replied to nadrolski's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
Happy Bunnyday to both of you. -
As the titles say I´m selling a fresh BloodPact Heretic Archer. Auction will be open until I´m satisfied. Thank you.
Price or trade value check on Dark Archer with 17 tokens
Menhir replied to Menhir's topic in Market debate and related topics
Its not a BP. -
As the title says I would like to have your opinion on a dark archer I have. Here are the facts: Age at time of topic start: 738 Stored Heat: 3521710 Creature Tokens: [claw1] Claw I [claw2] Claw II [antifreeze] antifreeze [emeraldglare] Emeral Glare [kellethafire] Kelletha Fire [enlightning] Enlightning [blooddrop1] Blood Drop I [blooddrop2] Blood Drop II [blooddrop3] Blood Drop III [darkshield] Dark Shield [blacktear] Black Tear [onyxfangs] Onyx Fangs [darksky] Dark Sky [sunshine] Sunshine [claw3] Claw III [goldbelt] Gold Belt [osirisbelt] Osiris Belt Trade Value in GC or in creatures if that is possible. I know that the price someone would pay depends on his personal principles too because of the tokens. I thank you.
[quote name='samon' timestamp='1357136194' post='129490'] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][cquote] 12)[i]"IF we will have a council who will be anonymous in the future why they don´t have trust points like the kings and special players always had?"[/i] We are the body awarding trust points, hence Mur is the only one who can judge us at that level. You can of course judge us, as you are doing now. [/cquote][/size][/font] [/quote] This option was an idea from me how the playerbase would have a little bit more power in their voice. Now after some days of thinking about it I came to the conclusion that it would be the same as you the council would be known to us. I have to admit that I see the reason why you are anonymous, you would be savaged by some of "our egos" and we have enough of this in the forum already. Some of us still compare the situation when Mur was active and I think that´s the problem. Mur was (is) the creator (god) of MD and needed to be seen in exactly this light. You as the council are different so we need to change our view rather than trying to get the past back, when Mur was in your position. But there is one question I have. Nobody was asking what you think about the whole situation. Is there something you would like to see changing concerning the communication between you (the council) and the playerbase?
1. IF we will have a council who will be anonymous in the future why they don´t have trust points like the kings and special players always had? This would be the easiest and fastest change possible. 2. A secret organization or government always leads to conspiracy theories which is always leading to distrust - there must be the biggest change. If MD is THE community based "game" then MD should be in the "hands" of the community. But there is something coming with the wanted change. It means that the community needs to do more. At the moment only a few are doing "jobs". In a community everyone has a "job" to do, even if it is a small thing, but we need to have things equally shared not only the enjoyable ones. 3. So I suggest everyone with a proper Age ingame needs to do some kind of job matching his/her time limit he/she has. That means we all need to grow together and all those ego games we play need adjustments too. Without feeling closer to each other and without the awareness of a "we are all sitting in the same boat" idea, we will only change something for a short period of time. We should think of long term solution. 4. All other things which were in my mind are already mentioned above and need proper discussion in the MD community.
I`m grateful for the chance which was somehow mysteriously given to me to be who I am. ... grateful for the chance to see more clearly everyday and to have the strength to deal with that. ... grateful to feel love inside for almost everything in the moment and to see how my tasks are getting bigger and my ability to grow with them. ... grateful for life itself and for the doubtless balanced cosmos which connects everything existing. Thank you.
~ Day: 353 Year: 7 ~ DARK DEMON - Dear Community, do you want me to remain how I am or change myself?
Happy Birthday Fang, all the best for you and not only for today. I wish you light and darkness on your path to learn from both sides what you need, to fulfill your task in this life.
[color=#ff0000]MD Court - council can clarify Known problems - what isnt clear about this?[/color] The last trails listed are from year 5. As new player I would get the impression: "that`s it? nothing happened in the last 2 1/2 years? - either way we need an update or something like "we are very happy to announce there has been no trail since 2 years - we are a very happy community". As it is now I get the feeling (only my feeling?) it is something old and forgotten and nobody really cares about this "feature". I might be wrong and I´m always open to be corrected if wrong. [color=#ff0000]The Treasury - what isnt clear about this?[/color] Since I entered MD (over 2 years) I check this from time to time - there was not a single change too in the different categories - the amount of credits available for use are stable - so not used? Same like with the court -> is there nothing going on since a long time (e.g. in the The Golden Globe Gazette section since 3 1/2 years)? Do we need this feature as a feature or is a forum topic (which can be updated once a year easily) not enough? We would make room for more important things or have something different in the same spot which is more up to date (a link to the facebook site just an example). Don´t get me wrong I like all those informations right there at the top, on the other hand I think often from different angles and can change "my" point of view easily. If a new player is a researcher, interested in the game and it features but at the same time a more introverted person he will start asking other and come with them in contact not from the first day on. He will look from himself. Now he finds easily (on the top of the interface of MD) those information. Some are very easily recognised as very old (they have a date). This might cause some unseen and not documented effects on new players. I know this is very hypothetical so don´t take my head . But those two things have nothing to do with coding I guess and it´s more a "Who is updating?" question. So we do not need to get any further with this in here I guess. Thank you
I`m not sure if these are coding issues anyway I will add a little here. These are minor but disturbing "things" for some in the realm and for the New players more confusing than helpful as they were intended to be. Updates or/and clarifications on: Challenges and contests MD Court Known problems Rules and restrictions (- updated as the game grows -) it´s even written there !!! The Treasury I see all things Pip and Warrior already mentioned as fitting ... the list is getting longer. Now WE are in the position to say what we would like "complain", NOW is the time so let this topic grow. We should think of anything we ever mentioned to someone ingame or in the forum which was still incomplete. I suggest making a post on top were a sorted list will be shown and updated so that we have no double posts/ideas? Makes it much easier for everyone to go through and add what is not mentioned there.Thank you.
Happy Birthday Yrth ... may all the best happen to you.
I would finish all unfinished and not fully implemented ideas first before starting any of those very nice and awesome ideas which already exists on the forum and in our heads. A few days ago I bought a copy of the new CD from my favorite band. The band needed 6 1/2 years to finish the work. I´m totally satisfied with the Album even when I had to wait a damn long time. See MD 6 1/2 years before was a bit more than an idea and today people enjoy being here somehow. The realm has grown a lot in this time and many ideas came into the minds of the visitors and even Mur was not able to finish (???) all of his started work. I have a long list of "What would I do?" but would love see the realm complete "working" first, before going into this any further - even when I would love to see new things implemented. I wish all of you a pleasant time in the coming days & weeks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T5xg57C-BA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiz80CuDN8Y Those are the ones I laughed about most and still I can´t stop.
I just had a short chat with Awiiya and we scratched a little bit of this here without even knowing it. From my point of view we as human beings can only create together. Together but still as unique individuals who understand themselfs as a complex but single piece of a much bigger puzzle. I´m asking: How could one solve a "problem" being just a single part of the problem? We as so called community can only create together in a way we would like it and no distance between us can help to overcome appearing difficulties. Conflicts are necessary to create friction and with this comes movement and then change. Stagnation is getting more and more hands on the realm (this is my personal opinion) and with stagnation come change someday, change not as we would love to see it. Death is change too from my point of view, but we can hardly deal with it in a positive way, so the death of MD would change something in our lives for sure, but could we see it in a constructive way, I doubt that. So why not choose self made change? We can change everything in a constructive way, but we have to do this together and as mentioned above before we cannot do it together if we don´t even know each other and not without friction at all. I loved the time when Mur was still active but nothing inside myself can blame him or anything of changing his life but that doesn´t mean MD has to stop or we have to stop. Over the time I talked with some and got the feeling that not only a few were feeling that with the leaving of Mur MD lost something ,maybe its core its destination. But now I have to admit that this is just an excuse (I speak only for myself now). Excuse because a "project" like MD is never in the hands of one it grows with the energy people are willing to put in and one alone (Mur) is not able to bring this energy in. And so is the "issue" with the council. Imagine MD would grow bigger, lets say 500 active which would be nothing compared to other projects, but it would leave an impact on the work which needs to be done in MD. I guess with 500 people speaking out there would be a much bigger force behind the needed changes in MD. MD so tiny with its community and so we can somehow life with a hidden secret council but is it working for the constructive evolution of MD? One can clearly see in many posts its not. I don´t know the reasons why Mur left but I know why we are stuck in this situation: we are afraid of change but need it desperately at the same time. Please do not ask me as a single member about a solution ... we can only find out and fix this together with or without council, hidden or not, it will always be us together. How is in our hands somehow . We still have no kings again - since how long is this situation waiting for a change? We have many such pending situations. What about we make a list again of things we can change without any help from the council or Mur. And another one were we are in need of the higher forces. And then put a time line together when things should be finished for both sides (if possible). At least we would have a start. At the moment we are somewhere in the void without proper feeling of a movement and I do not say its the fault of the council or Mur or us as community. I say it´s a situation which can be changed by all of us together.
Adventuring Award - Nadrolski Best Beautification - Apocrypha Aquila Champion Fighter - Tal Fossil of the year - Burns The Golden Protector - Peace Pre-eminent Role Player - Innocence Outstanding Service to MD - BFH Lightning Helper of the Year - Maebius Most Addicted – Darkraptor (same land I know) Most Popular - Peace Prime Quest - Lashtal (A day of fear) (Look in the mirror) Rookie of the year - Dante Lionheart
... [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2433 - [2012-12-02 16:24:52 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Craftable Armor[/b] As an extension to the cauldron system there has now been implemented one craftable armor. This allows you to create armour with recipe's that allow you to create armour. At the current moment there is only one piece of craftable armor but now the system has been proven to work this may increase. It is unknown who has the first craftable armor recipe Thank you so much that the idea got implemented! I got the feeling this is a huge step. Looking forward to finally craft armor and weapons (later hopefully).
I never ever saw Tipu acting as someone who is serious in anything. So why should anybody believe him in this situation which is by all excuses not a minor fail if he is acting like always?
I´d like to share a song with all who are interested. One of the few Rock Songs in the last years which really impressed my by its heavyness and obvious live performance quality. The lyrics are simple but at the same time awesome with its message. Nico Vega - "Beast" (Infinite Extended Version) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zaRrKf-WAc[/media] I have to add this energetic Live version ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lbvm22OSX0E
Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers
Menhir replied to Fire Starter's topic in Treasure Keepers
I vote for Lightsage because he has everything needed to be in this position. He is very experienced in the realm, he is an very active veteran player and knows everyone. He is very trustworthy and helpful above all other points.