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Everything posted by Menhir

  1. Adventuring Award: AmberRune Best Beautification: Lazarus Champion Fighter: Darkraptor Helper of the Year: Syrian Outstanding Service to MD: Chewett Rookie of the year: Valoryn Prime Quest - Lashtal Most Addicted: Darkraptor ah I forgot Top Techie: Darkraptor Edited: I removed Burns and Nimrodel from the categories because of the changed rules.
  2. All the best Shem with whatever takes your full attention at the moment ... keep the smile.
  3. Mods please close this topic. Thank you.
  4. 2 more days ...
  5. One of the few projects which stunned me instantly ... and after 8 minutes ... just see by yourself. Watch & enjoy ... and maybe ... who knows. http://www.upworthy.com/the-poster-is-mesmerizing-the-story-it-tells-is-electrifying-have-you-seen?c=ufb1 All the best
  6. Hello all together, I will start working on the community garden project from now on and need you to get involved with "all" of your heart and full of passion for the whole project. From today on you will have 10 days time to think about how you could help and why you would like to be a part of it. I would like to hear from you why you should be one of the 3 I will choose. After I choose 3 of you as permanent "members" we will have a meeting with Chewett were we will talk about the whole project. You need to be: - creative - active - passionate about gardening/resources - honest & reliable It would be great if you could code or draw too. If none of those 3 can code or draw I will look for an artists and coder separate. Please contact me only by Forum PM. You have time to send me your "application" until day 342 year 8. All the best
  7. The Idea of having the contest for a long period was or is that some might not be here for a month or two. But I see not much interest coming in on this anyways, so I doubt there will be a start.
  8. Happy Birthday Neno - all the best.
  9. I did not, but yes that is one of the things I considered coming in at first when I thought about other opinions ...
  10. Hello all, at the start of 2013 I had an idea myself to get motivated for fighting. I know that many consider fighting broken and stats no longer important or out of control but anyway here was my idea. I made a screenshot from my stats at the first day of the year and from that day on I made one pic at the end of every day from my daily stats win. At the beginning and end of each month I would take another pic from my stats overall. Now the year is nearly over and I can see where I had the biggest growth or the best day of the year when it comes to gaining stats. I had day and weeks without any fighting at all but sometimes huge gains in the collecting stats section. I would like to make a contest out of it but don´t know how you think about this. So before even starting such contest, which would run over one whole year, I would like to ask about all of your opinions. After 2 weeks we can start a poll to see if it´s worth or not. Here are my thoughts on some "rules". 1. one screenshot at the end of every days stat gain, if you did not gain anything at all there is no pic needed. 2. one screenshot of the overall stats at the start and end of each month 3. saccing of creatures are not allowed and included - if you sacc crits in 2014 one needs to provide screenshots from the amount of stat you gained from it and it will be separated at the end 4. all stat gains will be included not only the "fighting" stats to judge a the end - considering that its much harder to gain the collecting stats to rise in comparision o the fighting stats it will be needed to have a calculation (in %) for getting fair results at the end 5. if you miss to make screenshots for some days - it´s not the biggest issue as long as you can provide the monthly stat gain and explain if ask how you got the stats 6. i could be interesting to have every 4 months a "checkup" on how many everyone who is competing gained in 4 months - additional motivation included Please think about it and post your constructive criticism in this post. 7. of course there should be many different categories and so many possibilities to win something - here are some ideas: - the biggest day, week & month stat gain or loss overall of the year - biggest stat gain or loss in each different stat - biggest stat gain or loss overall (all stats combined) All the best to all of you and have the best day of your life #1 I added the counter ti gaining stats to make it interesting for those who decided to go the other way
  11. All the best for you & your family ... and I´m sure you will find something good in your new place.
  12. My understanding of the whole principle idea in MD changed a lot in the years I´m here, so does my RL. It´s hard to say for me what is the "best" or "favorite" of mine because I consider myself a part in all of them differently at various times. If there would be a "principle of change" or one that fits closest to that I would choose it. But I cannot clearly see it, so I have to choose the one which fit best at the moment. Principle of Syntrophy Why? Mostly because it stands for this: "The Principle of Syntropy is the basis of clear-sightedness, prediction, intuition, healing, growth, some regeneration forms and some forms of annulment of destruction based on energy consumption." (taken from http://md-archives.com/articles/principle-of-syntropy.html)
  13. A warm welcome to you and may the Magic flow into you ...
  14. Menhir

    Size of things

    Nice thank you ...
  15. Count me in.
  16. I just finished my first Bullet Proof Adventures Motorbike Tour in India and still need to digest the impact of the whole adventure ...

  17. No Jorana you are not too new and you´re opinion weights the same as those all others because you´re a human being with enough awareness to sense atmosphere and mood in here. One doesn´t need to be long in a room to feel what´s going on, same here. My question is - why did you expect that all those things you see in the outer world might be anywhere different? As long humans don´t change, or at least would love to change, nothing will change at all. I can say that from my own experience the number of people I meet who are bored of envy, distrust and hate is growing. We might see a change on a bigger scale but there is also the possibility that it needs another 500 years to change something significant in human behavior.
  18. A hello from me too Jorana ... I wish you tons of experience within this realm and alot of patience too. If you need to talk in your mother language about stuff feel free to contact me. All the best
  19. Username: Menhir ID: 202298 I suggest the following: REMEMBRANCE re·mem·brance [rɪˈmɛmbrəns] n. 1. a. The act or process of remembering. b. The state of being remembered: holds him in fond rememberance. 2. Something serving to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or event; a memorial. 3. The length of time over which one's memory extends. 4. Something remembered; a reminiscence. 5. A souvenir. 6. A greeting or token expressive of affection. [Middle English, from Old French, from remembrer, to remember; see remember.] The idea came into my mind and the dictionary translation is from here: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/remembrance. From my point of view it is fitting perfectly to the idea of overcoming the act of forgetting and loosing something and by remembering it (in our case a place/landscape) we "fight" against the loss of it.
  20. Happy birthday and the best "tea" of your life ...
  21. Happy birthday dst ...
  22. Same here ...
  23. You´re welcome ... and yes it is hard to digest but knowing that there are counters is the solid basis of the universal balance.
  24. I did just realize that there is one player who cannot be killed by contract ... wonder if that was intended or not.
  25. I think thats the biggest issue we have to face but who is willing to put him/her self naked on the table and being ask really personally what could he/she change for the good. As Nim mentioned here http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14852-killing-and-revival/ there is unexplained unpleasant behavior in MD which leaves others in trouble - nothing new at all. But it looks like something is rising and some do see it with a worried feeling. For me it starts to get boring because I do see this behavior in RL very often and honestly why do I need it in my "free time" too if my aim is to enjoy those hours.
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