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Everything posted by Rumi

  1. When composing a reply to an in-game message, the message interface automatically adds RE: to the front of the subject line. We can intentionally alter the subject line, but it is not typical for a reply. I have an inbox full of messages like the following: RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Untitled RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Untitled RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Untitled RE:RE:RE:Untitled RE:Untitled Is this really necessary? Can't the message interface be coded so the subject line remains unchanged when composing a reply? The only reason I have EVER found this useful is when I can remember the important message in a whole series of conversations is the one that has exactly eleven RE: before the subject. Given that I can put a star next to an important message, this is not especially useful anyway. It seems like it would be simple enough to change.
  2. Rumi


    http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9881-types-of-sale-threads-auctions-vs-offers/ This is the most recent discussion I remember.
  3. Rumi


    [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1331733111' post='106535'] Please bid carefully because you wont be able to take back your offer. [/quote] The pros and cons of this issue have been discussed in the forums by the community. As of now, you have no means of enforcing such a clause. The point of no return only occurs once an item or creature has been transferred.
  4. How many times in a day do you set out to do something and then you do it, sometimes well, sometimes poorly. Making a meal, performing the tasks of a profession, engaging with friends and loved ones, growing a garden, or cleaning a house. With all the power to create, we endlessly set goals and challenges before ourselves; some large, some small, some to be done once in a lifetime, others done many times each day. We are a receiver and a source of energy, and each little thing we do is a pulse of that energy in some direction. Is a life defined by how well a person performs these activities? How completely? Or how gracefully? Or with how much joy? Or with the most desirable outcomes? Or perhaps our defining moments are those in between the pulsing activities, where we are truly content?
  5. A reminder to everyone that Abra holds knatty's fang and knatty's chain as "proof" of the kidnap of KC. Much of the discussion centers around how little we know about Abra and the aramors and their intentions. It should be noted that we know equally little about KC and his intentions at the moment. He hired four mercenary guards to protect him and disappeared with three of them into the east lands. Next thing we know, knatty has been "captured" by Abra and the aramors. So much for the mercenary guards, right? We have seen Abra's "proof" of knatty's captivity, but we have not seen knatty in person. There can certainly be more going on here than is visible on the surface. There is a probability that KC has not been captured by Abra and the aramors. There is a probability that KC has not been captured at all. There is a probability that in KC's time in the east, he engaged some way with the demon. There is a probability that the demon or some other entity wishes the aramors free from GG to serve another purpose. There is a probability that the mercenary guards were hired specifically with an understanding that KC would soon be "captured". These are just a handful out of many questions which beg for a little clarity, if not direct answers. Given that Abra has used the capture of KC to attempt to free the aramors, Abra's freedom is now directly tied to this larger chain of events. I think we need to hear more from knatty's mercenary guards and I think Abra needs to produce a living KC. Perhaps then we will all take his demands more seriously.
  6. I have a handful of enchanted stones for sale, with silvertongue and locate spells. All stones give 3 casts. Post below or PM with an offer if you'd like to purchase one (or more).
  7. With the recent addition of bone resources, I propose we construct the scarecrows in the pumpkin patch (Necrovion area of the garden) using bones. I encourage anyone who is interested to design for us a really scary bone scarecrow or two or three, and let us know how many bones will be required for the construction. Of course, they will also require clothes, but that's a matter for another day I will accept bone donations on behalf of the community garden if any of our new bone collectors are interested in contributing.
  8. [b]YEAR 7, DAY 44[/b] [b]IVORY LIGHTHOUSE[/b] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the sandy shore[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sits on a rock with his back to the cliffside, watching the rain fall on the water[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi enjoys the constant succession of intermingling ripples[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees something briefly emerge from the water out beyond the wreck[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi focuses his gaze at the object, only to watch it disappear back into the water as quickly as it emerged[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles as the rain slowly ceases[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks up at the sky as the clouds fade away and the sun shines through[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stares into the sky and remembers his mother[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi is a child staring up at his mother, who sits upon the rock by the cliffside, listening to the waves crashing below[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sheds a tear as memories flood through his mind[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi buries his face in his hands as his body shakes with emotion[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly regains his composure[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi drops his hands and opens his eyes[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi is sitting face to face with a large tortoise[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stares at the tortoise in disbelief[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i] [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=RgeFV_E3u70d5PP_FEyH3w,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]Hello friend [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]Was it you I saw in the water? [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks at the large legs that bear the weight of the creature[/i] [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]You don't have any fins [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices the tortoise tracks came straight up from the water[/i] [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]You clearly came up from the ocean [b]: [/b][i]Rumi decides not to ponder the origin of the tortoise[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles at the tortoise[/i] [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]My name is Rumi [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]And I will call you Loki [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]It's a pleasure to meet you, Loki [url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=tuqUOwrzWkTKStfOCX1oLw,,"][b]Rumi[/b][/url][b]: [/b]Will you walk with me? [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to walk slowly along the beach[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi is pleased to find the tortoise walks along slowly by his side[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks side by side with Loki along the path toward the Pillars of Harmony[/i]
  9. [attachment=3644:greenhouse1.png] Another image from our anonymous artist. And I think there will be more to come soon.
  10. I'd like to take Amoran's contribution and collaboratively develop it into a full plant list/design for the forest garden area of the community garden. This will not be a quest and there are no rewards, and everyone is encouraged to give some input. I think it makes sense for use to start from the top and work our way down, so let's begin with a combined examination of upper and lower canopy trees. The overhead design (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9566-community-garden-design/) shows ten trees in this section, four on the bottom swale, and three on each of the upper swales. However, trees grow to different sizes depending on species and how vigorous the rootstock is. These ten trees shown are slightly smaller than the tree by the road, which I would consider a large upper canopy tree. That said, I would say there might be enough room for each swale to have one upper canopy tree, and three to four smaller low canopy trees. We can figure we're looking at three upper canopy trees total and perhaps ten smaller fruit trees. Most (not all) fruit trees require two trees of the same species, but different varieties for best pollination and production. This is called cross-pollination. Trees which do not require this are called self-fertile. This means that we could probably have one to two species of upper canopy trees, and five to seven species of lower canopy trees. There are quite a few species of fruit trees that would be great to have in this space, and we need to collaborate to determine which would best suit our needs. I would like to hear input from everyone as to which species of fruit trees they would like to grow, and why they choose those species. You can request a number of different species, although for now I ask that you list a single species (and your reasons for choosing that species) with each post. Everyone can use the +1 rep button to show your support for a requested species and we can see which are the most popular choices. Thanks all for your participation!
  11. An addition I hadn't thought of before that would be great in the garden is a place for a few honeybee hives. I'm partial to top bar hives.
  12. I'd like to buy water being that is fully tokened (or as close as possible). Post below or PM if you have one you would like to sell or trade for. I will also pay for a tokening service if necessary.
  13. Sold, please close
  14. I have at the moment 25 - 30 of each kind of herb for sale. More available each day. Make an offer below or contact me if you are interested to make a trade or purchase.
  15. Entry to this artwork quest is closed. Three artists entries have shown promise and I eagerly await the remainder of their work. Others interested in Community Garden Artwork can contact me or look through through the garden forum threads for ideas.
  16. Is the starting bid 25 gold coins? I have little gold, but I offer two reindrachs and two gold in exchange for your tools. I'm not sure the exact value of the reindrachs.
  17. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1327597417' post='102517']if you could post reserve price that could save some server space. is there any or you are waiting for offers you like and no deadline set?[/quote] None of these offers are adequate and the deadline for a deal is the end of GC gathering season. Afterwards, they will remain available for sale or trade, but I won't give them up easily.
  18. no tokens, 1 fresh and 1 @ 200 days
  19. I have two reindrachs for sale or trade. Post offers below. Morph for possible sale or trade. PM with inquiries.
  20. These images will not work for the contest for reasons I mentioned in the quest page. However, they are such a fine quality I felt I had to post them. If the artist chooses to claim credit for them, I will post their playername below.
  21. The citizens of Loreroot have donated 395 lumber to the community garden for toolshed construction. Tal Esmeralda EDIT: This sponsorship comes from the citizens of Loreroot, not the Woodcutter's guild.
  22. You asked for a rainwater collector?
  23. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1327196732' post='101733'] Seigheart bids 5gc for Bone Resource Collector (note that such an item might be eventually available as shared tool. Resource collecting items will also be offered "probably" to the spentcredits player list. This is not certain on when or if it will involve this specific one but don't say i didnt mention it. Item will be given as personal item and not shared one, OF COURSE.) [/quote] I don't have a significant amount of GC, but I do have a handful of valuable creatures to be sold or traded. If someone with a stock of GC will put a bid in to Mur for an [b]independent rainwater collector[/b], I will trade for it. The same offer goes to anyone on the spentcredits list. If you're interested in creatures I have available for sale or trade, please contact me.
  24. Rumi

    lost spell

    I also had a spell learned form a stone disappear from my spell book. My heavy rain casts were currently used up (9/9) and they disappeared from the book. At the same time, other spells remained, such as summon storm, which is used up (3/3). I have more heavy rain stones, and will put it back into my spell book, but I'm surprised it disappeared, as I have been using the counter to track which spells I have cast and when.
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