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The Warrior

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Everything posted by The Warrior

  1. [b]Imperial Aramor[/b] [color=#eeeeee][i]CTC735949VILAT63MDC[/i][/color] ID: 735949 Age: 95 Will accept coins or MD shop credits.
  2. How about "Grab 'em!"?
  3. I propose a community action against Eon attacking using a combination of locate, movelock and attacklock (the only 3 spells I have). For the past 3 days I have been Eon hunting and would welcome anyone to join me in this action. One thing I have noticed though is: Eon moves incredibly fast, by the time I get to where he is, he's gone. I've almost exhausted my locates without using either of my locks. This method could be assisted by anyone who uses locate on Eon to post where he is on the mood panel.
  4. You could also use attacklock/movelock.
  5. [attachment=3258:Halloween Scene.gif]
  6. You are aware that you cannot sell those resources individually, I hope?
  7. [spoiler]A few weeks into starting MD, I saw a banner at the to of the screen (similar to the banner seen at previous MD birthdays and the festival of pain). It stated about an event which involved only MP8s "a previously hidden level" I recall it said. Other than that the only thing I vaguely remember about it was it took place in RL. I may be wrong as this is a very hazy memory. However I do know that MPs 0, 8 and 9 have either existed or will exist in future because of the MP images next to characters names.[/spoiler]
  8. There was even MP8s before there was MP6 or 7, and I know that MP9 is planned (if not existed before).
  9. [Quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 1997 - [2011-08-23 04:43:50 - Stage 11][/color] Shared [b]items will regroup[/b] at their original location on [b]every Tuesday at 04:15 AM[/b](servertime). Try to avoid loading cauldron type items or jars close before that time as they will be taken away automatically even if they are loaded or in use. Do not hoard shared tool and do not use alts to store multiple tools of dame type. These items are meant to be used by as many people as possible so if you don't plan on using them let them there for others to try. You shouldn't sell the items but you can sell services related to them such as heat jar loading or whatever else.[/quote] The current way this works favours certain time zones over others, therefore I suggest changing the interval of them returning to either random (within a range of times) or at 1 week and 1hour. With the 1 week 1 hour, it will cause them to regroup in favour of the next time zone each week.
  10. Yeah, I know how to do that. It's just that I created my Personal Page about a year or two ago. And doing as you said means changing the whole of the technology on which my PP is built. I'm sure I'll do it at some point; probably when I have an idle day and am in a mood for code. Edit: Started changing technology to the template, this may make me update it more.
  11. Fixed for opera, tried fixing for IE but just made it worse. I hate IE! Anyone know of any IE iframe fixes.
  12. I did once try using the templates, but found that my javascripting was 'breaking' the template. So I created my personal page differently: [url="http://magicduel.com/players/The_Warrior"]My Personal Page[/url]
  13. From what I've noticed, Windows Live has already marked MD as spam.
  14. I took a wrong turn and walked into the MDA Public Bathroom (4_1x2_11) and unable to exit due to viscosity, I noticed that the water resource there doesn't display correctly. It says 1/ [b]Water[/b] and doesn't state the maximum resources.
  15. [b]Distilled tears drink[/b] Triple distilled Smsh tears. Effects are similar to alcohol if you drink it during the day. [b]Cup of Aromatic Tea[/b] consumable A cup of warm tea, slightly aromatic, very healthy. Should be consumed within a week. [center][b][color="#339933"]No Homeland[/color][/b][/center]
  16. I would like a cup or two of tea but would prefer to swap with 20 tea cups.
  17. Keep it in a pot or greenhouse away from animals or anything else which could aid dispersal. It mainly dispersed through the ground, so a pot would prevent this.
  18. Mint is also a very difficult plant to control and will quickly disperse to monopolise available space.
  19. Wouldn't you need heat to boil the water?
  20. A more precise percentage of resources that will allow to regenerate to maximum at next regeneration is 66.0(*)6666666...% (add more 0s at * to increase precision). This is because as long as there is a 0.0000...1 of a resource it will round up to an integer value. Although the maximum number of resources required at a location to require such precise harvesting is virtually astronomical.
  21. [b]From a MD perspective...[/b] Everyone's (all people's, not everyone) mind is a cube and is held exterior to the body. Many small wooden cubes have been said to litter the carnival of Marind Bell. They are all the same shape, although they may differ in size, colour and apparent material. The minds perhaps share the same thoughts, but people will act on different thoughts because it depends which one 'catches the eye'; which one is concious against the others being unconscious thoughts. The upbringing and environment of the person is the deciding factor as to what thoughts are concious (on the surface). The mind develops as the person ages and is constantly changing. On the outside of the cube this is not always apparent although changes in size colour and apparent material have been noted. The inside of the cube contains the memories and experiences of the person. The persons ability to hold memory and not forget it, is dependant on how full the cube is of unwanted memories and experiences and how many candles you left burning. It has been known for people to be drawn into their cubes when in a state of mental unrest or overwhelming guilt. When this happens it is possible the person may die from the challenges they find there. [b]Disclaimer: [/b]Do not take the above text as true, it is completely unscientific and is a fiction based on my characters experiences in MD.
  22. [b]Woodcutter's Axe[/b] tool A wood cutting axe used for gathering wood resource. Its efficiency is high only if you posess the right skill to handle it, but you won't learn much from using such a professional tool. Usable only if you are a citizen of the same land Woodcutters Guild belongs to. [center][b][color="#339933"]Loreroot[/color][/b][/center] [left][left] [/left][/left] [left][left][b]Branches[/b] resource Wood branches. Branches and tree parts cut into pieces of irregular dimensions. Primary resource[/left][/left]
  23. 85) 17 is almost true, except you don't see MP8s or MP9s either.
  24. The lowest ID coin I believe is 137. It is the fist item Id of a large group of items without an image.
  25. to write [code]'[/code] on the forum you have to write [code]&#38#39;[/code]
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