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Everything posted by xrieg

  1. xrieg

    HC Contest

    FS: 'I left MD many hours ago, and now I wake up again with 220 heads with me'... it was not a bug :-P
  2. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1310723744' post='87971'] I choose WP reward and 3 imps (if there's a tainted spare, give it to the first I will see to gift someone with it, tho.) [/quote] Congratulations again :-) You made the right choice *winks*
  3. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1311799363' post='88968'] You tell them to work hard in the first, then directly contradict it in the second by telling them to win with the minimal effort in the second? Then, even worse, you specifically suggest methods that are close enough to cheating, that will earn no friends. Just because you feel its a good way to work, does not mean you should be encouraging such methods. I cant believe you aim this as newbies, yet suggest methods such as "criticizing other entries, attempts to influence rules to fit better". And yes, before you all start to neg rep me, I am earning no friends at all with this post, But i feel that such a guide aimed at newbies, with such content, paints MD is a very bad light indeed. People suggesting you should act dishonourably to win... Not in the MD spirit at all. [/quote] Hmmm... I only state that people take different approaches to quests. About recommendation... I personally recommend the third one Still, I will modify it a bit in case my disapproval was not plain enough. PS I really rarely neg rep :-P
  4. There are two reasons I write this 'article': 1. immaterial for all I write below, 2. numerous complains from newer players that MD is fighting only, no NPC, and after full 5 hours playing some players still have stronger crits. Well, MagicDuel is not only fighting and patience is the major skill to master in the first few days. There are usually multiple quests and contests running - only one should make an effort to find them. In most games you just hack and slash your way to some checkpoint where something flashes and you know you will be rewarded for bringing or killing something. Well, MD has no quests of this kind. Quests and contests are advertised: 1. on the forum, see http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/16-contests-quests-and-adventures/ 2. in the quests page in-game (see the top of the page - find Quests) 3. in other players Q-pages (click on player name, for senior players there are usually multiple yellow signs under the avatar, seek the one with letter 'Q') 4. you stumble upon them in-game (such as Berserker's Puzzle -> Loreroot Guards, Broken Pattern) Solving quests is the best way of learning the game - and second most effective way to get stronger creatures to fight or coins Quests in MD are very different, as: 1. there is very few automated quests/ contests running for a long time (Burns's clickable quest among notable exemptions) - as they are supposed to be subject to abuse (spoilers, alts etc); therefore most quests are short lived and human-driven, 2. most quests are created and with prizes funded by players. As my 'article' is clearly for new players I will give some hints about the most popular ways of quests participation, hoping it's not too much of a spoiler: 1. work hard, hoping that your effort will be appreciated by quest creators.... well, it would be nice to highly recommend this approach but better read what follows, 2. think smart, consider your questing strategy - and devise a way to get scoring position with minimal actual effort. Of course it works the best if you can follow quest progress and your adversaries. A few strategies include strategic timeframe of posting (first/last moment/ carpet bombing), criticizing other entries, attempts to influence rules to fit better. May not be the most effective but may offer quite a lot of fun if you are in a right mood, I guess. Just a word of caution, though - this approach is not likely to bring you many friends. 3. have fun, enter the quest if you consider its objectives as a nice idea for entertainment/ game mechanics learning, appreciate and cherish the opportunity you are given. Highly recommended :-) 4. I could skip this method of participation as the 'article' is for new players mostly - but could be accused of critical facts omissions and I do not want to risk it. This method of quest participation rarely offers material rewards but must give some huge immaterial rewards as it is immensely popular. There is some age requirement to apply, not sure how high. You do not _enter_ the contest - quite the opposite. You either criticize the quest itself - or its entries (PS do not get discouraged if you see such). Appendix: Notable new players quests, introducing to the realm and highly recommended, created by: 1. Mya Celestia (MP3 only) 2. Princ Rhaegar 3. Burns
  5. Hmmm preparing 7 in advance would probably work...
  6. [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1311669931' post='88865'] By working you mean you got an AP boost from your burst? And maybe it has to do with the amount of AP you have. [/quote] Yes - I observed my AP in two bursts to be sure - and I got the standard bonus. I take it you are sure you do not get any AP from burst?
  7. [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1311646567' post='88857'] Unless I am mistaken, now with this new feature bursts no longer applies for AP. I bursted and my AP stayed the same. [/quote] Tested. It still works for me.
  8. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1311622830' post='88841'] As Maebius pointed out, when you have used it up, it doesnt help at all. [/quote] True - but in most cases you do not go across all GG and back. Viscosity could control access to locations and their clusters (2-3 locations off the beaten path were already unpleasant). With the age bonus ppl 6M+ feel viscosity only in GG Labirynth trip (using GoE is already manageable) - and of course Tribunal. On the other hand viscosity didn't change that much about Tribunal access... Therefore I feel AP bonus is a bit too high - in almost all practical application you can now ignore viscosity.
  9. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1311547700' post='88784'] I think the total bonus is a bit excessive considering we're talking about over 300 max AP right now... [/quote] I agree... I would suggest cutting bonuses by half - I like viscosity feature and the new AP bonus overcompensates/ almost nullify it in its present parameterization (well, not for GG and Tribunal). Otherwise - I like it
  10. I am planning to - two more weeks to deadline isn't it?
  11. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1311143437' post='88317'] (...) If you are uncertain if a device is acceptable or not, ask me here on this topic and i will tell you if you should go on with it and prepare all those phrases and texts, or not. (...) [/quote] 1 Please comment (resources drafted, to be reconsidered and readjusted if idea approved): 2 What is the contest deadline? I have some concepts but no time until early next week to work on script... 3 New base resources: coal iron (collected with cauldron-make items so some would have to be given away to start the circle); another option - ore as resource diggable and random harvest of coal or iron (with some probability, may also dig about useless rock with high probability) LE: coal and iron harvesting tool should be probably controlled to keep consistent with other resurces (expect herbs that may be free to all as walk and pick) [log="too long to display"] [b]1.[/b] ->> clarification and slight modification of item 1 rejected above to address potential abusability pathfinder (AP booster) multi-usable device for explorers, with high cost per use (principles permanent penalty) and not too short cooldown time, fighting abilities strongly suppressed some time after each use cooldown: 1h ('accelerated' status after each use that prevents multiuse... or some other solution to that effect) each use consumes (usable only if user can 'pay' - cannot use if not enough heat/ principles): -4000 heat -250 of random principle ([b]permanent effect[/b]; great extorsion) -explorer's boost: 10 minutes 100% weaken (all stats set to 0) bonus: 200AP resources: -Rustgold Drachorn blood (Rusty sacrifice - Rusty lvl2+, must be able to give ID as some ppl carry multiple Rusties and not each of them they would like to sac) -2 spicy pickles -10 water -2 glass (->or sand with other materials slight change if glass not accepted) -8 branches -5 heat stones -2gc [b]6.[/b] bleach bath cleaning given crit from all tokens (crit id to be given in recipe call) resources: - 2 herbs (bleaching solution - or seed as a intoxicating crit) - grasan's fat - 2 water - crit to be cleaned [b]7.[/b] quality leather processed resource, to be used in items of clothing etc resources: - Knator's hide (Knator sacrifice or resource if such can be harvested; Knator mean as a byproduct could be considered) - 2 sand (hide cleaning) - 2 branches - 5 water - 2 herbs (tanning solution) [b]8.[/b] belt pouch item that holds owner coins and bills making them hidden from other parties (pressing I for pouch owner show only items and pouch, no coins) resources: - 2 quality leather - 1 steel (fastenings) - 1 heat stone (heat to do smith's work with steel) - 1 water - 2 branches - 1 gc (decorations) [b]9.[/b] shears tool to collect herbs (similar for coal or ore - see above if no guild set) resources: - 5 lumber - 2 steel - 2 heat stones (heat to do smith's work with steel) [/log]
  12. xrieg


    I would suggest keeping the number of herb classes as low as possible - currently there is very limited number of resources and making 90% of resources just different herbs would make MD something of a cuisine game. The very high level classification of herbs in game mechanics (like Mur's "Aromatic herbs" "Tea leaves" "Toxic plants") should suffice. On the other hand recipes could employ various herbs names that translate to "Aromatic herbs" - and recipes could be nice anyway without going into gadzillons of different resources. Colection: basic tools.... to be crafted from the cauldron :-) (i.e. shears) [b]Summary:[/b] just a few basic herbs resource types and translation table for cauldron recipes.
  13. Next Saturday 6PM would be as perfect as we can make it I guess :-P
  14. I would like to order 19 branches, 9 lumber and 9 sawdust
  15. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1311016848' post='88205'] (...) it sends one to the Tribunals, Borderview tower. 3 casts. Just Yourself. (...) [/quote] seems like Wodin is just the name of the spell - teleport to Tribuna location is what it does
  16. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1311143437' post='88317'] (...) If you are uncertain if a device is acceptable or not, ask me here on this topic and i will tell you if you should go on with it and prepare all those phrases and texts, or not. (...) [/quote] Please comment (resources drafted, to be reconsidered and readjusted if idea approved): [log="too long to display"] 1. pathfinder (AP booster) usable device for explorers, multiuse cooldown: 1h each use consumes (usable only if user can 'pay'): -2000 heat -100 of random principle (permanent effect; great extorsion) -explorer's boost: 10 minutes 100% weaken (all stats set to 0) bonus: 200AP resources: -Rustgold Drachorn blood (Rusty sacrifice - Rusty lvl2+, must be able to give ID as some ppl carry multiple Rusties and not each of them they would like to sac) -2 spicy pickles -10 water -2 glass (->or sand with other materials slight change if glass not accepted) -8 branches -5 heat stones -2gc 2. Toxicodendrite antidote usable item - potion 4-8 minutes antitoxicated status - curing intoxication and preventing getting one glass bottle upon use resources (for 10 items): -10 bottles -10 mineral water -dead Toxicodendrite -2 branches -2 silcer coins 3. Glass - resource, made from sand (+ heat, water, branches) 4. Glass bottle - item, made from glass (container for all types of potions and drinks) 5. glue bomb usable item - single use viscosity in location of usage becomes +40 resources (per 3 items): -1 glass -1 Movelock Stone -2 water -1 branch [/log] [b]MUR: ok 2,3,4,5 ..one is two vague and looks abusable...the rusty blood sounds interesting[/b] LE xrieg: New resources: mint (may be replaced, see context) [log="2, 3 and 4 so far, detail in PM"] [code] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Glass"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " First of all you need to prepare brick forms from prime wood. Pay atttention to any traces of insetcts or sawdust as they may make your forms too weak to withstand heat and pressure. When you are done with forms heat your sand slowly to 1200 Celcius degrees. It should be done slowly enough so that all over content is uniformly heated. It should take about 30 minutes. The mass should be liquid by then. Keep the oven at 1200 Celcius degrees. All sand impurities should go to the top and may be collected there. Do it as long as there is no longer anything floating on the surface. The oven content should be transparent by now. Add some silver coins as one of their major component will make glass much stronger, and Movelock Stone to speed up the cooling process. Mix the glass well and heat it for another 20 minutes. Let it cool down controlling its viscosity. When it is half solid you may form bricks - beware, the glass is still very hot. Let them cool."; //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Sand=12; Silver Coin=3; Heat Stone=2; Movelock Stone=1 Lumber=10; "; ?> <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Bottle"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " The glassblowing process is very simple in theory but minor carelessness may result in massacre. Before you begin the actual process you need to heat some glass beyond melting - it should be half solid. Then you need to select a grasan - strong one, preferably Havourer, but not too dangeours at the same time. They are trustful beasts so you should not have problems to feed it with Attacklock Stone and water it with freshly extracted Toxicodendrite solution. Within 4 minutes grasan should be unresponsive - but still with formiddable strength. Ask it to pick the the glass brick and blow continuously into it downwards, rotating, keeping opening at grasan's mouth the right size. When bottle is the right size ask grasan to put it down and repeat blowing with another brick. Repeat the sequence at most 10 times - with more bottles Attacklock and Toxicodendrite may wear out too soon. After finishing your 10th bottle kill the grasan. It is too badly burnt to be of any more use anyway. Let your glasses cool down."; //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Glass=10; Grasan=1; Toxicodendrite=3; Attacklock Stone=1 Heat Stone=1 Lumber=1; Water=10; Mineral Water=1 "; <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Intoxication Antidote"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " First you need to prepare Toxicodendrite solution by sqeezing poison glands of three freshly killed Toxicodendrites. Dilute the poison in 5 liters of mineral water at temperature 39 to 40 Celcius. Then you need about 2 liters of human blood to initiate antidote production; Lorerootian Archer's blood would be OK. Wait about 1 hour, keeping the liquid temperature between 39 and 40 Celcius degrees. The liquid inside is already intoxidation antidote - but it would spoil withing a few hours... and nobody would be able to keep it down after drinking. You need to add massive amont of mint to give the potion bearable taste and flavour, and some timeless dust to stabilize the potion. Bottle the potion, making sure there is no air trapped over potion surface."; //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Bottle=10; Lorerootian Archer=1; Toxicodendrite=3; Timeless Dust=2 Heat Stone=1 Mineral Water=5 "; ?> [/code] [/log] LE xrieg: [log="5 detail in PM"] [code] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Glue Bomb"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " The item you want to create is a bomb - creating locally the feeling of abandonment and emptiness in reviously lively locations. As with every other bomb, all recipe steps should be followed carefully. First, heat some glass to liquid form slowly. Do not overheat it! Add some Timeless Dust - the memories trace in dust will add to glass conductivity and destabilize the bomb. Use exactly specified amount of dust - failure to do it may result either with premature explosion of half-finished bomb with unpredictable consequences - or it will be too stable and will not explode at all. Submerse carefully Movelock Stone, Mirrorritual Stone, Invisibility Stone, and Toadspeak Stone. Make sure they do not touch when submersing. They should for a tetrahedron in glass. Put Heat Stone in the middle of tetrahedron. In another over melt some gold. Form a rod about 1 cm longer than dostance from liquid glass surface and Heat Stone immersed. Cool down the rod to the glass temperature. Carefully place it in perpendicular to the surface of triangle formed by Mirrorritual Stone, Invisibility Stone, and Toadspeak Stone and in the middle of the triangle with rod end 1 cm from Heat Stone. Let the glass cool slowly enough to be uniformly heated all the time. Take your bomb from the oven, avoiding contacts with golden rod sticking out the glass."; //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Timeless Dust=3 Heat Stone=1 Movelock Stone=1 Invisibility Stone=1 Mirrorritual Stone=1 Toadspeak Stone=1 Glass=5 Gold Coin=1 "; ?> [/code] [/log]
  17. Why not just green line along roads? Thicker for low viscosity, thinner for higher viscosity... and no line in terra incognita of 'unexplored'? I sssume at some moment viscosity will be readjusted to show this thinner line (it's binary atm)
  18. I mean: with regen timer solution MP3 learns moving in MD world the same way higher MPs do - their gameplay is just more fastpaced in some aspects. Turning off viscosity would require to develop in the future two sets of rules MP3 and MP4+... and I guess not all implications may be obvious then at a first glance (more maintenance). Unless the difference would be basically setting effective viscosity for MP3 to be 0 everywhere and some location entrances would be inaccessible for MP3 BTW: shouldn't the thread be moved to New Ideas forum section?
  19. I proposed to set MP3 regen counters 3x faster http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9999-viscosity-thread - it would be more consistent with game mechanics and it would be significant improvement for exploring. Complete viscosity removal would be too exploitable - especially since some locations are planned to be shifted to AP control. They would have to be made MP3 inaccessible.
  20. Stones replenished and are harvestable. Beginning tomorrow (monday) I will be back selling stones for regular rate (2-3sc/ stone depending on demand). My current waiting list for stones at 2sc/stone is filled for at least 3-4 more days. Some stones could be delivered earlier for 3sc/stone
  21. let's see how the week evolve - I may be perfectly available all saturday (most likely) or quite unreachable (probability 20%) and of course team beauty is recruiting (welcome another teammate: Master of Magic, MP3 section :-)) LE: just learned that most probably will not be able to make it most probably :-(
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