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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Rest well, and hope your health is back to normal in no time!
  2. Maebius

    Visited Scenes

    [quote name='duxie' timestamp='1318622799' post='94141'] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i agree with the idea too, and i like the way Kyphis suggests it. it would be another fun teaser [/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]P.S. "locked/secret scenes like the Fenth's Wielder or inside the GG Lab" - just wandering if those are not spoilers. not like i want to offend Maebius, just reading the GG part i had a thought: "oh, good to know" [/font][/size] [/quote] Well, the GG lab is mentioned pretty explicitly in recent Announcements from Mur about shared tools being there for people, including a few folks who have access, so I figured that was not too spoilery. The Fenth Wielder, I've heard people talk openly in the park about also so hopefully is not -that- secret. I could have mentioned a few coordinates that are less common, around GG or MB, but I won't. Back on topic, I think an idea of percentages would be a better alternative than simply a flat "total scenes". IT would be fun and frustrating to research "where is that last 2.73 percent?!" and drive folks to look deeper into the realm, even if the answer winds up being "Nowhere we can go."
  3. Maebius

    Visited Scenes

    You are saying something like the total amount of visited scenes? Interesting idea, but I wonder if locked/secret scenes like the Fenth's Wielder or inside the GG Lab are meant to stay "secret" for most people? Listing "[i]You have visited x% of 102 total Scenes in the realm[/i]" (probably not 102 total, I just picked a number at 'random') or such would be almost 'spoilery'. (Though would be really frustratingly fun to figure out "Those last two scenes" for completionists to find!!)
  4. I wonder if hte Established Housing folks (Keida, or Z) would be considerred "NML citizens". I'll keep an eye out for them in-realm.
  5. I just found out I'll be traveling for work this coming weekend, so, while the "deadline" for this quest will still remain Friday, I probably wont be able to sort out prizes and update the final listing until Monday or Tuesday morning. Luckily the quest clickies time-stamp things, so while folks are welcome to continue the quest at any time, I'll be adding names to the lottery hat from the list for those who have been marked as completion before 00:00 on the 15th. When I return to MD, I'll move the starter notes to the front of the sign so anyone can run it for "Educational Entertainment" going forward and keep it there indefinitely. Unfortunately, if you have not started the quest yet, you won't be eligible for the first round of prizes, due to the nature of the time required. (You can still start it for fun, however, and I will happily reward new MP3-type folks with a fresh little bird Egg, or similar, if they'd want one.)
  6. Or: http://www.wordnik.com/words/fent
  7. For all those times I've setup 20+ Trees, and forgot to click "Use for defense", I will gladly second, and third this motion!
  8. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1316653243' post='92386']All five: 1 gold.[/quote][quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1317509401' post='93076']It went something like 4 days without a post... and I already bid 3 silver per. Anyways, update on my bid, grasan 1, 3, 4, 5: 1 gold(15 silver).[/quote][quote name='darkfire' timestamp='1316972659' post='92562']4sc for Pimped Grasan 2 Age=687 Highest Bid: 2 sc (Sunfire)[/quote] I beleive the ommission of #2 in COTS' last post was a mistake. The math seems to imply 1 Gold = 15 Silver = 3sc x 5 So a bid of 3sc per pimp, which beats [s]Sunfire'[/s] Darkfires bido f 2sc for pimp #2, but the latest bid of 4sc trumps CotS bid then... so [s]Sunfire[/s] Darkfire should get #2 I think. edit: wrong -fire name. sorry.
  9. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1318234563' post='93704'] I dont know why you waited that long and decided to use this as a fight agents Grido. ... It is easy to find out the email for the council it has been given many times[/quote] My opinion (which may be entirely inaccurate) is that perhaps with the "grido/PO" dramatics that had been going on lately, perhaps her case of harassment may have been preferred to be kept a bit less public, particularly since harassment itself is a more private matter that tends to get pretty emotionally invested. Once when I was harassed in a totally unrelated game, I also sent am email to a "in charge" mail, and dropped my case for a while, not wishing to keep dredging it up personally. So, trying to be unbiased here, Phamtom Orchid submitted a complaint to who she felt was the appropriate contact (leader of the LHOs), and was told "I'll pass it on to Mur". She had not heard back, so seems to drawthe matter into more public view, possibly to elicit a response more quickly. Yes, contacting Council may have been most appropriate as Mur is a busy man, I'm sure. Still, I see nothing wrong with asking Grido in his official capacity, and then waiting 44 days for a reply before "going up the ladder" to get the matter resolved. If the public nature of the situation between Grido and PO colours this particular case, that's unfortunate, but as a stand-alone case of harassment and waiting, I can't see it an issue. She's merely asking for it to be addressed, in a more public manner. As BFH said, perhaps others are impacted, and never knew it until one voice starts to speak up. It happens. It happened. Now the appropriate parties are involved, and the case can be handled as needed. I don't think the forum needs to be pulled into even more drama and debate, does it?
  10. Then again, if the automatic system flags them for Abuse, and Council needs to adjudicate a trade among these "alts", having an honest description of the situation here, (proactively before any trades start), I can see as being a good thing. So, I'd guess it is not "alt abuse" in the general scheme of things, though the sytem itself may block certain trades automagically.
  11. I was silly and instead of swapping an avatar to my vault, it seems I mistakenly sent it to the MD Store again. If someone finds this avatar, I'd love to coordinate the transfer, and will work with you for payment for getting it back in my possession again. The avatar looks something like this (but smaller, and more avatar-like) [spoiler] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/images/Gort_paper.gif[/img] [/spoiler] Drawn by Duke of Malfi, for Gort Hedera.
  12. Yep, looks like I messed up and lost the avatar. It looks suspiciously like this, but darker. [spoiler][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/images/Gort_paper.gif[/img] Drawn by Duke of Malfi[/spoiler]
  13. Is there a way to grab an avatar from the shop that you accidentally "sold" instead of putting in your vault? Or do I need to shuffle every few days in hopes of getting it to display again, then buy it back?
  14. Only a few more days left for my quest. If you are stuck, let me know and I am happy to hint at solutions.

  15. Should we keep the "text description" of the Grasan 2, as a guide for the overall tone of this creature? I'd list it here unless it is a spoiler. Or are Grasans possibly 'evolving' differently now? (I ask because in the text, they seem to repeatedly be called "Huvourers", across their upgrade levels, which is interesting)
  16. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1317802498' post='93288'] I would have bet money that you DIDNT select the correct options in the search box. At the top, There is... [/quote] Darn new forum popup tooltip optiony thingy.... For some reason, that light grey just doesn't register in my brain as a button. I'd not noticed that was a "hover over it to change" since there was not the usual dropdown-style arrow, and glazed over the grey font itself. ARGH! Changing it makes searches so much better, and my example is working properly for entire phrases now. (I bet it's been set to the wrong setting for me since the upgrade, ARGH!)
  17. I've found that myself, and that unless you go into the "advanced Search" little gear-icon, the default search does not seem to like phrases of words at all. An example, wanting to know the prices for Heat Stones, I type in "[i]Heat Stones[/i]" and press enter. [u]Zero results.[/u] Searching for the word "[i]Heat[/i]" by itself brings up a longer list of forum threads. Luckily the one on Stones is near the top http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10125-wts-heat-stones/page__hl__heat__fromsearch__1 I found it pretty non-intuitive that the default search, even using quotes, would not locate this link from the search term "heat stones" since the words searched for appears directly in the title and also inthe content itself. So now I just add that extra click to fill out advanced search options, or limit my searching to single words.
  18. I am thinking this might be neat to have as a clickable. I'm a bit confused on the rules though, with what you mean by scenes with least visits and stuff. Still sounds like a great idea. PM me if you could and I'll see about coding something quick as a test, then I'd be happy to work together with you for the actual quest code if you'd like. UPDATE: The little brick on the GoE with letters on it now responds to the keyphrase 'momcandytest'. I picked three close scenes, and have a very simple "time limit" of one Active day to collect "test candy". (starting the quest at servertime of 23:54 only leaves you six minutes to collect candy, it resets at 0:00 just to try a very simple time filter for now) Is that something like what you'd be after, MoM? If so, I can change the timer to hours, or something and of course use more than three scenes. I'll recuse myself from the quest itself, but would be happy to offer this sort of clickie code for you. (There, or a totally different clickie. We can discuss details in private.)
  19. Down the last two weeks in order to enter the "official Kickoff Lottery" here. Congrats to all those who completed it so far, and to those almost done. Once the initial round of prizes are distributed, I'll add the quest to the Front of the signpost, for easier access to newbies. Any feedback you have on the quest is always appreciated. Good luck!
  20. I can confirm that unlocking one simply resets the counter to "anotherday". so you could probably wait a week between them, but still only unlock one per day. or, in how I guess the pseudo code is written: If (@DayYouUnlockedClues == @userActiveDays) { "U can no haz new clue today!"; } Yep, just like free credits.
  21. Sounds like you were hit by a Curse spell, then a few folks attacked you? Evil stuff, that. Edit: or, Weaken is fun, isn't it?!
  22. PM to you Windy lass. Essentially, to start researching clues with your Research Points, you'll need to unlock the Achievements first. On the original topic, just seeing the "Research Library" topics of current "clues" is very very Enlightening, and likewise confirms a few vague suspicions I had about a few topics. (and seems to muddle another topic I am possibly thinking 'wrongly' about, which is also good.)
  23. [img]http://poorlydressed.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/fashion-fail-fashion-models-only-model-whats-on-the-outside.jpg[/img]
  24. Maebius

    Halloween Party

    One of these years, I'm going ot convince a friend to be TwoFlower, so I can be a pearwood box. Until then, I'll stick to my usual Renaissance Faire garb as sort of a reversal per "King Arthur's Court in Yankee Connecticut ".
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