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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. sanity... slipping.... silently... Turtles all the way down?!

  2. A very happy, happy. (and since ther eare two of you) Happy Happy again, Birthday!
  3. I just confirmed it myself, using an alt idled at MDP, and my work laptop, and home PC (totalyl different IPs/cookies/etc) Sometime between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours later, the alt went offline. Interesting...
  4. Not quite extreme, but I am rather happy at my current Heat, and was suggested to share it. Stored Heat: 1213121 screencap below. [img]http://everthorn.net/musings/images/Nice_Stored_Heat.JPG[/img]
  5. What's on your mind?The tunnel's end? Light? I see them both.

    1. Prince Lewas
    2. Sharazhad


      then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train heading your way!

  6. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1308317222' post='86384'] I have approved the forum photoes, i shall also be doing some tests for the gallery, to try and see what is happening. [/quote] Hmm, well, chosing the newly updated (and valid) images from the gallery also gives the same error, but can be used to 'overwrite' the current image if re-uploaded. So I think it's just wonky. No worries, just wanted to point it out as a potential bug. *drops the thread and moves on*
  7. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1308315630' post='86382'] When changing A avatar or photo picture normally the old one will be cached, so althought it says it has uploaded the image, it will appear not to have changed, Clearing the cache and checking can sometimes fix issues. In regards to getting that error, its only for specific pictures? Im not sure what you mean by "But changing it among other images for diversity is giving that error." [/quote] I think I figured out the issue. I have a few images uploaded in my "Gallery Photo Album". When uploading an image to use (such as the horny hat I have now) it was working fine. Changing the image by jsut re-uploading another image replaces it correctly. I had been trying to change that image by clicking the OTHER images listed on that same page, below in the "Photo Album" section, because I assumed they were listed so could be used as other "forum photos". I think the error is because a few of the images in that album are not the appropriate size for a "forum photo" and are erroring out. I tried jsut now to actually upload the images I wanted to use as forum photos, into the album itself (approval needed pls?). This should let me test if I can simply click -those- images to change the forum photo used, as I expected to do when I got the errors listed. ...or, I am totally misunderstanding why the other images from teh photo album are displayed as available to click on the same page as updating the forum photo. Either way, it confuzzled me, with those errors. [edit for spelling and been awake 26 hours-ness typos]
  8. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1308311597' post='86379'] send me a forum pm with the image you are trying to upload, im having no issue with uploading some i tested. [/quote] It's not uploading them, it's choosing from ones that I already have uploaded . I tried uploading a new one and it's working fine. But changing it among other images for diversity is giving that error.
  9. When I tried to update my Forum Photo, I am getting the following errors now: [code]Warning: copy(/home/magicdue/public_html/uploads/1298754213/gallery_4067_192_238836.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/magicdue/public_html/admin/applications_addon/ips/gallery/modules_public/images/profilephoto.php on line 94 Warning: copy(/home/magicdue/public_html/uploads/profile/photo-4067-temp.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/magicdue/public_html/admin/applications_addon/ips/gallery/modules_public/images/profilephoto.php on line 140[/code] This sets my photo to a "null" image it seems, 0x0 pixels in size. Drat, I miss my hat now.... (Have tried with multiple images, all getting the same errors.) Anyone else having issues?
  10. [quote name='backlash ro' timestamp='1308145606' post='86272'] Exactly! (and to Duxie: Look at the contests in geenral,facebook,now twitter and others....who win s generally?,who get s the big prizes etc?) [/quote] I consider myself a rather new person, only 150 active days or so now, and the first 50 of them totally clueless and wandering Necrovion aimlessly.... Yet at the 6yr Anniversary festival, I won an award for feedback about the contests. I didnt' "win the contest", I simply participated as well as I was able, which unfortunately only involved a small bit of time, comparitively speaking. I'm no fossil/Vet by any stretch. I participated, that is all. Mur does not hand out prizes to just the vets. He tries to be fair, from what I have seen. Those vets may simply be more active and understand the methods to use. That does not mean they win simply by being older players. After 150 days active, even if I would get every rare creature on my first day, I still would not be "maxed out" by any stretch. Patience and +age, helps both crits and we players too, and Immediate Rewards are always over-valued in the short-term. As for the angiens shrine closing, I am irritated they are being compared to Drachs/Tormented Souls, and such. These creatures still exist, and ARE still accessible to newbies, with the right amount of time and perseverence. Not as easy as binding an Elemental Egg, sure, but That doesnt' mean they are now "gone/useless/worthless/valuable" simply by being less common? Surely TTL would respect "The nature of the Land" as a reason for changing something. Have you not said many times that I shouldn't imply I would want to "play" in Necrovion (on Gort) because it is disrespectful of the Land and it's nature? Even though I mean it ironically? Would not Marind's Bell be held to the same status, in a sense, where through the actions of it's citizens and others, the Shrine was once Opened. Now, in following with the request of it's Queen and citizens, using supporting evidence from the Adventure Log, Principles, and general "belief" in the mechanics of MD as we understand them, such a decision is frowned upon as selfish? I see this lockout not so much about "aww, now I won't have the crits I want", as I perceive some of the arguments implying. Rather, it is about the concept of Angiens and Marind's Bell, and the people within it. I see it as a perfect example of "How MD works" overall. I also see that this discussion is good to have, because dissenting remarks (on either side of the issue) can help us formalize our own thoughts on the matter. Thank you. -Maebius
  11. [quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1308127806' post='86261'] Pimped Grasan & Tormented Soul Age 688 min 4sc [/quote] I'll toss you a gold coin for the Pimp of your choice, and the Soul.
  12. thank you very, Very much. Moreso than you may think. It confirms some thoughts I had, about hte ease of that shrine being reached.
  13. Any chance of someone hosting it in a text format (even if the fancy indents and such are lost)? My computer is prompting me for a converter to view this properly, and while the "update/install" appears to go through properly, all the file appears to be is random ASCII instead of sjsut strangely formatted text. Hard to ponder the reasons, when all I see is "õƒ%ß1 ÔÙœIs" and such. Sorry.
  14. "I Forgot to Remember to Forget"

  15. [quote name='Hekate NightShade' timestamp='1307555441' post='85959'] [center]Hey..i'm new. My name is Nicole..or hekate. I'm 18 yrs old. Witch. Engaged. Senior in high school. I just started playing MD and im hoping to meet some people. ~H[/center] [/quote] Welcome and Blessed Be.
  16. I've noticed this happen to me once or twice, about a week ago, but didn't get the exact details since I didn't need the boosts, however, it's been working fine for me since. Strange, and seems to randomly pop up for folks periodically. Wonder if it's a time-specific thing such as hitting the links at the top of the hour, or something odd with a script/upddate running behind the scenes, or such?
  17. Back to civilization, now to catch up on chores before intensive MD sessions...

    1. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      Some chores available at my home if you are bored. :D

    2. Maebius


      We share a glass of grapes fermented, I'll be there, no chores lamented!

    3. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      Hmmm one chore is to cut the only vine I have in the garden... that is one promising chore, allowing for the best promise of red beverage!

  18. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1306836766' post='85452'] Also, I'd think that they'd need a mouse-over function to tell people something, otherwise it might be mistaken as part of the actual scene which might get people on the wrong track of what MD really looks like... Imagine a newbie traveling down newbie road and beheaded corpses lie in every corner <.< [/quote] I would imagine this extremely limited as well, with only Kings/Queens or dedicated quest-builders having access to it. In relation to "littering the scenes" why wouldn't the visibility of these quest-stamps be defaulted to on? Similar to the current little surprise found near the fountain, which is gone once found, these stamps could default to "off" and only be visible if the character is keyed properly? Likewise, why aren't I still seeing shades outside the House of Liquid Dust? I did once .. or thrice. The gazebo shifts during Christmas, after all, and even though Everyone sees it, that hasn't caused new folks to wonder why it's called the Gazebo scene when a tree is clearly visible. (or if it does, they learn eventually, and it doesn't distract too much)
  19. While the alternative suggestions are interesting, I immediately envisioned things like the "Vitality Elixers" when Iread Fyrd's original suggestion. Now I really, REALLY want to see a few bits of minor small "flair" in the scenes, for those with the proper spell docs or such. CAll them Illusions, or such.
  20. What an awesome and fun idea!
  21. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1306690667' post='85354'] You do realise that...you are [i]very[/i] unlikely to get your "community garden" drawn onto the existing scene? I won't say that you won't...but very unlikely is possibly and understatement. Perhaps you should focus on drawn an extension to that scene, not editing the current. Just a suggestion. ~Sasha Lilias~ [/quote] Very unlikely simply means there is a small but Non-zero chance that it may get approved. I don't see the harm in it, personally, even if it never materialized in-gaem. The mental exercise of coordinating and planning all the ideas, gives a great outline to do such similarly in Real Life. If not a garden, then the planning and consideration of interlocking roles for plants and environmental factors, is a wonderfully useful analogy for many "problems" we may face. (though it would be really neat to see it changed, I also doubt it may happen, but would support it anyway, so it can someday) Oh, and as an addendum, I talked to my neighbor about his littel setup. it's not a bubbling pump at all, it's simply a water pump, that instead of pushing "uphill" it just has the pump nozzle pointing "up". So when the wind blows, it stirs the water by making a varied strength 'jet' in the middle of the pond, stirring up the layers and moving any algae growth towards the sides. Simple and effective, if not most efficient for aeration.
  22. One gold coin, plus a silver one? Thats' two, Two coins, Ah Ha Ha...
  23. I'm not sure how worried to be that I find myself agreeing with Ravenstrider... Roleplaying in my mind almost requires knowing about the Lands, as Rhaegar's quest helps explain, for those who have done it. Building your role within the framework of MagicDuel, consistently and believably are wonderful goals. Yet this doesn't mean flinging fireballs and backstabbing without regard for your enemies either. It's perfectly acceptable (in my mind) to refer to the real world, and how it relates to MD, just as it is acceptable to be a dragon and *pop* tankards of ale into being. Roles are, almost by definition, as varied and creative as the minds of the players who create them. Thus, in my first reply I mentioned aligning the Pub with a potential sub-scene, and to consider how it would need to be "believed" if it becomes popular and shifts the RP Reality in the scene. Role playing is not all fantasy and magic. It can be. Yet it also leaves room for those 'athiests' who shun the 'religion' of a certain style. (not to disparage those who enjoy a good RP.) In addition, to those who prefer a more mechanics-based approach to Roleplaying, consider that constant actions in-character without items and tags, actually resulted in creating those items and tags for a number of people recently. Requiring them as a condition of Roleplay simply repeats the question of the Chicken, the Egg, and the timing of firstness. Both answers are correct. So, as stated above. Lets agree to disagree, and thus, in doing so, agree.
  24. (edit to add the "Bedroom" thoughts below) I believe the issue with the word "Class" which TTL notesd, is that he is seeing the word as "ranger/barbarian/wizard" like many other RPG games. This is bad. Windy, if I am reading her words correctly, implied a "school" to spread the word of Roleplaying, and explain to any new folks about god-modding, and such. Not a class, as character archetype, but a class as in teachers, for ..er.. meta-gaming explaining of things. That being said, I agree that RP should be more welcomed in the Realm, from Loreroot and all the Lands. I'll try to encourage it at the Pub (currently Wind's Sanctuary). If an actual 'Scene' is developed, so much the better, though I would recommend it be a sub-scene (perhaps like the inside of the Aramory, or Capital Weaponshop, etc?), as adding new full scenes is probably against Mur's plan for the map and coordinates. Not sure if it becomes popular or not how such "Roleplayed Pub" would clash with teh RP Reality requirement if it goes "Moderate" or such... but it's also something to consider... After all, Bob Bloomed, why not a Pub opens! I've never been to the 'bedroom' that requires keys to enter, so unsure how that works mechanics-wise, but may be a similar option for a Pub?
  25. I'm not sure how feasible this would be to your pre-planned ideas, as I can't quite visualize it in my head yet. However, I wonder about the pond. With an everburning sun, would there be an issue with algae blooms in a semi-stagnant pool? I only ask this because my neighbor jsut finished building a small windmill next to his own small pond, and connected it to a very simple "bubbler" pump. Essentially, when the wind blows, it drives a small something which agitates the water. Not a proper fountain, just an obvious rippling under the water surface. The result is the layer of "frog froth" that had started to accumulate already has magically vanished. Seems a very low-tech method of controlling the issue, so I thought I'd mention it here.
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