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Else last won the day on April 1 2023

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About Else

  • Birthday 05/21/1994

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  1. It is obvious what is happening in plain sight.... w.e.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. death ray

      death ray

      And what is that?

    3. Ledah


      I know Else... can't believe some people think Prigozhin was an accident.

    4. Chewett


      That actually made me laugh Ledah

  2. I got luck canceled, so unless zerker boosts unholy popes (which they should not as they are not even the same creature family) my creatures luck should have been higher if they were benefiting from it.
  3. Here is an example of me getting luck canceled twice: No skill vamp:
  4. Description - What happens when the bug occurs: Not sure if I am missing something but luck and other skills like gathering ones are not distributing between my creatures when I fight someone (100% in this case). I am not affected by intoxication and my profile does not show any effect on my skils. One of my creatures when I attack: Same creature when I defend: How to reproduce the bug: It happens whenever I fight someone either attack or defend. What you expect to happen: Luck and other skills should be distributed between my creatures same as attack, def, initiative, etc. Other players skills are distributed to their creatures. For example:
  5. This is actually a huge deal to me tbh... ------------------------------------------------ My idea regarding MP6s storing heat from worshippers was like having a budget: 2500/10000?? Teleport to protector spellstone: 8k? Heal worshipper: 1k? Heal adept:2k? Remove effects from worshipper (mute, movelock,attacklock,etc): 5k?? Ofc no infinite amount of stored heat. Also notice that grinders get 4k heat with almost any action, so need much higher numbers to buy stuff or limit the heat that a worshipper can give to protector daily, weekly, monthly.
  6. If this only affects MP6 spells, then it is best for MP6s to decide.... NVM I did not know you could keep MP6s spells after dropping back to MP5, probably block spell stones to avoid converting perm spells to temporary spells.
  7. That seems like a bug to me tbh, why would be a feature to turn "permanent" spells into temporary spells?
  8. Really inspiring, thank you for sharing
  9. 8gc 4sc for the joker
  10. 8gc 2 sc for the joker
  11. 8gc for joker
  12. HCs are unfair, this is not a HC, it it? is everything else unfair too? I raised one of my many concerns and Aia addressed it. If a change in rules is unfair to someone who believes contest are unfair, how can he complain? Let Aia decide how she wants to run it....
  13. anyone can score and never login back until the deadline, what about that?
  14. I mean I thought there was a feedback from last HC: Also these quests have the same flaws as a HC test from February/March from last year.
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