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Everything posted by Else

  1. 102 Could be 97-102, not 100% sure about them. PD: It would have been more fun counting decorations in NC with no personal items payment allowed.
  2. Importance: Low Description: How to reproduce the bug: Click Items -> Correlations
  3. Makes sense now, thx
  4. Importance: Low Description - What happens when the bug occurs: The mineral ore at the location is reduced by 2 at a time, but give only 1 resource. How to reproduce the bug: Use a pickaxe in a mineral ore location. What you expect to happen: The location resources should be reduced just by 1 or it should give 2 resources away.
  5. Item 2: Anni creature 2022. Price: 80 plushies (no limit) x2 = 160 plushies [sunshine] Sunshine for ID:800152 - 25 plushies Item 7: random rp item. Price: 15 plushies Item 5: 1 Wiiya. Price 5 plushies Total: 205
  6. [purpurmoon] Purpur Moon [blacktear] Black Tear [blooddrop3] Blood Drop III [osirisbelt] Osiris Belt [jewelshards] Jewel Shards [enlightning] Enlightning All for ID: 879397 Total: 150 plushies
  7. Item 8: 17th anniversary spicy pickle. Price: 15 plushies Item 9: 17th anniversary piece of cake. Price: 15 plushies [blacktear] Black Tear for ID:882323 - 25 plushies [osirisbelt] Osiris Belt for ID:882323 - 25 plushies Total 80 plushies
  8. Item 10: 10 creature slots. Price: 100 plushies (limit: 3 p.p.) x3 = 300 plushies Item 1: Anni creature 2022. Price: 25 plushies (limit: 1 p.p.) Item 3: Anni custom pin badge (third of a collectable series). Price: 25 plushies (limit: 1 p.p) Total: 350 plushies
  9. I believe the final bids are correct, thanks for the auction Chewett, it was really fun. Full tokening for my creatures please 😄
  10. itc: ITC273901KRMMK32MDI130OIM638P57F

  11. I recommend setting some prizes and let the winner pick first, second place pick second and so on to let best places get what they want instead of having to aim for a lower score. Suggestions: 1. Semi Rare/ Rare creatures for combat, particularly I would like to see GG Drach and the LR archer more available through HCs. 2. A Wishpoint is always a good choice. 3. Items with spells (rechargable) 4. Good amount of gold, like 30gc, 50gc, etc. 5. Fully tokening of X creatures or Y tokens applied to creatures of choice.
  12. Item 9 – Rustgold Drachorn (full tokening available) ID: 485146 Age: 4818 - 320
  13. Time is up
  14. Item 10 - horseman: 510
  15. Item 8 – Reindrach (full tokening available) ID: 605420 Age: 4583 - 400
  16. This happens when you grab some items at the Drunken Corpse
  17. I would suggest you to try to get them at the auction or trade from someone with gold/plushies, definitely there is no guarantee you will get what you want. I am ok with them being scarce as they are meant to be for collection, not combat, maybe I will regret saying this if I never manage to collect them all 🤣
  18. sounds interesting, personally I dont think we should spend tickets and a WP for a creature. Also I believe no more past anniversary creatures can be made according to announcements.
  19. antifreeze does not seem to be working at 99% slider, is it supposed only be working at 0%? or something like 0% slider = 50% chance, 50% slider = 25% chance, 99% slider = 0.5% chance?
  20. Item 11 – Full tokening of 5 creatures (These must be your creatures) - 320 plushies
  21. Item 11 – Full tokening of 5 creatures (These must be your creatures) - 250 plushies
  22. 4. kill or get killed 3 men around a knife in a triangle formation, mist around them. This comes from the tryouts scene in the movie "The Dark Knight" . Optionally you can put the sword shade on the top of everything, but it would be less subtle as it is an obvios representation of The Death in this context.
  23. who is Anruil? I dont see him/her in the Plushie Scoreboard 🤔
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